ali-riffraff-blog · 6 years
Cain forced a sarcastic laugh at the other man’s remark. “No. Upon demotion you become my eternal bitch. Believe me I’ll make it hell. I may not be as young, but fuck you I’m not deaf.” The comment about his age, makes him wonder if his face and hair reveal too much. He silently hopes it’s not enough to make him resort to the help of the witch. “By the way, if that’s your way of asking me if you can stay, offer first and then I’ll consider.” Although he isn’t planning on renting out any of the rooms because that would mean he would be letting someone replace the memories in the apartment which he thinks would do more harm than good. 
At the slight disappointment, Cain thinks he detected in the other man’s voice, he shoots Ali a look. “Maybe you should been more prepared. Coming in here using my things to solve a problem. Who does that?” He knows he would’ve stopped much sooner if Ali didn’t move forward into the room, but Cain figures the other man is more determined to finish the task than he despises Cain’s company. 
He watches as Ali’s front lands on the floor, with a roll of his eyes he adds, “There aren’t hidden cameras. So there’s no need for dramatics.” He immediately stops when he hears laughter. He’s not laughing so he knows it’s not with him and can feel himself getting more defensive even before Ali adds anything else. “Cute. A streetrat with another rat. Now that you’ve been reacquainted get it out of my apartment.”
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Al snorted. “Coulda fooled me!” he remarked, “Considering your dementia isn’t allowing you to remember my name,” he finished, no longer bothering to lower his voice. Ali bit his lip in thought, a hand going to run through his hair, “What, you mean my mere presence isn’t enough?” he let a huff of air escape his lips, “And anyway, I wouldn’t move in here with you if you begged me,” he told him rather truthfully. He couldn’t think of a worse roommate. Aside from Cain’s poor attitude, moving in with Cain would mean that he wouldn’t be able to have Bella over as much as he’d like to. 
It honestly took everything in Al not to throw the damned lighter at the other man’s head. He couldn’t believe he’d left his nice warm house for this. The sooner he solved this ‘problem’ the sooner he could return to his nice warm home. There was also something about irritating Cain that was also very satisfying. Especially when somehow, Ali currently was holding some sort of power over Cain. He rolled his eyes. “It’s about the element of surprise you son of a donkey.” 
At Cain’s growing unease, Ali couldn’t help but allow his smile to grow. That is right after he allowed the streetrat comment to slide. He raised a brow as he held the mouse up towards Cain. “Not so fast! You called me in a downright fit because you were scared of this little guy?” he asked, brandishing the mouse up to the light. One look at the small mouse with its large brown eyes had Ali almost bent in half, laughter exploding from his mouth. 
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ali-riffraff-blog · 6 years
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ali-riffraff-blog · 6 years
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ali-riffraff-blog · 6 years
“Isn’t it just?” Milo laughed, wrinkling his nose in similar distaste. He always appreciated Ali’s enthusiasm for even the most boring topics. Well - to others, they were boring, but to Milo, new knowledge never failed to excite him in the most nerdiest of fashions. 
Milo’s eyes brightened, followed by a wide grin at the sound of Ali accompanying him to the staff party. Though it was technically a gathering where only employees were allowed, he was sure that at least Ali looked enough like a fellow staff member long enough before drawing suspicion. 
“All of them? False.” Milo grinned and lightly rested his arm around Ali’s shoulders in a quick hug, already leading him in the direction of the party. “I think I lucked out to have a guide that looks like you.”
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Ali barked a laugh, glancing up at his friend as he allowed Milo to guide him in the direction of the party. He shrugged nonchalantly, “No, you’re right, the Gods only send the very best to guide those who had been the very best,” Ali said in a tone that implied he knew exactly what he was talking about, when indeed he certainly did not. 
He was glad to have something to do other than work. Lately, he hadn’t seemed to have the time for anything in between odd jobs in and out of the casino that it felt good to be able to do something a little more relaxed. He especially was glad to spend a little time with Milo whose intelligence, Al had always admired. When others brushed him aside as peculiar, Al only saw that the professor was in-fact miles ahead of the rest of them. As a result, Al always found that conversations with him were never boring or lacking.
