albuspottrss · 15 days
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Worlds best dad
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albuspottrss · 19 days
specialist of shoutouts to the gang for their shenanigans at the show the other day <3
-yann finding karl after the summer break and hugging him so hard he lifts him off the ground
-yann and polly giggling and poking at eachother while they tease albus (get a room!!!!) (is there anything funnier than albus being like what the fuck as yolly flirt with eachother by bullying him)
-karl (who in my head has a majorrrr crush on jsp) sitting alone in his carriage during the start of fourth year and having kisses blown at him by james. catching the kisses in his fist and then going ham pretending to make out with them
-james also blowing kisses at craig and polly who both hesitantly caught them before throwing them back at him instead
-seriously I’ve never seen chaos like that before in that scene and I did watch them instead of scorbus sorry!!!
-karl as always desperate to make him friends laugh leaning literally over albus to make jokes to yolly
-craig was soooooo upset about albus losing points for slytherin he full collapsed into his desk </3
anyway I love the gang and it was so fun to celebrate both craig and polly’s birthdays at the show this month!!!!
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albuspottrss · 19 days
the idea that I am supposed to be completely chill and fine and NOT cry when an albus actor talks to you for fifteen minutes about albus and craig and cedric???? me??? author of life after, me??
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albuspottrss · 19 days
there’s an awful lot to like about the current west end cast of cursed child, but one of my favourite things atm is just how important ginny is to albus and to albus and harry’s relationship. the blanket scene spirals so deeply out of control because they’ve been left alone without ginny!! her absence feels like a presence, it feels like another character in the scene it’s so palpable. the second she leaves all of the warmth is sucked out of the room and albus and harry spend the whole scene glancing back to the doorway in the hopes she’ll return and get them back on track and I really can’t express how much I loved seeing and feeling how lost they were without her!! ellis!albus is such a mummy’s boy and I’ve never felt so second hand loved and reassured as I did during their conversation during st jeromes and it’s just so clear how much he looks up to his mum and that she’s his person, but god of him trying to will her back into the room during the blanket scene didnt just about strike me down
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albuspottrss · 4 months
it’s been brought to my attention that maybe it’s not common knowledge that in many of the hpcc casts yolly (yann fredericks + polly chapman) are considered canon so I’m here to fix that
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they’re everything to me and if I ever stop posting about them I’ve died
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albuspottrss · 4 months
it’s been brought to my attention that maybe it’s not common knowledge that in many of the hpcc casts yolly (yann fredericks + polly chapman) are considered canon so I’m here to fix that
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they’re everything to me and if I ever stop posting about them I’ve died
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albuspottrss · 2 years
stairs at godrics hollow
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albuspottrss · 2 years
Ohh thats a shame on not continuing the long stories. I am new to the fandom so any recommendations are welcome. Also didnt notice that the fandom was quite big :)
Aw I’m sorry, I’ve been writing it for over five years though! Since 2017, so for me it’s time to move on :) but all my fics fit into the same universe if you want to read those, and this blog is full of snippets and headcanons and things! Welcome to the fandom :)
Fic recs that are like, my ultimates: (again search this blog for loads more recs!)
- A Perfect Heart’s Length Away by trolleybitch
- oh I’m gonna let the future in by thealmostrhetoricalquestion
- the Tea Time series by ellizablue
- Life After by slightalbus
- Blessings, Bunting and Bake Sales by karl_jenkins
- in the moment we’re lost and found by scorpiusshug
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albuspottrss · 2 years
life after - chapter 10
“You’ll get there,” Scorpius promises during one of their many private study sessions, holed up in the back of the library. He shifts closer to Albus, leaning right into his space to inspect his Transfiguration essay. “It’s supposed to be hard, you know. If it was easy you wouldn’t be learning.”
“I’m not convinced that it’s meant to be this hard,” Albus laments. He winces when he pulls at a nail too hard and rips it to the quick. Scorpius’s eyes dart down to catch the movement and he lets out a puff of breath when he sees the bead of blood form.
