alectocarrowxx · 10 years
[The scene that was unfolding was not one that she could've possibly conjured up in her head. Any sort of dream that this might happen seemed black and white compared to the ecstasy of being with him in this way. She could feel the heat of his body pressing against her uniform, and it only made her crave him even more.] I love you so much. [Her voice came out breathless and broken by desire and somehow her words didn't feel enough. She needed to show him how much she loved him. It might be the last time that they would have a private moment together. Alecto seized the opportunity to push him back against the door, her body flush against his. They had entered this world, this dark cruel world, together and it felt so right to remain in that position. Soft lips crashed against hers, igniting her desire for him even more and she couldn’t help the moan that was caught in her throat at the contact. Her swollen lips parted, head tilting slightly as her tongue found his, deepening the kiss. Her hand travelled from his chest and all the way up to the back of his head, tugging him closer to her, her nails digging mercilessly into his scalp as her kisses became hungrier and more desperate. The other hand found its way onto his lower back and she pressed her hips against his as she continued to kiss him.]
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[She felt like home. Amycus had never really understood the concept of going someplace and feeling 100% comfortable and accepted and wanted. But the feel of his sister’s mouth on his… he felt at home. He placed his hands on the sides of her face and pulled away slightly. Just looking at her. She had always thought she was the loveliest thing on earth. Why did she look more beautiful now?] I love you. [He spoke the words clearly because he loved her so… nothing could be wrong if he loved her. Right? Urgency and excitement to show Alecto how much he loved her in this new, spectacularly delicious way overcame his desire for gentleness. He kissed her hard, letting the fog of drunkenness and pleasure cloud his better judgement. Dizzy and weak-kneed, he shuffled backwards to lean against the door. He probably reeked of alcohol but Merlin, she was so intoxicating.]
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alectocarrowxx · 10 years
I shouldn't have even bothered asking. Parents Weekend is a complete waste of time and already looks like a disaster. I'm counting the minutes until the fiasco is over.
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You’ve met my parents. Which one do you think it is?
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alectocarrowxx · 10 years
You have made the wrong choice, Sirius. You have taken the wrong path and you will pay for your mistake. You had everything at your fingertips, you were ready to become a part of the right side. And you threw it all away. Now you're simply a bloodtraitor with disgusting mudblood friends and you will all die.
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Sir, I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt that I have dreamed most of my life about hearing such words from you. I take them as a compliment and an affirmation that I’ve achieved the quality of character I’ve been after for years.
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alectocarrowxx · 10 years
[lets out a breath and puts her hand on her heart in an exaggerated way] Thank Merlin. Now, we're going to put our minds together and destroy that little brat. No one insults my best friend and gets away with it.
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[holds up a hand in mock-surrender] No walloping here. I’m too intent on walloping anyone who upsets you, and self-harm has never been in the cards for me.
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alectocarrowxx · 10 years
When you're wealthy, you don't need to pretend to be kind hearted and all that simply to get pity. You have everything at your fingertips when you're like me, though I doubt you'll ever experience that.
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[eyes her for a moment] With all that money one would think you could afford a better attitude but maybe your beauty charms are more extensive than they seem.
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alectocarrowxx · 10 years
A muggle as in a non-wizard. And no, I can safetly say that I am not a ghost. A student here, actually.
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[Turns around to face her, smiling] hm? Do you mean human? Are you a ghost, because I am indeed a human. 
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54 notes · View notes
alectocarrowxx · 10 years
There's something strangely familiar about your temperament. Who are your parents?
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You’re stupid. I don’t have big ears. 
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19 notes · View notes
alectocarrowxx · 10 years
More like, Alecto Carrow who was killed by the thought of something so ridiculous. Now I expect to see you and Sirius acting as disgustingly in love as always, at some point in the future.
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Alecto Carrow: the woman who died for love. 
