all-a-man-has · 3 years
Moonrise || Eclipse
Rapunzel was nurturing by nature –surprising, given how lacking her upbringing had been in that department. Still, she found it to be one of her best qualities, far and above her artistic abilities. She chalked it up to her healing magic. Perhaps one had to do with the other. 
When Flynn had… Rapunzel still struggled to come to terms with what had happened to her friend, so much so that she could barely say it in her own head. She cared for him, more than she wanted to admit at times. Much like when he’d sliced his hand open at Garden’s Grove a few weeks ago, her inherent need to help him heal took over. 
She’d been coming and going from his place since everything and truthfully, Rapunzel didn’t mind. It was nice not to be alone, even if Flynn was still on the mend and spend most of his time resting. She took it upon herself to keep his space tidy, keep the fridge stocked, and even started painting a small mural on one of his walls (unprompted, of course). 
Rapunzel had been pulling take out containers from their plastic bag, setting them on the counter, when he emerged, all rumpled. Each day, his defining features seemed different and her magic alone seemed unable to fix them, which was slightly devastating. 
“Hey there,” she murmured with a small smile. “I got Chinese.”
It was odd in the best kind of way how easily Rapunzel slotted herself into his home. Sometimes, it was nice to look around and just see the little signs that she’d been there, like how he never seemed to have to put his clean dishes away anymore or how there was now color splashed on one of his living room walls that was growing into something only Rapunzel knew the final image of.
Sometimes it made his skin crawl with nerves. 
He tried to ignore that feeling.
“You know you’re my favorite, right?” Flynn said with an appreciative groan, taking a deep breath and almost drooling at the smell of Chinese take out. He’d have to sneak some money into her bag again, she flat out refused him any time he tried to pay her back.
Again, he had mixed feelings on that, appreciating her wanting to help without any desire for repayment but not understanding that particular kind of selflessness at all, so he tried to ignore that too.
“How was your day?” he asked, coming up next to her and resting back against the counter.
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all-a-man-has · 3 years
Moonrise || Eclipse
Flynn woke, as he often did in recent days, feeling like crap.
Which was odd, because apparently, he had a clear bill of health. The poison that he’d had at the Gala had been cured by the antidote that had been found. His arm had healed up pretty well, a long, pale blue scar that ran from his left wrist to the bend of his arm the only remnant of what was once a long, deep gash.
The only issue was the opal that was fused into his chest.
Flynn groaned, low and quiet, as he reached one heavy arm up to rub at his chest, just under the opal that had made a home in his skin. Everything felt... heavier now, like it wasn’t a stone on his chest but a several-ton boulder holding him down. Around the stone, his skin was cold to the touch, and he knew that if he looked into a mirror, he’d see the opal that had hung around his neck for nearly a two years seemingly melted into his skin. Blue veins radiated from the stone like a spiders’ web, glowing oddly if the light was low enough.
His eyes, once a playful, deep blue, were now a bright blue-gray that almost shone in the dark. His brown hair was starting to gray at the temples.
Overall, he felt and looked like shit.
But no, the doctors said there was nothing wrong with him that they could fix.
Pushing himself upright, Flynn braced himself up on his arms, letting his brain roll around his head as the vertigo from sitting up passed. Getting up was always the worst part, he’d found. Once breathing came easier, he made his way out of the bed. It would get easier, he knew, the first few minutes after waking up were always the worst, but then it would get easier. Not by much, but by a little.
He caught a glimpse of the clock as he shuffled to the bathroom. It was nearly seven o’clock in the evening. His sleep schedule was so fucked.
After relieving himself and washing his hands and face, Flynn made his way out to the kitchen as he pulled on a tank top that sat low enough to not irritate his chest. The lights were on, he noticed, which usually meant...
“Hey, Blondie,” Flynn greeted, voice rough with exhaustion as he walked heavily into the kitchen.
