alizesart · 5 years
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Linktober Day 9: Forest
Lost Woods in Ocarina of Time. I used a reference and then embellished. Tried to get the pillar of light effect in there and I think I succeeded.
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alizesart · 5 years
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Linktober Day 8: Animal
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alizesart · 5 years
I love this depiction of him!
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Cosmere Inktober Day 2: Unforeseeable
I couldn´t take a good picture so I ended up  fixing a lot with photoshop, anyways, here he is, one of the most intriguing characters of the Cosmere.
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alizesart · 5 years
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Linktober Day Three: Sheikah
Lens of Truth from Ocarina of Time. This one I did use a reference for. It’s a bit lopsided but I had so much fun filling it all in with ink that I don’t mind.
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alizesart · 5 years
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Linktober Day Two: Fairy Fountain
I’m not as happy with this one. I messed up a lot in drawing the fairies and, I feel, their placement as well. Still glad to be participating though. This isn’t supposed to be a specific fairy fountain from any of the games. I wanted to design one.
Medium: ink and post-it note
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alizesart · 5 years
This is my first time participating in Linktober! Actually it’s my first time participating in any sort of Inktober! (I should’ve reblogged this earlier. Whoops!)
So many people have done amazing drawings throughout the years and have done great drawings so far this year too! Hopefully I’ll be able to stick it out with everyone!
p.s. steppingstonespoetry is my main blog, so that’s the one that’s going to be showing up as liking other people’s drawings. 
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Please make sure to share our calendars everywhere and with everyone!  We welcome all artists of all art forms, all ages, and all skill levels.  All you do is Make, Share, Hashtag.  May the Triforce be with you. Join the conversation: https://discord.gg/Nj3f4PV
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alizesart · 5 years
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Linktober Day One: Ancient
I’m doing this from memory so I’m certain I got the cross guard and pommel wrong. Also I added in faint circles around the sword to be more reminiscent of the Temple of Time in Ocarina of Time. I had more fun with this in adding all the little plants than I thought I would! I kept on wanting to add more! I didn’t want it to get too busy though, and think I stopped at the right time. Medium: ink and post-it note
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alizesart · 5 years
The song of Beren and Luthien as sung by Clamavi de Profundis.
If you see this you are OBLIGATED to reblog w/ the song currently stuck in your head :)
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alizesart · 5 years
Oh ok, thank you for responding!
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My children (◍•ᴗ•◍)♡ ✧*。[readable version]
No, I do not accept criticism
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alizesart · 5 years
I think it’s been too long since I watched the show, I don’t know half of the people in these couples. Who are Temari, Sai, Choji, and Lee married to? If they are introduced in Boruto that would explain my ignorance too, since I haven’t watched it, or if they are OCs.
This art is lovely though!
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My children (◍•ᴗ•◍)♡ ✧*。[readable version]
No, I do not accept criticism
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alizesart · 5 years
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Anko Slaying Orochimaru WIP
Two more hours’ work. As you can see I mostly worked on Anko, and changed the position of her right leg. Made the sword of Kusanagi longer and blocked out where I’m putting Orochimaru and Yamato. (Really the only difference there from the value study is that Yamato is taller than the lady, and I’m having his right arm not grab Orochimaru, but letting his wood release restrain him instead.)
I took out the green overlay, which I originally added as a contrast to Anko’s purple hair. I might add it back in again. I’m not certain how much I like it.
previous posts
Also, I saw @evartandadam’s version and it’s amazing! There’s no way I could do something that good but it helped motivate me to work on this again!
p.s. @fineillsignup May I steal your fictional peril tag? Because I’m stealing your fictional peril tag.
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alizesart · 6 years
Mysterious Heroine with a Dark Secret
...I would say I like it, but considering what was a typical “dark secret” in the 19th century (secretly insane, secretly had a child out of wedlock, etc) I think I’m gonna pass. (Give me secret awesome superpowers That Extract a Terrible Personal Toll or something like that, dang it!)
