alienzomby · 2 months
🎃 Candy, spooky tales, and a little Halloween magic for you! 👻You've encountered a virtual ghost, but don't be scared! Here's a special Halloween Treat!
🕸️A goodie bag filled with Halloween candies and a dash of ghostly delight just for you!
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alienzomby · 4 months
Can we Get a Moonbin bias set, and a Jonghyun bias set as well as the rest of Shinee. Thank you for your hard work and I'm sorry for the loss of your grandfather.
So sorry it took so long to respond i had to reset my computer and tumblr is acting up for me and i couldn't find this ask anywhere. I'm working on the exo, twice sets right now and as soon as they're done i'll do Shinee and Astro sets. i've been wanting to do those sets for a while now and plan on fully committing to putting out more kpop sets this year. 💚💚💚
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alienzomby · 7 months
I’m working on late Halloween gifts now. I’ll do a public release soon and respond to the people that sent me asks before that.
It’s been a crazy and busy 2weeks with my grandpa passing away in our home last week we’ve been running around the state trying to get his stuff taken care of.
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alienzomby · 7 months
Simblreen Special: Murder Apparel's Haunting Custom Blankets!
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Wrap your Sims in a shroud of spine-tingling comfort with Murder Apparel's exclusive custom blankets for Sims 4! We're all about infusing the excitement of horror and true crime into cozy coverings, all dressed up in vintage charm with a dash of wicked humor.
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These eerie and eclectic blankets are designed to give your Sims' homes an unforgettable twist. Place them strategically and watch as your Sims react with killer enthusiasm to this captivating blend of the creepy and the cool.
This Simblreen, let your Sims embrace the macabre with Murder Apparel's custom content, where every blanket tells a chilling tale that's bound to leave an indelible mark on your Sims' virtual world. Prepare for some killer reactions like never before!
💀Download Here
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alienzomby · 7 months
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🎃Go ahead and shoot me an ask or a message for todays treat!🎃
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alienzomby · 7 months
Simblreen Special: Murder Apparel's Haunting Custom Pillows!
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Transform your Sims' living spaces into a realm of spine-tingling charm with Murder Apparel's exclusive custom pillows for Sims 4! We're all about infusing the thrill of horror and true crime into cozy cushions, all wrapped up in a vintage aesthetic with a dash of wicked wit.
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These eerie and eclectic pillows are designed to give your Sims' homes a touch of the unexpected. Place them strategically and watch as your Sims react with killer enthusiasm to this captivating blend of the creepy and the cool.
This Simblreen, let your Sims embrace the macabre with Murder Apparel's custom content, where every pillow tells a story that's bound to leave an unforgettable impression in your Sims' virtual world. Get ready for some killer reactions like never before!
💀Download Here
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alienzomby · 7 months
Simblreen Special: Murder Apparel's Haunting Custom Posters!
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Step into the world of thrilling and chilling decor with Murder Apparel's 'exclusive' Simblreen collection! We're all about infusing the essence of horror and true crime with a vintage twist and a splash of wicked humor. These uniquely spooky posters are designed to elevate your Simblreen celebrations to spine-tingling heights.
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Hang these wickedly witty creations in your Sims' homes to unleash a wave of killer reactions from your virtual guests. Murder Apparel's custom content is not just about decorating; it's about making a haunting statement.
This Simblreen, let your Sims embrace the macabre with Murder Apparel, where every poster tells a story that's bound to give your game a wickedly fun twist!
💀Download Here
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alienzomby · 1 year
Making kpop cc live @ twitch.tv/haychisims
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alienzomby · 1 year
I am on patron now but as I have always stated everything will be free. CC is free, requests are free the only thing I have set up are Donations and Fast CC requests meaning I stop whatever free request I'm working on and work on the payed request instead and I've limited those to 3 requests at a time simply because I dont have unlimited wifi so I have to watch my wifi limit each month. https://www.patreon.com/Haychisims
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alienzomby · 1 year
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I had to get a new laptop so as soon as I have it set up and everything transferred I’ll release new cc.
