alianasblogposts · 6 years
Earth’s Ethics Podcast
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Soundcloud link: Earth’s Ethics
@alianasblogposts @sundrysanvidge
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alianasblogposts · 6 years
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Bill Nye is famously known for his educational kids TV show that taught about science. He is a major advocate about nature and the environment and I want to do work in the general area in the future, hopefully impacting the world in a positive way as he does. I wrote a script like those used for the podcasts were doing to show how his actions would be shown if talking about the environment on his TV show.
Visual and Sound
  Hey! Hey! Over here!
  No not that way!
  This way yeah!
  Can you guys guess what we will be talking about today?
  We are going to be talking about the environment!
  Did you know the earth in 71% water and only 29% dry land. And of that small percentage we have over 7 billion people and over 8.7 million species all living on there. On earth depending on where you live the environment around you can change dramatically!
  In the north lies the north pole where you’ll manly find weather rage from 30 degrees Fahrenheit to the negatives and see mainly a winter white landscape.
  But if you go the equator, which is at the middle axis of the earth the weather will we warmer and tropical. Depending on the location you are at, the flora and fauna around you as well as the climate and weather can be completely different even for place relatively close to each other.  
  Humans rely on the environment around them very heavily, its why when trade with regions across the world began it became a big deal for getting things that were important but didn’t exist around you.
  Spices and foods were main contributors to the boom of trade and how things from tropical regions such as cocoa which couldn’t be grown elsewhere became popular and very wanted.
  Can you imagine how hard it must have been for the first people to settle into the desert?
  It’s hard to believe that with only 71% of earth being dry land we have so many kinds of places, and living things living there.
  Be sure to appreciate the environment around you because you and I share it with the billions of other plants, animals and people. 
  Well toon if for next time with me!
    Bill Nye Intro Song and video
View empty lab, camera moves left
  Camera moves right
  Voom in of bills face
  Regular visual of bill
    Bill references to image of nature behind him with confetti popping excitement sound.
    Bill in space pointing to earth
      Clip of various people and places on earth
    Video of north pole
          Video of tropical places
          Old timey earth pic with ship trade lines and pop up images of what they’re trading.
      Cue image of tropical forest with cocoa and people taking care of it. Then a cartoon of a cocoa in the cold falling over.
    Cartoon image of Bill Nye shriveled up with a cane looking for water.
    Cue back to lab with Bill Nye looking at a globe spinning.
    Bill Smiles
    Bill waves bye
  Closing Bill Nye theme song and credits
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alianasblogposts · 6 years
Improper Planning in Landscaping
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In the landscaping business one of the most underreported issues is plant growth and the issues of its environment. I’m sure everyone has seen the way trees are weirdly cut and shaped to grow around powerlines when they were planted directly underneath them. That is but one example of how landscaping often doesn’t fully consider the future growth and affects that the plant will have on how it will grow from where its planted. Most think of the aesthetic look in the moment and good it will be in the future but not what else might get in the way or be damaged.
Another example of the detrimental effects poor planning can cause it when people plant a small tree next to a home for future shade but don’t consider how the trees might up root the dirt, sidewalk, or plumping and wires in the ground as it matures to full growth. These problems can cost people up to thousands of dollars to fix and repair the issue that improper placement of a plant can cause. To remediate the source of this issue landscapers should look towards how they design the areas they are planting in and deeply consider what the plats needs are and how big it will get and what it the area of the plant may get in the way or interfere with roots, branches or in the event it falls over. There should be careful planning where everything is taken into account to prevent accidents from occurring.
This problem is manageable but often ignored because of the way people have been doing things for so long. Continuing to place large tree saplings under power lines which will eventually get in the way and need constant maintenance. Thinking for the future and creating better plans instead of leaving things the way they are considering no alternative is the future that needs to happen.
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alianasblogposts · 6 years
Horticulture and the plants people buy
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I chose this image for my meme because it shows how I feel every time I see someone throw away a perfectly good plant. The field of horticulture doesn't really make many ads that talk about their products just a general statement of where to find them to get plants at. But one of the most common misconceptions that so many customers go through is the idea that their plant has died after the flowers fall off and so they throw the plant away and buy a new one. A lot of people when buying a plant often do not know how to properly take care of it or know much about plants in general to know what to expect.  They most commonly get information by asking the seller or employee from the store on what to do.
