albus-sitnalta · 4 years
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albus-sitnalta · 4 years
Recently, I've been fidgeting with making animations, not because of anything else, but because I've found that adding colors takes only more time than drawing sketches.            
No matter how complicated and fine a piece of thread is, it only takes an hour. I mean the background line draft. It is much more troublesome to add color to the line draft.
In addition to adding color to the line draft, the remaining difficult thing is to add color to the background. Originally I thought it was very simple, but I found that many times it was not simple at all.
    At the beginning, I hope I can use the style of cartoon to make this animation. In the early days, I have produced two different character designs, one is relatively realistic, the other is a cute cartoon character. I chose the character design in the back, and the reason is that I want to learn a new painting style, but also because I think this realistic style will require higher accuracy of body movements, including color requirements. This will cost me a lot of time, and may not even be able to complete the animation, which makes me quite worried.    
In this module, I will briefly describe how I added characters and changed my own style in animation.
The most unexpected but also the most common thing is that the lovely style of this cartoon was not my first contact, but the role design of Japanese animation. This means that if I can't find the state of this style, I can't keep this style well, but this style is not too strong. For me, it seems that with a little modification, it can become the first role design.
When adding color to the line draft, you should first paint a layer of gray along the line draft, and all the color ranges will be within the gray range. Then, we should divide each layer, name it, and put the line draft and color of each action in the same folder to prevent loss or accidents.
Not only that, but also because often look for reference, the style has gradually received the influence of other animation works, so, in the present case, the style of this animation has long been different from the original time.
Drawing background is the most difficult thing in the whole process of adding color. It is different from adding color to action line sketch. It not only needs to consider color, but also lighting. It has a variety of special effects, which is not easy. But looking for reference is a very simple thing. There are quite a lot of illustrations of various styles on the Internet. You can find your favorite style. At the beginning, I referred to the style of Western Animation and tried to use various exaggerated colors. But, perhaps because of my personal reasons, I started to re match the colors. The reference animators also became familiar with Shinkai Makoto  and Hayao Miyazaki.
In the style of the picture, I have made a very big change. In the early days, I was still referring to some Western animation, but later, in the process of looking for special effects, I began to imitate the style of Hayao Miyazaki and Makoto Shinkai inadvertently. However, it was ridiculous that I only imitated a part of them. In the animation before and after the stage, there are obvious differences. When drawing urban buildings, I will subconsciously refer to Makoto Shinkai style, but when drawing mountains, trees and other natural landscapes, I will unconsciously begin to imitate Hayao Miyazaki's style.
Generally speaking, although the pictures are very beautiful, they can't satisfy me very much. I mean, there are only some parts that satisfy me, but obviously I don't have more time to revise the details.
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albus-sitnalta · 4 years
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Scene design animation -- Cold city            
The atlas includes a set of four pictures showing the city's ice cold.            
This part of the animation is through translation, transformation and adjustment of transparency to achieve, in addition, in this part of the animation I also added the rain effect through AE.
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albus-sitnalta · 4 years
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Reference - Illustration: rainy city            
A group of illustrations for reference. I don't know which illustrators drew the exquisite pictures. The content expresses the rainy city. Although their colors and styles are different, they all express the sadness and loneliness hidden behind the pictures
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albus-sitnalta · 4 years
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Background design atlas - Hometown            
The atlas contains scenes of the girl leaving the city and returning home            
On the screen, the main colors of these pictures are blue and green, adding more details on the original basis, and using brighter colors than before. Therefore, contrary to the effect of the first half of the animation, these pictures give people a relaxed and clean feeling.
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albus-sitnalta · 4 years
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Reference——Illustration: cloud           
 A set of pictures for reference.           
I don't know which illustrators drew the beautiful pictures, which contain a variety of cloud painting skills, a variety of styles and colors for the painting of clouds have great help.
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albus-sitnalta · 4 years
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Animation - Sleep            
The atlas includes scenes of girl sleeping.            
This animation has two shots, one is a static picture, the other is a simple eye opening animation, the animation of static pictures is achieved by rotating and zooming in PR, and the other shot is to achieve the effect of making animation by blinking, and the effect of animation is achieved by changing the rhythm of blinking.
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albus-sitnalta · 4 years
Recently, I began to think about how to make special effects            
I've always been reluctant to think about this because I think it's boring to simply draw special effects,            
I mean, I prefer to make special effects on the screen, and I don't like to use AE, although it does make great effects.          
I think it has something to do with the fact that I like painting more.            
In this process, I still make the effect according to the usual habit of drawing, that is, to make the effect directly on the picture, such as the effect of light bulb            
I think it's very difficult to ignore the color of things, but if you can't do this, you can't make a wonderful color matching. However, if you don't consciously refer to the color of things, then it's very difficult to make people feel the same effect on this basis.
In the process of making, I spent more time on special effects than I did on details. Making fog effect, simulating the effect of sunlight and lighting, these effects can bring more impact to the picture and can express more emotions on the screen
I found that the details needed to be dealt with were much more complicated than I thought
The problems encountered can be roughly divided into the following three situations          
1. It is a very difficult process that I can't use my hand-painted to make the desired effect or to make the effect through my hand-painted.          