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all-a-man-has · 3 years
The Fated Ball [Part One] + [Zira and Swynlake]
In which Zira, with the help of her family, enacts her plan…[takes place: September 29, 2021]
tw – death, gore, blood, injuries, wrist slitting, broken neck, poisoning..etc. [if you want a cliff notes, hmu!]
@nuka-blackwell, @vitani-blackwell,​ @foreverydinger, @ugly-anastasia, @notmuchofatail, @alwcys-with-you, @delmarisa, @mrsrcbinscn, @toby-determined, @hngrylikethewoolf, @miss-holleyshiftwell, @oliversaluki, @the-queen-clarion, @trip-downtheriverstyx, @dian-morey, @all-a-man-has
Keep reading
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all-a-man-has · 3 years
All things considered, Flynn was bouncing back pretty well from the whole ‘Traumatic Revolution Murder Game Group Dream’ thing. Obviously, wholly less enjoyable than the last two, and that was considering Flynn spent all of the Texas dream in jail.
(Much like his actual time in Texas, but he had long drawn a veil over his two month stint in the Lone Star State.)
He’d heard some of the joint dreams were bad, but sheesh!!! 0 out of 10, do not recommend.
It hadn’t been all bad, but he was actively avoiding thinking too hard about the fact that he had been married in the dream, and not just to anyone but to Rapunzel. He had a feeling she was avoiding him again, but on his way to the Garden Grove to bring her lunch like normal and hopefully agree to never mention it again, when he nearly crashed into someone coming into the store as he was leaving, almost spilling the food all over the floor.
“Shit, sorry! I didn’t-” Flynn started, before he looked up and noticed it was Wendy he had nearly run into. You know, the one that he’d held as she died in his arms in silent agony, Wendy.
That one. 
“No worries,” he reassured her, resisting the urge to reach out a check her pulse or something. He kind of wanted to hug her, but they weren’t particularly hug-y friends. “Fuck, Wen, how are you doing?” he asked instead, crossing his arms across his chest as he looked her over. “Certainly less bloody than the last time I saw you.”
Mornings anew {Flynn & Wendy}
The dream had been jarring, one that Wendy didn’t actually want to remember. It was much too reminiscent of her life in Elfhame but just a touch worse. Waking up had Wendy sick to her stomach but beyond her family there wasn’t anyone she wanted to know that.
Thistle had been too close for comfort and while Wendy could sometimes handle being around him she could only hope, him and the other Fae in town would keep their distance from her. At least for a little bit. She couldn’t handle them at the moment.
Perhaps her luck wasn’t the greatest spotting one of them just walking and acting like nothing was wrong. Perhaps nothing was. Perhaps they enjoyed the chaos and torment of the dream. It continued to make her sick.
Ducking into a shop Wendy nearly ran into Flynn stopping just short of colliding with him. At first she just waved before realizing she could in fact talk.
“Sorry, still separating the dream from this life.”
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all-a-man-has · 3 years
It Doesn’t Just Glow // Eclipse
Fun fact about Flynn Rider: he was Very Bad with blood.
Didn’t matter whose it was, he hated the sight of it. It made him lightheaded and dizzy, and he’d fainted more than once because of it. It’s one of the reasons he’d stuck to white collar crimes instead of sticking his fingers into any of the Baron’s other illegal pies.
He honestly barely felt the pain, staring at his palm. He could tell it was deep, somewhere in the back of his mind but his stare was stuck on the blood gushing over his palm and fingers. 
Flynn hadn’t even realized he’d slumped against the counter.
Rapunzel’s small hand came into view, taking gentle hold of his own, and pain sparked up his arm like lightning. “Shit!” he bit out, flinching and slumping a little lower as she spoke. Now her hand was covered in blood, and Eugene was going to be sick-
“Flower gleam and glow, let your power shine. Make the clock reverse, bring back what once was mine.”
Who the hell had turned on the radio?
At least that was what Flynn thought until Rapunzel’s hands began to glow, light spilling from her palms as they cradled his injured hand. It was warm, like curling up in a beam of sunlight on a spring morning, and Flynn could feel the warmth of it filling him up from head to toe. 
