alitigercub · 17 days
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Rotisserie cunt
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alitigercub · 2 months
10 Reasons why you should put your little back in diapers today:
the constant crinkle and bulk of their diaper butt remind them of how little they really are.
it's laughable to think they could stay dry on their own, and diapers save you from dealing with their constant accidents.
it’s hilarious watching them try to hide their diaper butt under their clothes.
the adorable look of surprise and relief on their faces when they helplessly fill their diaper is priceless.
expecting them to act like adults is pointless, and diapers remind them of their true place as your little.
they’re clearly more comfortable being treated like babies, so why bother pretending otherwise?
the cute little waddle they have when wearing a diaper; looks so adorably infantile, which is exactly what they deserve.
they need constant reminders of their place, and nothing does that better than a bulky diaper.
the way they shyly admit they need a change after filling their diaper is incredibly cute.
they're too lazy to get up and go to the bathroom, so let them sit in their messes.
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alitigercub · 2 months
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alitigercub · 2 months
Help, I’m the partner of an ABDL 🫣
To celebrate hitting 4,500 followers I’ve created this mega post to link to our best articles for partners of ABDL’s (like me).
These are the resources and knowledge I wish I had when starting on the journey as a vanilla girlfriend of an ABDL and I love hearing from so many of you who have found it useful.
Essential reading:
Part 2, with some extra tips:
Recommended Reading:
How chastity helped my partner
Finally, a few top tips from me:
You’re not alone, feel free to DM me here anytime to talk through any challenges you have. This community is also very welcoming and most will try give any advice they can 💙
ABDL may be considered a weird desire by many but there is absolutely nothing wrong, bad, evil, worrying about it. Millions of people around the world enjoy this and it’s growing rapidly!
Your partner will likely be very scared to talk about what they actually desire. Make an effort to talk openly about ABDL with them to boost their confidence to share more openly, it will help you both.
You can have a HUGE impact on their life by accepting this part of them, encouraging / forcing them (with consent) to embrace it more and actively getting involved yourself (from diaper pats to changes to babying them).
These desires won’t go away and will likely only grow, if you’re hoping this is temporary unfortunately it will leave you both disappointed.
ABDL might feel like something you can’t see how you’ll enjoy but I’m testament to entering with an open mind and wanting the best for my partner and actually finding lots of enjoyment for myself along the way.
There are many ways to ABDL, I’m a huge advocate for normalizing diapers in their and your life by pushing for as close to 24/7 as you can manage. We’ve found this to help countless other couples too but don’t feel you have to take any of these articles as gospel.
Finally we can’t help partners of ABDL’s if they don’t see this so please repost and of course share with your partner if you know they struggle with your ABDL side. 🙏
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alitigercub · 3 months
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alitigercub · 3 months
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alitigercub · 3 months
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Tonight is gonna be a little sucky. Guaranteed to be a long, messy night full of cramping and humiliation.
I've been given my daily dose of miralax, and I've been monitored to make sure I'm well hydrated.
At 8:00 tonight, I'll have to tape this diaper on. It's a Rearz Seduction, with a full length booster, and another pad on top to help keep the plug in place.
The plug is a Doc Johnson medium. I can take the large--but for this punishment, the plugs is a reminder--not a stopper. The smaller size will still let me expel easily enough when the magnesium citrate takes effect. I'll be given both saline enemas before I have to insert the plug and diaper myself. I'll put on the ruffled waterproof panties, and lay down on a waterproof mattress protector and a pile of disposable bed pads.
Restraints will be fitted to my wrists, elbows, shoulders waist, knees, and ankles. Most of them are nylon and velcro. My wrists will get a set of steel handcuffs over the locking mittens.
The mini enemas will make me mess with about fifteen minutes. I'll be messy from then on. I'll say within another two hours, the magnesium citrate will have started working, and it's effects will run through the night, peaking around 1 am.
Melatonin, heavy doses of anxiety meds and muscle relaxers will help me sleep--at some point. I will likely be able to fight asleep for around two hours. Ill fall asleep messy, but at some point, ill be woken by the effects of the magnesium citrate churning my insides. Resistance will be low, especially while restrained. The effects of the medications will last most of the 12 hours. Their potency will peak at the same time as the punishment.
A sleep mask, earplugs, headphones with hypnosis tracks, locking mittens, and bed restraints will make sure I stay isolated and right where I'm supposed to be. I may be made to wear an open mouth gag. That's a guaranteed extra level of pain and misery to endure. I hope I've been good enough to avoid it. If I make too much noise, it will be added, I'm certain.
This time it all will last for 12 hours. If I struggle or make too much noise, it may be extended. I've endured longer, but I've never been released prematurely before.
Never ask your wife for an orgasm--even locked in your soaked diapers--when you're a limp, sissy diaper cuck. I stepped out of place, and now I must pay the price.
