Eat them. Eat them all.
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Someone left a basket of goodies with the doorman for my sister. I haven’t even taken a single Hershey. Do I get a medal? 
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Well, well. Where have you been, for such an enthusiastically announced return?
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Well hello loves. Guess who’s back? I’ve missed you all. 
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You sound drunk.
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Just another Sunday night!
Then I wake up feeling like my world is coming down and regret it but there’s no time for that right now. Keep ‘em coming!
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One word, six letters. Say it, and I'm yours.
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I see you, girl. What are you up to?
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Do we know each other? You look kind of familiar.
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Hello. I’m Andrew and I’m pretty happy.
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And the living is easy.
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Oh, well, that's good, I figure. Just letting you know, though - I'm here if you're ever in need of something. You may not be a little girl, but we're still family.
Do you need something? If you need to talk I’m all ears, cous. I could bring you chocolate? You name it, dear, I don’t want to see my little cousin like that.
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What’s wrong, Tamzy? Are you ok?
Eh, I’m just tired of things.
Do you need something? If you need to talk I’m all ears, cous. I could brinf you chocolate? You name it, dear, I don’t want to see my little cousin like that.
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What's wrong, Tamzy? Are you ok?
I hate this. This sucks. I’ve never wanted to leave this town and everyone in it more than I do now.
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Probably, yeah. Hm, that sounds like something I'd agree on, Chai, I'd sacrifice my time in exchange for your company and free pastries.
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I think you speak for half the people in New York when you say that. I’d try making one, but that’d be skipping the experience! How about you join the line, I’ll join you once you get to the front, and in return I’ll pay for yours!
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@lexi--vanderbilt: Loved spending this lovely Yadnesdew with you, Lo! <3
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@rainedupaul: Best Yadsendew ever. Now I have like ten pink outfits to choose from. Je te remerci pour tout! #talesofafrenchchick #yadsendew
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Interesting, because donuts and croissants are two of my favourite breakfast food ever. I might even get on that line, actually.
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It’s a pastry that’s a combination of a donut and croissant! Apparently they’re pretty amazing, but if that’s what it takes to get one I think I’ll wait until the hype dies down.
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What are cronuts? Because they do seem to be very amazing to bring that amount of people together at such an early hour. I'm curious.
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Went for a jog this morning and saw an insane crowd lined up outside Baked for cronuts. Let it be known that it was 6:30am. Silly people.
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Daft Punk is the best dancing music ever. Always gets me on the mood.
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We came too far, too give up who we are
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Well, i think i’ve had enough Daft Punk for one day.
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You did well, even though Constance Billard - that's the high school me and most of my friends went to, you know - isn't quite like that, I think. The movie is overrall a caricature of what actually happens, obviously, but we tend to be more... Classy, maybe? I don't know, haha. Well, it will be hilarious and epic! We could even shop for summer dresses, how about that? We cannot, however, shop for cold breezes, I'm sorry.
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Of course! It’s a “bitch of High School” classic! I wouldn’t be prepared to come to North America if I hadn’t watched it before.  Ah, that’s perfect! I have lots of magenta clothes. It won’t be hilarious, it’ll be epic. Shorts and tank tops aren’t helping, seriously. I need summer dresses and cold breezes.
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