So when the pretty flowering plant that they bough a few weeks ago starts losing its flowers as normal when its flowering season may be ending, may simply discard the plant into the trash and replace it with a new blooming one. Growers specifically go through a lot to make your plant flower so it looks pretty when you buy it at the store, eventually though those flowers will go away until the next time its to bloom. I went to a convention for growers and other industry professionals and many said they felt hurt when the plants they grew end up wasted or trashed. One lady gave a speech about how even though customers buying more plants brings in more revenue it still is sad that the plant you spent months growing got wasted when it could have lived.
Not to mention that buying plants is typically not a cheap hobby. All the work and time that goes into making the pretty flowers we all see make the price a pretty penny on your wallet. Apart from just flowers the misconception that plants are dead happen a lot with almost anything some freak when leaves die, others when they somehow mess up a little and the plant gets slightly injured they panic and feel they became a plant murder. Plants are more hardy then you think please don't throw them away when they loss their flowers.
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alianasblogposts · 6 years
The word landscaping means “the process of making a garden or other piece of land more attractive by altering the existing design, adding ornamental features, and planting trees and shrubs”. Through the history of human civilization, land development has been an integral factor in our progress as a species. Going from hunters and gathers to farmers we connected to the land. Apart from those who believe that nature should go unaltered by human hands and left alone, human culture, religion, politics, war, and innovation methods as well as population growth have all played a major role in influencing architecture and the layout of the land. Landscaping connects to history, gardening and a five-step design process.
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Figure 1 Versailles Palace Expedia
Landscaping has had its roots since ancient times, the term "landscape" actually derives from the Dutch word “landschap”, which originally meant "region, tract of land" but acquired the artistic connotation, "a picture depicting scenery on land" in the early 1500s. Along with landscaping comes the term Landscape Architecture, which is the job of the one who does landscaping. The origin of the term landscape architecture comes from a book published in 1828 by Gilbert Laing Meason called the Landscape Architecture of the Great Painters of Italy. That book is where the term was first used and provided information on the special type of architecture which could be seen in the landscape paintings of the great painters of Italy.
Contrary to the meaning of landscaping, the first instances of humans altering the land were not driven by the pursuit of making it more visually appealing. What moved people to alter the world was the force of religious and spiritual feelings. Cultures attempted to express in the landscapes they built the sacred meanings and spiritual significance of natural sites and phenomena. Early people altered the landscape to try to understand and/or honor the mysteries of nature. The ancient Greeks respected nature as the sanctuary of the Gods, but equally valued the human domain. Their ideals were revealed in architecture, in urban form, and in the consideration of the landscape as a place of civic responsibility.
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Figure 2 Greece
As cultures advanced and humans gained more control over the nature, we switched to changing the landscape for physical and spiritual comfort. The idea of gardens being managed as a pleasure ground evolved from the enclosed hunting grounds of Europe and Asia. However before long, sacred structures and monuments soon replaced sacred landscapes. And altering the landscape grew into the pursuit of beauty instead.
 Landscaping vs. Gardening
Another closely related term to landscaping is gardening. Both are centered around enhancing the natural beauty of a space of land using plants and rocks in general. Gardening conforms more to a home owner’s personal preference for form and functionality, it is the practice of growing plants, that can range from tending to a single plant or to an entire garden with a variety of plants. It involves growing and caring for plants either in pots or in the ground. While landscaping is a more professional way of gardening in its design and purpose. Landscape design is the art of organizing and enriching outdoor space with plants and structures for aesthetic and/or practical purposes.
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Figure 3 Pinterest
Unlike gardening, landscaping is a profession that many go into as a full-time job containing landscaping society’s and certification tests to be considered a professional in the field. As well as competitions and events. The Association of Professional Landscape Designers or APLD helps to promote the industry with members across the United States the organization helps to spread education, trends, and developments.  Gardening also differs from landscaping by the area it would be done at. Homes and residences are where gardens are made. For a high quality job focusing on visual appeal in would mainly be done at monuments, parks, businesses, and fancy homes which have lots of empty space to decorate with.
 Process of Landscaping
Landscape architects analyze, plan, design, manage, and nurture the built and natural environments before physically landscaping the land to the image that they created for it.
The five steps of the design process include: 1) conducting a site inventory and analysis, 2) determining your needs, 3) creating functional diagrams, 4) developing conceptual design plans, and 5) drawing a final design plan. The first three steps establish the aesthetic, functional, and horticultural requirements for the design. The last two steps then apply those requirements to the creation of the final landscape plan.
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Figure 4 Van Zelst Inc.
