alexeitheviper · 3 years
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you’re not gonna believe this.
i’m just gutted i can’t be there.
you didn’t have to stay with her/him/them, you know?
you didn’t have to stay when she told you she was pregnant.
i’m sorry.. do i
 do i know you?
she made it up. she was never pregnant.
who are you? why are you saying this?
does that really matter?
think of me as a stranger. a stranger that knows.
how do you know my wife? who the hell are you?
let’s get this show on the road.
think of me as a friend that just released you from prison.
you should be thanking me because now you know she’s a liar.
i’m sorry i wasn’t there.
i’ll tell you what it is, some fucking weird shit.
oh, it’s giving me the creeps.
what do you think’s going on there, on the leg? are they bite marks?
i’d say that there’s a reasonable chance that they are human.
it’s not fucking silence of the lambs!
well, you are kind of holding him against his will..
i was a cop for thirty four years. i understand the definition of kidnap.
are you fucking kidding me?
calm down? i’m calling the police!
what is it? [optional:name], where are you going?
did you fake your pregnancy?
what the hell are you talking about?
can we just skip this part? the part where you pretend to not know..
well, if you know, why are you asking?
what else are you capable of?
now, you better start talking right now.
what are you gonna do? keep me captive?
this isn’t what you think. there’s more to this.
let’s do the trip. come on, me and you, thelma and louise across the states.
we all have our secrets, [name:optional].
told me what? what do you mean?
why do you have a llama head in here?
after the rave last night, this clown starts throwing stones at my window.
like, someone must’ve spiked my drink or something.
it’s a pretty cold world out there.. not knowing.. where they’ve gone.. it’s the worst.
do any of you know about a gathering in the woods the other night?
i got what i’ve want, did you see those faces?
they’re hiding something.
your secrets safe with me.
okay, i think i may have found a way to get rid of the alpaca head.
i might have found a way to get the police off your back.
we bury the head in the woods, surrounded by satanic symbols.
what’s actually wrong with you?
shut the fuck up or i will finish you off..
that’s a beautiful ring.
is this some kind of joke?
it’s the internet. everyone leaves a trace. it’s all in here.
i know it’ll take time to come to terms with it but eventually you’ll thank me.
do you plan on telling anyone else?
take the envelope. the proof is in there. now you can expose his secret.
you didn’t reveal a secret. you just created another one.
i can’t help you if you keep shutting me out, okay?
so, how did a bag covered in blood come to be in your possession?
so the bag was carrying a significant amount of blood.
if he dies.. this becomes a murder investigation.
right now, you are the link in all this.
withholding information is a serious crime.
i’m going home. you can stay if you want.
sorry, i have to go to the hospital.
 i, i need to tell you something..
think it was something to do with the party?
you haven’t heard? he’s been arrested.
don’t get angry. i spiked him.
makes you wonder what else he could be capable of, doesn’t it?
he’s done some pretty stupid shit but he’s not a bad guy.
does that make me
 like, an accessory to murder?
you stay away from my family! you hear me?
this has nothing to do with that.
how many times have you done that?
i take this personal information wasn’t entirely welcomed?
i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to scare you, okay?
are you thick or what? i’m not interested in anything you have to say.
you should be ‘cause you have no idea!
are you really gonna marry this man?
well, you don’t think i’m doing this shit for fun, do you?
well, there’s a fine line between love and madness.
i don’t expect everyone to get it.
who doesn’t want to be loved that much? so madly, so passionate, they’ll risk everything.
if you knew where she went, you would tell us?
why can’t you just be honest with me?
i know all about you.
you’re what they used to call a “ladies man.”
the affairs you’ve had over the years
 caused a lot of pain.
i don’t know you and you certainly don’t know me.
you have a child. from one of your affairs. i have proof.
if you’re looking for money you’re gonna have to do better than that.
i need to be on this case.
funny response. i checked the phone records.
i lied
 to protect you. as a mate.
why didn’t you come to me? you should of said something.
