alicia-lopez · 4 years
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alicia-lopez · 4 years
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HOLLYWOOD (2020-) cr. Ryan Murphy & Ian Brennan
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alicia-lopez · 4 years
Alicia Lopez. A victim of the shooting and someone affiliated with the Devils. It was probably all she knew about the woman but she was keen on learning more. There was a file sitting on her desk with known associates and past information about the brunette, all of which she would devour later on that night. “Alicia Lopez.” She said with a smile as she looked the other over. “I’m glad to know you aren’t paralyzed or worse off than you are.” Was she glad? More or less indifferent. “I was hoping to ask you some question on what you may have seen that night. Anyone you who may have been pointing a gun in your direction” She never understood why enemies protected each other against the police department apart from revenge but that only begun a vicious cycle. Alicia would have a scar to remind her of that. “Do you have a moment?”
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The sound of her name leaving the lips of another, had her attention drawn in their direction offering something of a forced smile as she did. Alicia wasn’t naive enough to read into the detectives words, because at the very least she had been one less cold body for them to peel from the floor and cart away in a body bag. “I suppose the big man figured there was more work for me to do here.“ She remarked, tone laced with heavy sarcasm as she shot the other woman a small shrug. Once upon a time she believed in a higher power, but with the way her life had turned for the worse back in Mexico that faith she had carried had been shredded all too quickly. ”I have a few moments before I need to head out, please.” She answered, motioning to the bar-stool beside her as she closed the laptop she had previously been typing away upon. Turning slightly to face the other she awaiting the questioning she had failed to avoid. 
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alicia-lopez · 4 years
The gruesome scene that was left over from the gun fire flashed over his vision with each look he took at an injured member. Her slowed pace forced the lower half of his chest to tighten in regret as his decisions caused their unfortunate outcome. There would be a fragile period of weakness for the club during their forced stand down as no action could be taken without the entirety of upper ranks.  
A quiet scoff responded to her denial of beauty before a sideways glance could be taken over her figure. “Hay belleza en la supervivencia,” He quickly countered while a ring clad hand waved in her direction while an ankle lifted to settle on the ball of his knee. Miguel allowed a chuckle to move past his lips when she confirmed her presence in the living world despite the bullet wound taken in the heated moment. “Tomatelo con calma, por favor,” His tone only laced with concern for a quick moment as her recovery needed to be taken in stride to ensure the brunette wasn’t pushing a wound that had yet to heal. “Estoy cansado,” A tone of forced amusement worked to conceal the genuine answer as the exhaustion was consistent during the week after the shoot out that also left his partner wounded. “Ella es más fuerte de lo que yo sería,” He then admitted to the brunette with a hollowed gaze focused on the desk as Quinn’s quickened decision to take the bullet in his honor lingered in the back of his mind. A row of teeth caught the inside of his cheek while he contemplated bringing up the metaphoric elephant that presented itself with their public outing as a couple that confirmed most suspicions.“¿Tiene las mismas preguntas que todos los demás?” The blunt assumption came with the turn of his head as a set of dark hues took in the stilled expression on her face. It was a sensitive topic that he was reluctantly choosing to address with the woman who often acted as a confidant to the decisions he made regarding his personal life. “Texas guarda todos nuestros secretos,”
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Alicia would be lying if she was to say she hadn’t thought about that night since. For the memory regular played out over and over again in her head, the image of her own blood coating her hands had been somewhat burned into her memory. But alas it didn’t scare her, instead it made her angry --- furious that someone had been able to take her down so easily, and for what? She wanted no needed vengeance, and while that knowingly was going to take some time, she would be patient until the opportunity arose.  
“He pasado treinta y seis años sobreviviendo, ahora solo quiero vivir.“ She admited rather honestly, because if there was anyone she trusted enough to be open and transparent was it was with that of Miguel -- whom quickly become one of the first people she would have considered family within the club. At his next words however she couldn’t help but scoff with a shake of her head. “Ambos sabemos que no te lo tomarías con calma si nuestros roles se invirtieran en este momento.” She countered, shooting him a raised brow as if to dare disagree with her words before her expression softened some and she gave a curt nod. “Estare bien, mi amigo.” Her words while not untrue were not completely wholesome either. Physically she was healing or so the doctor told her despite her refusal to rest. She would rest when she was dead, until then it was business as usual. “Eso explica por qué te ves como una mierda.“ The woman countered, an amusement filled smile of her own pulling at her lips as she spoke. Though it didn’t take a rocket scientist to notice the exhaustion in his gaze and small dark bags under his eyes that were slowly forming. Alicia could only nod in agreement of the other woman’s strength. It took a special kind of person to take a bullet for another and that kind of devotion could only mean one thing. “No, he visto cómo se miran ustedes dos. Eso y sabía que lo confirmarías cuando estuvieras listo.“ Anyone with a good pair of eyes could see it, or perhaps it was just those whom had experienced it themselves. For she could remember the look in Eduardo’s eyes was something very similar all those years ago. “Tú ambos merecen la felicidad.” She added, reaching out to place a comforting hand upon his forearm as she gave a gentle squeeze before retracting the movement. 
