aleeza-kane · 3 years
In conclusion, the Greeks embraced a philosophy of mind,body and soul Ie: the holistic approach. This was an all inclusive package of physical and mental needs. Moreover, natural medicine or remedies such as lavender, peppermint and Dill are still used today but in a more convenient way such as, a diffuser or roll on oil verses chopped up plants. These oils are used to alleviate stress, tummy aches, or to decrease negative thoughts to have a calming effect! Overall, the natural approach is proven to be very beneficial and evolutionary for years to come!
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aleeza-kane · 3 years
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Similarities to How the Ancient Greeks Treated Cerebral Palsy and other Paralysis Conditions:
In reference to, The History of Physical Therapy, the Father of Medicine’s philosophy was, “Hippocrates believed that “all the human diseases started in an imbalance of the bodily fluids.” Hot and cold baths were considered a form of treatment, with an after-bath oil massage as a form of relaxation therapy for the patient.” Hippocrates started to examine muscle manipulation or forms of therapy from all angles, this included (land therapy) as well as hydrotherapy (water)
Hippocrates was not only deemed the father of medicine, but was also the ‘master of muscle manipulation’ back in 460 BC.
“Many of the physical therapy treatments, until the Second World War, were being carried out in hospitals on patients who get recovered from surgeries, injuries and as well as other conditions.” Physical Therapy or physiotherapy rampantly grew in the 1980’s and began to specialize in cerebral palsy and other neurological conditions.
“The main goal of having the treatment is to see a pain reduction, development in a range of motion, increasing endurance and strength and as well as relieving stress and improve the quality of life for the individual.” Overall, the practice of Hippocrates treatments was to find the holistic approach while nurturing the mind,body and soul!
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aleeza-kane · 3 years
Additionally, The Emperor with the Shaking Head: Claudius’ Movement Disorder states, “ His head was very shaky at all times' Seneca declared that `he was continuously wagging his head' and later.
The emperor with the shaking head: Claudius' movement disorder
referred to his `shaking hand' and `restless head.’
This quote provides evidence of another paralysis condition called restless head because the emperors head would shake as he was attempting to watch his balance. Furthermore, Claudius struggled to walk, in reference to the same article, “The gait disturbance seemed to preclude him from walking long distances...” Therefore this boy, had difficulty controlling his body and had a great deal of spasms based on the previous quotes.
Another condition is, disturbance of speech due to how the boy spoke. “Claudius spoke `with a confused sound and in an unintelligible voice’ with `indistinct utterance' and most picturesquely, with a `voice like that of no land-animal but typical of sea-beasts, hoarse and inarticulate'.” As a result, Claudius was diagnosed with dysarthria and dystonia which are two communication disorders that involve an immobilized tongue so the person cannot control their speech or form a coherent thought due to slurred speech caused by weak facial muscles.
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aleeza-kane · 3 years
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Paralysis Conditions
According to The Imbecilities of the Emperor Claudius. Ernestine Leon states, “ A study of the physical handicaps which the historians ascribe to Claudius indicates, in the light of modern medicine that he was a victim of cerebral palsy.” This quote shows, that Claudius was one of the earliest recorded examples due to, “a hereditary or trauma induced neurological disorder which causes uncontrolled muscular contractions and/or spasms, bearning many similarities to cerebral palsy. Bacterial and viral meningitis or encephalitis are typically strong candidates for causation, as is environmental poisoning.” as stated by Broken by Body, Sound of Mind: Examining the Reign of the Emperor Claudius. This quote means, that Claudius could have suffered from any disorder including cerebral palsy, meningitis and spasms. Also, Claudius had a bad gait or limp which is a main symptom of cerebral palsy.
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aleeza-kane · 3 years
Herbal Medicine
Greekmedicine.net states, “ The holistic healing philosophy of Greek medicine states that “Man is essentially a product of nature, or the natural environment, “Health is living in harmony with nature, and disease results when this harmony and balance are upset. Healing is restoring this lost harmony and integration.”
Hippocrates, in his writings, warns against the dangers of letting theory jump too farahead of clinical practice and what actually produces results. Stressing the necessity oftradition and a practical approach, he said:
"Foolish the doctor who despises knowledge acquired by the ancients." This means natural medicine is full proof and it is very proven to work as well as be expected.
