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Manage your economy while studying
One of the most enriching experience for a student is studying abroad: this experience will help out the student to get better at his studies and, mainly, he will change as a person for the better. 
Independently if he studies in one of the nearest country to its own one or even in the furthest country possible, his parents are going to be worried for him since he is going to be away from home for a long time, this means that he will have to live on its own or with someone else and learn how to cook, how to do the laundry, how to iron his clothes: he is going to learn every single thing that he needs and that he might never cared about back in the days because there was someone else doing it for him.
Beyond that, a mother is always going to be worried for her children, they can be even 20 but they are going to be children even in that case, so she is going to be available 24/7 for them if they decide to take part of such experience and there are lots of reasons to do that, here we listed some of them:
first of all you are going to appreciate more your home since you are going to be far away from that and you will start thinking about that when you least expect it and you are going to wonder how life is going from the day you left. You are also going to meet people from all over the world that will tell you about their story and from that you can learn stuff that you did not know before and also start thinking more about something that you did not care about back in the days;
there could be the opportunity to take classes that you never had before: related to the school or their location, classes are going to be different and you do not want to skip them since you can learn new things, for example you might think that you know everything about English or about History but taking a class of History in another country is going to enrich your overall knowledge;
you are going to increase your adaptability though you do not realize it most of the times: being abroad makes your more adaptable and flexible than someone that did not take the chance and join your in the experience, you are going to learn how to move in a new city and you might also learn how to approach certain situations that you never experienced before;
you could learn other languages even if you are there to do other things: meeting people from all over the world might help you out learning new terms or even a language that you never studied in school or on your own;
last but not least, you will learn the real value of money and become independent: when you are in your country you do not think about that because there might your parents lending you money when you need them, instead when you are abroad on your own you have to care about what you buy because you might not need it or it might not be worth the money you are going to pay if you get it, else you are going to finish all your money in a few days and your parents need to lend you money, and sending them is going to cost them a lot.
Experiences like this leave a mark in your life even if you did not like the overall experience for some reasons: when something is not going so well you will learn the most rather than when everything goes well and you do not care about things that happen in your life, for example if you end up without money during your second week of the experience you are surely going to ask your parents to lend you some more and due to this they will have to pay an higher amount than what they expect to transfer some money, except if they rely on a money transfer service that is going to make them save some money by paying less fees on the transaction, when everything could have been avoided if you spent your money in a proper way.
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Why you should travel to Philippines
If you are thinking about travelling and you want to visit a different place than the typical New York or even Paris you can have a look at an amazing place that will never make you regret about going there: we are talking about the Philippines, an island that has a lot of stuff to offer such as stunning sights, culture, hospitality, food and, last but not least, friendly people that will welcome visitor in any case. You might need to spend few days there if you want to visit everything that the island has to offer. Here we listed some reasons that are going to help you figuring out why you should visit the Philippines:
as we already said earlier, locals are going to be really friendly with everyone that is there to visit the island, they will assist you every time you need help, if you hop on a cab the driver is going to make conversation with you and he might suggest you some place to visit or even some places where you can eat some typical food and someone might invite you in their house to celebrate birthdays or special events with them: they are going to transmit positivity anytime and everywhere so that you will feel welcome while you are on your holidays;
one of the most important things to take part while in Philippines is their festival that is celebrated once a year: originated from their patron saints or legends that come from their place, every province has its own festival. Some of the most important ones, that you do not want to miss, are the following: Sinulog Festival, Masskara Festival, Dinagyang Festival, Panagbenga Festival and Pintados Festival;
each islands out there in Philippines has its own beauty and we suggest to visit each of them: there are both planes and boats that can get you to each island so that you can even have a look of everything that surrounds them while you are approaching them by plane or boat;
there are lots of adventures to experience while in Philippines: you might want to try to climb mountains while you are there since it has become more popular during the last decade, for example if you are in Davao you can try to climb Mt. Apo that is about 2954 meters tall;
All of the things you can do in Philippines do cost tho: if you need some more money for your holidays you might ask to your familiars to lend you some and they are going to spend a lot more if they are going to rely on a bank for example, due to their high fees and exchange rates. Instead of paying an high amount of money to send some money from a bank to your account, be aware of Currency Tube, a money transfer service that allows you to transfer money without paying excessive, bank-like, fees or you can just try to save some money making of your holiday a dream.
