alincrosenthal · 6 years
“I hate to break it to ya, but whatever you’re looking for is not here. I suggest trying the shop a quarter mile up the road.”
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       “i’m not looking for anything, at least nothing that would be able to be bought. i came to check up on a fellow downworlder with everything that has happened. a lot of places were ruined because of that asshole.”
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alincrosenthal · 6 years
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     hearing the familiar voice, anna turned to look at alina, a hand reaching for her to both ground herself and check if she was okay. she was one of the people anna held very dear and to see her hurt would really pain the pregnant she-wolf too. “ i - ” while anna had thought of not engaging with the fire directly, she hadn’t considered the smoke and in all her worry, she actually failed to see it fill her lungs. to not worry alina, though, she tried not to cough, exhaling deeply. “ okay – okay … ” she mumbled as she took a step back, the hot wind from the fire swaying her hair as a few sparkles threw around. “ is everyone safe ? where’s enzo ? oh fuck —- has anyone seen him ? ”
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      alina knew that anna wouldn’t have thought about the risks around them, the fire was obvious enough, get out of it, don’t get yourself burned. she knew that the other would want to try and help, but she couldn’t, while they both cared for the pack; anna was pregnant. and she had to think of her self and her growing babies, they deserved the chance to come into the world healthy. “smoke inhalation isn’t good for anyone, least of all pregnant women.” she had her shirt of first aid training because of her job as a police officer. “we’ll get everyone out, the pack is scrambling but they acted quickly enough.” she was proud of that fact, that even something as terrible as this couldn’t stop them from being united. “i don’t know! i haven’t seen him, i’m not sure if he was still here. maybe out back, i don’t know!”
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alincrosenthal · 6 years
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alincrosenthal · 6 years
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     “ fuck … oh FUCK. ” this wasn’t the scene anna was expecting to see when she arrived at the hunter’s moon; glasses shattered, some parts taken down, the side of it burning. she quickly moved to rush inside to see if there was anyone left inside, but stopped herself from going any further. an arm wrapping around her baby bump, she took a few steps back. she couldn’t just jump into danger like this, not when it’d endanger her twins too. turning around, she grabbed the closest person by the arm, eyes pleading. “ can you – can you help ? someone’s gotta check if there’s anyone inside … we gotta put the fire out ! ”
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      alina had been in the alley behind the hunter’s moon when it happened, she had been on the phone dealing with some mundane police stuff when the bar had been attacked, to see everything falling apart, the building enveloping into flames and glass shattering, alina had only spent a moment watching before springing into action, she had just pulled someone out of the building, their leg broken, and dragged them to safety when anna caught her eye, pleading at a random person. “anna!” she moved, coming to stand next to the other she-wolf. “stay away from the fire, even the littlest bit of smoke inhalation can be dangerous for your babies. someone called the fire department, but they’re still not here!”
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alincrosenthal · 6 years
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he got startled at the voice calling him, flinching like a deer caught in the headlights, before realizing who was talking. his posture relazing ever so slightly when he looked up at alina. ❝ i- ❞ he started, stopping right away because he wasn’t sure what to say. everything had been quite a blur since the incident. but that didn’t stop him from feeling bad about ignoring most people around him.  ❝ i didn’t mean to. i don’t even known where my phone is. ❞ he pulled a face, but he soon relaxed at the hug, letting out a shaky breath before hugging her back. ❝ i’m sorry, ‘lina. ❞
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      the last thing that alina needed was for any of the pack, especially those that were like family to end up missing. she knew that seemed like an overprotective mother hen sometimes, but she wasn’t about to lose anyone else in her life. “you lost it? if you can’t find it, we’ll need to get you a new one soon. i need to be able to contact everyone.” if there was one thing that was great about mundane technology it was cell phones. she kept hold of him and pulled back only slightly to look at him, “i’m not mad. i’ve just been worried. you know i worry. i’m a worry-wart. are you okay? has anything happened?”
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alincrosenthal · 6 years
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          MARCHING UP TO RANDOM WEREWOLVES, and saying, ❝ i think something is following me, ❞ is far from the best idea. but when you’re pretty sure that something is a dead person back from the grave and you’re all alone in and unfamiliar part of town… well, sometimes you have to choose your battles. ❝ i apologize for bothering you– ❞ she didn’t sound particularly apologetic ❝ –but i’m not familiar with this are and i don’t trust… those. ❞ she glanced over her shoulder, eyes landing on them.
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      dealing with the dead brought back to life had already been a lot to deal with for members of the pack. alina had been forced to help a few out, especially when there were those that they recognized. it wasn’t easy, seeing someone lost and finding out they weren’t here to greet you with open arms and instead wanted to end you. she turned to the werecat, “someone is following you?” she asked, turning toward the gaze of the other before back, “believe me, i don’t know how this has happened, but if that person is someone who is supposed to be dead, then they’re not following you for a hug.”
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alincrosenthal · 6 years
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“If I were to let you out of that cell, you’d what? Stop him?”
