The artists I chose to explore for my preparation work were effective and they taught me how to create the clear defined image for my editorial that I wanted to achieve. The colour isolation work used by Jacrot helped me develop my work to be more aesthetically pleasing because it resulted in crisp visual contrasts which developed the image. Despite the fact that two of my artists had more photographic based work, their methods of manipulating their images and how they used colours for example guided me through creating my own work. I began researching into how Mattia Mognetti creates the effect of building manipulation and de-formed structures and I used this as inspiration for my back page of my editorial, I wanted to include this because I believed that it would show my creative ability. Although Mognetii frequently uses dark backgrounds in his pieces I still wanted to include his techniques despite not having a dark back drop, I still included this because I wanted to show how building manipulations can still be used even with different colours and saturations. I decided to include the image of Big Ben because my client ( Expedia ) is a tourism company and I am promoting London for a magazine insert, I wanted to create an exciting, grasping editorial with a selection of the common landmarks in their glory in good weather therefore I used an image of Big Ben during a balmy summers day for my back page.
Throughout the exam periods I have found that I was organised which was definitely important for the success of my editorial exam piece. Every session went well and I believe I have been able to produce a high quality piece of work with the time given. The incorporation of my chosen artists and extended research helped develop my work to be more gripping and aesthetically pleasing. Having the ability to isolate colours through Photoshop allowed me to be more ambitious with page layouts and what I included in each image and made the front page encapsulating and enhanced the image and graphical techniques I utilised. If I was to re-do this exam piece I’d be more adventurous with type faces, I feel like I was too safe with them and I should have been more ambitious instead of sticking with the standard more common selections and I should have gone and looked for one maybe more bold and eye catching which would grasp the readers attention. Over all however, I was very happy with my final outcome,  I maintained a high quality and standard throughout, I know this because I went into every session prepared knowing what I wanted to achieve and I left that day believing I had accomplished that and focused on those specific techniques I planned to use and include.
My client is Expedia, a company that helps customers find flights and accommodation to countries and locations around the world to where their customers would like to visit. The purpose of my editorial is to be an insert to an existing Expedia magazine which is why I haven't included an company logo on any of my pages as it will already be inserted within one of their advertisement promoting the company. I did some research into Expedia and on their website, they don't have a brief over view of any specific locations, I thought my editorial could then be put online to their website for any customers that want to visit London but don't know what it would be like, this would then save them from having to do more research as they can easily find my editorial on the website. I want the client and customers to feel encapsulated and interested in the editorial and excited to visit London I want it to promote London in a really creative way.
My outcome is aimed towards young travellers or families ,particularly towards those who are interested in being adventurous and are interested in London and city landmarks. As well as this, a selection of creative locations such as Southbank where there is an outside skate park dedicated to young and older age groups with an area for street art and graffiti that embraces the creative minds of London and locations with amazing architecture. I have tried to appeal to this age demographic by including landmarks in the background, including stamps of the same location in the bottom corner to break up the image and give depth and a creative approach, it brings the page to life and offers more than simply one image. For example, the lions at Trafalgar Square as the small stamp with The National Gallery as the back ground ( 2nd Double Page Spread )
If I had been afforded more time, I would have been more adventurous with my type faces, I briefly touched up on this and I would be more creative with my selection for the pages, I’d also do more research into how to do specific skills such as text in circles and different shapes could be better utilised and incorporated within design, I would like to had created more of a narrative and story within the images to be able to encapsulate the clients in more detail through developed images as I feel like they were simple. Although I wanted the pages to look professional and crisp I would next time include skills that would make the pages more multi-layered.
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Back Page - Final Outcome
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2nd Double Page - Final Outcome
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2nd Page - Final Outcome
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First Page - Final Outcome
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Final Back Page - In order from top to bottom I have used my primary image of Big Ben and experimented with the colour balance and textures in the image to create the back page to my editorial. To continue with my theme through out I have included the circles and mirrored them as well as Big Ben, I used the technique of mirroring the image as I was inspired by one of my chosen artists; Mattia Mognetti as much of the work he has created has a mirrored effect which is very effective and creates a different reality in the image and gives depth into the creativity and the manipulation.
It is important that all my pages feature a link; I decided to include the circles linking the pages because I felt like it gave a minimalistic viewing of the page and also broke the image up effectively.
