alfurr-blog · 7 years
hiatus notice!! 8/20-8/26
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i wont be online from august 20th to august 26th because ill be going on a cruise to mexico and i wont have access to any internet for those days!!! or calling or text for that matter,,
don’t expect me to be active all next week!!!
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alfurr-blog · 7 years
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hey! the lazytown fandom is DYING! why not try and revive it with a good ol’ SPORTACUS RP BLOG? reblog or like this if you would like to interact!
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alfurr-blog · 7 years
Glanni was still blushing, and Ipro’s hand on his back wasn’t helping matters.
“Of course I do!” Glanni shoved his hand into his coat pocket, and pulled out the money he had.
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ipro seemed rather proud of glanni, actually PAYING for the good he intended to steal. he looked up at glanni, as he was much, much shorter than the man next to him. 
“now, pay.”
the poor cashier, so confused.
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alfurr-blog · 7 years
Glanni couldn’t help but blush some at Ipro’s laugh. It was.. nice.
“Alright…” he replied, somewhat quiet. He hadn’t paid for anything in years!
ipro nodded, beginning to lead glanni to the cashier, hand at glanni’s back to urge him forward. his touch was oddly soft for someone who was so strong and toned. he patted glanni’s back gently as they approached the rather confused cashier, grin still across ipro’s face. baby steps to becoming a better person! 
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“you do have money, correct?”
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alfurr-blog · 7 years
Glanni was quite glad when Ipro released his hand. He wiggled his fingers, as if checking to see if he could still move them.
“I make no guarantees, but… I can try.”
ipro’s grin spread wider, rather excited to hear glanni’s words. great! it always made ipro smile, knowing that he had the ability and determination to help others, and that someone who he would assume to be STUBBORN is willing to accept it. the elf gave a small laugh, the crystal bell on his hat giving a small jingle at the motion. 
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“fantastic! the first step is to pay for that good that you intended on stealing!”
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alfurr-blog · 7 years
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things i need:
- anyone who isnt a good guy to flirt with ipro
- in fact, anyone flirt with ipro
- he’s so oblivious to it unless youre blunt and straightforward with it
- or just slam him up against a wall idk thats fine too
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alfurr-blog · 7 years
“It is, isn’t it?” Glanni smirked at that. He wasn’t much for handshakes, but he carefully took the elf’s hand.
ipro took a strong grasp onto glanni’s hand, shaking it before releasing and placing his hand back on his hip.
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“but, for now on, i will be helping you turn a new leaf! put your life in the right direction! no one deserves to resort to a life of crime!
              if you are willing to take my ADVICE, that is. ”
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alfurr-blog · 7 years
He… wanted to know his name? Hadn’t Ipro heard of him?! Glanni was in slight disbelief at first.
“Glanni Glaepur.”
ipro lived in an ELF VILLAGE; of course he wasn’t too familiar with the lingo and news that humans had circulating. and the man’s last name, glaepur. crime. quite fitting.
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“ quite the suiting name for someone who insists on stealing! “ ipro gave off a small laugh, grin pulling at his lips once more. “ i am Íþróttaálfurinn! ipro for short, if you don’t insist on repeating such a mundane name! “ the elf held out a hand, insisting on a handshake. it was the friendly thing to do, despite the man in front of him being a criminal.
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alfurr-blog · 7 years
Glanni’s expression changed to one of slight confusion. “You… want to help me?” This was… new.
ipro nodded, looking upwards at the tall man, hands going back to his hips with a small grin. ipro had always helped people who definitely need it, despite how horrible or bad that they may be! take halla for example; such a horrible bully that beat up kids and shot them with her slingshot seemed instantly reformed once ipro came along. who says that this man in front of him is any different?
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“ of course! i love to help people! besides, it sounds like you really need it!
       who.... who ARE you? i MUST know your name. “
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alfurr-blog · 7 years
He rolled his eyes. “Nothing at all, honey. What’s wrong to you is… right for me. This has been my life for years.” Glanni stared at him–honestly, he couldn’t tear his eyes away, as much as he wanted to.
ipro wasn’t quite USED to nicknames, especially pet names. when the word “honey” slipped past the criminals tinted lips, the elf’s eyes widened slightly in shock. it just wasn’t something that he was used to.
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“ just because you’ve been doing this for so long, it doesn’t mean that you can’t change! can’t i help you try? “
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alfurr-blog · 7 years
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you guys like SPEEDY, SMALL HEALTH ELVES? specifically, iprottaalfurinn? the first sportacus from afram latibaer? wanna RP with him??? if so,like or reblog this post!! this blog is still wip so dont expect too much from me ;;
and there’s a possibility this may be switched to a sportacus blog, so take this as a warning that u may be getting a DIFFERENT sport elf in the future
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alfurr-blog · 7 years
“I know it is.” he huffed. “But, like rules, the laws are meant to be broken,” Glanni replied, a bit dramatically, leaning in close to the elf. “Anyway~~~ I’m not afraid of jail. I’ve been there before.”
the sports elf cringed at his words, mustache twitching as he bared oddly sharp teeth. ipro didn’t particularly LIKE criminals; he never understood them. ipro remained where he stood, hands moving from his hips as he crossed his toned arms.
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“ if jail won’t straighten you out, what will? what will teach you that stealing is WRONG? “
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alfurr-blog · 7 years
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          “Truly, you flatter me! But if this is your way of telling me to stand down, then I’m afraid I have absolutely no intention of doing that.”
the sports elf let out a hmph, hand going up to fiddle with his mustache, the other adjusting his rather ridiculous felt hat. the bell/crystal at the end jingled as he did so. 
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“ why is that? being a criminal is wrong! wouldn’t you want to do something better with your power? such as helping those in need? “
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alfurr-blog · 7 years
Glanni was startled at first, but quickly regained his composure.
“Me? Pay for this?” he laughed. “How about… NO.”
ipro JUMPED around the criminal, hands landing on his hips as he stood in such a heroic position, but yet so much shorter than the pretty man in front of him.
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“ you MUST! it is the law to pay for your goods! would you like to end up in a jail? “
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alfurr-blog · 7 years
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       “ now for such a pretty woman, your heart doesn’t seem to look the same!
          not even close! “
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alfurr-blog · 7 years
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       “ NOW THERE, 
                you shouldn’t be stealing! you have to PAY for your goods, sir! “
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alfurr-blog · 7 years
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you guys like SPEEDY, SMALL HEALTH ELVES? specifically, iprottaalfurinn? the first sportacus from afram latibaer? if so,like or reblog this post!! this blog is still wip so dont expect too much from me ;;
and there’s a possibility this may be switched to a sportacus blog, so take this as a warning that u may be getting a DIFFERENT sport elf in the future
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