alex-milligan-blog · 11 years
A dumbass.
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You'll only get in trouble if you get caught.
Define same.
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alex-milligan-blog · 11 years
You know what they say, the older you are the wiser. 
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You'll only get in trouble if you get caught.
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alex-milligan-blog · 11 years
A sorry idiot. 
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You'll only get in trouble if you get caught.
You are an idiot, that’s what you really are.
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alex-milligan-blog · 11 years
You're the same as ever, aren't you? 
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You'll only get in trouble if you get caught.
Aww, but it’s just so fitting. 
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alex-milligan-blog · 11 years
Please don't break my face. It's too gorgeous. I'm back because they've figured out what I am really.
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You'll only get in trouble if you get caught.
The still me wants to break your face but also wants to know the reason you are back.
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alex-milligan-blog · 11 years
Stop calling me that.
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You'll only get in trouble if you get caught.
All existence, Buttercup. Don’t get it twisted.
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alex-milligan-blog · 11 years
Well I'm 32, it's not that much of a stretch.
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You'll only get in trouble if you get caught.
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alex-milligan-blog · 11 years
Well, well, well. If it isn't the bane of my existence. 
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You'll only get in trouble if you get caught.
No shit… Do my eyes deceive me? Or has Buttercup returned to grace our humble community with his presence?
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alex-milligan-blog · 11 years
Still you. 
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You'll only get in trouble if you get caught.
If I punch you in the throat you will see who will get in trouble.
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alex-milligan-blog · 11 years
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Curse me and I'll curse at you.
You'll only get in trouble if you get caught.
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alex-milligan-blog · 11 years
Olive. Olive, Olive, Olive.
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You'll only get in trouble if you get caught.
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alex-milligan-blog · 11 years
You're as nice as ever, Olive.
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You'll only get in trouble if you get caught.
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alex-milligan-blog · 11 years
What can you really expect from me?
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You'll only get in trouble if you get caught.
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alex-milligan-blog · 11 years
You'll only get in trouble if you get caught.
I don't plan on either.
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alex-milligan-blog · 11 years
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alex-milligan-blog · 11 years
Smoke and Mirrors || Self Para
Someone in the building had tipped off the police. He overheard from one of the nurses that the feds were going to drop by to investigate a man wanted for falsifying documents. That meant they knew where he was and considering the penalties for faking a degree, administrating medication without proper qualifications, and the fact he was doing this for years just to bring in the payload, he was going to wind up behind bars for a while. So immediately after hearing the news, Alex made a beeline to his room.
He grabbed a small bookbag and threw in his wallet and passport. He snapped his ID in two and grabbed his phone, tossing both out the window. He could always get new ones.He made a mental note to take out whatever money he had in his bank account and transfer it into a new one.  Alex Milligan was dead and gone now. Throwing his wallet into the bag along with his glasses, he moved to his office. There, he grabbed a few documents he couldn't have the police seeing to shred elsewhere. He glanced around the room, looking for anything else he would want to take with him. A faint smile crossed his face as his eyes moved over to the wall where he covered fist-shaped holes with framed pictures. There was the painting of a cat Olivia made for him over a year ago. He took it down. Then he went over to the set of pictures on his shelf. There were a few of him and Madison. He took those. There was one of the entire staff that was shot not too long ago. Gwen was grinning, standing between James and a scowling Holt who had Reid's arm wrapped around his waist. Lily was beaming next to an almost bored looking Christian. Barrett had his brother in a headlock, both grinning. He shoved the photo into his bag along with a similar one of the patients. Most were scowling, with the exception of Abigail. He was going to miss them and even if he wouldn't admit it out loud, he'd even miss Aiden.
Travel light, that was the only way to go. Turning on his heel, he exited his office and locked it, as though he was ducking out for a coffee run. Throwing his bag over his head, he let it the strap rest comfortably on his shoulder and started walking with haste towards the front door. If everything worked out, he would be across the country in a matter of weeks with a new position waiting for him. That was his life. Taking the short cut to get a little more cash. How short was it actually though? He had to get a new ID and run whenever someone started doubting him. In reality, it wasn't all that short.
He turned the corner and what he saw sent him reeling. Madison. He was going to miss her dreadfully. Even though they had broken up months ago, he still cared for her. He contemplated going up to her, not necessarily telling her everything, but just talking to her one last time. He swallowed the lump in his throat and walked straight ahead, passing the hallway where she stood talking to Stella. She didn't see him. Good. His legs felt like jelly as he walked, tossing smiles to those that passed by and he hoped they didn't notice how conflicted he looked. This didn't usually happen. He never got this nervous before ditching a place and that probably was because he never grew so attached to a place before. The people, the patients...
He stopped as a flood of memories filled his head. 'Dr. Sexy', his first kiss with Madison in the gardens after finding her diary, making out with Aiden, Gwen's practical jokes, Jer Jer, his sessions with Abigail, hotwiring Holt's car, freaking out about the camping trip he managed to avoid, his maniacal Instagramming phase after the breakup... Oh God. He was going to miss it, but even if he wanted to he couldn't stay. A tear slid down his cheek and he immediately brushed it away, irritated with himself. He had to go. He started walking again when he heard voices. 
"We just need to have a word with Dr. Milligan... Yes, ma'am... And his office is this way? Thank you."
For the first time, Alex tensed up. What was wrong with him? He grimaced; he knew what was wrong. Rolling his shoulders to ease the tension, he felt the weight of the cat painting and photographs. His heart hurt. Act natural. He walked casually down the hall, smiling politely at the three men who turned down the hall. As they passed by without a word, he let out a barely audible sigh of relief, but when he turned the corner, a nurse spotted him. 
"Dr. Milligan!"
Shit. He heard the footsteps behind stop then start again quickly towards him. He took off. Cheating the system for twelve years was bound to get him time behind bars. He didn't have time. He shouldered his way through people and through the infirmary. He was a few halls away from the exit when he started slowing down. Or did he? He was constantly running and what if he got attached to his next placement? And the one after that? He would have to leave each of them and eventually get used to the pain and wind up not caring anymore. That would be a thousand times worse than any punishment. The footsteps drew closer and he stopped. It was over. Raising his hands in surrender, he dropped his bag to the ground and let the feds catch up. At least it ended with his stay at the Home for Helpless.
Soon, he felt the cold metal cuffs against his wrists. As he walked to the exit with the feds, averting his eyes shamefully from his colleagues and patients, he couldn't help but laugh quietly as someone started searching his bag.
They were in for one hell of a surprise.
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alex-milligan-blog · 11 years
Thanks. What's going on, Beverly? 
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Today feels like a good day.
Good for you. 
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