alejandrocthulu · 5 years
Final QW
Independence. It’s the one thing that causes that transition from Child to Adult. Once you gain this separation from your parents, where you’re capable of living on your own. You officially become an adult.
As a child, you rely predominantly on your parents for practically everything. As one slowly gains more and more freedoms, like having your own car or caring for your own family. You are an adult.
To clarify, a person who is able to drive, it doesn’t mean they’re automatically an adult.
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alejandrocthulu · 5 years
Coming up simply one thing to never give it up is a difficult task. If I truly had to narrow down my picks it would have be my family and my principles. Why do I pick 2 even though I was asked for only 1? Well that’s simply, both have shaped me into what I am today. And it would be impossible to separate them from myself.
My family I will never give up because of their unconditional love and insane amount of support. I couldn’t ask for a more supportive family. They raised me up in my darkest days and ARENT afraid to hit me with a truth bomb, no matter how much it would effect me. And I appreciate that.
My principles are
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alejandrocthulu · 5 years
Absolutely. Regrets do exist, they are the things that help us to make better choices in life. If we know that we’ll have regrets about an action it will help decide an alternative to the options presented.
In the case where there will be regrets for both choices we decide which one has the regret can live with looking back on our decision.
A major regret many people have in life is not living it. Not living life to its utmost potential. It’s a wisdom tool, there are ways to use the tool of regrets.
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alejandrocthulu · 5 years
My Bride is a Mermaid
I enjoy this show because growing up, I was never really into romance anime. But having watched every single anime on Netflix at the time. I saw one that caught my eye. It was a show about a mermaid named Sun marrying a guy from the land named Nagasumi Michishio. It was amazing because it wasn’t super duper glitter and sparkle, relying more on comedy. I related with the main character because I was also a very unaware person. I just liked the characters, and hope it comes back. Even though it ended with a Mermaid Tower being destroyed by Sun, it was wild.
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alejandrocthulu · 5 years
I believe that the FDA should regulate taste enhancers. Seeing as it would allow for companies to only care about the taste of their food, and not care about the nutritional value of the food. It’s a trade off, if you want a better meal, some health costs need to be cut.
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alejandrocthulu · 5 years
Being present in class is vital to the overall success of a student. It always many of those who prefer an in person teaching style to a at home style.
I personally feel as if I do better in class because at home I have many distractions that can prevent from being work at times.
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alejandrocthulu · 5 years
Women getting abortions has always been a hot button issue. In many states, a pill to have this process exists, and with may come consequences.
The pills are still fairly new, they are legal to possess just illegal to consume. Which is in all fairness a potential, what I have come to dub as , optional law. It is a law that dispite being illegal people still do, in the same vain of owning marijuana or speeding. However just like these optional laws, there will be consequences if caught with them.
They could be found depending on the reaction to the body. Seeing as everyone’s body reacts differently.
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alejandrocthulu · 5 years
I personally believe that, everyone should take responsibility in taking care of the oceans. A majority of the garbage in the oceans is caused by China and Indonesia, which is around the area of the Pacific Garbage patch.
The wealthy countries that are capable of cleaning the ocean areas, only make up a small part of the world. If everyone learned to reduce the use of plastic and it’s disposal into the ocean, the ocean would be a much cleaner place.
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alejandrocthulu · 5 years
Involving the area of Hong Kong and it riots. It is usually the west that is seen to bethe “Hammer of Democracy”. But do to many issues surround the riots in Hong Kong, I personally believe there shouldn’t be any involvement. Based off of past experiences, no matter what the west will do, there will always be a negative affect to the actions taken.
If the US were to pick sides in the conflict, the relationship with China would be even worse.
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alejandrocthulu · 5 years
In the pursuit of our own happiness and the longevity of planet, an important question is “What is better, our happiness from money, or the quality of our own?”
When it comes to money and subsequently financial prosperity with a nation, there is a clear pattern that is shown. In the pursuit of money, nations with higher levels of financial power greatly disrupt the quality of life on the planet.
A goal should be to go to the nations that are worse affected, and find solutions as quickly as possible. Once the big ones are taken care of, taking care of the smaller nations would be a lot easier.
