alcelngbttm · 9 years
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    ronan hesitates for a moment at her question before shrugging.  it’s not like it’s that big of a secret.  and this isn’t henrietta.  “ i mean, i dreamed it.  and then i took it out of the dream. ”
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“That’s amazing,” Alice complimented before going on, “I NEVER got to delve into that sort of magic. I wished I had though, it just sounds, for lack of a better word, dreamy.”
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alcelngbttm · 9 years
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“of course. it’’s fine. i’m belle, by the way. belle french.”
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“Alice Longbottom. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Belle. I’m curious, are you French? Or is that just your last name?”
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alcelngbttm · 9 years
Nate punches the bag one last time before turning to the blonde, “Mixed Martial Arts; I train people now.”
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“Would you be interested in training people here? I mean, I do have experience, so maybe you could think of it as a partnership of sorts? Kicking my husband’s arse trying to teach him is only so much fun before it becomes abuse. I don’t have any money to give you though, as far as I’m aware, so that’s why I suggested a partnership.”
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alcelngbttm · 9 years
continued from [ x ] @harleyqviinn
“I’m a fan of jokes, I just need some updating APPARENTLY. Alright, I’m Alice, and I like that proposition.”
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alcelngbttm · 9 years
continued from [ x ] @redbcne
“Bite me?? That’s a new and UNIQUE threat, are you a vampire?”
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alcelngbttm · 9 years
continued from [ x ] @mltchcll
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“I’d better, I really really can’t be sick while I’m here. Or at all. I’ve never been sick for more than an hour in my life.” Alice knocked on the bathroom door before going in, after she did her business she came out. “The bathrooms are really clean here.”
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alcelngbttm · 9 years
continued from [ x ] @ofblackswans
“I’ve not. Not even once. Not until you showed the movie, or really until you found me in the den trying to put the round skinny glass circle in the wrong box.” 
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alcelngbttm · 9 years
continued from [ x ] @ezrafiitz
“Heavy hard things to deal with,” she offered, though Alice knew it wasn’t a good enough consolation but the truth was -- she had forgotten how to properly console someone else. Topically, she could do it, the way she learned in Auror training -- and she was told she was good at it as well. But Alice’s kindness came in her actions and ideals, how she treated people as a whole and didn’t always translate into something like this. Into something that really mattered, especially when it was someone she didn’t know. Alice wanted to try though, so she continued to talk, “where I’m from, I’m fighting in a war and ... our side isn’t going to win. I lead teenagers to their potential DEATHS every bloody week, and I have to pretend that I care about dying anymore. ”
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alcelngbttm · 9 years
continued from here [ x ] @mischiefxfred
She held out hand for a handshake,“Longbottom, Alice Longbottom. You?” 
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alcelngbttm · 9 years
continued from here [ x ] @bookwormbclle
“You’re probably right, it’s just been such a wonky day today I just thought that anything could happen. You just look like an old friend is all.”
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alcelngbttm · 9 years
continued from here [ x ] @viictoryweasley
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“Well, you’ve got a point, but I’ve not made icing for years.”
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alcelngbttm · 9 years
continued from here [ x ] @enoughncrve
Alice sighed, just frowning. Was she really going to fight with the younger girl? No. No she was not. “Absolutely NOTHING, nothing at all,” she gave up, sticking her tongue out in good humor. “I hope you enjoy yourself, it took me a g e s to make that. -- -- You’ve never heard of the term age before beauty have you??” She huffed jokingly as she crossed her arms. “I’m not good with muggle cooking,” she admitted, “it took me an hour to make that.”
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0 notes
alcelngbttm · 9 years
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Alice Fortescue, Mary MacDonald, Hestia Jones, and Dorcas Meadowes, pretending they didn’t want their picture taken 
Taken by Marlene McKinnon, Summer 1975
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alcelngbttm · 9 years
Arms wrapped around his wife instinctively — he had been worried, and was ( selfishly ) happy that she was there with him. With her smell in his nose he let go, a cheeky grin on his lips and a nod of his head following. “Why, of course. It is, after all, your duty to make me coffee, as my wife.”
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“Well, of course, that’s the only reason you really needed me here after all anyways. How would you be able to wipe your arse or put on your shoes?? They’re part of my wifely duties,” a laugh fell out of her mouth as she wrapped her arms fiercely around him in return, squeezing him tightly, so relieved she could feel tears coming down her face. “Someone’s going to hear you and think you’re serious and wonder why we’re in the dark ages, Frank,” Alice whispered in his ear after she placed a kiss on his cheek. “Though, where we come from, apparently, we’re the old farts. It’s not even the same time period as before.”
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alcelngbttm · 9 years
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    Ronan almost smiles at the compliment.  He’s not sure what the places she mentioned are, but it doesn’t really matter.  He gets the gist of it.  “ No, I don’t want to sell it.  Besides, I could never make another one just like it. ”  Make isn’t the right word, but whatever.  
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          Alice understands and nods, if she had such a talent she’d probably not sell her work if she didn’t absolutely need to. Plus, the other said he couldn’t make another like it. It was special -- one of a kind. “What did you mean when you said it was from a DREAM?”
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alcelngbttm · 9 years
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Alice watches for a few moments before deciding to speak up, “what kind of fighting do you do?”
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alcelngbttm · 9 years
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    “ here, ” ronan tosses a ball now, a unique sort of thing.  it looks like glass but feels like plastic, lined with intricate, thin golden patterns.  in it is a sort of silvery cloud.  if you look at it for a few moments, light sparks in the smoke sometimes too.  it doesn’t serve a real purpose that he can tell.  just meant to be pretty.  “ it’s out of a dream. ”
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     It’s beautiful & it’s surely magic. Being here, wherever Alice is, has been a tad bit spooky ( a hell of a lot more than that, honestly ), she’ll admit, but having a bit of magic around her is just what she needs as she catches the ball he tosses, “it’s m a g n i f i c e n t,” she marvels, “it’s something you could sell at Zoinkos or even a fancy store like Wizseacre’s in Diagon. You ever thought about that ...?” 
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