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alincrosenthal · 6 years
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     “ i don’t know for the general part but i, in fact, do. ” anna grinned, settling against the counter for support, a hand placed on her bump. she knew max would probably not approve of this but she was close to her third trimester now and to comfort herself, she could go for some fast food once in a while. “ alina, you don’t understand, i’d kill for a burger right now. ”
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     “i think it’s supposed to be a different for everyone? but i’m very glad to hear you say you do.” she didn’t want to looked at strangely for getting a plethora of food all by herself, even though she dared only to make a snarky comment about it. she didn’t envy that anna was lumbering around a bit now because of her growing belly. “i’d kill for a burger, fries, pizza, maybe some chinese food too. how about this, i get a few different pack members to go get us a buffet of fast foods, my treat.”
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alincrosenthal · 6 years
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“Alright that enough.” Minho said distancing himself from his pack mates. They seemed to sense his growing anxiety and all started to reach out for pats on the back and hugs. “I’m alright. You guys are over reacting.”
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     “can you hardly blame them?” alina can’t help but grin and chuckle as everyone reaches out for minho, to let them know that they’re glad he’s okay. with everything going, you can never be too careful. “then maybe if you checked in, they would feel the need to overreact.”
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alincrosenthal · 6 years
      “ you want breakfast ??” cassie nods towards the stove, waving her frying pan. “or just coffee ??” alina’s appearance is a welcome distraction. even though they’ll inevitably end up discussing the troubles, she’s glad for five minutes of normality. “i’m havin’ a fry up if you fancy it ??”
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      “i would never say no to breakfast.” she hadn’t been able to eat this morning when she had awoken, so she was glad that cassie had offered. “coffee too, i could use the help waking up.” alina moved to lean against the counter, “i’ll eat anything, honestly.”
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alincrosenthal · 6 years
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     “so uh, do you still get cravings this late into it? i have no idea how pregnancies are supposed to work.” the redhead gave the other wolf a shrug, she honestly doubted she’d ever find out to be honest. “because if you are, i could really go for like a buffet of meals that are entirely bad for you, but so worth it.” @annabcllc
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alincrosenthal · 6 years
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     “hey kid!” alina called out roughly but with concern ridden in her tone. her hand extended, finger pointed out in a wagging motion to make sure he knew that she was serious. “what did i tell you about not checking in?! hmm? you don’t leave me hanging when i call you, do you understand?” she took a moment, giving him a look that showed she meant business before, pulling the younger wolf into a hug. “don’t do this to me again, mase.” @masonwhat
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alincrosenthal · 6 years
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❝ hey ─ you’re part of the pack, right? ❞ that wasn’t the way he would usually greet someone, let alone a wolf that was part of the local pack, but in that moment he was too worried to care. he didn’t know what exactly was going on, but if he had to bet, he’d guess that leo something to do with it, which could only mean trouble. most importantly, he hadn’t located anna yet. @alincrosenthal
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     turning at the sound of the male voice, alina rose an eyebrow at him. she wondered what about her spoke that she was a werewolf or maybe he was just hopping that the first person he approached was one. “and if i wasn’t? would you go on to ask the next person?” she didn’t mean anything by the question because she was offended. “i am. i’m technically the second in command of the pack. who are you and what do you need?”
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alincrosenthal · 6 years
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alincrosenthal · 6 years
“There’s something to be said, I think, for Mundane delicacies,” Viktor said with a wrinkle of his nose, glancing through the deli glass window at the artfully decorated sandwiches arranged inside. “Or perhaps it’s an American custom. How does it classify as a ‘salad’ if it’s essentially just tuna and mayonnaise?”
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     the werewolf quirked an eyebrow as the shadowhunter spoke up seemingly out of nowhere to no one in particular about the food in front of them. she didn’t much mind deli food, especially since it could be made pretty quick. “tuna salad has been eaten by people for way over one hundred years, and sometimes it’s filled with other ingredients to give a more salad like flavor than just the tuna and mayonnaise.”
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alincrosenthal · 6 years
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❝  muy bien , en realidad incluso puedo oler lo que desayunaste ayer .  ❞  odette made a motion to fan away a certain smell from her nose , finishing up dressing when she pulled on a dirty black hoodie . finally decent , pushing hair out from the constrain of the cloth . a moment of silence , staring expectantly at the she wolf .  ❝  is everything okay ? or is this a social call ?  ❞  either was a good enough answer to the rosario , though the latter would be … a weird end of her day .
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     “oh really now? and what is it that i had for breakfast yesterday oh great nose?” alina said with a hint of humor in her tone and a slight roll of her eyes knowing that the other werewolf was just being extra about it. she pushed her attention fully back to odette when the other was fully dressed. “yes and no, a bit of both actually. shits going down in the city and i’m pretty sure you don’t have much idea what it is. just checking up on you. though yeah yeah, i know you can handle yourself.” she considered the other a friend and cared.
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alincrosenthal · 6 years
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Alex Danvers being her cute self as usual (◡‿◡✿)
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