Introducing the Sea Smoke P90 set + Humid Tropics and Indian Summer soundclips added
Due to popular demand and overwhelmingly positive feedback to this custom set, the Sea Smoke P90 set now joins the official Alegree pickup catalogue.
The Sea Smoke P90 set is a P90 set modelled on vintage P90s, with a smooth, singing treble response, expansive mid range and a spongy bass end. These P90s just ooze character.
In other news - soundclips have been added to the Humid Tropics and Indian Summer humbucker pages. If you're interested in a PAF style humbucker set or a contemporary low output humbucker set, these are worth checking out!
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Introducing the Amazonian Wildfire humbucker set
This new humbucker set is designed to replicate the roaring, precise tones that popular active pickups deliver. After a lot of trial and error, this set is as close as passive pickups get to actives.
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Introducing: The Murky Horizon P90 set and Desert Dew Humbucker sized p90 neck
The newest additions to the Alegree pickup catalogue have now been published with their own information pages on the respective pages. They will arrive in the shop within the next week.
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Shop open again
Shop is open again
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‘Thunderclap’ active humbucker set prototyping now finalised!
Prototyping on the first Alegree active humbuckers has now reached it’s end. I’m very happy with how these have turned out. I hope an active pickup set this revolutionary and detracted from everything that has come before will create ripples in the active pickup market.
There are still a few technicalities that need to be sorted out before these hit the store - but I’m hoping to have them there within the next month or two.
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In the workshop: High output active humbucker set
Keep your eyes peeled, soon to hit the store is my take on the typical high output active humbucker set. Thinking ‘Boring, just another sterile, compressed high gain metal one trick pony set’? Think again! With an entirely new approach to actives this will be the least active active pickup set you’ll ever find from a visual, mechanical and tone perspective. Ever wanted to tweak the EQ of your actives? you’ll need EQ on your amp, or you’re stuck. With my new actives there’s no black box impeding access to the pickup, you can tinker away to your hearts content! And don’t just stop at the pole pieces! how about magnet swappable actives?
How about the sound? Normal actives have a preamp that squeezes the frequency response into a small range. This, in addition to the preamp clipping, gives us the iconic active compression and sterility. I’ve completely redesigned the preamp so that they feel significantly more passive, to the extent that they feel like vintage PAF’s in their touch responsivity, but have a huge amount of gain on tap. With the wholly new approach to actives, I decided to depart from the norm of neck pickups. With active pickups dominating a genre that hardly even touches their neck pickups, I thought this is a great chance to create a pickup for the neck position that tonally falls between a typical neck and bridge humbucker. I’ve created a bright, aggressive neck that has the fluidity and attack of a bridge, but still retains the creamy, fat leads that we all know and love of a neck pickup. I think this is the compromise we’ve been waiting for, and may see it being used more often.
 It all becomes a reality soon, prototyping stages are reaching their end.
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