alexceid · 3 years
Final Project
With the help of Nadia Kudritska, we created a pinterest board to identify problems with web accessibility, and outline the importance of making the web accessible to all.
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alexceid · 4 years
Cyberbullying PSA
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SG1l4JW8ZGA Check out this PSA created by myself and Nadia Kudritska
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alexceid · 4 years
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alexceid · 4 years
Google Search Terms
10 Tips to improve your searching capabilities on Google.
1) Search for an exact word or phrase
You can search for exact words and phrases by putting the search terms into quotations. An example would be: “Monty Python”
2) Search for something specific on a site
You can search by using the site function.  An example of this would be:
site: twitter.com monty python
You need to put a space after the website so that Google knows you want Monty Python search results specifically from Twitter.
3) Correctly search a definition
You use the DEFINE function. An example of this would be:
DEFINE: Lachrymose
4) Search for a product within a price range
In your search bar insert the type of product you’re looking for, then add a dollar sign and the first price point, then insert two periods followed by a dollar sign and the second price point. Like this:
Sweater $50..$75
5) Search for specific filetypes
add filetype:*type of file* after your what you are looking for. An example could be:
Burberry logo filetype:png
6) How to include or exclude words from a search
This is done with either a + or - symbol.
Examples: jobs - apple or mustang + ford
With this you should get search results Steve jobs and Ford Mustangs respectively.
7) Finding similar sites
You can use the related function in order to yield search results similar to a website you use. An example being:
related: facebook.com
You will likely get all the other social media platform websites.
8) How to confirm quotes without knowing them verbatim
Simply use asterisk’s to tell Google that you want everything similar to the words you are writing. This is very useful for song lyrics.
example: “imagine all the * living for today”
9) Search for pages containing connected words
You can use the OR function. Simply search with OR between the two words.
Example: French Press OR Cafetiere
10) Search for specific social media tags
You can combine the site function and the exact phrase function by searching something like this:
site: twitter.com “#FridayMotivation”
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alexceid · 4 years
Businesses on the internet.
I wanted to share my thoughts on best practices for businesses on social media
Three aspects I’d like to discuss are:
1) You can’t scrub the internet of content so be mindful of what you post.
2) You don’t need to hide information behind a paywall.
3) Choose your focus when it comes to advertising.
I think these three key points are very important the first is arguably the most important. Controversial posts will linger, get re-posted perpetually so always be careful with what is said or what is posted.
This isn’t true for every business, but when it comes to the exchange of information, hiding behind a paywall can be a large deterrence for consumers. Even if you are providing expert knowledge, there is a chance that a competitor could see this and start offering it for free drawing consumers away from your business.
Advertising is challenging for any business to find a focus, especially with so many social media platforms to advertise on. Consumers tend to get very frustrated by advertisements especially when they are bombarded with them. Therefore, advertising on every social media platform under the sun, could potentially cause personal boycotts on the brand.
More relevant information here!
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