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alicia-lopez · 4 years
It had been some time since Xander had taken a moment to slow things down and take a walk around Central Park just for the hell of it. Originally, he had wanted to bring Penny with him but it seemed his small pup was a bit tired this particular morning, as she would wake up and simply nod back off to sleep every time he tried to get her moving a little. In truth, he secretly believed Penny was enjoying Lily’s company more than his own as of late. If anything, he figured he could walk around Central Park a bit and figure out more spots to introduce Penny to for their next walk.It  had been a couple weeks since the masquerade ball and since he had started this morning routine with Penny. Which is why he found it a bit strange that the pup did not seem as interested in it as she usually was, but he supposed everyone deserved to sleep in once in a while. 
It had been about an hour into his walk, having already enjoyed a churro as well, when suddenly he wished he had never left the house in the first place. Out of nowhere, time slowed completely around him and all he could hear was his heartbeat quickening as his eyes focused on the figuring jogging in his direction. At first, dread took over. He was honestly expecting to get ambushed or randomly shot, as he was positive if the woman heading towards him knew he had been around she would have had someone ready to go. Once that feeling settled, bitterness came, and finally, it settled in slight happiness to see she was doing well since the last time he saw her. It was no surprise to see she was, though, as Xander knew she was a strong spirit who could overcome anything that came her way. Even as she jogged towards him, he knew he had the chance to turn around and pretend as if he didn’t see her. Things could have stayed the same between them. Nothing was forcing him to go forward, no obligations, no promises, nothing. Yet, foolishly, his heart tugged him forward and his feet followed. 
Every other part of him, though, screamed to stop being an idiot. The red flags were going up everywhere the closer their paths came to crossing, and still, it didn’t matter to Xander. He did wonder if she had recognized him or not, but, by the time they passed each other he knew there was no way she couldn’t have known who it was. His eyes were focused on hers, meeting her gaze as she passed him, before he had to forcibly look away and continue forward with his walk. Well, at least he tried to continue. He tried to keep walking away from her and ignore how his heart physically hurt just seeing her. It felt as if she had this invisible grasp on both it and his lungs and she was squeezing them with every ounce of strength she had. Still, it didn’t matter and his feet came to a sudden stop. 
He stood turned from the direction she had been running for second. Before groaning at himself,  feeling incredibly foolish as he turned around and went after her. Why he couldn’t just let her go was beyond him, but he couldn’t. It was not in him to let Alicia go so easily, despite the words that had been exchanged between them. This, however, didn’t change the fact that he was hurting because of her, or that he felt slightly betrayed by her, because those feelings were very much seeded deeply in his core. But there was something in him that just needed to hear from her that things were okay with her after everything. That’s all. “Wait.” He gently called out, slowing in his pace. “ Podemos hablar un segundo? Por favor?”
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Alicia wouldn’t, or perhaps couldn’t stop --- because every time she did, she was back there again, clutching at her stomach as her own blood coating her hands and her vision blurred. The memory alone left her with nothing but anger and distinct taste for vengeance. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. But before she could even contemplate what she would do to get her hands on the shooter she had to get herself back to full steam. Which seemed to be proving harder than expected. Nearly a month had passed and she was no where near where she wanted nor expected to be, the pain still came and went in waves as if a ghost bullet has been lodged inside her, twisting deeper into her gut when she moved in a certain direction. But it was that pain that made her push forward, to refuse to use the crutches her doctor had insisted she use and instead, return to getting her body physically fit. What should have been a sprint was now nothing but a light jog, because that was but all she could handle before it all became to much. It didn’t help that she was avoiding the club doctors in knowing they would have attempted to persuaded her take it easy. Such words she had ignored since she was but a little girl. 
