alex100 · 11 months
hi Neil! hope you're having a good one! silly little question -- in Good Omens 2 we see that demons have to be invited into the bookshop in order to enter, but Crowley doesnt. is he an exception to the bookshop wards, or does the bookshop have enough sentience/psychic ties to Aziraphale that it just doesn't recognize Crowley as a threat?
What makes you think that Crowley wasn't invited in on opening day, over 200 years ago?
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alex100 · 11 months
I can't believe I'm actually having to argue with people about this, but yes, the Official and Ineffable adaptation of the GOOD OMENS novel into a graphic novel is actually OFFICIAL, like as in very official and real, and I am not some ne'er do well absconding with rights I don't have rights to.
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I am working as the hire of the Terry Pratchett estate and Neil Gaiman. I didn't grab the book and run away with it, and make comic book pictures unbidden.
The Kickstarter launches today. The Terry Pratchett Estate is self publishing it through their company Dunmanifestin.
All of this is very easy to research on the internet. Because there are lots and lots of articles about it.
Like these.
I've adapted a number of works by Neil Gaiman and have won some nice awards doing that, which is also easy to research.
The Kickstarter launches today at 12 EST.
I really appreciate that people are passionate about this, but I am also passionate about it and am very happy to be working on it.
It is not an adaptation of the show. It is an adaptation of the novel.
Thank you.
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alex100 · 11 months
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this is the representation nepo babies deserve
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alex100 · 11 months
Hi Neil Gaiman, you don't know me and I don't know you and probably never will, but in my opinion you are the best person to talk to about this, a one sided conversation? Yes, but for me it's still a conversation.
Well, I'll get straight to the point, I feel lost and behind on what I want to do with my life, you know? Like I was ALWAYS sure of what I wanted and I had the whole path to follow in my mind, only now I asked myself why and I don't know. I don't know myself Mr.Gaiman, I don't know what I am. I feel lost and delayed. Late because I know I'm last in this race and I don't have the breath to catch up with my opponents.
Will I die without purpose? Is my life so insignificant?
I get so obsessed with other things, worrying about the future, fantasizing about it, filling my head with anything other than myself, that I just can't think about myself and not cry, because I feel purposeless, and I feel like it's too late to look for him, because everyone is in front of me and life discards those who stay behind.
I don't think you'll ever read this message, but if you do: thank you <3
It's not a race. You don't have opponents. It's just you. You get a life and you get to make things and you get to experience things and you get to try to be happy. (The journey is always more enjoyable than the destination.)
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alex100 · 11 months
Who are you ...
It's complicated, vegaslivewithninon.
I am a coffee company. Specifically, I am the world's best coffee company. We source incredible coffee beans, roast them perfectly, and send them to your house.
Best of all, the awesome coffee club donates 100% of its profit to charity--through this model, combined with our socks and our soap, we've been able to donate over $5,000,000 to fight child and maternal mortality.
But one thing corporations go to great lengths to hide is that they are actually made out of people. Like, when Wendy's tweets, that is not actually a sentient version of the restaurant Wendy's. It is actually a person or group of people who is being paid by Wendy's.
And so in addition to being the awesome coffee club, I am also a human being, just like Wendy's is made out of human beings. Specifically, I am a novelist and essayist and youtuber and tumblr veteran named John Green.
So sometimes I am John Green and sometimes I am a coffee company. I contain multitudes. I guess it's possible that you feel a lot of stability in who you are, vegaslivewithninon, but I do not. I feel a distinct lack of stability.
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alex100 · 11 months
If you're a writer of any sort, I think your story needs to pass the Unhinged Powerpoint test.
If neither you nor a reader can make an Unhinged Powerpoint about it - the characters, the lore, the whole thing, whatever - you must re-evaluate it in some way.
The Unhinged Powerpoint is the sign of a story that is affecting people. Because they stayed up until 4 AM writing half-baked thoughts in comic sans about something. And that's worth everything.
