alittleinsaneee-blog · 12 years
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alittleinsaneee-blog · 12 years
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alittleinsaneee-blog · 12 years
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“Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring.” (Proverbs 27:1, ESV)
Do you see every day as a blessed gift from God? Many times when we hear this, we may be tempted to brush it off and say, “Yeah, yeah, I know. Every day is special.” But truly it is! God ordained this day before the foundation of the earth. He has already ordered blessings for you. He has already orchestrated the right opportunities for you. He has already made the right connections for you. On top of that, the air you breathe, the food you eat, and the sunshine on your face are all part of the great blessing that God gives us daily.
Remember, we’re not promised tomorrow, so why waste a single moment living life defeated and depressed? Our attitude should not be, “I have to take care of the kids,” or “I have to mow the lawn today.” It should be, “I get to take care of the kids God has blessed me with,” or “I get to go out and mow the lawn today. That’s part of the house that God has provided.” See every opportunity as a gift. Count your blessings and watch Him multiply them exceedingly all the days of your life!
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alittleinsaneee-blog · 12 years
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331 notes · View notes
alittleinsaneee-blog · 12 years
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i look like a fat lesbian in shock in this but yolo~~~ meow b!tch
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alittleinsaneee-blog · 12 years
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alittleinsaneee-blog · 12 years
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my first lyric drawing! its eh. but i hope to improve. please dont change the source! :D
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alittleinsaneee-blog · 12 years
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alittleinsaneee-blog · 12 years
Fuck Society
Justin Bieber: Breaks up with girlfriend, gets worldwide trend on twitter
Kenadee Lucker: Father dies, gets told she should kill herself
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alittleinsaneee-blog · 12 years
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alittleinsaneee-blog · 12 years
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alittleinsaneee-blog · 12 years
Why? Why did we want to grow up? I wanted to grow up because I thought I'd be driving by now. I thought I'd have my own car. I thought I'd have a gorgeous amazing boyfriend. I thought I'd have a great job and lots if money. I thought I'd have lots of friends. I thought I'd be super thin and hot. Instead, I can barely handle all my advanced classes so I haven't even had time to get my permit (I'm 16 years old). Can't have a car if I can't drive. I've never had a boyfriend in my life and I'm terrified to talk to the guy I like. I don't have time for a job; therefore, I have no money. I have obnoxious friends who never text me on their own and I just left behind a best friend who treated me like crap. I'm also about 20 pounds over weight and I'm insecure even after losing 40+ pounds. Remind me again why I wanted to grow up.
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alittleinsaneee-blog · 12 years
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181K notes · View notes
alittleinsaneee-blog · 12 years
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alittleinsaneee-blog · 12 years
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alittleinsaneee-blog · 12 years
why do you do this to me? why do you do this so easily? You make it hard to smile because you make it hard to breathe? why do you do this to me?
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alittleinsaneee-blog · 12 years
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