alfiejeffreys · 3 years
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‘Moments’ exhibition
Welska, today me and my two other friends, (Harvey and Gaby) went to this exhibition in Bury St Edmunds for our ‘pizza box’ task. We were there to research, admire and photograph the work on show, to then push into our task as links or inspiration. I photographed a LOT, and had a fantastic time at the exhibition. I seriously recommend visiting this venue.
In this exhibition there was a lot of Banksy work spread through the venue, as well as many different artists work varying from graffiti, typography, painting, graphics design, and it does really go on and on. It was £3.50 yo attend this exhibition. SCORE!
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alfiejeffreys · 3 years
Week 11 Reflection
It’s been a really fantastic year, I’ve just finished all my final outcomes this week alongside my google site. Which I’m very happy with.
also topping off my evaluation for this FMP. I’m very grateful for what came from my project and am so glad I chose to do what I did. I love looking at my little wavy gifs of my outcomes, and I’m happy with what I’ve learnt, who I’ve researched and how I’ve written about them. My chat with @thecollinson will mark my first sort of interview with an artist, involving about him, his work, his opinions.
My next week will be working on a pizza box design for college, we need to design the box with our own theme based on my town , Bury St Edmunds. Our project is then to be presented at the town gallery. I’m not sure at the moment what I want to base it on, though I have a lot of ideas that I need to think about.
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alfiejeffreys · 3 years
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alfiejeffreys · 3 years
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alfiejeffreys · 3 years
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alfiejeffreys · 3 years
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alfiejeffreys · 3 years
FMP Evaluation
I found myself favouring this theme because I felt so much connection to everything with it. I felt it having the most inside it rather than the other themes, like I could link any and everything through it. Wondering why I chose it, maybe the idea of order or disorder was on my mind at the time, maybe I visualised my project and what it could be, before it was.
Ive always loved something wrong, something without structure from someone else, the idea of distorted art work always was with me. I don’t like realism as much as imagination coming to life with something new, something your unsure of where it comes from. I watched a Joe rogan podcast and he spoke about how when your hammering a nail, you know your hammering it and can recognise that you did it after. But when it came to creativity and more expressive work it’s like you’ve tapped into something else, like your not fully there, that the art is using you to make the work not the other way around. You don’t know where it came from, the work is being sieved through your psychical motion, like it’s someone else who designed it, or a deep self.
Loui Jover very much intrigued and affected my work. His detached forms work really was part of my idea generation.
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I wanted to do something with distortion, and his work instantly connected to my artistic wants. An artist who I’m unsure of who they are, wether they were an artist we researched in class or a past student who we researched I don’t know. But their work very much was good for my work, it helped me to understand how I wanted my distorted faces to come across and how i wanted them to look, since their work was of the same style.
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I believe the movie Joker 2019 starring Joaquin Phoenix affected me a lot with this distortion sort of theme.
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Psychological disorders interest me in a weird way. As well as Shutter Island 2010 starring Leanardo Di Caprio also affected me, his character and his story through out. So amazing. Really made me want to express myself through it.
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What you see when you look into someone’s eye, what do you see? What do you think about them as a person, without knowing them. Now question why you think that, where did that idea come from? That judgement came from you, but where did you get it from. That concept, that sort of theme. Really. Really intrigues me.
Thecollinson. An artist I found on Instagram. I’ve been following his work for a while, 2 years almost. I would call his paintings slightly distorted, almost like their unfinished. He has a very interesting way of using the paint, using various different colours and shades with a large range of differential amounts of paint.
Mostly working in painting faces, though it may not actually have a face, or at least a normal one. Leaving splurges of paint at different points to represent the features of a face or even just having it all blank. Possibly painting only around the face.
In fact. I contacted him and asked him a few questions. Let’s see what he has to say.
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Alfie: Do you have a plan to make this or an idea in your head?
Or does it just come together as you go along
TheCollinson: Something like that I have an idea of just an eye then build around it. That piece was for a client. They just wanted one eye and had some colours they like so I just went with the flow bringing it together. I just love working with thick oil paint. The outcome feels great.