Central park had long been a place of sanctuary for the woman, a place she could escape her work, the club, being an aunt and simply just be. So much so the woman could have noted the number of times she had taken a walk or a run through the park and been so completely lost in her own thoughts that she hadn’t noticed any of the faces that passed her by. But today was different, today she was battled the fatigue her body seemed to scream with and the pain her muscles as she pushed them to the brink. And just when she felt as if she couldn’t jog any further, she saw him. The ghost of her past that seemed to have made a habit of appearing at the worst of times. But also the man that had helped get her out after she was shot, had it not been for him she wasn’t sure what would have become of her. So instead of stopping there and then, she kept going, teeth biting down on the inside of her cheek as she searched for any other form of a distraction as she approached. Because the last thing she wanted was to appear weak. Especially to someone like him, someone that she never in a million years would have expected to become her enemy. 
The idea of diverting her path and heading off the path and through the trees came to mind, but being as tired as she was it wasn’t much of an option. Jaw locking in place she pushed the physical pain that now meddled with a surge of other emotions as the male drew closer. Large brown orbs remained trained on the path ahead until she came to pass him and her gaze flitted towards his evoking an immediate wave of regret as their eyes locked. Alas, her feet kept moving, carrying her forward as sheer determination energized her movements. And it was only once she had passed him that she allowed her jaw to relax, the fatigue she was feeling shinning through as her footsteps slowed as she fell into a walk. Wait. His voice rang out clear through the thundering of her heart in her ears, and perhaps if she hadn’t been in such a state she would have continued, nevertheless she came to a stop taking a moment to steady her breathing and swallow her emotion before she turned to face him.  “No sabía que quedaba algo de que hablar.” She answered, as her gaze begrudgingly met his. “Qué quieres Alejandro?”
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alicia-lopez · 4 years
She seemed to be able to hold her own when talking to him, which he considers her only redeemable trait. “No bullshit here,” Though he did wish that those bullets hit someone more annoying in his eyes, like Garrett himself. “Hate to break it to you, it wasn’t me that pulled the trigger,” Honestly, he was glad that he didn’t pull that shit off. The last thing that Ray needed was a target on his back. “If it had been me, we wouldn’t be talkin’ right now. So I’d consider yourself lucky if I were you.” 
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“Either your a terrible liar, or you hit you on the head on the way out and judging from that face of yours, neither are completely out of the question.“ The woman countered, with a roll of her eyes as she stood her ground against the Royal male. “Oh I’m well aware of who pulled that trigger. And believe me when I say they will get what’s coming to them in one way or another.“ Her words more of a sworn promise than any threat. “Oh please, I’ve come across bigger and badder men in my time than you Baby Chapo.” Alicia couldn’t help but add, failing some to suppress the short burst of laughter that escaped her. “Intimidation clearly isn’t your strong suit.“
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alicia-lopez · 4 years
I dream of the day I let happiness free For now I just drive to the ocean envy Oh I, I'm dying to get in But no one seems to swim
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alicia-lopez · 4 years
Better with the devil you know Than the devil you don't It's hard to put your hands on a ghost
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alicia-lopez · 4 years
Seeing a Devil on the street was like seeing an animal out of its cage for him. It always felt weird, especially since he didn’t know all of them. But he saw her at the event, and knew that it was no fucking coincidence that she got shot. “You were the ones who got hit, right? Sorry to hear that,” Did he actually care? Hell no. But if he could get any information or even a rise out of her, it’d be something. “But y’know, there’s plenty of where that came from.” 
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Alicia couldn’t have been more thankful to be back up and one her feet, given the amount of time she had wasted resting. If there was anything the woman refused to do it was rest --- the various walls of her apartment becoming something of her own personal hell. "Save the pity for someone that might actually buy into your bullshit.” The woman countered, as her attention lifted to meet that of the Royal male. Folding her arms over her chest she exhaled a sigh, expression somewhat bored of the conversation before it had even began. “If you hadn’t noticed, it’s going to take a little more than a few stray bullets. Perhaps you ought to spend more time working on your aim than running your mouth..”