For example, the effect of rain and the effect of sparkling water. If you want to make them by your own hands instead of software like AE, it will be very time-consuming, not only time-consuming, but also very difficult. In fact, the effect of rain is relatively simple, because I used to do the effect of rain when I was a freshman. I think I can make the effect of rain, but it will take a lot of time and energy, and the effect may not be as good as expected (in fact, if the effect of nearby rain, hand drawing is a better effect), so I need to use a E to make it.
2. The effect produced by AE is too real to be used in animation. In the process of making animation, some special effects are too real for my animation and can't match the style of animation. For example, the effect of smoke is too smooth and realistic to blend with animation, so it can't be used in animation It's not a good choice for me, at least for me.
3. The special effects made in the picture can't be used in the video. The earliest time I encountered this problem was when making lighting. As long as the background of animation is made, and the action needs to be done a lot, therefore, most of the time, when the light effect produced by using the filter is compressed into the picture, the filter in the painting software will be lost , such images cannot be used.
When choosing the method of making special effects, I will choose the method of special effects I make according to the situation, because some special effects don't need to be made by AE, but only need PNG format pictures and PR. For example, the effect of light flicker can be achieved by modifying the transparency in PR.
I don't know how to make a special effect for me. In fact, what is more important is what I want to know about the appearance of a special effect I need (of course, I will also explore it)            
So when I make special effects, I tend to look for special effects that match my pictures, which in a sense explains why my style is different from the original style. In the production of background effects, I mainly refer to the works of Makoto Shinkai. His works are very attractive in the production of light and shadow.
My animation has rain, rain this special effect, this is my biggest challenge, I have two choices, rather than two references, one is Jin min, the other is . The pictures of
Makoto Shinkai's film are very beautiful. I found a relatively simple special effect of rain in Satoshi Kon's film. It can be said that it is simple to think of, but it has no effect, because the rain is only used as the background. I originally wanted to refer to Hayao Miyazaki's works, but after reading them, I chose to give up, not because I couldn't do it, but because time didn't allow me to spend so much time on making. For me, it was too difficult.
In terms of still pictures, through translation, zooming, and Gaussian blur, plus a certain amount of manual adjustment, the effect of some of my pictures is very good. Therefore, I will draw simple special effects through painting software, while rain, which is more difficult, finally I choose to use AE for production.
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albus-sitnalta · 4 years
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Animation - Girl rest            
A group of pictures used to show the girl resting in the company can achieve the effect of blinking eyes by playing them circularly. However, some things are missing in details, such as decorative articles such as paper and books.
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albus-sitnalta · 4 years
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Animation - oil pan            
The atlas only contains the animation of the boiling oil in the oil pan            
This shot was added to the animation later, because I think that in the animation of "girl standing at the roadside stand", most of them are still pictures, which will make the scene boring. Therefore, this shot is added. This animation is more cartoon style, which is the same as the way I make cigarettes. Because it is a circular animation, and the action is fast and complex, so the number of pictures produced is not much, but the effect is also good.
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albus-sitnalta · 4 years
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Animation - Upstairs
A group of pictures showing the process of girls climbing stairs, a total of 30.            
This animation is made by translation in TVP. Although the process is complex, it is not difficult, just need to calculate the distance and rhythm can be mastered. Because this animation is a circular animation, only a part of it will be displayed.
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albus-sitnalta · 4 years
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A group of girls standing in front of a roadside stall to buy food            
By superimposing the pictures of different layers, adjust the size of the pictures in PR to determine the position. After adding Gauss blur to the old lady's animation, the animation is very complete.
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albus-sitnalta · 4 years
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Background design atlas - Roadside stall            
The atlas contains scenes of a girl standing in front of a roadside stall            
On the basis of the original, add more buildings and details to enrich the scene, and pay great attention to the color, which makes it different from the city. However, there are still some problems in the details. There are a lot of small details missing in the picture, which makes it feel not strong enough.
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albus-sitnalta · 4 years
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Animation - open the door(2)            
A set of pictures showing the opening process of the apartment door.            
The pictures in this atlas show the process of opening the apartment door. There are 14 pictures in total. Although there is no girl in the picture, the action of opening the door shows that the girl has returned home.
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albus-sitnalta · 4 years
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Background design atlas-City            
The content of the atlas is from the design to the completion of the big scene of the city            
Different from the original style and color, more rigorous style and color matching were used in the later design, which referred to the Japanese commercial animation to a certain extent. Of course, due to the lack of a good grasp of the key points, there are still some defects in the performance of the screen.
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albus-sitnalta · 4 years
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Animation - open the door(1)
             A set of pictures showing the opening process of the apartment door.           
The pictures in this atlas show the process of opening the apartment door. There are 14 pictures in total. Although there is no girl in the picture, the action of opening the door shows that the girl has returned home.
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albus-sitnalta · 4 years
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Scene design atlas - Bus
The atlas contains scenes of girls taking buses            
Compared with the previous line draft, the final image obviously adds more details and makes some light effects. In addition, the characters in the first picture are mobile. Originally, I wanted to show the running state of the bus by moving these figures, and show the busy and crowded buses. But because time is not enough, can only make static pictures.
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