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How to send money to Kenya from the UK
Around UK you will find different options to send funds to Kenya: most of them are going to be banks and money transfer companies that will charge high transfer fees and offer exchange rates that are lower than what the mid-market rate offers or even rather than the one that banks use to trade among themselves.
If you rely on a money transfer specialist he surely is going to offer better exchange rates and also charge lower fees rather than a bank would do: this can save you up more money that can be sent as more funds to Kenya. Along with this, there could also be limitations to your money transfer, since, sometimes, you are going to be able to transfer your money to bank accounts only while there are other providers that allow you to pickup your cash, get a payment directly in your mobile wallet or get your cash delivered.
Due to all these reasons, you need to compare companies to understand which one is better, even though you could rely on a money transfer service that will make you pay less than everybody else around. Here we listed few points to pay attention when sending money to Kenya:
exchange rates are the main source of profit for banks and money transfer companies, so you need compare every single rate you have to understand which company is going to make you pay less, most of the times banks are going to apply higher rates than other companies;
transfer fees, another source of gaining more money than companies normally should, can be flat or a percentage of your transfer: for higher amount of money you might qualify for a transfer free from fees;
always ask if your payment can be protected against market fluctuations;
transfer speed plays a big role when you are deciding on which company you are going to rely on: if you have a few time you might have to pay more so your money will be delivered in minutes, instead if you have more time you can just keep on going with your research and look for a better options;
transfer limits makes the decision easier for you because if you need to send a large amount of money you have to know that you are going to pay lower fees since every company wants you to rely on them but at the same time you have to care about the exchange rate. Instead if you are going to send just a little amount of money, care about everything that goes further than exchange rates;
Be aware that during the last decade lots of money transfer services are becoming more popular due to their low cost services, so you have to compare every single thing really well, because, even if there is only a 0.01% difference between two rates, you are probably going to pay higher amounts when you could have saved some money instead.
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Uganda as a traveling destination
Located in the central belt of East Africa, Uganda is a delight for African travellers. The green landscape that you will find in Uganda is going to be a relief for people who live in dry, hot and arid part of the world: here you will find some wildlife experiences and a tropical climate from whom you won’t want to leave.
Trekking with gorillas is one of the main things to do when in Uganda: you are not going to leave Uganda without doing that and journeying through the mountainous and cool climate of Uganda.
If you think that this is the right place to visit, check out the following list of things to do when in Uganda and enjoy your African adventure:
Trekking the Gorillas: you can do this in only 3 countries around the world and Uganda is one of them! It is not that expensive but it is a crazy experience that you need to do at least once in your life. You might also hike through the jungle of Bwindi Impenetrable forest that is a really cool experience. While on both, trekking and hiking, you don’t have to disturb the animal that you see, else you are going to pay for that;
Straddle the Equator: the equator runs right through Uganda and here can you have your photo taken at the monument that marks the center of the earth or  you can straddle it to, having one foot in each continent. You can find free display given by locals here showing how water does circulate down the drain hole in different directions depending on the hemisphere you’re in;
Hiking to Chimpanzees, considered even better than trekking the gorillas, this is an experience that brings you close to such a human-like species, and one of the best place to do this is Kibale National Park, you should spend a full day to do so, since it’s around 12km to discover these primates in the jungle;
Marvel at Murchison Falls, another of Uganda’s national parks and also the oldest and largest one, here you can see a waterfall and you have the opportunity to spot crocodiles, Rothschild giraffe, warthog, buffalo and elephants;
Eat a Rolex, the top Uganda’s delicacies is called Rolex: it’s a chapatti, filled with omelette, vegetables, meat and then rolled up that you need to try while you are here.
Hope you are going to enjoy your time in Uganda and if you want you can even promote some activities in Uganda by funding them: you can use the service offered by Currency Tube that allows you to send money in Uganda at low prices.
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How to send Money to India easily
Sending money abroad, especially to India, has become easier and more efficient thanks to all the sending money options available but, at the same time, this is not the best because you have to compare all of the options you have to see which one is better and which one is not.
