I got one for you.
My previous partner in crime (who will not be named due to privacy reasons but he is a real son of a bitch with undeniably nice ginger hair and his name is Alexander Hamilton but as I said, privacy reasons) broke up with me so I’m looking for someone who’s up for committing some treason. 
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I think they look neat, but you think they should put out and give you emotional support while you keep failing, so… the difference is stark.
Heard you and Burr broke up. Wanna get a drink. In a rival way, of course, I'm not gay.
I’m allergic
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No, to furries.
Heard you and Burr broke up. Wanna get a drink. In a rival way, of course, I'm not gay.
I’m allergic
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Heard you and Burr broke up. Wanna get a drink. In a rival way, of course, I'm not gay.
I’m allergic
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If you meant something to me at any point, sure…
Anon hate
Alex I know this is you
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If you know about it, change it???
It’s like “I got slaves and slavery is bad” “And...” “And...?”
Oh wait.
GOD I fucking love wine like I’m a suburban white Pinterest soccer mom of 3 who posts minion memes on Facebook
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GOD I fucking love wine like I’m a suburban white Pinterest soccer mom of 3 who posts minion memes on Facebook
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Anon hate
Alex I know this is you
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I wouldn't waste my time on your irrelevant ass.
Anon hate
Alex I know this is you
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I'm sorry, you are totally right. Also it's croy scent. Teach me French because I know nothing.
What's fucking up you piece of shit looks like you got yourself a little musical huh how's that treating you with all the people kinning with you and headcanoning you as Washington's little whore (well I mean that actually happened) I HOPE YOU'RE ROLLING BIG TIME IN YOUR GRAVE HA.
This is hate crime
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You are the type to say "horse divorce" but still put on your resume that you speak fluent French.
What's fucking up you piece of shit looks like you got yourself a little musical huh how's that treating you with all the people kinning with you and headcanoning you as Washington's little whore (well I mean that actually happened) I HOPE YOU'RE ROLLING BIG TIME IN YOUR GRAVE HA.
This is hate crime
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Me, a tough macho manly man who was in the army
You, who cries about male praying mantis getting eaten cuz you are all about that MRA movement
What's fucking up you piece of shit looks like you got yourself a little musical huh how's that treating you with all the people kinning with you and headcanoning you as Washington's little whore (well I mean that actually happened) I HOPE YOU'RE ROLLING BIG TIME IN YOUR GRAVE HA.
This is hate crime
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What's fucking up you piece of shit looks like you got yourself a little musical huh how's that treating you with all the people kinning with you and headcanoning you as Washington's little whore (well I mean that actually happened) I HOPE YOU'RE ROLLING BIG TIME IN YOUR GRAVE HA.
This is hate crime
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What's fucking up you piece of shit looks like you got yourself a little musical huh how's that treating you with all the people kinning with you and headcanoning you as Washington's little whore (well I mean that actually happened) I HOPE YOU'RE ROLLING BIG TIME IN YOUR GRAVE HA.
This is hate crime
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What's fucking up you piece of shit looks like you got yourself a little musical huh how's that treating you with all the people kinning with you and headcanoning you as Washington's little whore (well I mean that actually happened) I HOPE YOU'RE ROLLING BIG TIME IN YOUR GRAVE HA.
This is hate crime
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forgive and forget?? haha no resent and remember
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