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        oh my god i hit 300 followers ! how i have no idea because i’ve rarely been here which brings me to my next two annoucements !! ONE. if you follow me on han you know a few days ago i had a really rough day with my laptop which lead to having to factory reset the whole thing which means i lost everything ! i am slowly but surely redoing my icons bare with me && TWO. i have decided to ARCHIVE this blog you can find me here. i hope all 300 of you find your way back to me lmao !
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        oh my god i hit 300 followers ! how i have no idea because i’ve rarely been here which brings me to my next two annoucements !! ONE. if you follow me on han you know a few days ago i had a really rough day with my laptop which lead to having to factory reset the whole thing which means i lost everything ! i am slowly but surely redoing my icons bare with me && TWO. i have decided to ARCHIVE this blog you can find me here. i hope all 300 of you find your way back to me lmao !
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        oh my god i hit 300 followers ! how i have no idea because i’ve rarely been here which brings me to my next two annoucements !! ONE. if you follow me on han you know a few days ago i had a really rough day with my laptop which lead to having to factory reset the whole thing which means i lost everything ! i am slowly but surely redoing my icons bare with me && TWO. i have decided to ARCHIVE this blog you can find me here. i hope all 300 of you find your way back to me lmao !
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          “Of course I’m happy !!” (the worry of failure would hit him much later). Finally the shock of her proclamation was slowly wearing off. Lips parted, a joyous laughter filled up the room. “I’m gonna be a DAD ?! ‘N you a mom ?? ” Arms wrapped around her instantly, a string of quick kisses pressed to her lips. 
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     ❛ mmhm, ❜ she mumbles, though it’s muffled by his lips. wrapping her arms around his neck she tugged him close. ❛ we’re gonna have a baby.. ❜ she whispers after pulling away.
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SMUGGLER. happy munday ya filthy animals
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       ❛ not so fast hotshot. ❜ leia was quick to still his, roaming, hands && with a grin she stilled her own movements. ❛ --- and no. you’re wrong, ❜ she hums, fingers beginning to re-button her top. ❛ I KNOW YOU KNOW THIS. ❜ she whispers, leaning in to ghost her lips across his. ❛ && if you want this ol’ thing on your floor, you better focus. 
✬@alderanianrebel continued from here.✬
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         Han couldn’t help but roll his eyes. Math?? Talk about the most bor — okay, maybe, JUST MAYBE, it wasn’t so bad after all. Hips shuffled as she swiveled upon his lap. Mouth parted as a breath blew out from him, hazel hues trailing over every inch of her frame ( — square root, what??). “Then you — subtract??” He questioned, his only thought of subtracting that blouse from her body (to prove his point, his hands inched sliding the collar off her shoulder).
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Munday Meme Sprung From My Mind~!
Get to know me anon or not, and as many as you like~
1. Full name? 2. Birthday? 3. Favourite food? 4. Favourite drink? 5. Favourite colour? 6. Best friends or many good friends? 7. Coke or Pepsi? 8. Taken or Single? 9. Preferred Pronouns? 10. Amusing memory? 11. Any tumblr crushes? 12. Blogger picture :3 ? 13. Leader or follower? 14. Pet peeve? 15. Sexuality? 16. Do you fit a stereotype? 17. Ever fallen for a friend? 18. Favourite song? 19. Favourite Animal? 20. Smoker? 21. Pop or Soda? 22. Favourite book/ series?? 23. Opinion on Global warming? 24. Opinion on Same sex marriage? 25. Opinion on legal marihuana? 26. Opinion on deforestation? 27. You’re now on a desert island! What three things do you take? Be realistic! 28. You are holding an infant in one hand and an old veteran in the other from a cliff, but you can save one. Which and why? 29. Fluff or Angst RPs? 30. Fanfic reader? 31. Pets? 32. Siblings? 33. Favourite film? 34. What are you doing? 35. Do you sleep often? 36. Ever had a nightmare? 37. Skype please? 38. Kik please? 39. WANNA be friends?! 40. We should talk more 41. Braces? 42. Preferred career? 43. Are you employed currently? 44. Do you receive pocket money? 45. Bank card? (Any) 46. Do you like iPhone? 47. Rock or hiphop? 48. Heavy shipper or few small ships? 49. Do you love your family? 50. Do I like your blog?
And extra depth: 51. Will we destroy our forests? 52. Will we ever find a renewable, efficient fuel? 53. Optimist, or pessimistic? 54. Malthus’ theory or Boserup’s theory on food relative to population? 55. Are we doomed to drive ourselves to extinction? 56. What will eliminate humans? Disease or war? 57. Are we alone in the universe? 58. Zombie apocalypse time, do you think the evil in humanity will be shown even in children? 59. Could you kill and why? 60. Have you ever wanted to cause a great harm to someone, or felt in the power to end their life in an action? EG in front of you on a cliff?