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ali-riffraff-blog · 6 years
MARI WAS HOPEFUL of many things. She thought that one day she would have her own fairy tale romance and see the Mundie world through her own eyes rather than an Instagram post and maybe she’d even be able to swindle a free pizza out of the delivery guy in her motel room that night, but she had little hope for Red’s well being. A person’s sudden disappearance was something she had experienced neither in Fabletown nor the Homeland, as the Exodus had only taken her from her story. She wondered if anyone there was looking for her, or if they even realized she was gone. 
“Do you think Fritz had anything to do with it?” He wasn’t the first she suspected, but he was certainly on the list. The blonde folded her arms under her chest. She turned to face Ali. “Would you even tell me if you did?”
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Ali’s eyes grew wide at her question. Always cutting right to the point, Mari did. He threw a wary glance about them quickly before hissing a quick, “Shh!” He gently took her by the shoulder and guided her slowly through the crowd, inconspicuous. To any roaming eyes they would simply appear to be two colleagues sharing work woes.
At her second question he couldn’t help but gape a little at her. Hurt flashed in his eyes. “You honestly think that I’m capable of something so horrible?” he asked, his jaw setting firmly, but he didn’t so much as allow his voice to rise. Of course he had his own reservations about their dear old employer, but Al was careful to keep his opinions mostly to himself.
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ali-riffraff-blog · 6 years
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ali-riffraff-blog · 6 years
She shrugged, lips still wrapped around the straw of her drink, cheeks hollowing out as she sucked it down. “Who is there? No one ever leaves Fabletown, and no one ever just… visits. Everyone who’s here already has a place to live. Tremaine knew what she was doing when she bought the hotel, and it wasn’t ever meant to be anything legitimate.” Of that, she’s sure. In all her time in Fabletown, she’s scoured for a new face, someone unfamiliar, someone who could tell of adventures in the outside world. But they only got dropped from one trap right back into another. Nobody ever goes in, and nobody ever comes out. Just a shrine to a legacy of wicked witches and false happy endings. A memory that should maybe just be forgotten. 
Maybe Scarlet is at peace and the rest of them are the ones still suffering.
“It’s decent.” she mumbled, vaguely snapping back to the conversation at hand, realizing she’d started staring off into space. “It’s not a fairy tale.” That pulled a smile from her, even just a small one. Then she reached over and gave her companion a light shove, smile growing. “Easy for you to say. It’s not your job.” Belle laughed and carefully adjusted her drink again, reaching for the straw once more. “Besides. Supposing I did have it in me to call in sick for a night, what would you have in mind?”
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Ali cocked his head to the side, nodding slowly in understanding. He wasn’t naive enough to believe that anyone new ever came into Fabletown. And for an establishment usually made to thrive on its reliance of tourism he had to wonder that there had to be something so much more that they didn’t know. Despite this knowledge, he still hoped. A dozen times a day he’ll see someone walking down the street, and just for an instant he’ll stop. His brain lighting up with recognition, all his senses standing to attention, thinking it’s found a match for that all too familiar silhouette. And by the next gust of wind the truth rears its head. Painfully stark and all too familiar in its disappointment. 
He reminds himself that she is gone.That frustration which he’d harnessed over the last few months came to rest on his face, his dark eyes falling into the dregs of his drink. There had to be a way, there had to be some sort of explanation, a hope on the horizon. “I’m going to need another drink,” Al said in conclusion, a finger raising to get the bartender’s attention before he ordered a whiskey. 
He watched Bella for a moment, as she battled with her own thoughts. He frowned slightly. He often forgot that they were all going through this together, that this was new for all of them, even if some others were adapting to the change with far more ease. Al found himself snorting, little did she know that Ali was practically begging Fritz to fire him. He pondered over her question, “I mean we could location hop, or you can help me put up Halloween decorations at my place,” he wiggled his eyebrows, “I even have Netflix now,” he said. 