Light began to spill from his wound, and his head snapped up to look at Rapunzel, only for his tongue to still in his mouth.
“Heal what has been hurt, change the Fates’ design.”
She was haloed in sunlight. There was really no other way to put it. Gold filtered through her hair as it waved and curled around her face, her freckles shining like spots of sunlight breaking through the leaves. The rest of the room seemed darker in comparison, less saturated and much colder compared to her.
(The opal around his neck seemed to sing and hum in harmony with Rapunzel’s lilting voice, the sound suddenly echoing in his head like a symphony louder and louder as she sang. It would have been more worrying if Flynn wasn’t currently busy gaping at Rapunzel like an idiot.)
“Save what has been lost, bring back what once was mine. What once was mine...”
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all-a-man-has · 3 years
A Secret Worth Keeping {Wendy&Flynn+Sarina}
“I wouldn’t say worried, more just if you’re only passing through might be good to head out before Swynlake throws you a curveball.” Sarina shrugged, he could be as tough as he wanted Swynlake was dark when it wanted to be.
But it didn’t seem like that was the story, not if he was making friends and on the run. But now it depended how much she kept his secret, she had nothing to lose or gain either way.
Before she could respond Wendy had made her way back to them. “I can take care of Flynn, Sarina. I offered him a meal.”
Sarina barely blinked at the different name. Okay he was running or doing something that needed a different Identity.
“Oh sure, I thought I’d come over and strike my chances with a cutie but looks like he’s taken for now.” Sarina winked though Wendy shook her head.
“Just friends.” It wasn’t like she wanted anything like that from him, it was actually quite nice to call him a friend, something she hadn’t even considered prior.
Flynn did not want Wendy in this conversation. 
But he couldn’t shoo her off without looking suspicious/ like-a-jackass, so instead he feigned being shot in the heart at Wendy’s words, draping himself dramatically across the bar. 
“You wound me!” he bemoaned, looking up at Wendy with puppy eyes. “What are you keeping me around for if not my dashing good looks and trivia about lobsters?”
It was weird, goofing around with Sarina right there; someone who knew Finn first, but he wasn’t about to dial himself back just because she was around. He’d been doing that for nearly eleven years. 
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all-a-man-has · 3 years
Breaking and entering is a matter of semantics || Flyntoff
Kristoff had literally no reason not to believe the handsome stranger, and it seemed like a perfectly plausible story, so he didn’t exactly raise any questions when he went to grab the lock. Maybe he was a little gullible (the trolls weren’t exactly natural detectives, and took pretty much everything at face value, because they never had any reason to lie to one another), and maybe he should’ve had a few more questions, but he was honestly just relieved that the guy was here to help him get inside the shop.
And plus, his head was still hurting. Even if the other guy had just gone and gotten a big rock and tried smashing the lock off, Kristoff doubted he would’ve complained.
Kristoff did step back to give him a little bit of space whilst he worked, though he couldn’t help but hover. He didn’t know where this going, or what tricks the other guy was going to pull, but maybe he could learn something?
“A paperclip?” He asked, sounding rather dubious. “You’re going to break it off with a paperclip?”
Yeah, yeah, ye of little faith. He just wasn’t used to such intricate work, okay?
“No need break it off,” Flynn said with a grin, tucking the receipts back in his pocket with his wallet even as he began to unfold the paperclip and fix it to suit his needs. He looked over his shoulder at the man, giving him a wink.
“At least not if you’re good with your hands like I am,” he drawled, giving the man a quick, flirty once-over before turning back to the lock. 
Using the multitool, Flynn turned up one short end of the paperclip up before pulling out the tweezer clip and sticking into the key slot. With that in place, he slid in the curled end of the paperclip, feeling for the pins before beginning to pop them each in place.
“So what’s your name?” he asked casually, wiggling the paperclip with smooth, practiced motions. 