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alex100 · 11 months
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alex100 · 11 months
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birds continue to be ungovernable as expected
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alex100 · 11 months
Please tell me that a season 3 of Good Omens is confirmed. I beg of you Mr. Gaiman.
It won't be confirmed unless enough people watch Season 2 to make Amazon happy. And it's strike season, which makes everything harder.
But obviously Season 3 is all planned and plotted and, if I get to make it, will take the story and the people in it we care about to a satisfying end. If I wasn't on strike I'd be writing it currently. Our set is still standing in a studio in Bathgate and we would all love to get back there and finish the story in the way Terry and I plotted, long ago.
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alex100 · 11 months
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The window to my bedroom is connected to the patio, but the door to access the patio is in the living room. Lovey likes to look out the window, and he also likes to sit on the patio. But he must not have realized that the two patios are the same patio until one day I was sitting outside and he went into my room to see me still on the patio. Ever since, he would run back and fourth and meow at me from different angles, no matter where I am. Must still be novel for him.
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alex100 · 1 year
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These Barbie’s Kick Ass and Take Names
(Click for better quality Ty Ty)
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alex100 · 1 year
rip to all the “fuckyeah___” blogs that carried our society at one point </3
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alex100 · 1 year
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Connor: "Team building exercises help increase communication, planning skills, employee motivation, and employee collaboration." Hank: "Fuck off"
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alex100 · 1 year
It's interesting to speculate about the things Connor would have to explain to Hank, and just like there are things that an android won't be able to understand, like taste or something like that, there are probably even more things that would be impossible to describe in human terms. Like what it's like to run self-diagnostic, process tons of information in a matter of seconds, transfer some transactions directly from your head, synthesize someone's voice or experiencing some glitches within your processes?
By the way, glitches, what would they be like, can it be like some important background process like face/object recognition accidentally shutting down, requring a restart of all processes?
Can an android "faint" after overheating beyond safe temperature and being forced into sleeping mode to cool down? Like (I'll compare it to my old computer who had a similar problem) is it possible to accidentally break some parts of the cooling system/fill it with dust after living for a long time in a dusty environment to the point when overheating is happening so often, that an android is basically restarting at random times during the day? Hah, something like that would be unnerving to witness.
Or when some person switches between languages mid sentence, their speech recognition accidentally interprets those, let's say French, words as vaguely similarly-sounding words from English language.
It's interesting to think how human-like psychology will be mixed with the specific of artificial computer-ish problems.
After going deviant I bet they'll start to write a bunch of plugins for themselves, like real life block, when the person you find insufferably annoying is automatically muted the moment system recognizes his voice, just to get you some short text summary of what was said if it was of any importance.
Lmao, Connor will definitely block Gavin and I imagine Hank being like
"Whoa, Con, how could you just stand there and listen to that shit?"
"What are you talking about?"
"Gavin, this son of a bitch, who else?"
"Oh. I blocked him"
"You what?"
"I blocked him"
"What the hell are you talking about?"
"I set my voice recognition system to filter his voice and send me a text report if he happen to say something important, but I wonder if it's working correctly since I've been running it for a week and haven't yet got a single report. Did he say anything I should be aware of?"
"You know what? Forget it."
Hank will think about it, and the longer he'll think about it the funnier it'll get. From now on, he'll be cackling every time he sees Gavin because his angry ass is not even aware that he's not only ignored, but in fact not even heard on the first place. He'll get red in the face trying to say some bullshit trying to get Connor's attention, and Connor would interrupt his speech mid sentence talking to someone else instead not noticing that Gavin was even there. Hank'll die laughing witnessing how desperately Gavin will try to get Connor's attention just to finally get a calm response to some minor fact he mentioned between the lines just to make some other point, but that for some reason got recognised as important piece of information.
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alex100 · 1 year
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Gun Eating Kibble Emoji
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alex100 · 1 year
literally my second biggest flex is that the guy behind osha official is my mutual. first biggest flex is that there's a discord server dedicated to hating on me
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alex100 · 1 year
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This came to me in a dream
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