alixoc-blog · 6 years
Keith pushing Shiro out of the way to butt into his interaction with Lance and Coran:
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Lance pushing Shiro/Kuron out of the way to butt into his interaction with Keith and Krolia:
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AKA: When all you want to do is talk to another adult, but you’re also babysitting a chaotic gay and disaster bi pair of separated boyfriends who can’t wait their turn.
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alixoc-blog · 6 years
Thoughts on Burn The Stage
Bangtan is the best group on this earth and you can’t tell me any different
I-Army are the best people to be around
I want to watch it again and again
This is the only movie that matters
I want to just give all my money to BTS
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alixoc-blog · 6 years
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Quick She-Ra doodle, because I am head over heels in love. These two are the sapphic friends to enemies ship I’ve always needed <3
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alixoc-blog · 6 years
the she-ra reboot makes this video relevant again which means we are in the best timeline
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alixoc-blog · 6 years
Catra to Scorpia: what did I tell you about personal space?
Also catra:
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alixoc-blog · 6 years
Haven’t even watched yet but awwh 😍💜
hello y’all may i please have your attention
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thank y’all for your attention, that’d be all
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alixoc-blog · 6 years
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11.11 Pocky Klance ♥
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alixoc-blog · 6 years
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1- if you’re wondering if Lance is going to be in all of my comics, then your answer is: yes, most likely; 2- if you’re wondering if you’ve seen that face somewhere: it’s from that “smile at strangers” meme; 3- if you’re wondering when am I ever going to stop shit posting: boy do I have news for you Had to put some Klance in there though. Rip. —
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4
reposts only allowed on instagram and with credit! my username there is also crazycookiemaniac. please tag & mention!! reblogs are okay!
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alixoc-blog · 6 years
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alixoc-blog · 6 years
even with krolia and shiro in the room, two of keith’s closest family, he chose lance to lead the team.
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alixoc-blog · 6 years
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Klance doodles 
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alixoc-blog · 6 years
When Blue was rejecting Lance
He got this feeling of “maybe I’m really not meant to be a paladin at all”
Just like Allura rejected Lance and he started doubting his place with her
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Then the red lion came crashing in like no bitch you good you got this
Just like Keith reassuring him and his place on the team
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And who did Lance end up with?
The one who pushed him away because they weren’t who Lance needed?
Or the one who reassured Lance when he needed it most?
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alixoc-blog · 6 years
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THE RED PALADINS - part 5/10
PART 1 - PART 2 - PART 3 - PART 4
Okay I have officially broken myself. A lot of tears went into this one.
I am a mess :)
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alixoc-blog · 6 years
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Season 1-7
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Season 7 ½
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alixoc-blog · 6 years
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My piece for @keithbabybang I’ve drawn for the fic by @remodelling-of-a-book (I will put the link up soon) It’s a lovely post-canon story where Keith reflects on everything that has happened to him while going on a road trip with Lance. 
I’m so happy that I got to work with Alex, it’s been a lot of fun! And thank you mods for hosting this event! ^^
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alixoc-blog · 6 years
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Keith, who you do think deserves to make it out of here?
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alixoc-blog · 6 years
Hi! Doodle request: more treasure planet voltron!! I love your art 😊 thank you!!
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this movie is a gem. 
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