alecfckk · 7 years
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it would be a terribly new senstion to be protected … he had been on his own for so long he was surprised he could even manage to allow alec this close to him . the touch of alec’s thumb sent sparks shooting through his body & his small frame was weakened even more . it was just so easy for him to push all his trust into this man . something about him was just so kind & loving . 
he felt a cold bite as the other man from the group simply stalked away without even saying hello , he wasn’t sure how the others were going to accept him just yet & he was afraid of what they would do to someone new . he stepped into the tent & sank down on the floor instantly , brows arching in surprise at the other’s continued giving . ‘ i get a blanket too ? ‘ his voice sounded a little too surprised & he blushed , rubbing at his lips gently before he stood again 
‘thank you for everything … please tell them i just want to be their friend …i’m not going to hurt them . ‘ breathing gently as he held onto alec’s wrist for balance mostly but also for the warmth this man exuded . ‘ i don’t want them to hate me . ‘ he was also a little afraid of them . . the way they were looking at him had him feeling very small & defenseless .
alec followed the other into the tent, watching as he slid down onto the floor. furrowing his brows together, he nodded, “of course you get a blanket. probably a few, it gets cold at night.” alec responded and he rubbed his hands together, as if his body had just realized the chill in the air. “how have you been getting through the nights?” alec asked, quietly, wondering if this boy had been surviving on pure will alone. it seemed like a possibility at this point. 
as the other got up, and moved in front of him, alec nodded. “yeah,” he whispered, voice going low as the other held onto his wrist for balance. “they don’t... they mean well.” alec spoke, “they’re just exhausted, we’ve been on the move all day. it’ll be better tomorrow.” he promised and couldn’t help himself as he twisted his arm to take the other’s hand in his own and give reassurance through a gentle squeeze, “and, they’re probably grateful for the cans you let me grab. i know i am.”
“we’ll probably use some of it tonight, there’s no time to hunt now.” he looked at the other and asked, “dinner won’t be for another few hours, but would you like something else to eat? or would you like to rest?”
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alecfckk · 7 years
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the small boy had been cowering for most of this conversation , looking away from the other’s eyes as he gazed out at the small crowd around them . he hadn’t been around people for so long , his lips pursed together as he tried to keep himself from coughing , but moments later he was pulling his shirt over his mouth & coughing until blood flecks were staining his already dirty shirt .
feeling very humiliated , he was distracted from his feelings as he gazed up at the other once alec’s attention was on him again . this felt very much like a rapunzel story, except he was not a princess & his tower was a vons . swallowing hard & forcing a smile , ‘ i really can’t thank you enough … ‘ he longed to touch him & have some sore of solidity in this world that seemed to be fading away from him so quickly . 
‘ i know you’ll keep me safe . ‘ he whispered softly before they headed over to the newly set up tent & truly , he didn’t mind at all if there was no bed or even anything for him to rest his head on . he was very adaptable and having a little family accept him so warmly was more than enough luck for him for one night .
as soon as the other had started coughing uncontrollably, alec was reaching out without hesitation. he placed a hand on the boy’s shoulder - soft and steadying. “you alright?” he asked, concern heightening as he noticed the other had been coughing out blood. alec lifted his other hand and quickly swiped at the boy’s lip with his thumb - gently wiping away some of the blood. 
 “come on, let’s get you in the tent.” alec spoke softly, dropping both of his hands away from the boy. taking a step back, he swallowed. he didn’t know why, but he wanted nothing more than to hold the boy in his arms and keep him steady.
they headed over to the tent, where jarod had easily set it up. alec watched as jarod stalked off without greeting either of them - and was it really that bad that he had brought in someone new? alec didn’t think so, and he also didn’t care. he just knew he needed to make sure the boy was safe for the night. “i’ll grab you some blankets and pillows, first. then, i’ll bring some food, okay?” alec could hear the chatter of everybody else around the campfire, dinner was cooking. he also could feel the weight of their stares.
noticing the other had barely said anything, alec paused for a moment, stepping forward as he shielded the boy from the eyes that kept glancing over at them. “is everything okay? do need anything?” alec’s voice was low, “let me know.” 
