algidwaltz · 10 years
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     Oh, how swift the damsel was now to pull away and distance herself from his being. His words smashed into her so profoundly -- so brutally -- that she nearly stumbled backwards as though he had physically struck her.      Emotions would flash then over her countenance like frames from the reel of a film; hurt plagued it, shock widened her eyes, but soon anger darkened it, and she took a dangerous step forward.       ❝ Don't you  d a r e  do that, Edward, ❞ she snapped firmly, dark eyes ample and wounded beyond her mask of acrimoniousness.      The atmosphere had begun to thicken,                      and the air had suddenly become algid.  ❝ Don't you dare act like you're the only one who's hurting. ❞                                                                      Was this really what he had become?                                                              Was this really what past events had made him?
               Her mind whirled, and emotions churned in her gut with a ball of fire,                                                                                         nearly bringing her to tears.                            But she lapsed into silence, gaze holding, bewildered, upon him. Her anger was subsiding,                smothering itself with it's own smoke. But she had sacrificed so much for him;                      he who made things so inadvertently complicated..           Not complicated enough to keep her away, nonetheless.  ❝ & maybe you do know what it's like to be alone,                                           but that damn well doesn't mean you're alone now. ❞                  Don't blame it on me.                              It's not my fault!
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     ❝ I know you don’t, ❞ she answers swiftly, without hesitance as her dark ,mahogany gaze descends, and she moves ever-so-slowly away from him to gaze thoughtfully at the rotting wooden floor.       Her mind churns, and she lapses briefly into thoughtful silence.                                                                  ❝ I don’t know.. I’m sorry I asked. ❞ A beat. Her gaze flickers unto him once more.                        ❝ I’m not lonely, Edward. I have my family, my friends.. and, I mean, I can come up here and see you. ❞                                                      She’s struggling,                                                                    and dammit, it’s so   o b v i o u s  !            He could not come                                             d                                                      o                                               w                                                    n                                                         to her world.                                                                                                  She could not come                                                                                                                                       p                                                                                                                                  u                                                                                                                to his.  God, was it truly destined to be this way?
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algidwaltz · 10 years
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     ❝ I know you don't, ❞ she answers swiftly, without hesitance as her dark ,mahogany gaze descends, and she moves ever-so-slowly away from him to gaze thoughtfully at the rotting wooden floor.       Her mind churns, and she lapses briefly into thoughtful silence.                                                                  ❝ I don't know.. I'm sorry I asked. ❞ A beat. Her gaze flickers unto him once more.                        ❝ I'm not lonely, Edward. I have my family, my friends.. and, I mean, I can come up here and see you. ❞                                                      She's struggling,                                                                    and dammit, it's so   o b v i o u s  !            He could not come                                             d                                                      o                                               w                                                    n                                                         to her world.                                                                                                  She could not come                                                                                                                                       p                                                                                                                                  u                                                                                                                to his.  God, was it truly destined to be this way?
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       ❝ Do you really think you’ll stay here forever? ❞                 No one could harm him here.                          But god, forever seemed so extensively vast.        So  l o n e l y .
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algidwaltz · 10 years
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29 notes · View notes
algidwaltz · 10 years
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       ❝ Do you really think you'll stay here forever? ❞                 No one could harm him here.                          But god, forever seemed so extensively vast.        So  l o n e l y .
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            Oh, how she raced into the creature’s leather-bound arms. ❝ You are still here, ❞
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algidwaltz · 10 years
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475 notes · View notes
algidwaltz · 10 years
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            Oh, how she raced into the creature's leather-bound arms. ❝ You are still here, ❞
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algidwaltz · 10 years
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               ❝ E d w a r d ? ❞
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algidwaltz · 10 years
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algidwaltz · 10 years
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Don’t be ridiculous! You’re not handicapped, you’re… What do they call the… exceptional?
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