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alicia-lopez · 4 years
Miguel raised a hand over the lower half of his face before his fingers could rub against the yawn that slipped through his lips. His mild case of sleep deprivation began to catch up with the male as his mind remained preoccupied with club affairs and processing the traumatic scene they fell victim too. The shooting caught his expectant senses off guard when his vision turned for only a moment to acknowledge the voice that spoke in his direction. His figure was left exposed to the unknown shooter that took an opportunity most wouldn’t dare to entertain while in a public setting such as the venue. The declaration of war engraved in the first bullet would force their members into a state of blood lust that was expected to turn the city upside down. The softened echo of passing feet caused his head to turn his vision to the open doorway as he waited for the higher ranking woman. 
She was among the select few that were riddled with stray bullets intended to fatally wound his notable figure in an fabricated battle of self defense. It was the sight of her approaching figure that he noticed the slower pace that couldn’t be seen at first glance without prior knowledge of the woman’s stride. A sigh released through his lips when the thought of losing a vital member to his makeshift family that was created within their ranks. “Hermosa como siempre,” Miguel stated with a tilted smile forming on his lips as the hand hanging over the side of the chair gestured her to the empty chair that sat next to the one he previously claimed. The dealings of their positions could wait until his initial goal to check in with the woman could happen as her involvement in the shooting was an added weight to his shoulders. “¿Cómo estás?”
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It was strange how the small things in life were so easily took for granted. Mundane actions like lifting and walking became rather difficult when one was attempting to heal from a bullet wound. And for someone usually active, being confined to her own apartment had becomes something of her personal hell. Even if she had worked from her bed, it was still better than doing nothing and seemed to help the days pass by just the little bit quicker. Nearly two weeks had passed and she was already up on her feet, not at the agreement of the doctor, but nevertheless, her wound was healing and she had managed to avoid infection which was but a small win. However had she been confined to her bed any longer she might very well have gone insane. Making the short drive to Moonlight wasn’t as fast as perhaps it once was, with actions such as getting in and out of the vehicle a struggle. Nevertheless, a little pain never hurt anyone and Alicia was determine to get back into work as soon as she was able.
The sigh of a familiar face however was enough to evoke a smile of her own, as she approached at a much slower pace. The option of using a cane or crutches had been made available to her, however the woman had too much pride to succumb to the image of a cripple. Especially when the Royals would also be at large watching and waiting in the background. “Les puedo asegurar que no hay nada hermoso en ser rociados con plomo.“ Alicia countered in jest, as she made no hesitation into carefully lowering herself into the chair the male had offered. “Estoy vivo y caminando, así que estoy bien. Como has estado? Y Quinn?” 
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alicia-lopez · 4 years
The mention of Sugar Rub did catch him off-guard, more than the actions he had just taken before that confession, and caused him to stare at her with a look of disbelief on his face. “Tu?” He asked, knowing the answer had already been given to him. Yet, it wasn’t her words that had promoted what he said or did next. It was her turning away from him, yet again, that got to him. When she did that, it felt as if ten years ago was happening all over again, and this time, it was worse. This time, it had involved his family. All he did for a moment was look at the back of her head, his heart shattering with every second that passed. If there was oxygen, Xander couldn’t find it. He felt like a fish out of water, and Alicia was holding him above the surface. It seemed that no matter what they did, the paths they chose, the choices they made during, Alicia still had that hold on Alexander, and it infuriated him right now more than ever. “You can’t kill someone already dead.” He hurtfully shot back, walking behind her.
“Entonces, si sabe lo que es mejor para usted, dejará a su supuesta familia y correrá mientras pueda”. Those words were daggers to him; they cut more profound than anything else she had told him tonight. “ No corro como tú cuando las cosas se ponen difíciles.” He angrily continued, his jawline tightening as he attempted to keep his voice low as he spoke. “ Nunca renunciaré a mi familia, Alicia. Por qué no dejas a tu familia? Right, because I was never worth your damn energy.” He sighed, slowing in his steps as they neared the entrance. That was all he had left in him when it came to the woman who continued to walk away from him. There was nothing left for him to say, to do, or even think. They both had said what they said, made their choices, picked their sides, and now Alexander was just as guilty of walking away from Alicia as she had been in walking away from him.  