Alfie: Amazing! And would you say their are any other artists that inspire your work or your mark making. What got you into this style? X
TheCollinson: My favourite artist is Van Gogh his use of thick impasto, the way he applied brush strokes and his use of colour is just mind blowing. I always look at Bram bogarts work and the way he Created texture . Also incredible Contemporary artist like Joseph Lee & Elena Gual really inspire me with their subject matter, mark making and use of thick paint.
Alfie: That is great, Van Goghs colour making is incredible! I agree. And if you could describe your paintings or a painting of yours in 4 words, what would they be?
TheCollinson: I’d probably say;
thought-provoking, abstract, colorful and unconventional.
Lino print, woodblock print, plastic board print, fabric painting, spray paint, developing ink photos, Photoshop and more, everything I’ve worked with in the FMP I’m grateful for, I think I’ve definitely enjoyed digital work and spray paint most.
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Since I’m going into Graphics Design in the next year of the course I’d say it’s been my best. I’ve learnt how to make frame animation and gifs, understanding the software and how to work all I can on it.
Pushing my creativity through it with outcomes I’ve posted on my tumblr and Instagram pages.
I wanted to test what sort of faces or distortion I wanted to create for my outcomes. Looking at my artists and how they made them, I wanted to make collage a part of my work. So using collaging with faces from magazines and papers was quite perfect. Experimenting with paper collaging on many other occasions got me used it. Making it nice when piecing together the faces and which I wanted to use.
The 12 A5 collages we made on our first week back from lockdown was gorgeous.
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That work definitely made me want to keep collaging as a part of my work. Using my collaging on my vinyl record, CD, and pizza box just pushed me even more to keep wanting to use objects. I find it so much more valuable when it’s on an object or with an object rather than paper or a canvas. All these factors came through to my project naturally from this experimentation.
Presenting my outcomes at the end of year show would be an interesting one. I think I’m going to turn all my outcomes into a single sculpture and would present as so for the show. Sticking them together with very serious super glue. I’d present my outcomes in their habitat.
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The plate and mug in a supermarket or China store, alongside regular kitchenware. The golf club would be in a golfing store or course next to regular clubs. Are you seeing a pattern? The frame I’d like in a gallery on the wall. The plunger I’d like in a household. The taps would be on a sink, connected. And the pan finally I’d like to be used to cook with. Though I’m not sure what I want to do with my future sculpture yet so maybe I will be using it.
Ten words to describe my overall outcomes.
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Songs In The Key Of Life by Stevie Wonder would be my soundtrack.
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I listened to it a lot through this time and listening to it whilst viewing my work just feels right. As well as i was listening to it whilst creating and designing my work. Three hours. Three hours a week I spent working on my project outside of college, wether it was designing final outcomes, sourcing objects or experimenting with medias. It was all enjoyable. My bedroom, living room and garden is where I’ve worked on my project.
I can’t fit in the photos for the four picture descriptions below so! I will number the three words to describe the image then then post the image after this with the corresponding number.
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alfiejeffreys · 3 years
Week Ten Reflection
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I’ve been keeping up on layering my stickers on new objects and taking photos. I have now sticker bombed with my distorted faces, a pan, mug, gum box, golf club, plunger, two taps with the sink block as well as framing a sticker bombed picture. I’ve taken pictures of all my objects individually and did begin taking pictures of the objects but with a character pose. I posed with the golf club, dressing as a stereotypical golfer, advertising you might say, styling it.
I want to keep doing this with the other objects, weeks ago when printing off sticker paper material I scanned in three people and accidentally pulled the image up in the scanner making a elongated drip sort of style. Thought I was definitely too good to leave so I used it for the taps. Taking pictures of them together as if the dripped people I scanned in are coming out of the taps. Very happy with that outcome.
Week Eleven Planning.
I want to keep sticking and take more photos modelling/advertising my sticker bombed objects. The plunger I want to do, as well as use the mug and plate in an out of the ordinary place with food and coffee in them. I want to do some artist research on the artist Duchamp. And would like to finish my google website as well as some digital work.
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alfiejeffreys · 3 years
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Artist Research
Alfie: Do you have a plan to make this or an idea in your head?