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ali-riffraff-blog · 6 years
For a moment there, Hercules could read the recognition in the other’s eyes, and they tried to search inside their own memories if they’ve met before and simply had forgotten, and while they weren’t easily distracted, sometimes they weren’t that good with names or faces, unless a strong event happened around the person in question. 
But as the other continued, Hercules finally realized they, in fact hadn’t met before, giving them a sense of relief before it soon sparked some kind of pride in between. It was true, Hercules wasn’t overly excited of what they did for a living at this point, but the recognition that came from Ali the moment he mentioned it– For a moment it was like old times, and Hercules smiled. “Oh, you have?” They rubbed the back of their neck, a certain humility slipping in. “Hopefully, those fights provided the entertainment.” 
The words slightly awkward, what could they say? They weren’t saving anyone at this point, they were just entertainment and a pawn in a business. “I see, well, I shouldn’t be surprised The Four Jacks is always the same as well.” 
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“Sure,” Al allowed, sitting back in his chair. It wasn’t a complete lie, he had seen them fight before. Just the once, right before he’d met Megara. He remembered the time she’d told him that she’d been with him back in the homeworld, he’d actually laughed out loud. It seemed fitting that only a fighter could woo the strong willed woman. She’d shot him an icy cold look that had wiped the mirth right off of his face. He’d never asked her about her relationship with Hercules since, she’d never brought it up either, but there had certainly been something guarded in her eyes amongst the ice. 
Ali nodded, a smile on his lips. Although he didn’t know the true nature of their relationship with his friend, Ali couldn’t help but keep his own guard up. For all he knew Hercules may have broken Meg’s heart, they may be apart of the reason why she was so angry at the world. It was for that reason that the smile didn’t completely reach his eyes. “You won. Knocked the poor sucker out clean.”
He snorted at their words. “You can say that again,” he muttered into his glass. He furrowed his brow. Meg would kill him if she knew of what he was about to ask, but Al wasn’t sure if he’d get the opportunity again. The opportunity to find out once and for all. He usually wasn’t one to meddle in the affairs of his friends, but he only did so when they were at threat, or if there was even the chance that there was something he could do. “Do you fight for yourself?” He didn’t need to add to the question, they both knew what he was really asking. Do you fight for someone? 
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ali-riffraff-blog · 6 years
Aladdin’s World - Aladdin OST
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ali-riffraff-blog · 6 years
If there was little else to be appreciated in her good friend – and certainly there was enough there to count on both hands at least – it was his eagerness to enjoy the little things. He was the same as she was, in that regard, and it was simply lovely finding a fellow enthusiast who had the ability to at least meet her level if not exceed it. It was a rarer quality than it should have been, even in those she dare considered spending even more than a few quick minutes with. 
Raising the whiskey coated glass to meet Ali’s, a choice of drink she was more than alright despite the risk considering most of her options thus far had been laced with the darker liquid and it was such a pretty red, she takes a sip just after to meet her fate. Her features twisting in slight disgust, regret fills her almost immediately as she sets it aside again and mutters, “He’s still terrible at it.” The blonde will keep drinking it, as expected, since she’s always been the kind who’s more than willing to embrace her mistakes as the misguided victories they truly were and always will be. 
Her spirits get a boost at the announcement that he’d be hers for evening, however, brief, spirited applause emitting without hesitation in a show of her acceptance. “As it should be! They’ll miss you, but I’d miss you more so clearly I’m more deserving.” There’s a lull as the blonde allows a few seconds of further thought, her inebriated mind just a bit slower than usual as it finally seems to register the tunes playing the background. “This is such a good song. .. We should do karaoke after this! Do you sing, Al? We should go sing. We’ll drink and we’ll sing~ Wait .. does the casino do karaoke?”