- Hippocrates
Types of Herbal Medicine in the Western Culture is derived from the Animal Kingdom. Some examples include:
- Nature type Herbs such as-pepper,cinnamon,mint and Marjoram
- Gentle Safe Herbs such as- Chamomile, Tangerine peel, Parsley and Peppermint
- Herbs that do not mimic drugs include: marijuana or cannabis
- Hepatoproactive - These are for closing the liver
- Immunomodulatory- These are to boost the immune system
- Digestive enzymes - Fennel, Peppermint and Dill
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aleeza-kane · 3 years
NEXT.... We will discuss Herbal medicine,
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aleeza-kane · 3 years
Now onto the Ancient World
I will start by tracing the history of paralysis conditions in Hippocrates time. Hippocrates as stated by Britannica.com, “He was born in 460 BCE on an Island of Greece; ancient Greek physician who lived during Greece’s classical period and is traditionally regarded as the father of medicine.”
Ultimately, this scholar was very respected and was even perceived to have written the ‘Hippocratic Oath’ which is a code of ethics many medical student’s and healthcare professionals have to adhere too.
In terms of the article, on Sacred Disease , from Hippocrates perspective, to how it connects to natural treatments.
“ All these they enjoin with reference to its divinity, as if possessed of more knowledge, and announcing beforehand other causes so that if the person should recover, theirs would be the honor and credit; and if he should die, they would have a certain defense, as if the gods, and not they, were to blame, seeing they had administered nothing either to eat or drink as medicines, nor had overheated him with baths, so as to prove the cause of what had happened. But I am of opinion that (if this were true) none of the Libyans, who live in the interior, would be free from this disease, since they all sleep on goats' skins, and live upon goats' flesh; neither have they couch, robe, nor shoe that is not made of goat's skin, for they have no other herds but goats and oxen. But if these things, when administered in food, aggravate the disease, and if it be cured by abstinence from them, godhead is not the cause at all; nor will purifications be of any avail, but it is the food which is beneficial and prejudicial, and the influence of the divinity vanishes.”
This particular quote, conveys that this form of natural treatment using goat skin, sleeping on the ground or eating infectious food like owls in not very natural. Something from this article that is proven to work is
“The disease called the Sacred arises from causes as the others, namely, those things which enter and quit the body, such as cold, the sun, and the winds, which are ever changing and are never at rest. And these things are divine, so that there is no necessity for making a distinction, and holding this disease to be more divine than the others, but all are divine, and all human. And each has its own peculiar nature and power, and none is of an ambiguous nature, or irremediable.”
The brain is deemed to be the cause of all this pain and is ‘the primary sense of spirits’ which is why it is the most organ in the body because it can asses the most lethal illnesses. Hippocrates work facilitated with the study of Western medicine and urged people to believe disease was caused physically not spiritually (like from God).
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aleeza-kane · 3 years
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Cerebral derived from the Greek origin palsy which means weakness or paralysis. In reference to dictionary.com “A form of paralysis believed to be caused by a prenatal brain defect such as prematurity, brain injury, most marked in certain areas and characterized by difficulty in control of voluntary muscles.”
Mild: this is where a child won’t need any assistive devices to walk like braces, walker or wheelchair. People can move around independently with inserts or braces. However, there may be some tightness, coordination issues or stiffness.
Moderate: This is where a child may need a walker, medicine or technology.
Severe: in this case, a child will need a wheelchair, and will face significant challenges in their life.
A few types!
^Quadriplegia: “Both arms and legs are affected. The muscles of the trunk, face and mouth are often also affected.”
^Diplegia: “Both legs are affected. The arms may be affected to a lesser extent.”
^Hemiplegia: (The kind I have) “One side of the body (one arm and one leg) is affected.”
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aleeza-kane · 3 years
About Me!
Have you ever wondered what the grand entrance of a new life being born into the world is like? Babies are supposed to stay in the womb for nine months but I was in there for six months, therefore I was three months premature. I weighed 1lb13oz and I couldn’t be more thankful for the journey, including all the different facets of life from an infant , through adolescence and young adulthood. Natural medicine such as hydro therapy and physical therapy are the best way to combat stiffness and tightness because it is long lasting and the least invasive as shown in the possible Hippocrates’ work On The Sacred Disease and in ancient greek herbal medicine.
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aleeza-kane · 3 years
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Welcome to my presentation of a history of paralysis conditions starting with the ancient Greek world..

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