alcatraz · 12 years
Cat Still Loves The ’90s
By Scott Friedstein, FluffPo Correspondent
The ’90s may have ended 12 years ago, but as far as Stuart is concerned, the music lives on.
According to sources, the cat is a hopeless fan of the grunge era.
“Oh yeah, he loves that stuff,” says Grant Larkin, a friend. “He’s actually a huge Collective Soul fan. I caught him rocking out to ‘Shine’ the other day. He’ll probably kill me when he finds out it’s on YouTube, but it was still pretty funny.”
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alcatraz · 12 years
I believe in an America where millions of Americans believe in an America that’s the America millions of Americans believe in. That’s the America I love.
Mitt Romney (via azspot)
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alcatraz · 12 years
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Homemade Landscapes by Kim Keever
The large-scale photographs of new york based artist kim keever are meticulously created by photographing miniature topographies inside a large fish tank. The pictures appear to be based on traditional landscape paintings, but the process is any thing but traditional. Keever sculpts miniature landscapes inside the tank, which is then filled with water. Coloured lights and pigments creates dense, atmospheric environments that make the small scenes come to life. Keever views his works as an evolution of the landscape tradition and deliberately acknowledges the conceptual artifice.
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alcatraz · 12 years
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alcatraz · 12 years
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(via US Scientists Develop Technique to Remotely Control Cockroaches | Inhabitat - Sustainable Design Innovation, Eco Architecture, Green Building)
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alcatraz · 12 years
It's dehumanizing, but also in a slightly different sense than you recount here. It's dehumanizing because it takes agency away from the person who has achieved that positive quality. A hard-working Asian person is hard-working simply because they are Asian; it's in their blood, it's natural, and they deserve no real commendation for being hard-working because it is inevitable, it is out of their hands. An athletic black person's sweat and skill is simply their biological destiny, not anything particularly praiseworthy.
Model minority-hood is in fact a comparison with white people, because, in this sense, white people have no inherent positive qualities, and so they have "earned" all of the attributes they manifest. Hard work is hard work earned for white people, not a passive part of their inherent identity, so the individual is to be commended for it. "Positive" stereotypes remove any agency from the individual so that anything they might do, even things that are unique, amazing, or positive contributors to society, are not really quite so valuable as if a white person did them. This is the harm of "positive" stereotypes--in reductively "lifting up" the group, they devalue the accomplishments of actual individuals. They reduce whole populations to biology, and fail to recognize the humanity of people of color.
Seeing some folks having good convos on it.
It’s important to remember that “positive” stereotypes aren’t about making us positive compared to white people - it always is about dehumanization. Saying an ox is strong isn’t a compliment that results in humane treatment of the ox,...
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alcatraz · 12 years
Okay, that is AMAZING.
Heartwarming Tearjerker of the Day: Congresswoman Gabby Giffords almost died when Jared Loughner opened fire on her at a rally in January 2011.  But on Thursday, it was her remarkable recovery that took center stage — watch as she brings down the house at the DNC with the Pledge of Allegiance. [abc]
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alcatraz · 12 years
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Here’s a baby bat yawning.
Happy Friday, people.
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alcatraz · 12 years
オーリス TVCM 常識への裏切り篇 30秒 (by toyotajpchannel)
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alcatraz · 12 years
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(via Water Wigs on the Behance Network)
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alcatraz · 12 years
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(via These Rainbow-colored Transparent Ants Are What They Eat | Surprising Science)
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alcatraz · 12 years
If Men Could Menstruate
Saw the recent posts concerning the ”eww-period” mentality and thought you might like to share this article in case anyone hasn’t read it.
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alcatraz · 12 years
It's too early in the process to know how the meat will taste, or what its texture will be like. An early challenge for biologists working on lab-grown meat has been in simulating the exact texture that's characteristic of meat that was once part of a living, breathing animal. It's an open question as to whether or not this challenge will ever be overcome. For Modern Meadow, their initial goal is to develop 3D cellular sheets composed of pig cells. They're hoping to mature those sheets into muscle tissue with electric stimulation inside a bioreactor (which should help give it the desired texture).
Billionaire Peter Thiel invests in the development of 3D printed meat
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alcatraz · 12 years
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sbadsgood: Photo of the day: Hundreds ... twitter.com
Photo of the day: Hun­dreds of float­ing umbrel­las above a street in Por­tu­gal - pic.twitter.com/3moij3vG
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alcatraz · 12 years
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alcatraz · 12 years
Jane Austen's Fight Club (by DangerousFootage)
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alcatraz · 12 years
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(via Penguins 'Fly' Through the Skies at Tokyo's Sunshine Aquarium! | Inhabitat - Sustainable Design Innovation, Eco Architecture, Green Building)
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