Cool generator though. Might use it to create some characters, just not to find out who I’d be.
For anyone who’s ever wondered who they’d be in a 19th century novel, the wait is over: I put together a 19th Century Character Trope Generator!
If you’d like to reblog, put your character in the tags because I’m curious.
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alizesart · 6 years
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@fineillsignup @rainbowfoxes​
This is one more hour’s work. I apologize for not being further along. Truth be told I have not worked on this since the last time I posted, until today. My only excuse is that I have low energy levels, and most days after work I can’t motivate myself to do things that take any effort beyond watching Netflix and reading. I still feel badly because last time I posted a goal that I would work on it several hours a week, and that did not happen.
I was not going to post anything more until it was finished, but I felt that due to the long wait with no progress it would be nice for you if I showed you what I had done.
I decided for the sword to use Orochimaru’s Sword of Kusanagi from the manga, because it looked simpler than the one from the anime.
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@fineillsignup​ I didn’t get started until today, but here’s an hour’s worth of work! I feel it’s a decent start. I started out doing a study of the original to a) try to get a feel of the original and b) block out approximately the positioning. I’ll use my study of the original as a base to build my Anko and Yamato slaying Orochimaru picture.
Judith Beheading Holofernes by Artemisia Gentileschi value study. I only gave myself an hour, for two reasons. I’ve heard that it’s good to do relatively quick value studies before you try to do ones that take hours and hours. Even though the time constraint made the result a lot rougher than it would be otherwise, I don’t want the final product to turn into an exact copy of the original anyway. 
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alizesart · 6 years
Thank you so much!
Oh, I should probably mention, my goal is to work on it for an hour at least two weeknights a week, plus an hour on Saturdays, until it is done. My life is a little busy, but I’m promising myself to make that the minimum I spend working on it in a week.
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@fineillsignup​ I didn’t get started until today, but here’s an hour’s worth of work! I feel it’s a decent start. I started out doing a study of the original to a) try to get a feel of the original and b) block out approximately the positioning. I’ll use my study of the original as a base to build my Anko and Yamato slaying Orochimaru picture.
Judith Slaying Holofernes value study. I only gave myself an hour, for two reasons. I’ve heard that it’s good to do relatively quick value studies before you try to do ones that take hours and hours. I don’t want the final product to turn into an exact copy of the original. 
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alizesart · 6 years
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@fineillsignup​ I didn’t get started until today, but here’s an hour’s worth of work! I feel it’s a decent start. I started out doing a study of the original to a) try to get a feel of the original and b) block out approximately the positioning. I’ll use my study of the original as a base to build my Anko and Yamato slaying Orochimaru picture.
Judith Beheading Holofernes by Artemisia Gentileschi value study. I only gave myself an hour, for two reasons. I’ve heard that it’s good to do relatively quick value studies before you try to do ones that take hours and hours. Even though the time constraint made the result a lot rougher than it would be otherwise, I don’t want the final product to turn into an exact copy of the original anyway. 
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alizesart · 6 years
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Lost Innocence by omniscientbongos
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alizesart · 6 years
Since when you first posted about this some time ago I've been meaning to try this, as a sort of creative study, but never got around to it and then forgot about it. Would definitely do it for free as my art skills are (I’d say) only high level beginner. I will try to start working on it on Saturday.
thinkin’ ‘bout commissionin’
Hello artists, I would like your opinion on whether $50US via paypal would be a fair price to commission someone to make a picture of Yamato and Anko beheading Snakebert
Also it needs to be a pastiche of Artemisia Gentileschi’s Judith Beheading Holofernes, comme ça:
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Yamato should be the one at the top restraining his former abuser with wood style while Anko on the right gives him what he deserves
ideally I would like the artist to be someone who also hates Snakebert with a passion and delights in the idea of drawing him being brutally yet justly slain, for whom the $50 will be more like a bonus, so that the passion comes across in the finished piece
anyway is $50 a fair price for this, I’m assuming at that price point it would be just lineart?
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