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The gentle ‘chink’ of their glasses coming together was enough to send a thrill of anticipation to course through Ali. He made a face, holding the drink out at arms length to look at it from a distance. If he were being completely honest, the drink wasn’t entirely terrible. If he’d been giving the drink under any other sort of circumstance, and not in the presence of a friend who was clearly in competition with the maker of the drink, he’d probably have happily enjoyed his drink. However, considering the circumstances, he pulled a face. “You definitely could have done this one better,” he told her before sliding the drink over to her to have a try. It wasn’t a complete lie after all, he knew that his friend could make a mean drink, one that would certainly rival the one that he’d just tasted.
With one beer down and a bit of whiskey in his system, Ali was beginning to feel that familiar warmth set course throughout him. And he welcomed it eagerly, slamming more of his drink down. He’d spent far too much time this week worrying, wondering. Red’s death had only made his mind work into overdrive, made him more terrified of what might’ve happened to his Jasmine. So Al would welcome a night of drinking with outstretched arms if it only meant that he could selfishly have a night off.
“Do I sing?” he repeated, his voice probably a little too loud. He chuckled into his drink as a slow smile began to pull lazily at his lips as his head began to bob along to the tune of the song playing. “I sing like the cicadas welcoming the moon!” he finally announced, grinning over at the blonde. His eyes lit at the mention of karaoke, “I’ve never done karaoke before!” His head was nodding eagerly, “They do! We should go to the casino and we can sing and maybe they’ll even fire me!” he said, a note of hope dancing in his voice. It was a long shot, but one that his drunken mind was eager to try out.
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ali-riffraff-blog · 6 years
and when the dust of your rage settles you’re left in the dark palms pressed into your eyes wondering why you weren’t good enough
i blame myself. -jg (via blackwatch-warden)
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ali-riffraff-blog · 6 years
Tiana grinned, leaning back in her chair, hand reaching for the wine glass while her eyes wandered back to her phone. “I think it’s the artificiality that I can’t get behind. Like you know pasta’s not supposed to look like that, so while I’m aware that it’s food, my taste buds and the part of my brain that induces appetite is like ‘nah, don’t think so’.” She scoffed, manners finally kicking in as she turned off the phone screen and placed it face-down on the table. Black pasta in all its disturbing glory could wait, she still had some time to spare before Halloween. 
“Oh, not that,” she shook her head. “Not really, anyway, and definitely not a complete revamp. Why change a good thing, right?” Her voice took on an almost playful tone at the last bit, smile spread wide as she sipped at her wine. “But I’ve been trying to incorporate some more.. seasonal tastes, I guess you could call them, into the menu. You know—pumpkin, apple, cinnamon, the likes. And I was thinking of doing a Halloween special? A dish or two with a spooky twist is what I had in mind, hence the black pasta, but if you’ve got better ideas, please send ‘em my way, I’d really prefer my food to look as good as it tastes.” Holding firmly onto her glass, she used her free hand to haphazardly sort through the clutter she’d made, slipping the loose papers, scribbles and her notebook between one big folder and closing it unceremoniously. “And I mean, if it’s your idea, it’s only fair for you to get a free test drive, so..” A light chuckle bubbled up from her throat, his previous comment about being a guinea pig not going unnoticed. She’d always enjoyed discussing food with those equally as enthusiastic about it. Cooking was not something she did for herself, after all. Not entirely, at least. She cooked for people and seeing them enjoy it was all she could really ask for. So Ali was a perfect customer, really, one she didn’t mind slipping a little something on the house every once in a while. 
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Al nodded in agreement, “You do have a valid point there. But honestly? I’m sure anything you put your touch on would taste divine,” he told her truthfully, “whether it’s pasta with black sauce or not.” He tipped his head to the side, “Really, I’m much more excited for thanksgiving. From where I’m from, we didn’t have a holiday for eating turkey.” He knew that the holiday was a little more than simply eating turkey but from what he’d gleaned it was still a very important part of it.