Or does it just come together as you go along?
Collin: Something like that I have an idea of just an eye then build around it. That piece was for a client. They just wanted one eye and had some colours they like so I just went with the flow bringing it together. I just love working with thick oil paint. The outcome feels great.
Alfie: Amazing! And would you say their are any other artists that inspire your work or your mark making. What got you into this style? X
Collin: My favourite artist is Van Gogh his use of thick impasto, the way he applied brush strokes and his use of colour is just mind blowing. I always look at Bram bogarts work and the way he Created texture . Also incredible Contemporary artist like Joseph Lee & Elena Gual really inspire me with their subject matter, mark making and use of thick paint.
Alfie: That is great, Van Goghs colour making is incredible! I agree. And if you could describe your paintings or a painting of yours in 4 words, what would they be?
Collin: I’d probably say;
thought-provoking, abstract, colorful and unconventional.
I love @thecollinson paintings, they may be my favourite. Each one is just perfect in such a personal way. I really connect to them.
Thank You💜
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alfiejeffreys · 3 years
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Marcel Duchamp
I was informed of this artist Duchamp by my tutor. She recognised the similarity in my ideas and my work to his. His art was unknown to me. But now I see. Marcel Duchamp created his art on objects, or should I say with objects. His most famous piece, a urinal titled Fountain. Signed ‘R. Mutt’.
Marcel said his work has a private symbolic language. His. He also said that using prefabricated objects freed him from the trap of developing a particular taste or style.
I agree.
My art is my art and has not come at all from his work. It was a natural original feeling or urge that pushed me into my style for this FMP. Though I appreciate and admire his work, I’m sure it will affect me in the future, from now on.
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alfiejeffreys · 3 years
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Week Nine Reflection
Basically I have fully decided I will be using the double sided sticker paper I was told about. Laying all my distorted mix-matched facial collages onto so I have them as stickers. Then I am planning to start sticking them onto my objects I’ve been collecting, I have two taps and the sink blocker from the house my dad is fixing. My theme, Order/Disorder as we all know has indulged into mental disorder, such as DID, Schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, OCD and so on.
The idea of these disorders being like a wonky nail that slightly shifts your whole wooden floor board a bit to the side, just enough for a squeak and maybe a ball to roll.
I’ve harnessed this as my work. These mix-matched faces are
These stickers being sticker bombed onto my objects have made them
A week of cutting and re-piecing faces together from books and magazines to create distortion. I’m collecting objects as well as creating and printing. I’m printing these faces off, after scanning them in all together and changing the image adjustments to make these faces brighter and more full. (On Photoshop). Changing the background of these faces on this page to green, pink, blue, yellow etc to have a bit of colour and character to the stickers. Like a coloured border around the faces, or shall I say creatures?
Week Ten Planning
I plan to keep printing off more and more faces as I keep collecting more and more objects. Sticking the stickers onto my objects has been good so far, I’ve sticker bombed the two taps and sink blocker as well as a chewing gum box. When the object is very curvy it’s harder to keep the stickers on completely as the edges can peel up on the hard curves of the objects. I want create some gifs of my collages so far, and also would like to begin taking pictures of the ‘stickerbobjects’ (<copyright).
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alfiejeffreys · 3 years
Final Outcome Ideas
These are my raw notes for my Final Outcome ideas.
Series of doodle sort of drawings.
Animation/gif of sorts.
Completing the work on types of objects.
Mental Disorder work.
Massive canvas of work.
Distorted body’s/faces.
Collage of faces.
Detaching head style from research.
Series of faces detached.
Series of animations/gifs.
Mental disorder.
A previous student used the soil from where multiple girls were murdered and put it into his paint, to paint with.
Mix of everything- painting, collage, objects, drawings.
Objects to possibly use- car pieces, household objects, clothing, trash, collected materials.
A bin!
Council property.
Head with multiple faces sculpture.
Paint on mirror then crack mirror.