[optional:name], nobody wants this to be happening.
she said she had a way of proving she was innocent.
i don’t see a domestic dispute being settled with a gun.
stranger things have happened.
someone tried to make it look like a robbery.
who brings a gun to a cake shop?
you got a girlfriend?
i’m sure there’s some rational explanation.
well, the next question is
 who put it there?
murdered? i mean, it’s not an accident, is it? someone wanted to hurt her.
why would anyone do this?
we’ll get the bastard who did this.
there’s tea in the pot. and i made some scones earlier.
do you want the scone before or after the hug?
you’re home now. let it out.
don’t answer my next statement with ‘i can’t’.
you’re not gonna suggest sex, are you?
take some time off. you shouldn’t be anywhere near this case.
you didn’t come for small talk.
i can’t handle a really big thing here so you wanna just tell me what you want?
look, what difference does it make? it was all way back.
for christ’s sake, what am i doing here?
i don’t know why you’re trawling all this up but it was a mistake.
i need to report a missing person.
do you want the weird news or the really weird news?
i had a ham salad for lunch but my fingers smell like fish. weird.
why was she planning to fly away with you?
are you a lesbian? were you and my mum—
i think my dad’s keeping something from me.
got these terrible cramps but hopefully the fresh air will help.
something seriously strange has gone down.
i’m sure someone knows the truth about all this. it’ll come out. it always does.
something happened recently that made me reflect.
how did that make you feel, experiencing such a new emotion?
did they ask who organized the rave?
you lied to the police?
who organized the rave, and who was dealing, is not their main concern.
i’m measuring their dicks to put an end to an argument.
we have reason to believe that your wife was at the scene of a murder.
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alexeitheviper · 3 years
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it was rather common at events like these to be grabbed and tugged into a conversation, surrounded by people you may have met once or twice before, some sort of connection that was important enough to look past the rebuff. this woman, however, was no such person–at least not to his knowledge. bored with the gala so far (although they had yet to begin the auction), alexei decided to play along. the pretty face helped. his serious demeanor cracked into a grin, and his eyes flicked up to meet those of mr. kellman’s. while she might not recognize him right away, her dull companion did. alexei patted the hand now wrapped around his arm, expression morphing into that of a sheepish smile. “sorry to steal her away, my friend, but that is how these things work sometimes.” he lead her away from mr. kellman and towards one of the champagne towers. “if you gave me your name, this whole old friends bit might sell more easily.”
Event: Spring Gala - Anthesis
open starter
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“Mhmm,” Catalina mused as she nodded placing her water back on the table next to her making it seem like she was completely tuned in. Her father’s oldest friend and one of the dullest people Cat had the pleasure of being roped into speaking with tonight. He was going on about yet another failed marriage and she expertly added some words like that’s a shame and it’s her loss hoping to near the end of the exchange but it continued. She tried her best to discreetly peer out of the corner of her eye for someone, anyone really, to pull her and decided to put matter into her own hands. Literally. Reaching for the first person that crossed their path fingers circling around their elbow. “Wow! I thought that was you! I didn’t know you’d be here!” she beamed with an illuminating smile and eyes that implored them to play along. “I think you’ll have to excuse me Mr. Kellman, I must catch up with this old friend.” 
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alexeitheviper · 3 years
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anthesis, a spring charity gala
alexei volkov, attending with @melrxses , being auctioned & auctioning
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alexeitheviper · 3 years
Who do you think is the most promising viper?
“this . . . is quite a difficult question. i’m going to rule out any of my nephews or nieces, as that sort of ruins the fun, doesn’t it? as of right now, aeva dang is first to come to mind. she takes opportunity when it’s presented, and she’s just about willing to do anything which is an important trait in this business. that doesn’t mean someone else can’t change my mind, though.” ( @a-dang )
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alexeitheviper · 3 years
what's the thing you look forward to each day?
“stomping in the faces of those who disrespected me or my family.” he rethinks his answer. “my morning ritual.”
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alexeitheviper · 3 years
who is your favorite child?
“very good try, but you’ll have to be more specific next time. the only child i’ve ever had was my son.”
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alexeitheviper · 3 years
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alexeitheviper · 3 years
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🐍 — Welcome to Oceanside, California, Alexei Volkov! They are said to resemble Daniel Craig, but they are a 53 year old Consigliere in the Vipers, bound by blood to the Volkovs. They identify as a pansexual male, and others have described them as fearless & debonair, but also cynical & destructive. —🐍
He was twenty-three when the patriarch of the Volkov family announced that the family would be moving to America, away from the place he had grown up in. The fall of the Soviet Union had complicated the long standing political ties the family had built, and Alexei always guessed his father assumed forging new ones would be easier than fixing old ones. He had a basic understanding of English–he could recite the alphabet and speak in mostly full sentences, but his accent was thick and unrefined. Even though the Cold War had finally ended, almost fifty years of antagonism between the States and Russia didn’t disappear overnight.