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all-a-man-has · 3 years
Take a Look (It’s in a Book!) || Synn
Simba was looking for his husband. He had lost him somewhere in the bookshoppe. This was a common occurrence. Lots of times, if they were out running errands, Simba would turn around after having found someone to stop and chat with for, oh, fifteen or thirty minutes–and his husband would be gone. Today’s victim had been the parent of one of his incoming students, plus said student, while Ber and Simba were getting their Hatter’s orders. 
They’d gotten to chatting and…Ber disappeared. The bookshoppe was the obvious place, considering it was just across the street. And no one would bother Ber there. Plus, he might run into his brother or Belle and have a bit of a chat himself. 
Simba was unconcerned. He opened the door to Chapter Three, gave Shuck a head pat, then headed to the nonfiction section, where he usually could find Ber. But, he found someone else instead. He grinned brightly to see Flynn, whom he’d met when he’d first moved to town and seen at several events and such since then. 
“Hullo,” he chirped. Much too loud for a bookstore. “You’ve not seen my husband, have you? About yay-high and even more handsome than me? Probably did not make direct eye contact or say anything to you at all.” 
Flynn leaned back on his hand so he could look up at Simba, his other hand still holding the biography he’d been contemplating. Jesus, Simba was already a tall bloke when you weren’t sitting on the floor. His good humor and ability to keep up when Flynn could not shut up made the inevitable neck pain worth the conversation, though.
He shook his head. “Can’t say that I have, sorry,” Flynn said with an apologetic smile. “Full disclosure, this is the first time I’ve looked up since I sat down and time has no meaning anymore, so I don’t even know how long it’s been.”
“You need help looking?” he asked, preparing to push himself up off the floor.
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all-a-man-has · 3 years
It Doesn’t Just Glow // Eclipse
Rapunzel hadn’t expected to flush or find his excitement so endearing. Still, the part of her that was eager to please puffed up with pride, knowing that she’d made Flynn happy. That niggling feeling  of searching for approval had once been her downfall, however maybe it didn’t have to be now… Maybe now she could do things for nice people without anticipating someone taking advantage of her in return. 
“I really liked it, Flynn,” she replied earnestly. “I don’t think I’ve ever finished a book that quickly in a very long time.” Maybe a few years ago… 
“Bastion is a very charming lead, I can’t imagine where you might have gotten the inspiration.” 
Flynn grinned wider, almost ignoring her teasing comment in his excitement. She’d liked it! “I get that you’re probably teasing me, but I actually got the inspiration from a bunch of books I read as a kid,” Flynn explained happily. The truth; he was surprised that more people hadn’t cottoned on to the fact that he was inspired by the old Ezekiel Ryder series, especially since he’d taken more than a little inspiration for his own nom-de-plume and current identity from it. The books had been out of print since the 70s, but they were some of the few adventure books the Sisters had at the orphanage, and Eugene had adored them.
He’d read them to the younger kids whenever the Sisters needed the extra help, and his favorite nun, Sister Madison, had even gotten him a thrifted copy of one of the missing books for his fifteenth birthday. It was one of the few things he had taken with him when he ran away with Stalyan, and even now it was one of the few books on his relatively barren bookshelves.
(Even though reading it now, the whole series was more than a little problematic. That’s what he gets for falling in love with a series written in the 20s.)
“I was so fascinated by the whole pirate thing, but then I did more research and the real history of it all is even more fascinating,” Flynn said excitedly. “Like did you know that a huge number of pirates were Magicks escaping persecution on land? There’s a couple surviving journals from captains or bookkeepers from different crews that were published and they’re so cool to read, there’s even mention of a couple merpeople on board! And then there’s-”
Flynn hadn’ been paying attention as he talked, his hands getting more and more animated as he babbled on, and as he swept one hand out he smacked against one of the pots he’d moved for their lunch and knocked it right to the ground, the ceremic shattering loudly on impact. Flynn jumped, cursing loudly in German before looking down at the shattered pot and the plant spilling out of it onto the floor. “Shit! Sorry, Blondie,” Flynn said. “Quick, do you have another- FUCK!”