-BANG BANG BANG- The shots were sudden, unexpected, and resulted in Xander immediately reaching for his gun. At least, he was, before the rouge bullets went flying into the woman he had just declared his enemy. He didn’t think he just acted. His feet were running in her direction with arms reaching out to grab her before she could fall, but failing to do so. “I didn’t know. I didn’t know. I swear to fucking god, I didn’t know.” Those were the only words that kept desperately coming out of his mouth as he dropped to his knees the moment he got close enough to her, knowing she more than likely didn’t believe him.  “You should have killed me while you had the chance.”  Her words were swirling in his chaotic mind; his vision was blurring the more he saw blood spewing from her body and morphing with the blue fabric. Maybe down the line, there would come a day when he would end up paying for this moment with his life. Because despite what was said between the two, Alexander could not bring himself to leave her like this, and he certainly would never truly turn his back on her. “I’m not leaving. I’m never going to leave. I promised.” Even if she tried to fight him still, Xander was not going to let her. He delicately scooped her up in his arms, determined to get her out of the sudden mayhem, and somewhere she could get help. At the same time, he was attempting not to lose his vision as he maneuvered through the crowd. Every so often, he would assure her things would be okay and that she would be okay. It wasn’t until they were out of the building, people running in every direction, and the sirens in the distance, that Xander’s mind finally attempted to take the situation in. As he scanned, his eyes fell on a figure that he had caught frequenting Moonlight as well, and he knew that was going to be his ticket to getting Alicia help. “Hey!” He called to the other, running in his direction with the woman still in his arms. 
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        His back leaned against the bar and drink in hand, Foster patiently waited for Alicia to come back into his line of sight. They had just danced together for the first time that evening and before then, she confessed more about her past to him, confessed about her past lover. He appreciated the way she opened up more to him, but as he took a sip of his liquored drink, he couldn’t help but scan the room for the man she mentioned, Alexander. As a hint of jealousy ran through his system, he jolted toward the unforgettable sound he heard from the balcony.
        BANG, BANG. The sound of his drink falling to the ground and crashing against the floor should have rang through his ears, but screams and gunshots crowded Foster’s head. Instantly pulling out his sidearm from his waistband, he aimed to where the haunting shots came from. A second later, horror and fear controlled his thoughts and emotions. “Alicia!” Screaming her name at the top of his lungs, the dealer rushed to the front door. Pushing through the terrified crowd, he stayed focused on his main goal to find the woman of his dreams. Praying to God that she wasn’t hurt, he exited the building. “Alicia?” Her name left his mouth again once the cool air hit his skin. Once he heard someone yell in his direction, he turned to the voice and became numb.
        Foster’s romantic night with Alicia officially turned into a full-blown nightmare. He slightly recognized the man, but when his eyes landed on his girl, all he could do was run her way. “Ali,” Halting inches away from the man holding her, the sight of blood rushing out of her side had him shaking. His future girlfriend was shot and he had to get her somewhere safe. He needed her to be okay, he needed her to be alive. Instantly applying pressure to her gushing wound, he locked his eyes with hers. “Stay with me, babe. I’m here and I’m not going anywhere.” Leaning in and pressing his lips on her forehead, it was time he gave the man the light of day. “We have to get her to Moonlight, now.” He stated harshly. “Let’s get her in my car. Follow me and apply pressure to her wound as much as you can.” Giving him a quick nod, he backed away, turned toward the direction of his car, and started jogging. “Stay with us, Alicia. Keep your eyes open.” He yelled back toward his date, hoping she wasn’t close to passing out due to the blood loss. A minute later, his car came into view. Once getting to it, he opened up both of the passenger doors. “Get her in carefully and I’ll help from the other side. Stay with her and I’ll get us to Moonlight.”