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2nd Double Spread Pages- In order from top to bottom I have experimented with the textures and lay out on this page, to keep a link throughout the pages I have included circles in the image, this also creates a flow throughout the image. I changed the type faces and text on the from because I didn't think it was gripping enough for a reader. I then changed the text to ‘ Catch Up With Culture At Trafalgar ‘ I did this because its a catchy phrase which will please my client. Not only that I have pasted into  ‘Trafalgar’ an image of trafalgar square, despite not being able to see it effectively it gives the image depth and a sense of realism instead the text just being red. I have also added drop shadow on the type to give it a sense of placement on the image. 
In the bottom right hand corner I have added a stamp with an image of one of the lions at Nelson’s Column as its a landmark in London and is also at Trafalgar Square.
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Second Page Screenshots - In order from top to bottom I have experimented with the layout of the image however insuring that I kept techniques from my artists in the image and using a clear link between the pages. To create this link I have added dashed circles into the image, not only does it link them but it also has created a modern spaced out effect to the page which allows it to flow effectively with the colours and doesn't effect the over all page in a bad way.
I experimented with the colours of the text and type faces because I want the text to stand out and be bold which is why I chose black and red as they are colours which are bold on the page in comparison to the blue which gets difficult to read
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Front Page Screenshots- In oder from top to bottom I have experimented using shapes and techniques by Christophe Jacrot by excluding the colour from the background on the red letter box. 
From the Layers in the right corner I have included shadow effect. I have also included a masked circle and text to create a circular area of text ‘ Visit London’ instead of having a sphere without any text.
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This is a selection of additional research I took out to find more inspiration to help develop my editorial. I found these examples on Pintrest and I liked several techniques that are in each example. For Example, the big ‘B’ for Berlin I like because it has an image pasted into it and creates a sense of depth to the image. Not only that but the way the image is broken up is effective just by the use of shapes and I will use techniques such as these to develop my final outcomes
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Exam- 9th May Final 5 Hours
In my final session I am going to have all my pages complete to a very high standard insuring that I have used the techniques of all my artists and my researched imagery. I am going to aim to have all pages complete within the first 3 hours, leaving 2 hours to finish up pages with final detail and putting it into my InDesign folder and creating an Issu
I am going to make sure I have uploaded all my screenshots and extra research to my prep. 
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Exam - 4th May 2nd 5 Hours
I have currently completed my First Page and my First Double Spread page. I have successfully used techniques of my chosen artists and have added to the images by changing colour tones creating more vibrant colours. The techniques I used have been inspired by several artists and researched imagery.
Once I finished these pieces I put them into the InDesign folder to make sure I was on time and that my work would be there ready to be produced into an Issu. I have also successfully created my Second Double Spread page and I am really happy with the outcome of it, I plan on adding some more detail to the page making sure there are graphical techniques used in the image.
At the end of this session I am working on the back page using inspired techniques from Mattia Mognetti with buildings and landscape manipulations and David Copthorne with colour and saturation techniques.
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Exam - 26th April 1st 5 Hours
So far I have almost completed my Front Page and 1st Double spread page  (middle) I’ve used different techniques to develop the pages, due to the fact that they were rather simple. I have used techniques that were inspired by my artists and other inspirational examples. 
I want to aim to have both these pages and My In Design file complete by the end of the 1st 5 hour exam period.
In the 2nd 5 Hour Exam Period, I want to complete and focus on the next double spread page, making sure that its up to a high standard with different techniques. If I complete this page quickly I will go over the previous pages and develop them to become more complicated by adding new things to the image
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More Photo’s that I took over the half term 
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London Images that I took in the Easter Half Term
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Christophe Jacrot
I like the dominant colours that I used in the Jacrot inspired pieces, I like how there is a selected colour contrast in the image that shows dominance. The contrast is effective because it outlines a specific item or object. London is really good for finding and excluding specific colours, this can be found with busses and telephone boxes or even golden decoration at Buckingham Palace. 
My next step will be to experiment with more artists similar to the style of Jacrot however they need to have a more Graphical approach. 
David Copthorne 
The way Copthorne uses sharp lines and has the ability to break an image up without over complication is something I want to incorporate into my editorial. 
I will continue to practice styles such as Copthorne’s, the colours are something I specifically want to include because it grasps the viewer in to the image.
Mattia Mognetti
As Mognetti’s work mainly features buildings and landscapes his work was very important to my development of my editorial work because my theme is based on buildings and tourist locations and in London, the way the buildings are manipulated in his work is something I want to include.
I want to try and combine the skills of two artists in my work, such as the inclusion of a colour and the warping developing and moving buildings in Mognetti’s work.
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