“You’re hurting yourself,” he says, almost at a whisper, then pulls a tissue from his pocket and wraps the offending finger in it. It’s unnecessary, especially for one drop of blood, but Albus doesn’t complain when Scorpius takes his hand and holds it in his lap to stop him from fiddling further. He tries to concentrate, but it’s hard when Scorpius’s thumb is rubbing distracting little circles into the back of his hand, even as his finger throbs.
Huddled together over the parchment, Scorpius softly reads the essay aloud. It all goes in one ear and out the other as Albus watches the pinch in his brow, the concentration on his face. He’s so close that Albus could kiss him. It wouldn’t even be a stretch; they’re practically cheek to cheek as it is.
“I think we need to rework this bit here,” Scorpius says, quill hovering over the second paragraph. He turns and Albus can see the moment he realises how close they are, nose to nose now, and he watches, with heat unfurling in his chest, as the high points of Scorpius’s cheeks flush a light pink.
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albuspottrss · 2 years
thinking about iconic bisexual couple yann and polly <3
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albuspottrss · 2 years
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albuspottrss · 2 years
thoughts on each cc character’s favourite taylor era
niche= achieved
Albus- would say reputation but also loves folklore (his reasoning for rep is bc he thinks its a powerful response to the media and their disgusting attitude to her ((and it makes him seem a bit edgy)) he also really loves the vibes of folklore and the stories it tells
Scorpius- Lover (It has pastels, it has glitter, it just had to be his fave. may be controversial but I think he would really like the song me, its just happy and pure and true he is unique. He relates every single song to Albus ((minus soon you'll get better but for obvious reasons that song is close to his heart)) He will drag albus up to sing paper rings with him at every kareoke
Lily Lu- how dare you make her choose. she loves all of her children equally... but if she haddddd to pick one to listen to for the rest of time it would be folklore (plays it in her headphones as she walks through the forbidden forest before she meets Hagrid. when she refreshed insta to see the news she screamed the house down and sent letters to every person she knows to ensure they would be listening, has a huge crush on taylor)
Jsp- red (loves the drama of all too well will sing it in the gryffindor dorm showers after his latest breakup. He got into it when lily sent him a red cd when he got into gryffindor. He loves the fact gryffindor have a whole album for their house colours. He pus on the cd for every post quidditch party)
Harry- fearless (Ginny's love for a lil bit of country has rubbed off on him. Change is an anthem for the boy who lived. fearless is also just so very gryffindor, the best day always makes him cry bc he was robbed of those days with his parents. originally only had a copy on a cd but lily made him stream taylors version and he is delighted to find out about the concept of vault songs)
Ginny- debut (have you seen those boots, she's a country fan. She will make her husband do duets with her. she jams out to should have said no and picture to burn to the point where harry is concerned he has done something wrong, but she just loves their vibes.)
Draco- evermore (he's a classy bitch. he lives for autumn. loves gold rush and ivy. marjorie hits home for him as he knows astoria would have adored it. tolerate it makes him think of his relationship with his father, he has cried to the album multiple times. Was introduced to t swift by lily lu when he visited the potters for a sunday roast.
Astoria- a speak now gal! (she adores enchanted, makes her think of draco. long live is another fave, sings it to scorpius to get him to sleep. mean is her go to choice at kareoke! also bops out to haunted!)
i could defo do more of these lol I think I'll come back to this! Thank you for such an excellent ask!
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albuspottrss · 2 years
life after- chapter 3
Albus experiences his first hangover the next morning. He tells himself that that’s the reason he spends the first few hours of the day locked in a toilet stall, shaking and blinking back torturous flashbacks of how stupid he’d been. Definitely that and not the embarrassment of his desire, the way he’d let it overtake him, convince him that this was something he could have as it snaked its way through his veins. Not thinking about that horrific look of betrayal on Scorpius’s face before he disappeared back into the party and knowing it was his fault.
There’s a knock on the bathroom door which reverberates in his head and makes him groan. Albus presses his fists over his eyes and tries to swallow down the impending sick.
He’s so confused that he doesn’t even recognise the voice. Can’t place it through the buzzing in his brain.
“Can I come in?”
Albus makes a sound so miserable that even he can’t tell whether it’s a yes or a no, but nevertheless, the door creaks open and he can quickly sense a figure looming over him.
When he cracks an eye open against the light he thinks he’s hallucinating. His brain is in no fit state to work out why Yann Fredericks would be here.
