alejandro-cortez-blog · 12 years
Texting Alejandro
Kallyn: Aw, thanks! It's alright though. I'd feel bad for taking yours!
Alejandro: Don't! I mean, I don't really have use for them anyways, they're just gathering dust. Please, take some. *grins*
Kallyn: *smiles* You just want me to come over, don't you?
Alejandro: Always. Though you need books, and I have them, so...
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alejandro-cortez-blog · 12 years
Texting Alejandro
Kallyn: Aw, thanks! It's alright though. I'd feel bad for taking yours!
Alejandro: Don't! I mean, I don't really have use for them anyways, they're just gathering dust. Please, take some. *grins*
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alejandro-cortez-blog · 12 years
Texting Alejandro
Kallyn: Hey, what happened? I haven't seen or heard from you in a while, is everything alright?
Alejandro: I am so sorry, mia familia took a surprise trip to Mexico, and there was no reception there!
Kallyn: Oh, that's cool! It's alright. Did you have a good time?
Alejandro: I suppose. I mean, I wish I could have stayed here, especially after everything with you, and not having internet for whenever I wanted it was kind of terrible, but it was okay. I mean, I didn't have to help farm, so... How have you been?
Kallyn: Alright I guess... I got a job, at Duke's. I work the last late shift, but it pays the bills. Nothing really exciting. I've started replacing my books.
Alejandro: Well, I don't have a lot that you'd like, probably, but if you wanna come over and look, you can have some of mine. :)
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alejandro-cortez-blog · 12 years
Texting Alejandro
Kallyn: Hey, what happened? I haven't seen or heard from you in a while, is everything alright?
Alejandro: I am so sorry, mia familia took a surprise trip to Mexico, and there was no reception there!
Kallyn: Oh, that's cool! It's alright. Did you have a good time?
Alejandro: I suppose. I mean, I wish I could have stayed here, especially after everything with you, and not having internet for whenever I wanted it was kind of terrible, but it was okay. I mean, I didn't have to help farm, so... How have you been?
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alejandro-cortez-blog · 12 years
Texting Alejandro
Kallyn: Hey, what happened? I haven't seen or heard from you in a while, is everything alright?
Alejandro: I am so sorry, mia familia took a surprise trip to Mexico, and there was no reception there!
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alejandro-cortez-blog · 12 years
"Just try on everything!" Alejandro called from the waiting room. 
"And bring it out so I can see!" 
 She peered at the pile of clothes. “I suppose. What do you suggest?” She said smiling.
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alejandro-cortez-blog · 12 years
"Let's just try it all on and see what you like best," Alejandro replied, shrugging and smiling. 
"To the dressing rooms?" 
 She peered at the pile of clothes. "I suppose. What do you suggest?" She said smiling.
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alejandro-cortez-blog · 12 years
"Not quite that," Alejandro replied, blushing faintly. 
"Now, I have some clothes here, and I saw a few more things walking over that I couldn't fit in my arms. Shall we start?" 
Kallyn looked at rack after rack of clothes. They all looked the same to her by this point. She had been there two hours and all she had was one sweater.
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alejandro-cortez-blog · 12 years
"Boyfriend Alejandro here to help you, my lady!" Alejandro sing-songed, already having clothes for Kallyn on his arm. 
"Hello!" he continued, leaning down and kissing her gently. 
Kallyn looked at rack after rack of clothes. They all looked the same to her by this point. She had been there two hours and all she had was one sweater.
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alejandro-cortez-blog · 12 years
Texting Alejandro
Kallyn: Hey, where are you?
Alejandro: My house, why? Is everything okay? Do you need me with you?
Kallyn: I'm fine, I have to go clothes shopping and need a second opinion......
Alejandro: Where are you? I'll be there ASAP. :)
Kallyn: You're awesome :) The JC Penney down on 42nd
Alejandro: Okay, I can be there in about 15 minutes. See you then!
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alejandro-cortez-blog · 12 years
Texting Alejandro
Kallyn: Hey, where are you?
Alejandro: My house, why? Is everything okay? Do you need me with you?
Kallyn: I'm fine, I have to go clothes shopping and need a second opinion......
Alejandro: Where are you? I'll be there ASAP. :)
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alejandro-cortez-blog · 12 years
Texting Alejandro
Kallyn: Hey, where are you?
Alejandro: My house, why? Is everything okay? Do you need me with you?
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alejandro-cortez-blog · 12 years
"You did the right thing though, by threatening to tell your parents," Alejandro soothed, pulling Kallyn closer and kissing the top of her head. 
"He's just messed up. I think you need to tell your parents now, you know?" 
"It is, I threatened him, he was hurting Crutchie, and so I told him that I had evidence of him being an alcoholic that I wouldn't mind showing my parents. He has a messed up ideas of revenge." 
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alejandro-cortez-blog · 12 years
"No," Alejandro replied, shaking his head. 
"It is not your fault. He's messed up, yeah? Definitely not your fault." 
She looked up, and wiped her eyes. 
“I’m locked out of my own house, and whoever did it, sold all my stuff. Other than that, I’m great.” She said, all of it sinking in.
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alejandro-cortez-blog · 12 years
"Are you sure it's not in the backyard or something?" Alejandro asked, sitting next to her and pulling her close to him. 
"You know, you can call the cops. You're underage, this is abuse." 
She looked up, and wiped her eyes. 
"I'm locked out of my own house, and whoever did it, sold all my stuff. Other than that, I'm great." She said, all of it sinking in.
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alejandro-cortez-blog · 12 years
"Um..." Alejandro murmured, walking up to where Kallyn was. He had wanted to surprise her with flowers, after having felt so bad for disappearing on her. 
"Are you okay?" 
Kallyn walked home from the library, new book in hand and walked up the stairs to her cramped tree house. She fished around in her bag for keys and when she found it, looked up to see her front door padlocked shut. A note was taped to the door:
Not so mighty now, are we, Book girl? 
She crumples it up, and threw it off the edge of the porch. She looked inside the windows frantically, all her books and furniture was gone. She sat down, and cried a little, not knowing what else to do.
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alejandro-cortez-blog · 12 years
Calling Kallyn—
Kallyn: He's new. Anything new going on with you?
Alejandro: Not really, hoping I won't be grounded forever. Tempted to try out for track. Nothing exciting, haha.
Kallyn: What did you do to get grounded for practically forever?
Alejandro: Didn't get a good grade on my PSATS.
Kallyn: That sucks! I'm sorry! Let me know if you ever need help studying!
Alejandro: I'll just call you, regardless. I mean, you're my girlfriend, I always want to call you, you know?
Kallyn: *blushes* You're so sweet!
Alejandro: I'm not, really. Just wanting to be the best boyfriend I can be, you know?
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