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          Gaze falling to her pumpkin, his eyes widen more than once was thought humanly possible. BABY 2017. That could only mean one thing ; and it certainly wasn’t about them adopting a furry child. No, this was real. Moth agape, his hesitant gaze questions everything. “ — You’re … pregnant??” He was too confused to be sure of what to feel, how to react.
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  ❛ i ------------ yeah. ❜ she nods, putting her pumpkin aside && crawling across the pumpkin gut mess to climb into his lap. ❛ i took three tests this morning. ❜ she murmurs, taking his cheeks in her hands. ❛ are you --- are you not happy ?? ❜
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                                                                 I’D JUST AS SOON KISS A WOOKIE.
indie han solo & leia organa narrated by nikki & kayla
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“i’m just a stupid motherfucker, can’t figure it out.”
⟨ ⟡⋰⸰ misadventures sentence starters ⟩ / accepting
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      ❛ don’t sell yourself short, sweetheart. ❜ leia hummed, threading her fingers through han’s hair. ❛ you just need the PROPER motivation.. ❜ with that she slid herself into his lap, ❛ you take the square root && multiply it by ten..❜ she murmurs, fingers beginning to pop the buttons on her blouse open. ❛ and then what hotshot ?? ❜ 
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     Hazel orbs scramble over her features ; desperation etched on every pore of his skin as he attempts yet fails to read her thoughts (he’d never been very good at that — the princess was anything but predictable, just like him). Lips part, a deep breath filling his lungs as tears he never wanted to see, to be the cause of, fall from her brown, once warm, orbs. He winces from her words, his tall frame towering over her as he follows suit, rough hands moving to grasp her weary shoulders. “Leia — DON’T.” What?? What could he have expected?? He still never planned things out to the end. “Tell me something.” He demanded, as if he still could do that. “Are you happy?? Not in this moment, but uh — y’know … with me??”
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    what kind of stupid fucking question was that ?? she placed her hands on his chest, smoothing out his forever wrinkled shirt out of habit. ❛ of course ------- you KNOW I LOVE YOU. the years i’ve spent with you have been the best of my life, ❜ she doesn’t meet his eyes, she’s too AFRAID to. ❛ are you....unhappy with ME ?? ❜ her voice comes out small, so quiet she’s not even sure if she spoke at all, finally glancing up at him she rests her chin on his chest. ❛ don’t leave me. please. ❜
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cute shippy starters
Adapted from this post. 
“Come over here and make me.”
“Have you lost your damn mind!?”
“Please, don’t leave.”
“Do you…well…I mean…I could give you a massage?”
“Wait a minute. Are you jealous?”
“Is there a reason you’re naked in my bed?”
“I almost lost you.”
“Wanna bet?”
“Don’t you ever do that again!”
“Teach me how to play?”
“Don’t you dare throw that snowba—goddammit!”
“I think we need to talk.”
“Kiss me.”
“Hey, I’m with you, okay? Always.”
“So, I found this waterfall…”
“It could be worse.”
“Looks like we’ll be trapped for a while…”
“This is without a doubt the stupidest plan you’ve ever had. Of course I’m in.”
“The paint’s supposed to go where?”
“You need to wake up because I can’t do this without you.”
“We’re in the middle of a thunderstorm and you wanna stop and feel the rain?”
“I’ve seen the way you look at me when you think I don’t notice.”
“Just once.”
“You’re the only one I trust to do this.”
“I can’t believe you talked me into this.”
“I got you a present.”
“I’m pregnant.”
“Marry me?”
“I thought you were dead.”
“It’s not what it looks like…”
“You lied to me.”
“I think I’m in love with you and I’m terrified.”
“Please don’t do this.”
“If you keep looking at me like that we won’t make it to a bed.”
“You heard me. Take. It. Off.”
“I wish I could hate you.”
“Wanna dance?”
“You fainted…straight into my arms. You know, if you wanted my attention you didn’t have to go to such extremes.”
“Hey! I was gonna eat that!”
“Have I entered an alternate universe or did you really just crack a smile for me?”
“You did all of this for me?”
“I swear it was an accident.”
“If you die, I’m gonna kill you.”
“Tell me a secret.”
“Hey, have you seen the..? Oh.”
“No one needs to know.”
“Well this is awkward…”
Credit: @alwaysbellamyblake
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“where are we going?” lily asked with a raised eyebrow.
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  ❛ it’s a SURPRISE. ❜ she grins, extending a hand to lily. 
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Katniss is taken aback. She’s called everything but her name these days. “I guess so,” she mutters, brushing some hair out of her face. “But Katniss works just as well.
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      ❛ KATNISS. ❜ she repeats with smile, hands reaching out to touch her shoulders. ❛ i’m GENERAL ORGANA, but PLEASE just call me leia. ❜ 
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use this to find out and post the results 
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How much of a sinner is your muse?
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