Flynn hissed as he pulled his hand back from where he’d tried to scoop up some of the dirt and roots to pick the plant up, staring at the long gash on his palm from a piece of ceramic as it began to bleed. It stung like a motherfucker, the skin from the base of his palm to the first knuckle of his ring finger split open.
Crap, he was going to need stitches, wasn’t he? Hey, was the room spinning?
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all-a-man-has · 3 years
Flynn, lounging against the alley wall, wondered how long it would take her to notice him.
He’d been doing some editing by the lake, taking advantage of the summer weather to get his head on straight -- and to work on his tan, you know how it is -- and was debating getting a snack from the Ice Queen when he instead spotted a semi-familiar figure doing a very bad job at sneaking around. His curiosity had gotten him up from his blanket he spread out near the edge of the lake, pulling on his tank top as he trailed Copperhead. 
He watched as she approached the closed bar, dipping into the alley, and sighed. The dream may be over -- and jeeze, if that whole thing wasn’t one hell of a departure from the fun fluff from the first two he’d experienced! -- but part of him couldn’t let it go, and that was the part that told him to go make sure the young teen wasn’t about to get herself hurt.
Glancing at his watch, Flynn rolled his eyes. “You know,” he said from his spot against the wall, “a good rule of thumb is ‘Don’t take on a lock that takes you more than two minutes to crack’. Also, don’t break into businesses in broad daylight.”
Leave a Trace || Flimsy
Mim was bored. And Mim being bored was a dangerous thing. Martin was super busy setting up the Rock Shoppe, and Ren was off doing whatever Ren did when Martin was busy. Tony was with his girlfriend (blech) and Ferb mentioned something about a thing he and Phineas were doing. So. She was bored. Which meant it was time to find something much more fun to do. 
And the thing was that the vibes on the Hunted Deer were off and basically just toxic masculinity embodied by a building, so messing with it was practically a public service. 
She had snuck around to the back door and plopped herself down by the doorknob. She’d never had a chance to try this, but she understood the theory behind it. If she could transfigure the doorknob, that would change the lock, and there wouldn’t be any sign of it being unlocked or tampered with so no one would know. Right?
She’d read about it anyway. 
Pulling out her pencil from its pocket, she carefully started to draw the runes in place, tongue sticking out as she focused on getting each of them just right. 
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all-a-man-has · 3 years
It Doesn’t Just Glow // Eclipse
“They are,” Rapunzel mused. She was a bit of a romantic and often carried that emotion right on her sleeve. When she’d been asked to complete the request for a proposal bouquet, she all but jumped on the opportunity. The blonde’s blood, sweat, and tears had gone into that particular flower arrangement –she only hoped the person being proposed to had said yes. 
She often dreamed of having her own one day, but that was neither here nor there. 
Luckily, Flynn reeled her back from drifting off into her daydreams of grandeur. “Are you gonna let me get a sneak peek,” Rapunzel asked, wiggling her eyebrows. “I just finished the first book a few days ago. I don’t care if there’s spoilers,” she added with a shrug. Selfishly, she wanted to be the (hopefully) first to read it out of his friends. 
Flynn had been finishing dividing up their lunch, moving a couple of pots closer to the edge of the table so they had room for their food, when Rapunzel let slip that she had finished his book and he looked to her with a gasp. His eyes had lit up, and he was leaning against the counter next her the next time she blinked, grinning up at her.
“You read my book?” Flynn asked excitedly. “What did you think?”
This was why he had been so willing to give Belle as many free copies of his books as she wanted; he wanted feedback! There was the internet, of course -- and Flynn’s books had found their little niche on Tiktok and Tumblr, of all places -- but that was different from hearing people talk about it in real life. He wished he would have known she was reading it! Then again, he probably would have asked to hang out while she did just so he could watch her expressions, and that was probably creepy.
Okay, definitely creepy. Sue him for wanting to know if some of the twists and turns could get her to gasp.
