Healthy Eating or Pharmaecuticals (why just one can you have without the other)
It used to be that you didn't see or hear of pharmaecuticals on TV or in ads. With today's technology, the same technology that is giving us this "same" advance in biotechnology and advances in science, is also the "same technology" that is producing mass amount of advertising for this same technology...
How and when do you ask for this - that latest modification in science & wasn't it once left up to your family physician ~ internist ~ specialist whom was that person with the expert in science that decided where and when and if you should be using the latest in what science has to offer for a more positive result... Some science even sings to us on TV. With ad's the length of almost the program that you were just watching... My Mother used to say "the commercials are getting longer that the programs" - a point well referenced...
So... being a "sciencemjr" and musician, I am not a fan of "singing pharmaceuticals"... I guess if you were selling laundry detergent, then the "Tide" at which it turned would again be somewhat appropriate. I have said from the beginning of the mass rollout of the infinite pharmaceutical campaign's. It can both informative and miss-informed...
The morale of this is story is ~ ask a professional who is more insightful than the 60 seconds it was given in between your morning coffee and the evening news...
"science is golden" when you know where the color sits...
#science #pharmaceutical #commericals #TV #technology #biotechnology #lifescience #biomedical #engineering #physics
victoria zande
alberta~rose, incorporated
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This is an article that I wrote over a three year period about Amateur Radio... victoria zande owner/president/creator albertaroseinc [email protected]
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"words" are the most "infinite limit" in our journey of communication at a -720 degree angle... alberta~rose, incorporated specializes in "the written word"...
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January 3, 2011 Happy New Year... alberta~rose incorporated will be launching a website in March... More information ~ forthcoming in the weeks ahead... If you would like to be added to the email list for company updates and/or are interested in further information please send an email to - [email protected] Thank you so much for reading... Wishing everyone a Safe & Happy 2011... victoria zande owner/predsident/creator alberta~rose incoporated
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Dr. Tarek El-Bialy ~ University of Alberta Canada’s Organic Tooth Doctor ~ article author: victoria zande president/owner/creator alberta~rose incorporated If you get a bad haircut ~ it grows out… If you break a nail ~ it grows back… If you lost or broke a tooth ~ it may be replaced naturally… A tooth replacement ~ naturally??? The answer soon may be yes… In my search & research to assist many companies in the Biomedical Field ~ I found Dr. Tarek El-Bialy…Intrigued by his subject matter ~ I emailed Dr. El-Bialy in March… My campaign over the last eight months was my inspiration to write about his research & share it with you… In over 10 years of research & inspired & influenced by the current limits in the Field of Dentistry ~ Dr. Tarek El-Bialy, PhD. FRCD© a Diplomat for the American Board of Orthodontics and an Associate Professor of Orthodontics and Biomedical Engineering at the University of Alberta in Edmonton Canada ~ has been successful in the re~growth of teeth through the aide of Ultrasound in Rabbits… Why hasn’t something so organic been discovered & integrated into today’s high tech world of options in the field of Dentistry prior to this point was my question??? Dr. El-Bialy cites “lack of funding” as the core situation that separates – fact from fiction ~ limits ~ moving this technology into human trials… ~ limits from limits ~ ~ a world where people would have such an amazing alternative therapy… Dr. El-Bialy’s discoveries and research would serve in addition to and not always replace today’s options of Cosmetic Dentistry. “Dentists will still play an important role in this new technology application. They just need to be aware of it, and how they can do related chairside work”. Although without enough funding his discoveries may not be discovered for years… The limits in chair theory today ~ could be the infinite limits in the chair tomorrow… ~ take the derivative ~ To support Dr. El-Bialy’s research ~ contact Dr. El-Bialy: Dr. Tarek El-Bialy Diplomate, American Board of Orthodontics Associate Professor of Orthodontics, and Biomedical Engineering University of Alberta Edmonton, Alberta., Canada [email protected] Thank you so much for reading… victoria zande president/owner/creator alberta~rose incorporated structuring & editing for documentation www.linkedin/com/pub/victoria-zande/17/b84/39b [email protected] ~ Written September 2010 ~ November 2010 ~
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A -720 degree approach to structuring & editing for documentation from engineering to biomedical and straight line through basic english at a 360 degree angle...
victoria zande
alberta~ rose incorporated
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alberta~ rose incorporated
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