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alecfckk · 7 years
they reached the camp just as the sun had disappeared from the sky, a dying ember that had burnt out. everybody was scattered, finishing various errands before they could call it a night. the tents were pitched in a cluster, and somebody had started a small fire on the side. but, soon, everybody was turning to face alec — and the boy beside him. he swallowed roughly, straightening his shoulders before glancing at everyone. he was waiting for somebody to speak, but he knew they expected him to say something first. he was the leader after all, unofficially but still the only one that all these faces looked toward for safety and security.
alec took a step forward, “this is...” alec started before his voice faltered off. he didn’t even catch the other’s name. he just looked back at the other boy, the pretty eyes but the tired look tugging at something in his heart, before he addressed the rest of the camp. “he’ll be staying with us for a bit.” alec stated. no questions or hesitation — the perfect embody of a leader that alec failed to see at times. often, he believed he was just lucky to have these many people following him around. a family amidst the darkness.
nodding toward jarod, his right-hand man, he asked, “do we have an extra tent?” jarod responded with a yes and turned to set it up — alec sending him a thankful grin for not questioning him despite the wary tone in his voice. he knew bringing in somebody on their first night in a new site didn’t seem like the best idea, but alec pushed those thoughts out of his head as he turned to face the boy standing behind him. “you alright?” he asked, lowering his voice for the other. “after we set you up, i can get nancy to come check on you. see if she has any medicine that would help.” he rambled before pausing and taking a second to look at the boy. he seemed so worn-down that it made alec ache, and he took a small step closer to him. “you’ll be safe here, i’ll make sure of it.” 
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alecfckk · 8 years
even though the dull ache was throbbing in his chest the farther they got from his home , the arm that was wrapped gently but firmly around his shoulders made him feel as if the future held something much better . the other boy’s smile made his body tingle & his cheeks gather a dusting of pink , he had been caught staring , ( it wouldn’t be the last time )
‘ no . ‘ he affirms quickly , he dares not be seen as weak before the other boy , in return he quickens his steps , though the strain it places on his body is apparent . ‘ h-how many people are in your camp ? ‘ eager to turn the conversation anywhere but towards himself .
alec bit his lip, the other was definitely determined. it rivalled how weak he appeared. ( and, alec knew, that ever since this world was thrown into a war, the determination to survive shattered any other kind of strength. ) “okay,” alec spoke softly, “but, let me know if you want to stop for a bit.”
“only eight of us now,” alec let out a long exhale and adjusted his hold on the bag, “way back, though, it had started out with just me and my mom. but, then, she got really sick. i mean, she was sick before, too. before any of this started, she was a leukaemia patient.” alec filled the silence as they walked. “but, after all of this started the hospital only kept the patients that were willing to pay more. and, well, me and my mom didn’t have much.” he struggled to keep the bitterness from rising up his throat. quickly skipping ahead, “soon after my mom… i was on my own for a while. i didn’t have a lot of family or friends, or anyone that was really willing to help me out.” alec swallowed as they walked further into a forested area, the darkness creeping upon them, and he tightened his arm around the other’s waist. “but, then, i met jarod and vinny. it was us three for a while.” he smiled at the memory. the three musketeers. “we bumped into terry and nancy- the nurse i was telling you about. she was pregnant when we met, that’s why terry got us to help them out… in the end, the baby didn’t make it…. then, we met helen. she was old, so sweet. we kept her with us for a while. she didn’t make it that far, though.” alec stopped and let his voice falter off for a bit. they’ve all suffered so much. tragedy upon tragedy.
“we met raj with his wife and kids during a storm. we lost vinny during an attack.” alec shuddered. him, jarod, and vinny had become brothers so quick. losing vinny had been like losing a part of himself. “we found walter and his grand-daughter, lylia. tyra, miguel, patricia, and rey.” alec rambled off the names. “a few weeks ago, i suggested we move. not everyone followed.” the word leader raced through his head. “now, it’s only me, jarod, terry, nancy, walter, lylia, tyra and rey.”
he didn’t know why he was telling the other boy any of this, but he wanted him to know. he wanted the other to know that the camp was made up of people like him- lost, injured, strays. the ones that lived without a home or without a family for so long. alec didn’t know anything, expect for the fact that this camp was more than a camp and he needed the other to understand that.