You might need to highlight unique advantages and disadvantages from each option you have making your final decision clear.
When sending money to India you should look for the following elements:
the Speed of the overall transaction: if you need the money to be in India in only few minutes you might need to spend a bit more instead of paying less and having your money delivered in 1-2 or even more days;
the Exchange Rate applied: you might want to know that you could be paying an higher amount of money just because the service that you are relying on applied an higher exchange rate rather than another one;
the amount of Fees you are going to pay: most of the times you are not going to know the exact amount of fees that you paid for a transaction but be aware of that because, for example, a bank could add extra fees on your transaction just to gain more money from that;
the Convenience of the transaction:  last but not least, the convenience is one of the main element you need to care about since, depending on how the overall experience was, you might think about changing the way of sending money, maybe because it was too slow or too expensive.
If you are looking for a way to send money to India from UK, without having to pay an high amount of money, have a look at Currency Tube: their service is one of the best one around since you are not going to pay high, bank-like, fees and your money will be delivered as promptly as possible because, before sending the money, they will check all the information they have and if something is missing they will contact you back to ask them and make the transfer to the correct person.
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How to avoid paying exccesive fees thanks to Currency Tube
Fees, depending on banks and the transaction they are applied on, are little or big amount of money paid as part of a special transaction. Talking about bank’s income, fees are one of the main income that a bank has during his whole “life”, we say one of the main income because there are a lot more but when it comes to fees banks can play with them as much as they want, rather than modifying transaction’s prices or using high interests rates, obviously within limits, considering that the client is not going to see the amount of fees applied at the end of the transaction.
Banks can apply even higher fees when it comes to international transactions, such as money transfers, where they can apply high fees due to the big amount of money people are going to transfer world-wide, or they can apply a low exchange rate on the big amount of money you want to transfer making you think you are going to pay low fees, instead that is going to make the difference.
That’s were services as Currency Tube come in: you can send a little or a big amount of money to whoever you want, depending on what you want to do, and pay low fees on that transaction, that means that you do not have to pay an high amount of money such as you would do in bank or with other services.
Instead of hiding the fees as a bank would do, Currency Tube always gives you the breakdown of fee and transfer rate upfront, by doing this you will know pretty much everything about your transaction in terms of money.
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How to transfer money abroad
Money transfer was one of the most difficult things to do in the past because you required someone that had to go in the place were the money had to be transferred and also you needed money to pay the transports that would have brought you to that place. During this century the technology field made big improvements making money transfer easier due to all the technologies available: instead of going to the place where the money needed to be, now, for example, you can go to the closest bank near your house and ask to make a money transfer to whatever place you what, from USA to Asia, wherever you need the amount of money to be they are going to help you with the money transfer, tho they are also going to charge you a lot of money for that transaction: first of all you need to pay the price of the transaction and in addiction to the transaction price the bank is going to charge high fees on that, that could be higher rather to another bank because each bank has its own exchange rate that varies day after day. Instead of paying big amount of money to a bank for this type of transaction you could rely on other services that do the same thing but, differently from what a bank would do, at lower prices: instead of paying additional high fees, as you would do if you rely on a bank, relying on another services might help you reducing the amount of fees you will pay on that transaction. A money transfer service that allows you to make money transfer at lower prices is Currency Tube: you can transfer money from UK to Asian and African countries, it is not going to charge high fees and you will be able to transfer your money without problems.
Money transfer to Africa
Even tho money transfer has become easier during the 21ˢᵗ century, you have to be aware about exchange rate and of the economical situation in the country you are sending money to.  It might be possible that the amount of money you are sending is going to be lower or higher depending on the exchange rate of the currency used in the country where you are sending money. Being aware of the economical situation in Africa means that you know that there is a big inflation in some countries, for example Zimbabwe’s inflation has been raising up since 2009 and nowadays that moves around 300%, this means that the value of the money is lower, due to that you would require higher amounts of money to buy something and in the end if you need to send money to some familiars in Zimbabwe you would have to think about the amount of money you are going to send because it could even not be enough for a piece of bread.
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