At her response, Al couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief. He wouldn’t know what to do with himself if Tiana’s famous Gumbo was to suddenly walk off of her menu. It truly was a thing to behold. Until coming to Fabletown, he had never tasted anything that could even compare to it. “Not a good thing, a great thing,” he told her with a wink. He certainly meant it too. Ali made a rumbling sound of delight deep within his throat. “Oh I think you would be able to make all those flavours work incredibly well at your place. I mean with the dishes you already have, it would all go hand in hand.” His eyes lit up in delight, raising his glass in the air, “I’ll drink to that,” he toasted, before taking a long drink of his beer. He then furrowed his brows, his eyes narrowing at the ceiling as he thought. “ I mean, I usually specialise on the receiving end of food but how about a pie where the pastry is made to look like a mummy’s wrappings? I’ve also heard that pumpkin spiced drinks are also a favourite at this time of year,” he told her with a shrug.
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ali-riffraff-blog · 6 years
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ali-riffraff-blog · 6 years
Her lips only curve into a bigger smile at the commentary given, eyes glittering with apparent approval as she later commends her good friend. “Too zingy is an excellent word choice. I’ve been trying to narrow that down for like ..” Making a show of actually counting fingers, as if that would help narrow down the moments passed at all, the blonde soon realizes how impossible the task might be and gives up immediately. “… Far too long.” She settles with, eagerly flagging down the next server as she notices them heading in their direction with several items in hand. 
“We’ll be borrowing these!” Stated just as soon as her manicured hands could take hold of two more unfamiliar beverages – one nearly as  dark as the beer Ali already possessed though far too potent and another a deep, shimmering  red full of cherries, with the cutest umbrella imaginable because why not – Arabelle shoos the man away with the promise of paying it off later. The server surely leaves in a more agitated state than he arrived with given the goods practically stolen from him, but what does she care? Al had made a more than reasonable request and who was anyone to deny her friends? Particularly when they were indulging her wishes?
Setting aside the daiquiri from before, she places both in front of him. “The pretty red one is definitely a cherry whiskey – fair warning the barkeep on duty has had trouble with those in the past. Not one hundred percent about the second, but it’s more fun that way.” Allowing her fellow thief to pick whichever he preferred before snagging one for herself and resting against him far too comfortably after – her already overly affectionate nature never failing her especially when liquor was involved – she finally thinks to ask as she looks up again, “You aren’t still on the clock, are you? You’re drinking with me anyway because I’d hate it if you left now, but I’m just curious.”
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Ali shrugged a single shoulder with an airy flourish of his fingers, as if he were truly an expert when it came to drinks (of which he was definitely not). However, pleased to be of any help to his friend, and pleased that apparently the drinks were in full flow tonight, Al sat back in his seat and prepared himself for what was surely going to be a long but well welcomed night.
He couldn’t help but begin to rub his hands together in anticipation at the arrival of the two new drinks, a wicked grin matching the eager glint in his eyes. He did so whilst shooting an apologetic smile at the server, Arabelle had worked herself up into a mood of complete ecstasy and Ali was certain that there was nothing that would be able to bring her out of it, well, nothing but a string of good drinks of course. “Now we’re talking!” He leaned forward in order to get a better look at the new drinks, his eyes immediately going to the darker of the two before eyeing the other warily for a moment. No, the red one looked like the nightmare result of underage teenagers sneaking into their parent’s stores, only to end up bent over spewing their brains out in the front hedges.
Immediately, Ali made for the ‘mystery’ drink. He held up his drink in cheers, thoroughly eager to reach the same cloud 9 that Arabelle was experiencing. There was something unsatisfying about being sober around someone who had already fallen into the clutches of their liquor. He shook his head at her question, “Nope,” he took a long swig from his drink, “I am all yours! Here’s to drinking without the guilt of skipping work!” he announced, grinning over at the blonde.
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ali-riffraff-blog · 6 years
 Ali spun around to meet the face of the all too familiar voice. He swallowed. They had such a messy relationship. Her eyes didn’t light up in the same way that they used to when she laid eyes on him. Things were tense, and Ali felt guilty. He was getting sick of lying to his friend, living beneath the guise of complete loyalty to Fritz. But as much as he hated it, he knew that it was necessary, it was for Marigold’s own good and this was something he wasn’t allowed to be selfish about. 