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alecfckk · 8 years
alec smiled down at the boy, softly wondering about the pulling feeling at his heart. he felt like he needed to shield the boy from everything that could harm him- which was fucking insane, he barely knew him. “i’m alec, by the way.” he murmured out a soft introduction.
alec made sure to keep a steady arm around the other, supporting him, keeping him going. “not that far,” he responded with a low whisper of his own.  “almost there, but if you want a break, we could pause for a bit.” he added, slowing down his steps. 
the second he felt his arm slip around his waste his lashes flutter as he looks up at the other male , he felt almost as if he could push away all his problems onto the other and he would be safe . ‘ thank you . ‘ whispering softly before starting to follow the other male , his body trembling with every step , but all he heard was the voice in his head . ( YOU WILL MAKE IT . YOU WILL MAKE IT ) 
they hadn’t traveled far at all , the dull ache in his chest throbbing with each step he took away from his home . ‘ how far is it ? ‘ whispering softly , his soft pink cheeks looking brighter by the moment , it NEARLY rivaled the glimmer of determination in his eyes .
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alecfckk · 8 years
alec watched the boy start to gather all of his belongings and he also picked up his duffel bag, going back to grabbing cans of food and other necessities. looking up, he saw the boy clutching the bundle to his chest and he stretched out his hand, “here, i can carry it.” taking the small pack of his belongings, he put the bundle in the duffel bag before zipping it up and throwing it over his shoulder. alec sensed the other’s fear, and he offered him a tiny smile to ease his tension. “let’s go.”
he trailed behind the other boy toward the exit. “not that far,” he came up behind him. “don’t worry, i got you.” alec whispered, carefully slipping an arm around the boy’s waist and steadying him.
quickly , the small boy lays out his ratty blanket to stuff a few of his loose objects into the center of it . his head dips to the side as he ties the corners of it gently , his heart pounding as he pulls the small bundle to his chest before padding over to the shelves of medicine and pulling it into his small pack of belongings . ‘ i-i’m ready . ‘ 
but even as he turns back to the other male he is scared . he pauses to look up at the other nervously as if he was searching for that flicker of hope that made him so easily t r u s t the other . it wasn’t long before he found it again . swallowing hard , he inhaled deeply and started slowly to the door of the small decaying building that had become his home . ‘ how far ? n-not sure i c-can make it . ‘ fingers curl into fists as he tried to DRILL it into his resolve that he will make it even if he dies trying .
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alecfckk · 8 years
alec noticed the vulnerability in the other’s eyes, and he felt a sudden surge to shield the boy from the world. he softened his voice, “don’t worry, we you can still come out here if you want to.” he spoke, “if you even stay with us for that long.” he added as an afterthought.  
alec nodded, “take whatever you want.” he didn’t know what came over him to offer his help to this boy so quickly, but he didn’t care. he just knew that he wouldn’t be able to walk out of this store without knowing the other would be safe. it was strange, and alec decided it was either the lack of sleep or the colour of the boy’s eyes that led to his rashness. 
he  fought the urge to reach out and touch the boy, to place a calm into him with his hands, and settled for another nod. “yeah, she’ll be able to help you.” he answered, “trust me.”
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he closed his eyes as the stark contrast of the other’s hand came into contact with his skin . it felt good to be touched so tenderly like that . there had too much peace & rest for the smaller male to be ready for this kind of action or movement . ‘ b-but who is gonna take care of my home ? ‘ lashes flutter before eyes go wide , he was drawing at straws now , there really was no true grounds for him not to go .
the genuine concern in the other boy’s eyes made him realize that even though he barely knew him , he still trusted him . lips pursed into a thin line & he followed the other’s gestures before slowly pushing up to trail slowly over to his makeshift shelter . ‘ m-may i take some things with me ? ‘ his voice was soft even as he looked over the few possessions he owned , ‘ are you sure she can help me ? ‘ as he concern built up the questions kept flowing out . shy as he was , he wasn’t going to let himself die . 