“Don’t ask questions you won’t like the answers too.” Was but all she could answer him without overstepping any boundaries that may have seen important information given to her enemy. It was as cryptic as it was unfair to the other. Alicia had hoped her silent warning would be enough for their conversation to be left to the wind, to prevent any further pain they were to cause one another. But of course the man was as every bit stubborn as he was all those years ago, a trait she had equally loved and despised because it made situations like their present reality all the more difficult than it needed to be. You can’t kill someone already dead. She allowed the words to stew as they echoed within her mind. Words that could almost be considered a threat if the woman hadn’t known better. A short yet distant chuckle fell from her lips and she shook her head, footsteps unfaltering as she spoke. “Si ese es el caso, le deseo suerte, porque no sería el primer asesino a sueldo en intentarlo y fallar.” That was if he could even complete such a mission, because the woman was of sound mind in knowing that if the tables were reversed she wasn’t sure she would be to follow through. Though as he continued, his next words hit something of a nerve with the woman. Running had never been a choice for the woman, it had been the only alternative to an early death at the hands of her previous employers. Perhaps had she not lost Eduardo and Maria her need to survive for young Samuel's sake wouldn’t have been nearly as dominant as it was now. “He sido muchas cosas, pero cobarde no es una de ellas.” She shot back, though this time her tone was darker, irritation evident. “Si realmente creyeras que nunca pensé que valieras mi tiempo, no estaríamos aquí teniendo esta conversación.“
Time Skip
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The gunshots continued to sound out, so much so it was all she could hear long after the firing was overcome by the sounds of rampant feet and fearful screams. Shaky hands lifted from her wound as she took in her now bloodied hands, it was a scene she had seen many times, bullet wounds unfortunately came part and parcel when it came to being a part of the gang or cartel for that matter. However this time it was her own blood, a pill that would have been hard to swallow was it not for the burning pain that seemed to slowly consume her to the point she was completely oblivious to the familiar tone in her ear until she was being lifted from the crowd. The move evoked something of a muffled scream from the woman as she continued to clutch at her wound. “Your familia did this.” She remarked, wincing once again as the gunfire continued. “Deberías irte, déjame. La muerte ya no me asusta.” The woman was mildly aware of another voice calling her name as eye lids fluttered closed, exhausting dragging her into its depths. 
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alicia-lopez · 4 years
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alicia-lopez · 4 years
“Whoa there, babe. Lay the fuck back down, please and thank you.” Margot chirped as she stepped into the room that her friend had been placed in. Striding over to Alicia, her eyes widened as she realized that after only being left alone for a few moments, the woman had managed to jostle her wound and restart its bleeding. “Lay back and then I’ll answer your questions the best I can, okay? You bleed out and you’ll be out of the know forever- take that and channel that shit into sitting still.” She suggested, her hands wrapping around Alicia’s elbows to help her lean back without hurting herself any further.
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“I always knew you’d be a nightmare nurse.“ Alicia remarked, through parched lips as she gave up in her attempts to move and settled back down with the other’s helpful guidance. Uttering a short groan as she did, the woman was quick to look down at her wound before offering what could only be described as an attempted shrug, gaze returning to her friend before her. “So I popped a stitch or two, I’ll live mi amiga.” She reassured, as she patted the bed beside her for the other to take a seat. 
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alicia-lopez · 4 years
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alicia-lopez · 4 years
The mention of Sugar Rub did catch him off-guard, more than the actions he had just taken before that confession, and caused him to stare at her with a look of disbelief on his face. “Tu?” He asked, knowing the answer had already been given to him. Yet, it wasn’t her words that had promoted what he said or did next. It was her turning away from him, yet again, that got to him. When she did that, it felt as if ten years ago was happening all over again, and this time, it was worse. This time, it had involved his family. All he did for a moment was look at the back of her head, his heart shattering with every second that passed. If there was oxygen, Xander couldn’t find it. He felt like a fish out of water, and Alicia was holding him above the surface. It seemed that no matter what they did, the paths they chose, the choices they made during, Alicia still had that hold on Alexander, and it infuriated him right now more than ever. “You can’t kill someone already dead.” He hurtfully shot back, walking behind her.
“Entonces, si sabe lo que es mejor para usted, dejará a su supuesta familia y correrá mientras pueda”. Those words were daggers to him; they cut more profound than anything else she had told him tonight. “ No corro como tú cuando las cosas se ponen difíciles.” He angrily continued, his jawline tightening as he attempted to keep his voice low as he spoke. “ Nunca renunciaré a mi familia, Alicia. Por qué no dejas a tu familia? Right, because I was never worth your damn energy.” He sighed, slowing in his steps as they neared the entrance. That was all he had left in him when it came to the woman who continued to walk away from him. There was nothing left for him to say, to do, or even think. They both had said what they said, made their choices, picked their sides, and now Alexander was just as guilty of walking away from Alicia as she had been in walking away from him.  