Throughout the design process there are ten important things to consider:
1.      Understand the area for work location and plant specifics
2.      Remember your wants and needs
3.      Use style, theme, and form to make spaces and shapes
4.      Create spaces and link them together with different elements
5.      Consider the purpose and use of the plants
6.      Structure the plants you use using different planting and design techniques
7.      Highlight focal points and transitions
8.      Pay attention to detail in the materials, the colors, and the surface textures
9.      Take time in planning for plant maintenance and growth
10.  Protect resources through design and sustainable practices
Just like the past of landscaping, it will continue into the future, revolving around its application at public spaces and establishments such as parks and buildings to give an aesthetic and pleasing view to all who go there.
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alianasblogposts · 6 years
UF College of Agricultural and Life Science (CALS)
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Platform: Facebook
Handle: UF College of Agricultural and Life Science
The facebook page run by the UF CALS department is followed by many students to keep up with events in the college and get questions answered. They make posts almost daily and relate info about people and notices that may be important to know about.
When you first enter the home page the first thing you see is a large cover video straight at the top center. On the right side you can locate info on their story, the community, location, team members, and related pages. On the left are links to their about info, events, photos, twitter, reviews, videos, notes, posts, jobs and community. The middle of the page first shows some recent photos, reviews and videos before showing some of the posts they made. Its a great way to see how your potential future college may look like when going to UF. It helps adapting to new college life easier instead of having to wait until you actual get there to know what goes on.
I’m sure many students know the struggles of finding someone to talk to who can answer questions you may have about majors or knowledge relating to school. With the ability to ask questions on the platform you may get help faster then the traditional way competing with private time by a person at school. You may also connect with other students, graduates, or faculty on there and create connections that may help you down the line. Even more helpful they post about scholarships and jobs that you may apply to.
Its extremely helpful and can lead you to learn more about resources around you. The info is easy to find and made simple to use.
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alianasblogposts · 6 years
In the Garden Season 1100 Ep 1108
In the Garden with Bryce Lane is an Emmy award-winning half-hour home horticulture show offering practical tips on how to grow plants and home landscaping techniques. The host, horticulture instructor Bryce Lane, focuses on how to make the home landscape look great without spending a lot of time or money on it. The shows doesn't show much of the social and personal based ethics but does show the conservative ethics as plants grown use lots of water, soil and fertilizer. And you must decide what plants should be grown.
The main issue is fertilizer use as the plants grown need nutrients but it can be hazardous on the environment so the way nursery's and gardens are designed to not let it pile up to damage the plant and not flood out and pollute the water ways are important. Some of the few social ethics in horticulture is what to decide to plant, needing to know the climate of the area and whether it can thrive there and the specific look that they want consumers to see when planted. Ensuring the plant will not be invasive is also essential to conservative ethics.
The main wish is to create a balance between art, nature and people. And the people in the show show how important there work is, as well as how much they love doing it. In this episode they talk about xeriscaping - meaning to landscape in a style which requires little to no irrigation. Its a method of growing plants that are drought tolerate and use less water so its good for the environment but still produce a great look. Its a great way at showing how making choices such as what plants you decided to grow can help save water.
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alianasblogposts · 6 years
Stranger Things
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Is an american science fiction-horror television series created, written and directed by the Duffer Brothers.It focuses on the investigation into the disappearance of a young boy amid supernatural events occurring around the town, including the appearance of a girl with psychokinetic abilities who helps the missing boy's friends in their own search.
💪💪💪 You can only CHOOSE TWO. Go creds to 📷 Picture by @stranger_editss 💖 Follow me @friendsdontlie_strangerthings for more 💗 ❤ Update new pictures everyday! ➖ 📌 Tag someone to make their day better. ❤️ Double Tap & Tag your Friends Below⤵ #strangerthings #upsidedown #strangerthings3 #strangerthings2 #strangerthing #eleven #demogorgon #strangerthingsmemes #strangerthingsrp #strangerthingsedit #strangerthingscast #strangerthingsseason2 #strangerthingsedits #strangerthingsfanart #strangerthingsfan #strangerthingstv #strangerthingsfandom #eleventh
A post shared by Stranger Things (@friendsdontlie_strangerthings) on May 16, 2018 at 12:57pm PDT
happy mother’s day to all of the powerful moms of Stranger Things! pic.twitter.com/i8s13UXNwt
— claudia🎈🚲 (@_claudiaann)
May 13, 2018
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