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alecfckk · 8 years
alec watched the boy defensively wrap his arms around himself and he wondered how long he had been alone, how long it would take him to trust someone again. “that sounds bad,” he commented, and the worry kept rising. without thinking twice, he was taking yet another step closer until he was standing right in front of the other. “can i?” raising his hand slowly, he carefully pressed the back of his hand against the boy’s forehead. “shit,” he muttered, “you’re seriously burning up.” he dropped his hand back to his side.
“no, no. you have a really bad fever.” he shook his head. “you should come back with me. there’s a nurse with us- er, well she used to be a nurse. nancy. she can help you.” he rambled on for a bit before taking a deep breath in. taking a logical standpoint, and ignoring the odd feeling tugging at his chest, he motioned to the cans of food. “we can help each other out. i need supplies and, well, you need someone who can help you out for a bit, right?” 
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up close the taller male was alot less intimidating , he felt as if this boy held the world in the palm of his hand and he was able to care for each of it’s members without tearing it to pieces . ‘ o-oh i don’t know … it starts with coughing … & it gets worse . ‘ pulling his hand back to wrap around himself in a subconsciously defensive manner . head dips to the side as his figure allows itself to lean backwards against the aisle . if this boy was to be his demise , his body didn’t care enough to fight . 
‘ o-oh … i couldn’t ask you for that . i’ve been alone since the beginning of this all … and i wouldn’t be a good addition . ‘ he cast a wary glance to the makeshift home behind the blood stained door of the pharmacy . a bite of nostalgia nipped at his neck before trailing down his spine , this was his home . but how much longer would he survive here on his own ?
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alecfckk · 8 years
alec watched the boy reach out to grip the shelf and keep himself on his feet. the worry spiked again. “and, how bad is it now?” he inquired. he didn’t know what was wrong with the boy, but he looked seriously ill. the flu? maybe it was a virus, maybe it was... alec shook the thought out of his head. he inspected the boy closer. he was clearly human, just sick. 
cautiously, he stepped even closer- despite seeing the other flinch at his movement. alec let a tiny smile linger on his lips, “thanks.” he reached out to take the cans from the boy. “but, is there anything i can do in return?” he asked, brows furrowing. the boy looked so helpless, and alec just wanted to help him. “medicine? or...” alec hesitated before saying the next words, “a place to stay?” it wasn’t the first time alec offered help to somebody who needed it- most of his camp was made up of stragglers picked up along the way. only, this time, he was offering it so quickly. “just until you’re better.” 
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his lashes flutter and he reaches out to curl his fingers around the shelf to steady himself , his heart pounding and his head spinning . ‘ i-i don’t know … it’s not always this bad . ‘ frowning deeply , he tipped his head to the side , curls spilling down over his bright blue eyes , ‘ i-i figure most  people think this place is abandoned , i try my best to make it look that way . ‘ he visibly flinches as the other steps closer , but he doesn’t make move to stop him .
‘ i-if you need anything , i promise … it’s okay . you must have alot of mouths to provide for . ‘ he looks down over one of the shelves and pulls a few cans of long lasting nourishment & holding them out nervously . ‘ i’ll survive … ‘ giving a soft half smile .
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alecfckk · 8 years
alec tried to mask his shock, but it seeped through his voice anyway. “you’re all alone?” he repeated. this boy, who looked like he could barely manage a fight, was out here living by himself. a strange worry stirred inside of him. “nothing, it’s just that...” alec gave the boy another once over, dragging his eyes over the boy’s trembling frame and noticing the dark circles under his eyes.
“you don’t look fit enough to be out here by yourself.” he answered, taking a few steps closer to the boy. “you look horrible, man.” he addressed the other, “how are you holding this place down alone?” he wondered. 