He makes another confused sound. Yann gives a pitying chuckle.
“Oh, babe,” he says sympathetically, “you’re not feeling too flash, are you?”
read on ao3
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albuspottrss · 2 years
life after- chapter 3
Albus experiences his first hangover the next morning. He tells himself that that’s the reason he spends the first few hours of the day locked in a toilet stall, shaking and blinking back torturous flashbacks of how stupid he’d been. Definitely that and not the embarrassment of his desire, the way he’d let it overtake him, convince him that this was something he could have as it snaked its way through his veins. Not thinking about that horrific look of betrayal on Scorpius’s face before he disappeared back into the party and knowing it was his fault.
There’s a knock on the bathroom door which reverberates in his head and makes him groan. Albus presses his fists over his eyes and tries to swallow down the impending sick.
He’s so confused that he doesn’t even recognise the voice. Can’t place it through the buzzing in his brain.
“Can I come in?”
Albus makes a sound so miserable that even he can’t tell whether it’s a yes or a no, but nevertheless, the door creaks open and he can quickly sense a figure looming over him.
When he cracks an eye open against the light he thinks he’s hallucinating. His brain is in no fit state to work out why Yann Fredericks would be here.
He makes another confused sound. Yann gives a pitying chuckle.
“Oh, babe,” he says sympathetically, “you’re not feeling too flash, are you?”
read on ao3
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albuspottrss · 2 years
life after - chapter two
posted chapter 2 tonight! hope you guys enjoy, would love to hear your thoughts!!
After the incident with Polly and the ink pot, Albus notices the hushed voices once again tailing him around the castle. He can feel the eyes on his back. The way people go quiet and stare when he enters a room.
He isn’t entirely sure if this is actually as bad as the other times, or if it’s just the first new bit of gossip to hit the scene since his and Scorpius’s dramatic return a couple of months ago. Either way, he hates it. He childishly wishes he had the option of hiding behind his Mum again like when he was younger.
Instead, he clings to Scorpius. He slots their hands together when he gains the nerve and squeezes them tight. We’re in this together, is what he hopes it tells him, we’ve been through worse.
At the same time, he hopes, desperately, that holding Scorpius’s hand isn’t sending the wrong message. It’s been awkward since Albus kissed him, but only because he refuses to talk about it. Not that Scorpius has tried to bring it up either.
If that’s something you need from me, you can have it.
He has to flex his hand and hold back a shudder every time the words come back to haunt him. He tries to blink away the memory of how selfish he’d been. Inevitable, he’d thought. That wasn’t fate, that was greed. Scorpius didn’t deserve that, he didn’t deserve that at all.
In between flashes of pink lips, soft breaths and flushed cheeks, Albus is also bombarded by the sound of shattering glass, and images of black ink covering him like blood. His stomach has been in knots for days.
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albuspottrss · 2 years
life after
"All three of us were drowning, and we didn't know how to save each other, but there was an understanding that we were all drowning together."
“There’s this feeling I get sometimes, and it starts in my heart, or, or my stomach, somewhere deep inside me, but then it spreads everywhere until it’s all I can feel, and it makes me feel sick to my core. I don’t know what it is, I don’t know what to do with it, but it hurts so, so much and I feel disgusting.”
“And it’s like I want to share it, but I can’t, and it makes me feel like I’m dying with the way it fills me. It’s overwhelming. All I can do is lie here and try not to think about it. Do you ever feel like that?”
“Do you know what it is?”
“I think it’s love.”
“Love isn’t supposed to be painful.” Albus whispers, crossing his arms across his stomach and rolling over.
“I know.” Scorpius says, pats his back and watches.
Seeing Craig in a hospital bed is jarring. Even more so because Albus put him there.
Craig blinks at him wearily and raises a weak hand. It was a mistake to come, but Albus had to know, had to see for himself that what he had seen and felt in his bones to be true wasn’t.
“I’m sorry,” he offers and then bursts into embarrassing tears. He makes to leave; his Dad is waiting just outside the door.
“Stay,” Craig tells him.
So, he does.
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albuspottrss · 2 years
he llo i wrote my firs t fic it is extremely niche but hey ho
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