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alfiejeffreys · 3 years
Week Eight Reflection
I was still a little tincy bit confused on what exactly I wanted to do for my Final Major Project. I had all my notes and ideas in one place and was trying to piece them together. Thank god for Charlotte, (my tutor for digital work) she’s really helped me get my head around what I want to do and how I want to work. We both like the idea of objects, I knew it would be part of it. I want to basically create loads more distorted mix-matched facial collages and gif the heck out of them! I’ve already began creating some digital collages to hopefully either print out or use digitally, or both! A good week that has very much helped me figure out what I want. Though I’m still fully deciding on what to do. My ideas are still a little bit in the air, but have definitely been brought down and together a lot more.
Week Nine Planning
Week Nine. Wow, already! I’ve developed some digital collages and many paper collages, though I plan the create more. I NEED MORE!
I’ve been told there is some double sided sticker paper which I can use free of charge from the large collection of college materials. I want to begin developing some gifs in preparation for the final outcomes, figuring them out a little more. I think I’m going to land on making a series of gifs for part of my Final Major Project. I’ve also contacted an artist that I follow on Instagram to talk with him about his work and thoughts. Well get back to you on that.
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alfiejeffreys · 3 years
Week 7 Reflection
Searching for objects and brainstorming my notes. Keeping my tumblr up to date. Next week will be my week back after these holidays. I’m quite excited.
Week 8 Planning
This will be my week back after Easter holidays to begin my Final Major Project Final Outcome. I have a pile of notes and ideas for what I plan to do, I’m definitely going to be using objects largely in this project and still continuing on my Mental Disorder theme. I have hot and cold taps I got from my dads house as we’ve changed them. Im collecting more and more objects for use. I’ve been experimenting with drawing little characters, like doodles, though distorted representing my theme.
So I’m going to develop all those ideas further, use the macs and make some collaging work in the same sort of style as the distorted characters that I’ve been doing.
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alfiejeffreys · 3 years
Week Six Reflection
I completed my painting, a blank canvas I spray painted black and dripped white paint onto from a pencil. A chaotic, simple eye satisfying painting. A style of work I’ve always admired.
Another blank canvas I used for a blind drawing, obviously I love my blind drawings so this was a no brainier. Blind drawings I’d say go alongside collaging, so I’ve also been doing some collages in my book with magazine cut outs.
Week Seven Planning
I’m planning to keep thinking about what I’m going to do for my project. What I plan to use and how I’m going to present it.
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alfiejeffreys · 3 years
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Tracing Collaging
Tracing them with the sunlight through the window of our classroom I stuck my paper over multiple printed Japanese posters which Derek provided for everyone as we had loads! I used over 5-6 for each design. Layering each onto the previous. I used Marker pens, biros and tape.
After I layered all this imagery through tracing into one piece of paper I used yellow and pink foil paper to lay over each design just go give it sort of tint. It was a productive and interesting task. A tracing collage. A collage trace.
The Japanese posters alone were very interesting with their language and I like the numbers in the corner of the posters as the posters were numbered, like models.
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alfiejeffreys · 3 years
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Lino and Plastic Designs and Prints
Well I wanted to definitely do some distorted mixed matches irregular face, I’ve been researching and admiring some of artwork shown in class which I gave a large liking to. I always liked ‘wrong faces and what you can do with them, and then seeing her work and her approach, it really kickstarted my imagination and interest on the technique. We were doing plastic carving prints this day and or lino if we decide so, I designed one plastic print and three Lino prints. I wanted to experiment with this technique a little bit first before the actual carving process so I drew some boxes in my book and got to work.
I really like the designs and how they relate to my theme of mental disorder, connecting sort of disorders such as schizophrenia and DID to this sort of misplaced distorted designing technique. A technique maybe that could be part of my final major project. Oooo don’t tease me baby.
I prefer the print on the actual plastic rather than the print onto paper. As you know I like more psychical work. Most of my prints came out quite nice so I am happy with them especially for the design. A good session.
Now having some Lino, plastic and woodblock prints I think I’ve decided my favourite print type. LINO because it feels so nice to carve as well as I feel it prints best. I like the thinness of the plastic and the strength of the woodblock but I say overall the Lino takes the cake so far. Is there any other main sources of prints?
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