-BANG BANG BANG- The shots were sudden, unexpected, and resulted in Xander immediately reaching for his gun. At least, he was, before the rouge bullets went flying into the woman he had just declared his enemy. He didn’t think he just acted. His feet were running in her direction with arms reaching out to grab her before she could fall, but failing to do so. “I didn’t know. I didn’t know. I swear to fucking god, I didn’t know.” Those were the only words that kept desperately coming out of his mouth as he dropped to his knees the moment he got close enough to her, knowing she more than likely didn’t believe him.  “You should have killed me while you had the chance.”  Her words were swirling in his chaotic mind; his vision was blurring the more he saw blood spewing from her body and morphing with the blue fabric. Maybe down the line, there would come a day when he would end up paying for this moment with his life. Because despite what was said between the two, Alexander could not bring himself to leave her like this, and he certainly would never truly turn his back on her. “I’m not leaving. I’m never going to leave. I promised.” Even if she tried to fight him still, Xander was not going to let her. He delicately scooped her up in his arms, determined to get her out of the sudden mayhem, and somewhere she could get help. At the same time, he was attempting not to lose his vision as he maneuvered through the crowd. Every so often, he would assure her things would be okay and that she would be okay. It wasn’t until they were out of the building, people running in every direction, and the sirens in the distance, that Xander’s mind finally attempted to take the situation in. As he scanned, his eyes fell on a figure that he had caught frequenting Moonlight as well, and he knew that was going to be his ticket to getting Alicia help. “Hey!” He called to the other, running in his direction with the woman still in his arms. 
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“Don’t ask questions you won’t like the answers too.” Was but all she could answer him without overstepping any boundaries that may have seen important information given to her enemy. It was as cryptic as it was unfair to the other. Alicia had hoped her silent warning would be enough for their conversation to be left to the wind, to prevent any further pain they were to cause one another. But of course the man was as every bit stubborn as he was all those years ago, a trait she had equally loved and despised because it made situations like their present reality all the more difficult than it needed to be. You can’t kill someone already dead. She allowed the words to stew as they echoed within her mind. Words that could almost be considered a threat if the woman hadn’t known better. A short yet distant chuckle fell from her lips and she shook her head, footsteps unfaltering as she spoke. “Si ese es el caso, le deseo suerte, porque no sería el primer asesino a sueldo en intentarlo y fallar.” That was if he could even complete such a mission, because the woman was of sound mind in knowing that if the tables were reversed she wasn’t sure she would be to follow through. Though as he continued, his next words hit something of a nerve with the woman. Running had never been a choice for the woman, it had been the only alternative to an early death at the hands of her previous employers. Perhaps had she not lost Eduardo and Maria her need to survive for young Samuel's sake wouldn’t have been nearly as dominant as it was now. “He sido muchas cosas, pero cobarde no es una de ellas.” She shot back, though this time her tone was darker, irritation evident. “Si realmente creyeras que nunca pensé que valieras mi tiempo, no estaríamos aquí teniendo esta conversación.“
The gunshots continued to sound out, so much so it was all she could hear long after the firing was overcome by the sounds of rampant feet and fearful screams. Shaky hands lifted from her wound as she took in her now bloodied hands, it was a scene she had seen many times, bullet wounds unfortunately came part and parcel when it came to being a part of the gang or cartel for that matter. However this time it was her own blood, a pill that would have been hard to swallow was it not for the burning pain that seemed to slowly consume her to the point she was completely oblivious to the familiar tone in her ear until she was being lifted from the crowd. The move evoked something of a muffled scream from the woman as she continued to clutch at her wound. “Your familia did this.” She remarked, wincing once again as the gunfire continued. “Deberías irte, déjame. La muerte ya no me asusta.”
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alicia-lopez · 4 years
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Skylar stood in the room, leaning up against the wall as her eyes rested on the sleeping Alicia. A part of her wondered if maybe she had gotten the long stick while the other two got the short ends of the sticks in this situation. Alicia had been lucky she wasn’t paralyzed from the shot to the back. She took a few steps towards her, shaking her head. “Don’t you dare try to move right now.” She muttered as she let her eyes rest on her. “You were shot in the back… trying to come help Quinn and I.” She cleared her throat, the guilt bubbling in her chest.
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Alicia was silently thankful for the others presence, serving as confirmation that she had made it out alive and perhaps partially well. Though it didn’t diminish the underlying concern written across her features, she knew she had been lucky to have been hit in such a clean manner with the bullet passing straight through and having no nerve damage. It was by pure miracle that she wasn’t paralyzed, the idea alone scared her more than she was willing to admit. The images of the night prior slowly rolled back as if in slow motion and Alicia couldn’t help but cringe as she replayed watching Quinn and Skylar get shot at only to get so close to aiding them but fall short in the process. “Quinn --- did she make it out, is she okay?“ She questioned, needing to hear it from another’s lips at the very least. 