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alectocarrowxx · 10 years
[Alecto stopped in her tracks, half uttered words still resting on her lips, waiting for her to continue. But somehow, his request was decidedly far more important than whatever horrific future awaited them outside the room. She let out a little breath, her eyes trailing over his face as though they had never seen it before. His face was all angles, sharp cheekbones, gentle mouth and his dark eyes that flickered with need.] Amycus [Her voice was a whisper and a warning, knowing that they were in territory that hadn't been chartered so far. In among the words, her voice betrayed her, the roughness of longing pulling at every letter of the word. Carefully, she leant in closer, every inch of her body supersensitized, everywhere that they touched felt as though tiny needles of pleasure were being dragged across her spine. Alecto gently brushed her lips against the corner of his mouth, a child's kiss. But somehow instinctively her lips seemed to press up against him harder than she'd meant to, her whole body flush against his. Oh why was this wrong, when it felt so right?]
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[He ached for her. It was pathetic and wrong, so wrong. Because she was right there. He was used to missing her, he missed her every time they weren’t in the same room, but missing her when she was right in front of him, holding his hand… none of it made any sense. He tried to focus on what she was saying but his mind was so clouded he couldn’t make his way through it’s usual maze. He opened his mouth several times to try and speak but words weren’t coming, they weren’t enough. He needed her.] Kiss me. [he spoke quietly, half hoping she couldn’t hear him. He didn’t really mean anything bad… he just needed her to make him feel real again. And a sisterly kiss would do that.] Not… I mean, you don’t have to… it won’t be wrong… just… kiss me.
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alectocarrowxx · 10 years
His bank account is by far my favourite part about him. I do not believe that I could ever be poor, my tastes are far too expensive for that sort of hideousness. [claps her hands together] I could give you an exclusive about one of my parties, if you'd like. I simply can't wait to see what sort of ideas you have for your articles. They will make the paper. [rolls her eyes in an amused fashion] Naturally, Rita. Now I'm thinking either some delightful dresses from a little Spanish boutique near the Carrow mansion over there or that pretty little necklace I saw last time with the pearls. There's always such lovely things to look at over there, it's like paradise. 
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Ah yes, thank you, Papa Carrow. And bless your little heart. [smiles to herself] Oh Alecto, you’re flattering me. But I do have to say, you’re right. They’ve stuck me with lifestyle so I suppose now it’s nearly my job to somehow attend every social event of the year. And I’ll be sure to mention the lovely brunette with the hands-down best events. [sighs] Bring me back something! What’s a delicacy of Spain? 
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alectocarrowxx · 10 years
You're an extremely large house elf or a terribly small child, either of which I have no wish to associate with. 
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What’s re-or-ated?
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alectocarrowxx · 10 years
When you look like me, it's hard not to be.
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Well at least you’re self-confident.
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alectocarrowxx · 10 years
Indeed I do [gives the younger girl an irritated look at her seeming lack of manners] Excuse me, I do not believe that I have been introduced. Aegeus Carrow, and you are?
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Do you have someone better in mind, sir?
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alectocarrowxx · 10 years
Barbarians like those muggles shouldn't even be let anywhere near the castle. It's utterly disgusting to see them near our valuable magical objects and to put our whole Wizarding Community at risk by potentially exposing dozens of our most guarded secrets. Dumbledore should've been gotten rid of years ago. Though  Hogwarts can already look forward to a brighter future for those who deserve one.
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The only thing worse than the mudbloods roaming the castle is the muggles themselves. It’s impossible to walk twenty feet without running into one of them gawking at a painting or one of the staircases. I can’t say I am going to miss any of the things he forces upon us.
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alectocarrowxx · 10 years
Smart move. Well that dress does look better on you than me, though I do need it to ensure my safety from being walloped by you.
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Smack you? When I need to borrow your blue one shoulder dress with the beading down the back? Never. I know better than that.
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126 notes · View notes
alectocarrowxx · 10 years
Fine, you're not technically blocking my sun. But you're in the way. Either you want something or you're simply trying to escape the ridiculousness of Parents Weekend, now which one is it?
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Alecto, darling, the sun is behind you. I cannot possibly be blocking it. Unless of course, a second sun has just risen in my back, which is absolutely possible.
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alectocarrowxx · 10 years
That is all I wish for; to become a part of society and to show to those who only see me as my mother's daughter that I am so much more. Your guidance over the years has truly set me on my path, I wouldn't be where i am without your assistance.
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Don’t feel too put out by her lack of appearance on the social calendar. It just means one less person breathing down your neck as you bypass her shortcomings and come into your own in our society.
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