alifeindreams · 3 years
I don't know why I bother to still exist tbh
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alifeindreams · 3 years
I'm like a million percent done with everything.
Like what is the fucking point
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alifeindreams · 3 years
I feel such a deep sadness that my chest hurts.
I knew this was coming because whenever this happens I start to push people away, self isolate. Not feel like doing anything at all.
Hopefully it will leave again as quick as it came.
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alifeindreams · 3 years
I'm honestly struggling right now.
The urge to self harm has come back. It's quite strong.
There's a lot of pain inside of me. I'm trying so hard to be okay.
I'm not alone, so I'm safe. I don't think I trust myself to be alone right now.
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alifeindreams · 4 years
I am the absolute worst for going over horrible shit in my head again and again.
I cannot control how people think about me. I need to stop thinking about things I can't change.
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alifeindreams · 4 years
I'm going through the internal anger at myself stage now.
I think I've realised why I have so much self hatred.
Everything that has happened to me, I feel like I deserved it. Like I must've been bad if those things happened.
Another part is that I'm angry at being so desirable for those perverts.
Like it was my fault or something. Basically I have a lot of guilt and anger at myself.
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alifeindreams · 4 years
I'm at a point where I just have no idea what I'm supposed to do.
I think a main reason for that is that I never planned to live this long.
There's a lot of pain inside of me that no one knows about. That in some ways I'm afraid to let out. I don't know what to do.
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alifeindreams · 4 years
My ptsd be raging at the moment.
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alifeindreams · 4 years
Sometimes you really have to deal with the fact that you are not wanted.
I feel the day is coming soon where I finally leave.
Everyone will be so much happier then.
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alifeindreams · 4 years
I am the worst person in the world.
Why am I like this?
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alifeindreams · 4 years
I should probably die already.
Who's cares. I don't belong here.
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alifeindreams · 4 years
I absolutely belong nowhere on this planet.
I feel so empty.
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alifeindreams · 4 years
Ah... The panic attacks are back again. Yay
Tumblr media
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alifeindreams · 4 years
Here I am. The bad guy again.
And then people wonder why I don't share my thoughts or feelings.
I can't keep walking on eggshells constantly. It's really affecting me.
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alifeindreams · 4 years
Can't help but feel so unwanted rn.
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alifeindreams · 5 years
I should be happy now but I'm really really not.
It even surprised me to be honest. Guess it makes me realise shit about myself.
My self loathing is so tiring. I just feel like I'm just fucking stuck at a crossroads. I don't know what the next thing to do is.
Do I just, chin up, keep pushing through? Or do I give in to myself & hurt myself or even further, take my life?
I just don't know, the intensity with which I feel this just has steadily gotten worse & worse.
Do I go back on medication? Do I go back to counselling? They haven't done shit in the past. It just feels like things will never get better & that really really scares me.
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alifeindreams · 5 years
The audacity of me, to think I'm that important. I'm not. At all. I know this. So why does it hurt so much?
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