alexabee · 3 months
Name Animation
This week's assignment was to make an animation of your name in After Effects with text, a graphic/video background, and at least 1 effect or filter.
Here is my take on the assignment! It's a bit rough but I'm proud of it. I like exploring After Effects and I was able to figure out things I'd never used before in the program which was fun. I also just really like this bird. (The video is best with sound on). Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DVmNrX8dZU
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alexabee · 3 months
After Effects
This week's assignment was to create a 10 second animation of a face using Adobe After Effects. I chose to make an animation of a very obscure face image: the face from the icon of the Sims 3's Easily Impressed trait which looks like this:
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I re-drew the icon in Adobe Illustrator, then animated it using After Effects.
I've worked with After Effects before so this wasn't too challenging to create, but I'm very satisfied with the result. It looks goofy and silly and exactly as I envisioned.
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alexabee · 3 months
Self Portrait
This week's assignment was to create a self-portrait using any of the techniques we've learned about this semester. I chose to do mine in Womp. I really enjoy working in Womp and thought that this would be a good opportunity to work with this program more. Now that it's finished, I don't love it but i think it's a cute self portrait and I could definitely improve on it as I learn more about the software.
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alexabee · 3 months
Breaking Photos
This week's homework consisted of digitally "breaking" photos in Photoshop. I used an image of flowers that I found on Twitter (I refuse to call it X), a scan I made using a paint tube cap and a flashlight, and a photo of myself. I then did a lot of work to each, focusing a lot on the color channels. I like editing photos this way. It brings a cool digital touch to reality in the form of photos. We can't create this image in real life, which I think is what makes it so neat. I sometimes use these tools in my own work, and I loved the process.
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alexabee · 4 months
I made two GIFs for our assignment this week. The first one is a lil dude drinking something suspiciously
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there's a little weird noise in the purple part and I don't know how to fix it but I think it gives him character. The other one is a happy little slithering snake that loops forever
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I've made simple animations in After Effects before so this wasn't too hard, but coming up with what I wanted to make was the hardest part. I think gifs are a great medium for looping effects. I most often use them as reaction memes but I think using them in this context for cute little loops is a neat idea too!
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alexabee · 4 months
For homework, we had to create 2 characters in Womp. I actually had a lot of fun playing around in the software. The first character I made was this frog guy and I love him.
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The second character I made was this dog creature that I based off of a Borzoi. I've come to really like him and his long snoot as well.
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Womp is a really cool program. I had a bit of trouble at first but once I got the hang of how the software works, I had a lot of fun creating things. I definitely don't think this will be the last time I use this software. The fact that I can export the 3D mesh of the things that I make and print them using a 3D printer is kind of a game-changer for me too.
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alexabee · 4 months
For my Photogrammetry homework in my Advanced Digital Imaging class, I used the LIDAR function in the Polycam app to capture a 3D scan of a hammer prop we had in the house. It wasn't 100% perfect but I think it did an ok job. I held the handle on top and rotated the prop to get these images.
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Then, in an attempt to mess up what the software was trying to do, I moved the object halfway through rotting and scanning. The app was still able to capture the prop but repeated it.
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I honestly like the "broken" scan more. The first scan wasn't perfect anyway, and the "broken" scan is more visually interesting. It was hard to get a proper scan of this object. I think if I were to do this again I would use a rotating platform like this or similar to scan the object as it rotates.
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alexabee · 4 months
Hi there
My name is Alexa and i like to create. I'm currently a junior Graphic Design student and I'm excited to see what this semester holds. ~
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