alejadoao3 · 2 years
"Okay, okay, geez," the exiled Warlock said. "Don't hafta get all hostile on me."
"Then stop being such a wimp and point me in the right direction," Azra said pointedly. "I'm on a schedule, here."
"Once upon a time, you was shy," Rosencranz lamented. "Whatever happened to that little nervous scout?" His dry words had an unsettled undercurrent to them.
Azra glared at him again. "I am angry," she hissed. "Do you know how much it takes to make me angry?"
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alejadoao3 · 2 years
"I am claiming dibs. As is my right," Azra said. She unclasped her own cloak and let it slide off of her shoulders. She fastened Cayde's on instead. She could take up this cause. Nobody else needed to get involved. Their other objectives in the system didn't need to be abandoned for this vengeance.
"Azra… you lost," Zavala intoned.
"Not yet," she swore.
"The Vanguard Dare, Azra," Ikora said.
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alejadoao3 · 2 years
Petra waited for Cayde's Ghost to appear, for him to stir back into consciousness, but the seconds stretched on and her hope choked in her chest. That explosion of Light earlier…
Azra turned her head and looked up at Petra, eyes hidden behind her helmet. Petra could sense the shock and grief rolling off of her in waves. "I got all of the pieces of his Ghost," the Hunter said in a broken whisper. "We should go."
"No," Petra whispered in disbelief.
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alejadoao3 · 2 years
"Come on, Cayde," Azra begged. "It'll look suspicious if I overstay my takeoff clearance. I think Zavala's wising up that I'm the one that keeps helping you sneak out."
Finally, finally, Cayde strolled his way to the open side of the hangar where the ready ships waited to lift off. He rubbernecked like a Kinderguardian, gawping up at the sleek vessels.
"You have sixty seconds before we're leaving without you," Azra warned.
"Relaaaaax," came Cayde's drawled reply.
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alejadoao3 · 2 years
“Y’know, I’m starting to think that you’re just bad luck, Jax.” It should have been a routine mission- quell a prison riot, re-arm the security system. Almost too easy. But the situation isn't what it appears to be, and things go wrong in ways nobody could have expected. Almost nobody. A continuation of You've Got Time. You all know what happens in Forsaken. Be warned.
I think the fic is too new to correctly show up on the preview.  We’ll check back in on that later.  
Beware that major character death as warned- though things might end up in very different places than you'd expect. We've a long road ahead of us. Now let's go to prison! :D
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alejadoao3 · 2 years
Everyone’s friends again, yay!  I’m sure nothing bad will ever happen again :)
Coincidentally, we’re diving right into Forsaken- post on that to follow.
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alejadoao3 · 2 years
Ghosts ship their Guardians and nothing can unconvince me of that fact.  
A datefic featuring gleeful vandalism, two flavors of emotional baggage, and a Refusal to Stop Hugging™.
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alejadoao3 · 2 years
which fic is the the hunter/warlock datefic?
It's actually in final edits right now and should be out in the next few days!
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alejadoao3 · 2 years
are you okay with people drawing inspiration from your stories? theres a lot of ideas/moments in your stories that really interest me and give me ideas/inspiration for something similar to it but i dont wanna like. steal your ideas or something 😭
Honestly, nothing would flatter me more!
We all take inspiration from something, somewhere, sometime. There is really no such thing as an original idea. The hope is that old ideas, through retelling and reframing, can become interesting again in new ways.
So, go knock yourself out!
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alejadoao3 · 2 years
It’s time for The Talk.
The Corridors of Time were beautiful, I wish we’d had more time to spend in them in-game (they say, having spent a literal week straight running around in them for the community challenge).
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alejadoao3 · 2 years
This is a long one, but I really couldn’t find a good place to split it up, so here it is!
You ever get stuck in a loop with a chatbot (or a toddler)?  It’s annoying for you, but do you think the chatbot realizes what’s happening?  Or does it never have any context for what you’re saying to it?
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alejadoao3 · 2 years
Did anyone else find that Panoptes fight like, ridiculously easy in-game?
In this episode of What We Might Create: Osiris goes fishing, Azra runs around like a chicken with its head cut off, and something breaks.
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alejadoao3 · 2 years
It’s been too long.  Azra is here to kick butt and chew bubblegum, and all of the bubblegum is just a complex physics simulation run by an evil robot hivemind.
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alejadoao3 · 2 years
On this episode of the Giant Reference Document of Doom: Who are these people?  What’s up with those City Factions?  And can you believe I’ve technically never mentioned Amanda Holliday in all of my writing?
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alejadoao3 · 3 years
Blog Update?  IDK?
So, after some deliberation, with the intention to:
1) Actually reblog stuff I like and interact with people,
2) Not bother people who just want updates on my writing,
3) Not have to start another Tumblr account,
I have started a sideblog, which can be found here! The plan is to post any fic updates or writing projects there, but reblog them here as well.  So if you find yourself not wanting to see all the extra stuff, you can follow that blog and ignore this one, but if you stay here you won’t miss out on anything.
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