Despite all of it, they were cocky, arrogant. Dmitri named Nicholai as president, made their youngest brother vice president, and nominated Alexei as consigliere. Alexei was the most studied in law and languages, but also the most troubled and rebellious of the three. Surprising as it was, they were successful. Alexei found himself a wife after only a year and a child soon followed. His son was his pride and joy, and Alexei raised him to be the perfect Volkov Viper. While so invested in his son’s development, Alexei didn’t notice the strain his relationship was in. The time not spent in business meetings and training his son was time spent traveling for the family business. In a moment much like the death of Alexei’s youngest brother, only ten years before, his son was shot and left for dead in the middle of the streets. Alexei was in Russia.
When he returned home, his wife was gone. Most of their things were gone too, but he didn’t care about the material things. The family held a funeral even though his body had never been recovered, and she never showed. Rather than pursue her with intent to punish her disloyalty, like Nicholai suggested, he simply let her go, too devastated over his son to care. He’s hardened some since, but there was an emptiness in his chest that enabled him to keep some part of himself soft. Family has become the most important part of his life, which made Dmitri’s loss so much harder. He’s become significantly more lax since, stepping into a more traditionally affectionate fatherly role for most of his nephews and nieces, but his temper never quite tamed; he’s still known to be cutthroat when crossed.
» Isaak, Klara, Elena, & Vasili Volkov — He’s the fun uncle to these four–far less serious than Nicholai and desperate to make up for his paternal failures, Alexei tries to act as a father to each of them. Some take to it better than others, but he’s adamant he’ll always have their backs.
» TBA Not-So-Ex-Wife — He’s the father of her child, once husband, until their son was shot while he was away in Russia on business. When he returned, she, and all of her things, was gone. Burdened with guilt and grief, Alexei let her go. Still, divorce papers were never filed nor signed, so the two are technically still married.
» Melrose Bonheur & Spencer Romanescu — In Alexei’s opinion, these two lack serious guidance and fatherly figures in their lives. Fortunately, he just happens to slot in nicely, taking on both as a sort of mentor–whether they are aware of his mentorship or not. As protective of his family as he is, Alexei sees both as part of the family, a difficult title to earn. He’s probably too forgiving of their actions sometimes.
» TBA — His enemy. Whether his son died in a shootout with police or the Scorpions, Alexei blames this person for his son’s death (whether or not they are the actual cause of his death). Either he hasn’t killed this person because they’re unreachable or because he was ordered not to (maybe they’re in the Vipers 
), he vows to get revenge for his son.
Alexei Volkov is a TAKEN character, who is portrayed by Daniel Craig, and is played by Maddy.
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alexeitheviper · 3 years
who: @vasilivolkov​ where: the emerald club
it was strange, how alexei felt guilty for not visiting his nieces and nephews for more than a month, when their father never left town and still made no time for them. either way, every time he came home from a trip, after he’d done most, if not all, the check-ins involving the business, he made time for each younger family member. tonight he had a gift and time for vasili. he agreed to meet his nephew at the emerald club, even though he hoped vasili planned on more than clubbing all night. he wasn’t the young man he used to be, that was certain. “vasili!” he greeted, shouting over the music of the clubs. he held his arms out in his most classic greeting.
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alexeitheviper · 3 years
he sat at his favorite booth, always left empty should he ever need it, and waited for aeva to show. he’d been back in town from a trip for about a month now, observing everyone, checking over the books, getting updates, and now it was time to collect from the informants. usually he didn’t do this much legwork, but there were a few informants he liked to deal with personally–aeva was one of those informants. 
he spent his afternoon jovially greeting those who passed by his table, many to wish him and the volkovs blessings. there was an ornamental ashtray next to him and a few cigarette butts stamped out, indicating that he’d shown much earlier than he had instructed aeva to come. in front of him he had a newspaper, never able to let go of such an outdated habit. 
he lowered the newspaper when he heard her speak, another cigarette hanging out of his mouth. “privyet, aeva. take a seat.” he motioned to the right side of the corner shaped booth. “tell me how things have been.”
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where: The Black Rabbit
who: @alexeitheviper​  
   It wasn’t everyday that she was summoned to meet with Alexei Volkov. So the moment Aeva got the message, there was no time to waste. After all, the older Volkov male was the key reason as to where she currently was in life; she owed him much, much more just for that alone.
