alistairxsiro · 1 day
Alter interaction. One point for Xan.
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alistairxsiro · 3 days
This is our system. I say it like that cause well we are plural. We have D.I.D as a collective of beings I am the leader of the show, I suppose. You can call me Alistair.
I wasn’t the first to arrive here but I guess I fit the leadership role better than the rest. I primarily front. Not just cause I am a leader but because we are also in a relationship without partner who also has D.I.D. I love him very much.
We are very accepting and understanding to all forms of D.I.D, no matter how your system formed. You are plural, simple as that. If you have questions please do ask. Also keep an eye out for a link to our discord group. We are making a safe place for any plural to join. If you have issues with anything I have said then… honestly it must suck to be you.
That’s another thing, I don’t put up with the bullshit and I can be a bit rough around the edges but it is who I am. Not everyone in this system is like me so don’t go comparing us to just what you see here. Thank you for reading and have a wonderful rest of your time.
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