All thoughts of guilt ridden self reproach flew out of his head at the mention of Red. Eager to hear if Marigold knew anything Al leaned in closer. “I know,” he said in agreement, his voice also lowering. It was no lie that Fritz had eyes and ears everywhere. “I want to stay hopeful, I really do, but I just have an awful feeling about this.”
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Date: October 10th
Location: Four Jacks Casino
Status: closed for @ali-riffraff
HER BLUE EYES flickered around the lobby of the casino expertly. When one was in her line of profession for as long as she had been, they developed a particular skill to spot what they wanted from a mile away. Marigold and Ali weren’t currently on the best of terms, and a significant amount of trust and respect had been lost between them while it grew between Ali and Fritz. When it came to coworkers, however, he was still the one she trusted the most ― perhaps because they were the most similar, even if he was no longer proud to admit it. 
Marigold walked towards Ali with a purpose, dodging customers and even swiping a few bucks from the edge of a table in her hurry to catch the man before a new group of customers came to him. “Hey,” she greeted, approaching him from behind. “Did you hear about Red? Everyone’s talking about it.” She kept her voice low. “It wasn’t too long ago that she was in here…”
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ali-riffraff-blog · 6 years
Hercules was slightly taken aback by the comment, perhaps they weren’t masking their obvious discomfort the way they thought they were. Nevertheless, they simply shook their head with the easy going smile they usually wore to avoid further questions. They weren’t about to mope around all over the stranger and potentially ruin their night. “Everything’s fine, don’t worry about me.”
“Hercules, nice to meet you.” They introduced themselves back, rough hand shaking back the extended hand. Completely oblivious that the other sensed something familiar in them. “I don’t come here often,” they started, mostly to strike up conversation, “is it always this full?”
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As well as Ali was at ready other’s body language and tone, he also knew when to stop prodding (in some cases, keep prodding until he got the reaction they needed). And right now seemed like one of those moments, they’d only just met after all and whatever was bothering them was probably something they weren’t ready to discuss with a complete stranger.
Okay, so maybe not a complete stranger then. At the mention of the name, Ali’s eyes lit with recognition for a brief moment. So this was the Hercules, the one who Meg had always tried to brush off as nothing, just someone from her past. Recovering himself, Al nodded, “The fighter, right? I’ve seen you fighting a couple of times,” Al explained. Well, it wasn’t a complete lie, a believable cover up he thought. Glancing around at the drinking establishment, Ali nodded, “Yeah, pretty much.”
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ali-riffraff-blog · 6 years
Milo grinned at Ali. It warmed his heart that he could always count on Ali to go along with Milo’s antics, no matter how silly. Ali was a dependable, easygoing character, and he’d like to think that if Ali ever needed anything, Milo would be there in a heartbeat to help. 
“Yes they would!” Milo commented excitedly, “Technically what we’re doing right now is a bastardized version of what they’d do. The correct format would be to painstakingly wrap every single toe and finger with linen, not toilet paper. And you’d have to say protective spells to ensure protection in the afterlife.
“But…they also removed the organs and re-stuffed the body so I’m sure we can skip a few steps.” Milo laughed.
“Anyways, where are you headed to? I doubt that a lame staff party with store-bought cookies would be cooler than where you need to get to.”
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Ali pouted, his eyes narrowing. “Oh I am definitely not doing that,” he said with a laugh. That would surely take them all afternoon. He made a face at the mention of what they did with the organs and shook his head. “That is disgusting.”
“Work, supposedly,” he told the other man, “But,” he began, drawing out the word in a conspiratorial tone, “I can surely be missed for a couple more hours,” he said with a sly grin, “So yes, it’s safe to say that a staff party, no matter how lame it may be, is much more exciting and cooler than work. The only problem is that I don’t have a costume...I could be your guide to the afterlife, I’m sure they’re all just as dashing as I am!”
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