alexborwick12 4 years
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When designing my outpost, I wanted to stick to very basic shapes. My narrative is focused around a postapocalyptic world where there aren鈥檛 large machines or mass amounts of workers. I wanted the outpost to have been created by very few people. I also wanted to find a way to get around the limited square footage, using a sphere created a bigger space without increasing the square footage. Using Rhino 6, AutoCAD, Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator I was able to build my outpost which reflected my ideas and ultimately my narrative. As the narrative evolved the plans for my outpost did as well, they fed off each other. Trying to convey that my outpost was floating underwater was one of my biggest challenges.
This class has really allowed me to explore, be creative and think outside the box when it comes to designing. I have become much more comfortable with the different programs we learnt and look forward to using them again in future projects. 聽
ARCN 2105
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alexborwick12 4 years
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Final Manual聽
S.S Neptune, Research Capsule.
ARCN 2105
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alexborwick12 4 years
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Forgot to post this along with the model. Initial sketches for my outpost.
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alexborwick12 4 years
For my Final model I took big inspiration from resin art. here is a link to one of the videos which I used for inspiration.
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alexborwick12 4 years
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For the physical model of my outpost I decided to do the scale model. I had planned on incorporating some way to represent my model being underwater. The narrative of my outpost involves it being situated floating underwater, to show this under water idea I wanted to encapsulate the whole 20cm x 20cm model in a cube of epoxy, with my outpost in the cube. I was able to fabricate a few of the major components of my model before we went online.
The base of my model was CNC鈥檇, I chose to CNC because it allowed for the unusual angles and spaces my ruins created to be easily removed. I decided to 3D print the more complex of my two ruins, with a little touching up with an exacto knife the ruin fits perfectly into the space in the base. The other simpler ruin I didn鈥檛 have a chance to fabricate because I wanted to create this by hand in the wood shop. This would have fit in my base like the other ruin with a little exacto knife work to the base.
For my outpost, I decided to 3D print the main research part, the sphere, cylinders and turbine. I was able to print two of these before going online, the reason I printer two of them was because I wanted to have one in the epoxy and another which you could hold in your hands. The solar panels/floatation pads on the surface was going to be fabricated using the laser cutting machine. I wanted to cut the circles out but also etch the solar panel lines into these circles. To connect my main outpost and the solar panel platforms I wanted to use twisted wires to represent the much larger steel wires.
I had to model the whole thing in Rhino. From Rhino I was able to save my 3D printing files as STL鈥檚 and then separately saved my base as another Rhino file. I planned on using the model of my less complex ruin as a measuring tool for when I was going to have to hand craft it.
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alexborwick12 4 years
I have always been very curious about the different steps that take place when creating a world like Middle Earth or Westeros (two of my favourites). When given the task of creating my own fictional world for the outpost project I had no idea where and how to start. This article guides the reader towards multiple steps that help the reader create a new fictional world. Once I found this article it made me break my new world into different parts which allowed me to create something of my own. This article helped me understand what the steps are to create a fictional world and helped me eventually build my own world which my outpost sits on now.
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alexborwick12 4 years
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Progress of the final
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alexborwick12 4 years
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Cemetery extension, Jesi, Leonardo Ricci, 1984-1994
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alexborwick12 4 years
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Kouga dam, South Africa
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alexborwick12 4 years
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alexborwick12 4 years
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Task 8. Sections
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alexborwick12 4 years
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Task 8. Site Plan.
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alexborwick12 4 years
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Task 8. Capsule Axo.
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alexborwick12 4 years
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Task 8. Roof Plan
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alexborwick12 4 years
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Task 8. Capsule Plan
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alexborwick12 4 years
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Iron Ore Mine Hopper and pier, Suisnish, Isle of Raasay
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alexborwick12 4 years
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Bunker beneath Spindler-Villa, Essen, 1931-35
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