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alejandrocthulu · 5 years
In the aspect of distracted drivers and car crashes. I have just been a witness to many distracted drivers and this has caused me to get super paranoid whenever someone reaches for their phone while driving. No matter how many times I tell them it’s a bad idea I’m told “Oh when you master how to drive, you’ll do it too”. The idea of that one day I may become a statistic in one of the fatal accidents over a text, is terrifying. The closest I have ever to pphysically in a car crash is when I was at a planet shop, when a motorcyclist was struck by a distracted driver and was killed. GRAPHIC Below
I saw it almost like slow motion. The driver reached down and pulled out their phone, drove forward and the motorist sped to over to over take them. They crashed and the motorcycle was starting to catch fire. I saw and heard his body slam against the fence. He was killed upon impact of the metal gate. So that impact, really affected my life and my outlook on phone while driving.
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alejandrocthulu · 5 years
I believe that VSCO will be just an editing platform many of those who believe it to be their favorite. The platforms such as vine, and TikTok are platforms with a much larger interactive features, such as videos that can interacted with by fans. This makes VSCO just an app that can be used to edit pictures and videos.
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alejandrocthulu · 5 years
I personally believe in the philosophy that “The only thing that can stop a bad person with a gun, is a good person with a gun”. There should be proper training on the use of fire arms, and fire arm etiquette. No one should be able to carry a Military grade Weapon around in a Walmart. But it can make others uncomfortable seeing one.
Personally, the proposition of finding a “perfect” solution to gun violence is impossible. There are countless debates and both sides have a clear evidence backing. But I do disagree with the idea of getting rid of all guns.
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alejandrocthulu · 5 years
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I know it may be difficult to see what I changed about these images of my spaces but in short here it is. I added in a drawing of myself showing how I see this area as my own little world. Similar in a sense to Chalk World if anyone is familiar with the show. I drew myself doing some of the activities I do.
In the image of my computer, I changed the background to space with the Earth inside. This is show how basically my computer is my entire world. It has everything on it. Paid extra for that. As well as adding me completing homework. It may be hard to see, but for my camera on my computer, I added a little face. Don’t know why, just seemed fitting.
In the images of my couch, I drew myself reading a book, and relaxing on my couch. This area is significant to me as it was one of the first items I purchased from my first job. I also drew some music notes to highlight how I listen to music while I am in my room. Similar to how my Bose Speaker is in my computer images. I also included some art (Shocker) in the background to how I also do art in my work area. Having a balance of Fun and Work.
Hope you liked my post.
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alejandrocthulu · 5 years
In the case of the scandal involving celebrities and wealthy parents bribing academic faculty, it relates to the mentality of parent always wanting the best for thier child no matter the cost. It makes sense for the parents to use what they have at their disposal to get their children into very prestigious schools. It allows the children to not be seen as being provided everything by their parents. But this backfires, and reinforces the stereotype.
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alejandrocthulu · 5 years
Asthma is an ever growing issue facing those especially in more rural areas. In certain cases there are factors in the environment that may bring on or worsen the effects asthma. These factors being mold or vermin that are in these areas. A potential solution to a problem facing the environment would be prioritizing the advocacy of cleaner air practices as well as the inherent dangers of mold and vermin. If the people are made more aware of these affects these factors on them, it would give more of a push to make the area cleaner.
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alejandrocthulu · 5 years
My experience with technology is very much a love hate relationship. My main struggles with computers is remembering passwords ,and the struggle my technology has with the internet. I let my computer remember the passwords seeing as I had a bunch of stuff to remember already, so asking my computer for the password and it doesn’t know it. I scroll to that Forgot Password piece as soon as I even see a Red Text any where near the log in.
My other issue with technology is it’s connection to the internet. During my weekend , August 24-25, my internet decided that it wasn’t going to let me do any school work on my main computer or my phone. But for some reason, I was still able to get notifications from online that my bill was due. But *clears throat* how am I supposed to pay it, IF I HAVE NO INTERNET??? But at least I can still watch funny videos online.
Oh and do my homework Ofcourse
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