   Having nixed her lunch plans in favour of heeding the call of the Viper consigliere, she soon showed up at the speakeasy alone, just as instructed. The afternoon crowd was easily a lull, but the occupied tables here and there were spaced out. Finding him wasn’t difficult at all, as he seemed to have occupied a booth all to himself, just as anyone in his stature would. 
   “You wanted to see me, sir?” asked the woman, stopping short of his booth as she stood, poised and anticipating.
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alexeitheviper · 3 years
who: @klara-volkov​ where: bahama breeze
long ago, alexei had let himself mourn the life he would never have. now, he recognized that all of the bad came with some good, but it was a lesson hard learned. did he agree with the way nicholai raised his children? probably not, but were some of things he’d done necessary to prepare them for the lives they were born into? sometimes. he knew he might have said something to free klara from her father’s iron hold earlier than she had been, but he also recognized that the path nicholai had chosen for her was much safer than the path their father had put on the two of them. that didn’t stop him from enjoying how close he was with his niece, though. she desperately needed someone to replace her father and alexei desperately needed someone to replace his child. 
so, here they were, enjoying their bimonthly tradition–brunch at bahama breeze, business talk not allowed. alexei scanned over the menu once again, even though he practically had it memorized by now. “what are you thinking of?”
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alexeitheviper · 3 years
who: @isaak-volkov​ where: the black rabbit
while alexei had done his monthly check up on each of the volkov children at their respective businesses, he wanted to meet with isaak separately from the business first. because he tended to travel a lot on the vipers’ behalf, the two hadn’t seen each other in some time; and of course, alexei knew isaak suffered from the same seriousness nicholai embodied. it didn’t matter that isaak was the vice president of the family now–alexei took his role as uncle seriously, and that sometimes meant showing his nephew how to relax. so, there he sat at the black rabbit, in a semiprivate corner with drinks ready and a new box of cigars, waiting for isaak to show.
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alexeitheviper · 3 years
who: @elenaxvolkov​ where: locked n’ loaded
alexei was making his rounds, visiting the individual businesses the volkov’s managed so he could give nicholai an extensive report. he was nothing if not thorough. he suspected this visit would go smoothly, considering his niece was the owner. the bell above the door rang cheerily when he pushed open the door, sunglasses coming off as his eyes adjusted to the artificial fluorescence. he flashed the cashier an award winning smile and a wink. “is the boss in? i was hoping to speak to her.” without really waiting for an answer, alexei headed towards the back. the cashier knew better than to argue with him about it–smart kid. alexei rapped a knuckle against the doorframe as a warning before he let himself into elena’s office. “hey kid.”
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alexeitheviper · 3 years
who: @skylarowcns​ where: the emerald club
it wasn’t incredibly common to see alexei volkov hanging around the emerald club–maybe more so when he was younger, but now it was the young man’s game. it didn’t surprise him that his youngest nephew was a frequent visitor. instead, he was doing his monthly drop in to check on the business, run the numbers, let ashworth know if there was any information that warranted sharing with someone on his level. sometimes, rarely really, he’d bring business associates here after a good deal as some sort of celebration. let the creepy old men feel wanted for a night. tonight was one of those nights, but while alexei rarely played along, a certain blonde caught his eye on the stage. he flashed her a smile and nodded his head. he thought he recognized her, meaning she hung around the vipers often enough. 
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alexeitheviper · 3 years
where: the black rabbit who: @atlasmiller​
“hey kid,” alexei called as he approached the booth he’d instructed atlas to meet him in. he mostly only called atlas kid because he figured it would annoy him, and he liked to see people squirm sometimes. alexei plopped down onto the leather cushions and scooted around until he was sat directly in the corner of the booth and much closer to atlas. he worked in close quarters partially because the “personal bubble” was much smaller growing up in russia and partially because he’d rather not have their conversation over heard. “curious why i asked you here?” his grin was sharp, even though his position looked relaxed. “nothing bad, don’t worry.” 
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alexeitheviper · 3 years
where: the lone palm who: @melrxses​
“privyetik myshka,” alexei called when he saw melrose enter the lone palm’s front doors. he stood from his booth in a corner, holding out his arms in greeting. “how have you been?” he asked cheerily, voice low and smooth. when she came close enough, he grasped her hand and pulled her in for a more affectionate greeting. he kissed either side of her cheeks, motioning towards the booth for her to take a seat at. “i would have been hurt had you waited an entire month to visit me.”
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alexeitheviper · 3 years
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KNIVES OUT (2019) dir. Rian Johnson
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