alicelile · 6 years
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alicelile · 6 years
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alicelile · 6 years
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alicelile · 7 years
My grandfather doesn’t use the word “calories” when talking about food…he uses the word “value” instead. I was eating fruit for lunch and he said “if you’re going for a run later you need something more valuable”. I sat there for a while just thinking about the way he said that. Change out a negative word with a positive one and you’ll see start seeing positive change.
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alicelile · 7 years
21 days
It’s supposed to take 21 days before doing something becomes a habit. 
So just think. 
21 days without binging could be a lifetime of self-control.
21 days of not eating after 6 could mean always waking up skinny.
21 days of actually working out could mean a lifetime of thin.
21 days.
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alicelile · 7 years
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alicelile · 7 years
small habits to adopt
wake up early
drink a glass of water as soon as you wake up
meditate or concentrate on your breathing for at least 2 mins
visualize your goals for the day and for the future
make your bed 
do calf raises or squats while brushing your teeth
dry brush
take a cold shower (or end a hot shower with cold water right after for about 3 mins)
put on lotion while your skin is still damp
cleanse, tone, and moisturize your face
apply sunscreen
drink a glass of water before and after every meal
listen to a podcast/ted talk instead of music while walking or driving
park far away from where you’re going
stand up straight
look at people in the eye when talking to them
look straight ahead when walking, not at the ground
smile at strangers
stop complaining (it’s bad for your health)
bring cash instead of credit card
track your expenses
turn off notifications on your phone when doing work
resist the urge to go on your phone and observe your surroundings more
set a timer for 5 mins when scrolling through social media and stop when the time is up
learn at least 5 new vocab words from your target language every day
exercise while watching shows/videos
read at least 10 pages every day
do tasks that can be done in 2 mins right away
drink tea
prepare workout gear the night before
jot down tasks for the next day before sleeping
write down quotes/lyrics that strike a chord
spend 30 mins on a hobby
journal and write down things you are grateful for
aim for 7-8 hours of sleep
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alicelile · 7 years
i think the worst uncomfortable fat feeling is when you sit down and you can feel your stomach rolls squeeze and touch each other. i hate it so much. i don’t want to be fat anymore 
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alicelile · 7 years
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When you count the calories and it’s just too much.
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alicelile · 7 years
*tries to do a fast and then binges*
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alicelile · 7 years
I have two moods:
I wanna starve
I wanna eat everything
There is nothing in between
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alicelile · 7 years
It’s hard to explain but I hate the fact that I need food to survive. Cause like, for example, an alcoholic can stop drinking completely… it’ll be hard, but it’s easier once you’ve fully stopped right? But binging sucks cause I can’t fully stop eating, like I just need to control my intake aND I HATE IT. I wish food was either completely tasteless or wasn’t a necessity. But now it’s like, I need it to survive, and it tastes good so I have to decide what to eat, and also make sure that I eat enough, but not eat more than I need to, which is what I wanna do cause I love the taste. I’m just rambling but I think about this often 🤔😩
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alicelile · 7 years
I’m not binging, I’m cheating and boosting my metabolism.
I’m not binging, I’m cheating and boosting my metabolism.
I’m not binging, I’m cheating and boosting my metabolism.
I’m not binging, I’m cheating and boosting my metabolism.
I’m not binging, I’m cheating and boosting my metabolism.
I’m not binging, I’m cheating and boosting my metabolism.
*Repeat it to myself until I believe it and not feeling a fat pig with no control over itself*
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alicelile · 7 years
dear self,
please treat yourself kindly. you are more than your mental illness, and more than your identities… more than where you came from, and especially more than your past. you are more than you know, so much more than you are willing to admit at times. it may be hard to see or realize, and it is hard to remember many times, but it is true. you are plenty, you are more than enough.
just by solely breathing, just by the soft and gentle beating of your heart, you are already enough.
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alicelile · 7 years
gentle reminder that you have permission to not always feel amazing in your body. you have permission to have a bad body image day… because you can not feel good in your body every single day. some days will feel better than others, and this is normal. you have more fulfilling things to do in your life than letting your body image determine what you can and cannot do ❤️
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alicelile · 7 years
dear self pt 2
whoever ends up in your life will think you are worth it and will be willing to put in the work… just know that if the people you surround urself with now don’t think that way, they aren’t the right people for you. you are a great, caring, compassionate person who deserves to be fought for. you are not someone to throw to the side if things get tough. even through your bad days you deserve love.
i hope you also know that you deserve to fight for yourself and love yourself just as much (or know you deserve to work towards that).. stay strong, you got this
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alicelile · 7 years
Me: Eats full course meal without knowing the calories in everything
Also me: “How many calories are in toothpaste??”
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