(And yeah, the depraved little voice in his head wanted to see how badly she would flush red during the dirty bits, but that was a voice that Flynn was getting very good at shoving away to the back of his mind.)
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all-a-man-has · 3 years
A Secret Worth Keeping {Wendy&Flynn+Sarina}
“Well Swynlake will sure give you that if you time it right. If not good luck to you.” Really Sarina couldn’t care less why he was here. Her main connections in this town were all criminals to an extent and they knew her background to an extent. Hell Drakken had hired her on many occasion.
But having Finn here could be a risk, for the club at least.
“What can I say I like the people. Saw you came in with Little Miss Wendy Darling. Interesting one she is that’s for sure.” Sarina tested gently feeling him out just as much as he was feeling her out.
Wendy completely oblivious to all of this had just set her stuff down grabbed an apron and was clocking in. Not even starting her walk back to them yet. Oblivious, unlike the way Sarina’s was trying to read the whole situation.
“Aw, you worried about me?” Flynn said with a smirk, falling back into Finn just a little bit. He and Sarina had worked together infrequently, like smuggling ships in the night, but it was enough to have a general feel for each other. “I’m tough, I’m sure I’ll manage.”
She mentioned Wendy and Flynn’s easy smirk tightened a little at the corners. It wasn’t a threat -- yet -- but he couldn’t risk it becoming one. Wendy didn’t deserve that, getting caught up in the world Flynn and Sarina came from just for the simple mistake of offering a meal to a friend.
“She is,” Flynn said, leaning against the bar to give Sarina his best, smoldering smile. “Not my usual type, but it’s good to have friends. Especially when the last crowd I ran with turned out to be pretty shitty ones. And now I have you! We’re friends, aren’t we?”
Read: I don’t give you trouble, you don’t give me trouble. Also pretty please don’t get me killed.
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all-a-man-has · 3 years
A Secret Worth Keeping {Wendy&Flynn+Sarina}
accendimi​: ​
Sarina was always aware of her surroundings. It wasn’t something that left your system after you ended up on the run multiple times. When the door opened usually Sarina peeked over curiously, and if not with the door, whenever someone joined the bar top. And whenever she came out from the back
She may not have acted like it but she was pretty protective over what Rita and Ros had created over the years.
That’s why seeing an old acquaintance, well Sarina had to go say hi.
“Finny boy, long time no see what brings you to sleepy Swynlake. Can’t say there’s too much to case unless you wanna try the Bonfamilles or the Lyons. Or both.” Sarina mused under her breath making sure no one would hear her.
Oh he was going to launch himself into the fucking sun.  Flynn kept his smile firmly on his face, spinning to face her as if she were his favorite bartender in the world. “Sarina! Small world, huh?” he said with a small laugh. Playing off his panic beautifully if he did say so himself, matching his breathing to the noiseless, pulsing tune from the opal tucked under his shirt. “Nah, nothing like that,” he drawled. “Just came for a drink and a little R ‘n R.”
Had she seen his bounty? Was she here to collect? No, it didn’t make sense; why risk stationing out in a spot Flynn never frequented hoping that he might show up? Sarina was a lot of things, and ‘Too Smart to Make That Kind Of Rookie Mistake’ was one of them. 
However, best to err on the side of caution. Thank god Flynn and Finn were similar enough that he could play the name off if Wendy came back close too soon.
“And you? Didn’t take you for the barkeeping type.”
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all-a-man-has · 3 years
A Secret Worth Keeping {Wendy&Flynn}
Wendy nodded because that was true. Why turn down a meal when it came with no strings. And Wendy wasn’t about to tie strings to someone she was slowly starting to care about.
Even if she didn’t want to.
Slipping inside with a nod in Flynn’s direction Wendy shrug. “Not sure I could come up with something worse then, “Blowjob shots, or redheaded slut, which is a terrible name.” What else had people ordered. “Slippery nipple too.” And yes all of those were stated with the same dry delivery.
