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Zoo Safari, no cages, all fun
Advertising Agency: DDB, Brazil
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Lucky Strike - 19550314 Life on Flickr.
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Do you see the hidden sexual content in this ad?
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Subliminal or not?
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An article about Social Responsibility in Advertising
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An interesting blog on the effects of new media advertising on society.
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Reflection On Subliminal Advertising
So far in this course the subject that has really intrigued me the most is that of subliminal advertising. I am not exactly sure why that surprised me so much but I think that it had to do with the fact that when we talked about it I realized it was everywhere around us.
Subliminal advertising is something that you are aware of, you know it happens but until someone points it out to you that it is in almost every advertisement possible that you see on a daily basis, it doesn't quite sink in.
After our discussion on the topic in class I began to research it more myself as well. It astonished me what I found. These subliminal ads aren't just happening in adult targeted advertisements but in childrens print ads and on Disney Movie covers as well.  To me this is just sickening. What has this world come to that we find it necessary to present hidden messages in our advertisement in hopes of effecting a consumers thoughts.
Being an advertising major you know that you are going to face ethical issues, criticism and tough decisions. But knowing about these ahead of time before you are actually in the industry just makes me feel like a terrible person. I feel like now it is becoming a battle of do I really want to do this profession if this is what it takes to be successful?
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When it comes to Facebook and the amount of information that they collect from their users everyday, is there a point when enough is enough? Is there a time when the FTC will finally step in? 
This is a very interesting article on how the FTC really has no say or way of saying enough is enough when it comes to data collection via Facebook. 
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Subliminal Messages
Really in Disney Movies?? That is just sick...Did you know this existed?
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Dear ADV 475
Dear ADV 475 Classmates,
Throughout the semester thus far, looking back on the videos, I think that the most disturbing one would be the Pharma video. I just think that it was disturbing on so many levels and so morally wrong. It would take forever to explain why but after watching that video I almost wanted to re-think my major...it was just sick.
I found the information on advertising to children to be the most interesting. It was something we all know, I felt like but that we don't always think about. We all know that children get marketed to all the time but we don't always know that they girls get marketed to with more sexuality in their advertisements and in ways that older more mature women should be getting marketed to.
The consumerism video was the most relating video to me. I felt that it was a great depiction of things that happen in real life. Advertisements do a great job of convincing people to purchase a product because they "need" it when in reality it is just something that they "want" or think they want because of a well thought out ad campaign.  
I think that the videos are very interesting, sometimes they are disturbing, but I think they speak a lot of the truth about what is happening in todays world and they need to be seen because we have all chosen a career where this is reality and it is better to learn it now then enter the real world in the dark.
Enjoy the rest of the semester,
Kaylee King
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This is what will keep happening if we keep advertising alcohol and tobacco to young children.
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Sexual Subliminal Advertising.
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Can you find the hidden symbol is this advertisement?
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This Class
This class is seriously so boring. Why must the one class that I need be so unorganized and hard to follow. I really just can't even stand sitting here anymore. I understand that you are good in your field but if you can't portray that clearly for what I need to learn then please don't expect me to pay attention!
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So very, very true!
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If only I could have eyelashes that long!! I am fan of long flowing eye lashes!
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