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alicia-lopez · 4 years
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Alexander couldn’t have stopped his next reaction from happening, even if he had wanted it not to happen. It had been years of pent up unresolved feelings for Alicia, and more recently, those feelings were taking hold of him as if they were the only things that allowed him to breathe right. He needed to feel her lips on his just once more, one final time. It was an act of desperation to live in the moment they had once shared those many years ago. Even if the kiss was a stolen one, the way his lips moved with hers for a brief second in time was still as intoxicating to him as it had been from the very first one they shared. It was as if those ten years had never happened, She was his entirely, he was hers, and nothing else in the world mattered, Things weren’t complicated, I love you’s were easy, and in his core, he knew she would be the one to have his kids one day. Then, like everything good in Xander’s life, the moment had to come to an end. He knew there was no way to make it last as long as he had wanted, and he knew, as he regretfully pulled away from her lips for perhaps the last time ever, that she was not his anymore. It was a lesson that he needed to learn, one he didn’t know he needed, but he was glad it came in the way it happened. 
As he took one step back from her, a sad sigh came from his lips. “ Anything, Alicia, would have been better than the sentence you have condemned me to serve when it comes to you.” Another sigh came, his hands coming to shove themselves into his pockets, and he took one more small step back. “ Now it is I who has to walk away from you, and that really hurts. It hurts more than when you left, despite the good intentions you had.” He couldn’t look away from her, even if he wanted to, because he wanted her to know his words were true when they came out again. “ Alicia, ya no puedes confiar en mí después de esta noche. Perdóname. I can’t turn my back on the people who never walked out on me, didn’t give up on me, bettered me, and above all, on the people who are my family. Something I would have happily died for the chance when it came to you.”  Then he said something that he had wanted to say for so long, “I guess this goodbye, my love.”
Shock was but the only word to explain the woman’s expression as the man stepped back from her. His lips moments prior molded to hers as she remained in place doing little to return nor pull away from the kiss, as a vast array of emotions pushed and pulled at her insides. “I wouldn’t call my intentions good.” She corrected with a shake of her head as she too took a step away from the male, mirroring his actions. Having been working for a cartel since she was but a teenager, this life was all she had known. Which was why she had ended up working for the Devils in the first place ten years ago, not just anyone could pick up a bill and deem it to be a fake or real by merely holding it in their bare hands. It was but the tip of the iceberg of her current skill set and role, but it was a job nonetheless and the Devils were her familia. She had also seen too many times to count, what happened to those that fraternized with the other side. A quick death would have been all one could hope for. Which was why this needed to end here and now, despite the confusion that fluttered within her gut. 
Ruling with her head had long been the woman’s strong suit. So instead of echoing his goodbye, she squared her shoulders, expression quickly returning her usual unreadable exterior. Perhaps evoking a hatred from the male would have made this easier, nonetheless she was no longer the soft, fearful woman she had been when they had been together. Now she was different, hardened somewhat by her experiences over the years. “A friend of my enemy is my enemy.” She remarked, stealing a glance back in the direction of the estate, before her attention returned to the male. “La explosión de Sugar Rub fue solo el comienzo. Entonces, si sabe lo que es mejor para usted, dejará a su supuesta familia y correrá mientras pueda.“ Alicia added, a silent warning for what was to come. “You should have killed me while you had the chance.” 
And with that the woman in blue turned on her heel and made her way back toward the estate, ensuring Alexander was completely oblivious to the softening of her features as the weight of her previous words weighed heavy upon her shoulders, war paint flaking from her features with every step. Eerily aware of his following footsteps, that only hesitated when she re-entered the room to ensure they once again were not seen together. Despite the warmth of the room being mildly comforting, the constant chatter and music that seemed to raise the octaves of voices in result, had her head swimming once more. But alas that was when all hell broke loose. A gunshot rang out, and immediately most in the crowd dropped to the floor, Alicia only feet from the balcony watched as Skylar and Quinn drew weapons and before she could even contemplate her next move she was running, reaching beneath the sash of her dress for the small pistol she had concealed in an attempt to aid her friends. Only she never got there. Her breath caught in her throat as she hesitated mid-step, shock pulling at her features while her gun clattered to the ground at her feet.  “Mierda” She muttered, desperately willing herself to put one step in front of the other but to no avail as her knees buckled and she too fell to the floor as the searing pain of her gunshot wound finally took hold.  
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