alexollivander · 8 years
The ropes burned at her hands; whoever had tied her up lacked the delicate touch that her uncle had always said was so important to their business; Rowan sniffled and glanced around the room, thankful that she had yet to catch anyone’s attention. Maybe it would stay that way—-she didn’t see why it wouldn’t; she didn’t KNOW anything. “What kind of information could they possibly think a bunch of kids have?” She mumbled under her breath; not meaning to be overheard, and yet she was.
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Alex had somehow, almost miraculously, been sorted into the same room as his sister. ( Perhaps he had a ‘guardian angel’ to thank after this.) His hands were meant to be bound behind his back like everyone else’s but he was a trickster and being tied down wasn’t something he liked. However, he stayed quiet and kept his hands behind his back like a good little hostage though that didn’t stop him from working on loosing hers. “That’s not the point of this, Ro. Just trying to scare us and scare the baby death eaters into staying loyal. To test their limits not ours..”
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alexollivander · 8 years
“Hmmm, if this is how you react I don’t know if you deserve to hear it again. Can’t I just sincerely want to see you shirtless, Al? But if you don’t want to…”
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“You’re going to say more nice things??” He wasn’t stupid, at least not completely, he knew she was up to something he just wasn’t sure what it was. With furrowed brows and a playful grin still shining on his lips, Alex reached to lift her chin up so that she couldn’t hide whatever she was trying to. Still, he was at a loss.  “ Hmmm...I’ll play along if that’s what you want. But only for tonight.”
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alexollivander · 8 years
“It must be my generous nature—-I’m giving the world a gift, don’t you think? I certainly appreciate the view. Are you saying you’re not interested?”
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“Woahh. Say again? I never said I wasn’’t interested but I’m not that easy, Val. ‘Giving the world a gift’ since when were you this sweet -- what are you up too?”
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alexollivander · 8 years
“I came because Amma asked me to—that’s what you do for your friends, but I guess you wouldn’t know that seeing as you don’t have any.”
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“...And she came because why? I mean I’m pretty positive that the Shacklebolts wouldn’t personally invite you two.”
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alexollivander · 8 years
“The worst part about parties that the entire school is invited to—–the entire school might show up.”
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“--Isn’t that literally why you came? Because everyone was invited?”
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alexollivander · 8 years
“Well this is tragic as fuck—-where are the body shots? I thought this was supposed to be a party.”
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“Why is it that you’re always trying to get me out of my clothes?”
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alexollivander · 8 years
Alex had watched the altercation for far too long. Typically he wasn’t the type to care enough to involve himself with the drama or bully that happened around Hogwarts but this time the other person had hit a nerve. Smoothly, he stepped in front of the younger boy with his hands in his pockets and a smile on his lips -- though the look in his eyes was far more agressive. “Mud-what? I didn’t quite hear you.”
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alexollivander · 8 years
“You think I am in the mood for class tomorrow? I—oh. ….why?”
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“No. But I also don’t think you’re telling the truth.--No reason...I have class so I have to go.” 
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alexollivander · 8 years
“Oh, maybe. You know I don’t normally go back for seconds with most people—or thirds—-but Ry’s worth making an exception for.” Valeria scoffed, breaking eye contact with him for a moment, “I’m sure no one will judge you for flying solo, even if it is a little sad.”
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“--And how many times have you ‘gone back for seconds’ with me? Surely way more than for thirds but damn I’’m glad he’s your exception.” He smirked, fully enjoying the banter he’d willfully started. “Val. Flying solo means not being tied down to one person. It’s not my style. You know that.”
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alexollivander · 8 years
     ❝ why should i have an ulterior motive?? can’t someone just wish to speak to you?? ❞
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“I guess they can but in most cases, there’s an ulterior motive.”
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alexollivander · 8 years
      “Why, thank you. Perhaps I should walk around like this more often,” Victoire joked, cocking her head to the side. “Well, while you’re here, you wanna go for a swim?? It’s not as cold as it seems. — Actually, that’s a lie. It’s colder.”
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With a regretful sigh, Alex shrugged off his robe and put it around her shoulders. “I’m made for warm weather. So unless that water is like around seventy degrees. I’m not getting in.”
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alexollivander · 8 years
“ – … Er, was I not supposed to EAT them or something??”
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“--Rose, what the fuck. I’m leaving you in here for that...”
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alexollivander · 8 years
“Well, thank you Sisterfucker – that is your name right?? Thank you, I actually take that as a compliment.”
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“Sisterfucker? Wow, I have to say that is the best name you could have thought up. Besides why do you have your grubby little nose in our business anyways?”
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alexollivander · 8 years
“You gave up your right to touch me.” @melodyshacklebolt​
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alexollivander · 8 years
“But you’re only the bad parts.” @katrinacarrow
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alexollivander · 8 years
“You’re making small talk. Why?” @mcrisc
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alexollivander · 8 years
TVD/TO Sentence Starters
Under the cut you will find ## starters that are taken from ‘The Vampire Diaries’ & ‘The Originals’ Contains fluff, angst etc
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