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alienzomby · 1 year
Update: I’ve blocked at least 20 since I posted this.
Every fxcking day at least 1 new porn spam account follows me. @staff needs to fix this shit it’s annoying af to have to block multiple accounts everyday.
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alienzomby · 1 year
Pls do GOT7, ASTRO and SF9. SF9 is big group.
I already have GOT7 as the next boy group to be released after EXO. I'll add Astro and SF9 and have them to be released after GOT7. Also. If you send me a message or a non anon question as soon as those 3 sets are done I can send links to you before public release, and if you have a bias for the groups and tell me who they are I can send you the bias sets early too.
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alienzomby · 1 year
Every fxcking day at least 1 new porn spam account follows me. @staff needs to fix this shit it’s annoying af to have to block multiple accounts everyday.
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alienzomby · 2 years
Anything above 2-3 weeks early access is not a reasonable amount of time.
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alienzomby · 2 years
I'm currently going though and changing my recent photos that have the Sims 4 logo on them since they said we aren't allowed to do that and I understand why since it could be seen as them endorsing our creations and they officially don't they just allow people to mod their games so some already release posts might look a little different. But it's just the main photo I'm changing.
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alienzomby · 2 years
Magic-Bot Is a Horrible Fucker
Im just gonna leave this here
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How do you feel about this? As someone who has been sexual assaulted and just barely gotten out of being raped, this is not okay. Comparing rape to sims cc. and read this bullshit
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So apparently to @magic-bot writing about comparing rape to cc is just as bad as talking about weed (A drug that is now used for medical uses when it comes to seizures, Tourettes and other things like physical pain and migraines and period pain) Comparing rape to cc is also apparent not something they did? which is a flat out LIE, they even STATED THEY COMPARED IT SAYING "The comparison of phrases pissed you off" Oh and look at this bullshit
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Their support is nothing. this is a lie. In fact, they are now tik tok famous for being "That person who compared rape to sims cc" as well as on different sims instagram accounts telling people to delete their cc and stay away from them (As well as Moon whatever the fuck I forgot them the moment they acted like this was the fucking holocaust) I just joined the sims community a few months ago and already this bullshit makes me want to leave. If it wasnt for @yooniesim and a few others I would fucking leave so fast
EDIT: they replied to a comment I made. Look at this bull
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alienzomby · 2 years
I love all the patreon creators saying it's a new policy. It's not. The Sims team has mentioned it multiple times before publicly and on their official forums. They're only concerned about it now because EA made it apart of their Terms & Conditions which effects all games under the EA publishing. If EA didn't add it to their T&C they wouldn't be acting like it's the end of the world. I will also say not all patreon creators are evil. It's just the clearly money hungry and greedy ones that I hate. Like they act like it's a job it's not it's a hobby it's always been a hobby and you can ask people for donations and I can promise you if people really like your creations and the work you do they will donate to support you. You can even open up commissions or do what I'm seeing some creators do and make stuff for blender and make blender stuff a Pay to Use. Before patreon was huge people had Ko-Fi's and would ask for donations on their posts and a lot of people got donations that way and could pay their bills and medical expenses and whatever else they needed money for. EA didn't do it just to attack the Sims community and get back at them for shitting on the sims. They did it to protect their games and to allow people equal access to the same mods for their games that their creators worked on to make. Sims isn't the only game you can mod that EA owns and it's not the only game with a Paywall community. Just be glad they even allowed modding in sims 4 that shit was a nightmare before and they could have easily blocked modding in the sims 4. All in all this isn't the end of the world and if people would have just followed The Sims Team's original TOU about Patreon and paywalls the whole community wouldn't be effected.
Shout out to the people fixing the High School Year bugs too while we wait for the official fix from the sims team next week. I can't test any of my cc until they fix it but I can at least play the game.
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