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alitigercub · 3 months
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alitigercub · 3 months
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You feel little but you still feel embarrassed. Mommy put on a soft lullaby in the background but you’ve never shown her this side of you. She tells you it’s okay but you’re not ready to believe her. She wants you to prove to her that you’re little, that you can go in your diaper. She whispers to you as you let out some pee pee, but you have to push because your bladder hurts back. She doesn’t notice at first but you push so hard a fart escapes. She smiles at you excitedly. You keep pushing and you feel pure shame as goosebumps envelop you, a warmth over your face. You can’t hold back anymore, your laxative won’t let you. Your sphincter starts shaking and you grunt out of shame. A warm mass starts to push through. You feel it coating your butt, it’s pushing back against the diaper. “Mommyyy” you say, with a mix of twenty feelings. “Shhh it’s okay, you’re a baby now. Let out those pee pees and poo poos, you can do it in front of mommy, don’t cry.”
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alitigercub · 3 months
It’s okay to embrace your AB/DL side. Mommy gotcha! 🤗🤱🍼❤️
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alitigercub · 3 months
I have mental health issues. I also have times where I am ashamed of wearing or being an ABDL so I stop at times. I've never been 24/7 and I've never found an accepting partner that wanted me 24/7 I'm still curious about this but most of my experiences have just been negative. My mental health makes me feel awful. Diapers and ABDL really do help me cope but I just don't have anyone to push me to keep going without feeling ashamed of being in messy or wet diapers.
Making the decision for them - update
Our article on helping your partner by making the decision for them continues to be the single most impactful piece of advice we’ve produced.
We’ve now spoken to 13 couples who have implemented it and I’m sure there are many more who haven’t reached our DMs yet.
For me who always felt somewhat lonely in my role, this has been incredible. It’s also highlighted that for every blog on here sharing their relationship openly, there are 10-100 invisible couples doing the same thing but privately. It really shows how big ABDL is and that it’s growing.
Of the 13 only 1 has backtracked significantly, the rest are loving their new dynamic.
The amazing difference of having a partner involved is being highlighted here as ABDL’s trying to switch solo to 24/7 often struggle to commit and fail after a few days or weeks. Whereas the couples I’ve been speaking to are not having anywhere near as hard a time. The reason for this is the ABDL partner feels supported and encouraged to wear, and when they have a low period their partner can gently force them to continue.
One interesting case which I wanted to highlight is one of the partners using a two week vacation as the trigger point for taking their husband 24/7. She packed the suitcases for them both and unbeknownst to him his contained only the 40ish diapers he’d need. All bar one of his underwear had been thrown away but he didn’t even know that at this stage and instead once they’d checked in she handed him a package containing a diaper for him to go put on for the flight. It wasn’t until they arrived at their hotel that he realized he only had diapers for the trip and she told him this would be a trial of 24/7.
She said this worked out extremely well as it forced them both not to cheat and being out of their normal work and home routine made it easier for her to be more involved in his checks and changes. Also being away from people they knew reduced the anxiety of wearing in public.
I’ll ask her to write up the full experience in more detail but overall it sounds like it went well. He stayed diapered for the whole trip not using the toilet once and by the end she felt “like a pro” at diaper changes. It wasn’t until arriving home that she told him this wasn’t just a vacation change and instead he’d now be permanently diapered. With two successful weeks already completed this wasn’t too scary and I’m glad to report he hasn’t used a toilet at home since 👌
I really like this as an idea as it offers a great way to do a shorter trial of 24/7 at a time when the partner can be more involved and in a less stressful environment. If you do use this as trial however it is important that you’re going into it with the full expectation and hope that you will continue it upon returning. In the example above she threw away his underwear so the default position would be diapers on returning. In the unlikely event it turned out to be a bad idea you could go out and buy new underwear.
Another quick theme I wanted to speak about is the mental health benefits of putting your ABDL partner back into diapers full-time. Unprompted this has been mentioned by most of the couples as being one of the biggest benefits, with the ABDL partner particularly benefiting. So if your partner is struggling with stress, anxiety or other mental health challenges I can’t recommend highly enough that you try this.
Our DM’s are always open. We’d love to help more partners take the plunge and hear from those of you who already have!
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alitigercub · 4 months
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alitigercub · 4 months
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Trained Cumguzzler!☺
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alitigercub · 4 months
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alitigercub · 4 months
✨Bouncy baby in a slightly messy diaper✨
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alitigercub · 4 months
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"You're not gonna go poo poo already are you? You just got in the chair. Ohp. Yep, you're doing it aren't you. Whelp...I'm sorry, but you're just gonna have to sit in that mess until you finish your num nums!
Image Source: Omorashi Wetting and ABDL
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alitigercub · 4 months
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