So I made a GoFundMe....
I really really don't like asking for help normally, nor do I enjoy having to make something like this in the first place, but ongod I don't think I have many options IRL at the moment. I'm a funny little autistic transman named Vergil, also known as MoonstoneCanyon here and on Twitter, and PoisonPikeKing on AO3. I make funny little Megaman things and sometimes Sonic art too.
But also I've been struggling with homelessness IRL for a few months now. I am currently looking for a new job and new career ATM as well as any kind of affordable apartment in central New Jersey at the moment. Thankfully I have a car that I can live out of as a last resort, but... I'd much rather be able to live someone under a roof instead. I've set the goal to $1500 so that I can afford any possible security deposit as well as any first month's rent while I am unemployed for the time being.
If any of you are able to spread this GFM link around, or donate any to this, I really, sincerely appreciate this. Thank you as well for reading this far.
0/1500 usd goal
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”We’re not the same as humans, but we can co-exist with them.”
Mega Man X against Ultron pre-fight, Marvel Vs. Capcom Infinite (Capcom)
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alicethegamer2003 · 3 days
little by little this is looking coherent
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alicethegamer2003 · 4 days
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alicethegamer2003 · 4 days
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alicethegamer2003 · 4 days
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What if he doesn't take off his helmet because....
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alicethegamer2003 · 4 days
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That is seriously like that hjfdhsjfhjhjfd
I wanna scream about so many AU and headcanon and then BAM THEY ARE PILING!
Love you girl >:3c They are fun to scream about xDc
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alicethegamer2003 · 4 days
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Here’s X.EXE!! 
X is a healing-type non-fighting Navi who works as a researcher in Scilabs. He’s assigned to observe Zero.EXE, whose viral aspect is sealed off, leaving the child-like Navi free to explore the cyberworld. X was created by Tadashi Hikari, but was left incomplete until Yuuichirou completed him. His Navi mark is an old version of the Hikari crest, so he’s somewhat of an older sibling to Megaman.EXE.
Sometimes he bumps heads with Axl.EXE, the grey-hat hacker who helps Scilabs with their security protocols on occasion. He’s not fond of Axl’s abrasive personality and hates it when the Solo Navi picks on Zero. Zero doesn’t seem to mind Axl as much though.
@s-uranet and I both felt that a lot of X.EXEs out there focused too much on X as a fighter and protagonist, and less on his pacifist side, so we opted to base him on his cyber-elf form, which has a holy/priest-like motif well suited for a healer.
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alicethegamer2003 · 4 days
I know you probably get these asks a lot, but I've really been trying to try drawing comic pages. I really admire how free and flowing your style is! I've seen your little tutorials and tips and idk what's wrong but I just can't seem to wrap my head around panel composition? Like I do wonderful painting comps, but I can't seem to break out. Do you have any resources or help to get started?
thank you very much!!!!! im just using this ask as an excuse to draw random comic tips i hope thats okay and that you’ll get something out of it
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did that help…
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alicethegamer2003 · 4 days
I mean selfship, bad art, bad writing, bad cosplay, weird theories and harmless headcanons, crossover ships, oc x canon, mary sue ocs, all of it. If it’s for your own personal entertainment it hurts NOBODY!!!
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alicethegamer2003 · 4 days
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alicethegamer2003 · 4 days
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Minor MvC details I really appreciated: the background Zero and X scenes! 
- When Thor and Spiderman were talking, Zero was helping X up in the background (most of it was covered up by Mjolnir though), and when X fell to his knees, Zero supported his weight so he could stand (which we saw more clearly later, but I still thought it was sweet that they showed Zero staying by X’s side throughout the whole thing). Side note: I really liked the parallel they did between Zero getting knocked down and X rushing to his side / helping him up in the middle of the game and X getting knocked down and Zero rushing to his side / helping him up at the end of the game. GOOD STUFF RIGHT THERE
- When Gamora and Rocket are talking before the teams split up, Zero and X look like they’re having an animated chit-chat right before they do their classic arm bump thing.
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alicethegamer2003 · 4 days
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i have too much time on my hands
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alicethegamer2003 · 4 days
normal people: x5 suffers from several problems, the worst of which include overly punishing level design, a time limit, a randomized bad ending, bizarre localization choices, the slowdown of gameplay that plagues the post-snes games,-
me, sobbing into my hands: gay robots…….. sad gay robots…….. really, really sad gay robots……… 10/10…………
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alicethegamer2003 · 4 days
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i make good tweets
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alicethegamer2003 · 4 days
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That’s not how you kiss
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alicethegamer2003 · 4 days
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Megaman X oC session with stupid93. derpy reploids yo.
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