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there was something about the other boy that made casey suddenly feel safe , as if there was nothing he had to worry about . however , that didn’t stop his heart from racing or his fingers from trembling , ‘ i-i’m alone … ‘ normally that was something he would lie about , he would tell someone he’s alone and before he knew it there would be an ambush occurring in the middle of the night . but now , nothing seemed worth it . 
the way the taller boy held himself just screamed that he knew what he was doing , a lot of people must trust him he mused to himself . ‘ w-why ? ‘glancing behind him nervously he too slipped his knife safely away . he didn’t want this . he didn’t want a fight . & something in the other boy’s eyes just made his defenses crumble . 
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alecfckk · 8 years
alec slowly lowered the gun as he watched the other struggle to speak, getting interrupted by a coughing fit. he flickered his eyes over the boy; he had beautiful features- dark hair that contrasted lighter eyes- but, he looked horrible. pale and weak, alec knew he wouldn’t be much of a fight (only if it came down to it). tucking his gun away, alec nodded. “no, i respect that.” his voice came out rough and he dropped the duffel bag. “you can keep it all, actually. i thought this place was abandoned, so.” he let his words falter off with a shrug. “i wouldn’t let anybody come into my camp and take anything, so, i don’t expect you to do that.”
alec watched the boy’s frame tremble and he furrowed his eyebrows, “are you staying here alone? or you got someone else with you?”
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he felt his heart stop as the cruel metal of the gun faced him , his eyes widened slightly & his firm grip on the handle of the knife faltered , ‘ p-please … ‘ a wretched sound comes from his throat before an even more wicked coughing fit shaking his small frame . holding the knife up as if that would manage to defend him while he was in-stabilized , looking helplessly up at the other male before he swallows nervously , ‘ i was here first this is all i have . don’t take it all . ‘ he echos as his brows furrow . refusing to step back or foreword , the smaller boy simply sways , he looks as if the wind could knock him over . 
frowning , he outstretches his free hand , the trembling going all the way down to his fingers , ‘ you can take a little … j-just please not all of it . ‘
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alecfckk · 8 years
alec had passed by this place earlier, but he didn’t want to risk making a raid when he was leading everybody else. so, he waited until later, and left when everybody else was setting up. he knew they were running low on food and medicine, and he knew that it was on him to get some more supplies. it wasn’t like he had decided to be the leader of this makeshift family, but somehow, they all looked up to him to make decisions. and, he had just made the decision to change the location of their camp after they got invaded last weekend. he didn’t force anybody to listen to him- but, where he went, they all seemed to follow. he didn’t mind, he had gotten attached to them fairly quickly- not that he would like to admit that. 
alec was anxious as he entered the run down store. trying to be as quiet as possible, he kept one hand on the gun tucked into the waistband of his jeans. he strained his hearing as he wandered into the wrecked place. staying alert, he quickly started to shove a bunch of items into the duffel bag he had brought with him. out of nowhere, he heard another voice and, on instinct, he whipped around as he raised the gun. heartbeat racing, he kept the gun aimed at the other boy, noticing the knife in the other’s grasp. “who the fuck are you?”
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he can’t really remember what it was like to have someone on his side , he had been alone for so long and that’s what he had learned to adapt to . his makeshift home under the counter of the pharmacy office in the dying walgreens was the only thing he had . so when he heard the gratingly familiar sound of something walking up and down the halls and scavenging the already scarce resources he had available to him . the wheezing coming from his failing lungs wasn’t helping him keep hidden , he could feel his head start to reel with the sudden burst of adrenaline that was pumping through him . he couldn’t lie in wait forever . fingers curl around the blood rusted kitchen knife that was his sole possession & in a moment he was on his feet , stumbling as his head punishes his body for daring to stand up so quickly . following the sounds the pillager left in his wake for several paces , it took even longer for him to muster the courage to look around the corner , the wave of relief that hit him upon the realization that the scavenger was living was like cool water to a parched tongue . with his relief his determination spiked , ‘ hey ! don’t take it all . ‘ —– he wasn’t heartless , they were all trying to make it in this fucked up world , weren’t they ? & he certainly wasn’t fit for a fight .
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