alexanderjcel-blog · 7 years
“you are such a cop, man.”
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“that’s my job.”
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alexanderjcel-blog · 7 years
“why doesn’t it matter?”
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“because i really don’t care how much i get paid, i care about helping people.”
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alexanderjcel-blog · 7 years
“you probably get paid more than i do man.”
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“probably, but that doesn’t matter.”
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alexanderjcel-blog · 7 years
“i was thinking something like a big paycheck from ya’, actually.”
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“a big paycheck? you have a pretty good sense of humor if you think i get a big paycheck.”
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alexanderjcel-blog · 7 years
“common alex, humor me just a little.”
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“i blame an unconscious, uncontrollable need to help people.” 
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alexanderjcel-blog · 7 years
“i would give you an answer, but i don’t know what to tell you.”
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“Can someone please remind me as to why I picked the job I did? ‘Cause with the people in the office, it’s drivin’ me nuts.”
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alexanderjcel-blog · 7 years
justin shrugged at alex, “i’m just doing my job.” he sighed softly, rubbing at his eyes, “it’s been nice to be at work… a lot of guys didn’t get assigned right away. i guess i was lucky.” truth was, he wasn’t lucky. it wasn’t lucky. he graduated at the top of his class and had higher aboves pulling strings for him.
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“it’s not just luck justin, you’re good at what you do. i can assure you that the bosses above have noticed. they’ve asked about you a few times,” alex spoke and rubbed the towel on his head, trying to dry his hair.
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alexanderjcel-blog · 7 years
jay nodded, “i know but you were at work and i just… it’s such a short walk.”
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“i know i work a lot, but you can always call. why don’t we go down there together? when the weather’s better?”
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alexanderjcel-blog · 7 years
“yeah… i just… i knew she’d get it. i knew that just… being with her would help.”
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“you can talk to me whenever you need, you know that right? i’m always here for you.”
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alexanderjcel-blog · 7 years
jay stayed quiet for a moment before speaking, “ethan broke up with me.” he felt like an idito
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alex sighed and put his hand over his son’s, “is that why you wanted to talk to mom?”
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alexanderjcel-blog · 7 years
“i am sorry though. this is gonna cost a fortune and you’re skipping work because i did something stupid and i…” jay sighed, rubbing at his face and wincing as he touched a cut.
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“don’t worry about that. i’m not skipping work, everyone from the department knows i’m here. they don’t expect for me to be working right now,” alex nodded.
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alexanderjcel-blog · 7 years
jay nodded, biting his lip, “i know… i’m sorry.” he looked down at his lap, before looking back at his dad, “shouldn’t you be working? i don’t want to take you away from work.”
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“hey, look at me, don’t be sorry. you’re okay now,” alex nodded. “i was working when i got the call. i’ll go back later on but you’re more important to me.”
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alexanderjcel-blog · 7 years
“But it’s not safe out there for them, what if they get hurt or don’t come back.” She sighed. “Please, I mean I think Tea or Ella is somewhere here but I don’t know.”
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“they’ll come back soon, i know they will,” alex nodded, “i can’t sit here as long as you want. we don’t have to talk about the storm either, we can talk about something more fun.”
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alexanderjcel-blog · 7 years
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“ I don’t have school. I don’t need it“ he shrugged, “ plus there’s a brocolli there and I don’t want that“ he confessed with a cheeky little smile on his face. “ That’s a promise okay? I’ll ask my mom to get me a hat like yours. I’ll bring my lightsaber “ he excitedly mused.
“how about we make a deal?” he asked, “we can split the lunch. you’ve gotta eat broccoli if you want to grow up big and strong like me.”  alex sat down on the porch and held out his hand, “it’s a pinky promise. do you have an extra lightsaber? i’ll carry one too.”
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alexanderjcel-blog · 7 years
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“ Well, thats really no fun, but i don’t want you to get in trouble so sure, i’ll settle for it, but promise me next time that if my parents are home. we can ask for their permission so i can come with you okay?“ he looked at the other. “ oh and also—“ he ran back inside and took his packed lunch. “ you can have my lunch so you’ll be strong when you have to help someone, okay? “
“i really don’t want for you to get in trouble. i’m here to keep everyone safe, not get them in trouble. i promise you. if your parents are home next time you can come with me. and when the weather’s better we can ride around town in my car,” alex smiled. “i couldn’t possibly eat all of your lunch bud, what are you going to eat?” he asked.
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alexanderjcel-blog · 7 years
justin nodded, heading towards the closet to grab a towel. he handed it to alex, gesturing towards the kitchen, “i’m not too worried about you dripping. it won’t hurt anyone.” he put on a pot of coffee, “yeah, for sure. i like my job though. it’s a good job.”
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“thanks,” he smiled and took the towel. he wiped off his face and hair, he knew it wouldn’t make everything completely dry. “i love my job. you’re doing great by the way, some of the other guys have noticed.”
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alexanderjcel-blog · 7 years
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shane opened the door to see the man standing there, “yeah, we’re alright here. wait, severe storm watch and they have you out on duty, officer? that’s a little fucked up if you ask me. excuse my language but it’s pretty bad that they have you running around checking on people..”
“that’s good to hear. i kind of volunteered for this job, i wanted to make sure that all of my neighbors were safe. i don’t mind it too much. my kids are safe and have plenty to eat, so i wanted to make sure everyone else was.”
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