Flynn had to take a second at the door to try and control his laughter, wheezing a little breathlessly instead of laughing obnoxiously loud in the low din of the Court. He’d been in all kinds of bars and clubs over the years, some small and exclusive, some gigantic and loud and bright, and he preferred places with an atmosphere like the Court’s. 
A low murmur of constant conversation with muted lighting, the music almost enough to drown out the noise if you wanted it too, and only rising completely above it when one of their acts were performing. It was a good place to come for the night, grab a drink, and unwind. 
Flynn really should come more often, he didn’t hang out with Wendy enough. Not like he did with Rapunzel at least, and he and Wendy had bonded! They learned about lobster palaces together! That shit sticks with you.
“We’ll workshop it,” Flynn said, following Wendy to the bar and taking a seat while she ducked behind the counter. Someone else came out from the back, and Flynn flicked his eyes to them, a force of habit almost, and physically had to stop himself from tensing up in his seat.
Son of a goddamn bitch.
And he’d been doing so well not running into anyone from the Bad Ol’ Days.
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all-a-man-has · 3 years
con artists that forge art and wine to sell to rich snobs for millions of dollars: cool, good
con artists that target marginalized groups and harass and make legal threats against people calling them on it: guillotine
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all-a-man-has · 3 years
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Name: Flynn Rider Age: 27 District: 3 Magic: Mundus Occupation: Peacekeeper Legion Lieutenant Opinion on the Games: Strongly against, a member of the Legion
Eugene Fitzherbert had always been exceptionally good at staying out of trouble.
Not that he never found any, oh no. Eugene found trouble like a magnet; pranking the Peacekeepers in his tiny town away from the city proper, stealing bits of food for him and the other orphaned kids. He just had a talent for never getting caught. With his sweet face and easy, charming demeanor, he had half the town enamored before one day vanishing for good.
Some people said he got a job in the big city, working for a software developer. He’d always been good with computers, after all. Some people said he’d finally gotten into a mess he couldn’t talk his way back out of. Some people said the reaping -- and consequential death -- of his best friend at the orphanage broke something inside Eugene that could never be fixed.
They would never know who was right.
Flynn Lehmann has always been exceptionally good at staying out of trouble.
He’s a Peacekeeper after all, a trainer in fact! His job is to make sure that all the Peacekeepers he schools go into District 3 as prepared as they possibly can be for the world! Thanks to his careful teaching, Legion activity in the district has gone down. He’s even been to some of the other nearby districts, like 2 and 4, to help with the training there.
Outside of work, Flynn is a charming, if solitary man. He lives alone, and seems to have no plans of his own to start a family. There were rumors that he was dating the daughter of a copper baron, but those rumors had died quickly. 
Now, with the Hunger Games beginning again, Flynn is out on the streets with his fellow Peacekeepers, making sure that all the citizens can enjoy the games safely. Keeping an eye on Peacekeeper Candace Flynn in particular, knowing that her brother is among those reaped.
After all, they have to cheer their tributes on!
Flynn Rider has always been exceptionally good at finding trouble.
When he ran away from home following Lance’s reaping and death, he didn’t have any plan. Not until he found his way to the big city and, subsequently, the Legion. 
Stalyan Strahovski was the daughter of a wealthy copper baron who wanted to bring the Capitol down, and originally brought Flynn into the fold as a courier. They gave him a new identity and a fake one and sent him on his way, expecting him dead within the month. 
Instead he surpassed all their expectations, showing a skill for hacking, disguise, and stealth that allowed him to cross between districts undetected. He worked his way up through the ranks, even when he split paths with the Strahovkis’ when they revealed their true intentions for wanting a free Swynem. Some might say he became lieutenant out of spite for his ex and her treacherous family. They wouldn’t be wrong.
(A month later he met another Legion foot soldier from District 4 on a routine courier run. Two years later he and Rapunzel were married, keeping in contact via letters, secured comms, and the occasional short visits over the border.)
As lieutenant, Flynn was given one of the most difficult missions in the District; infiltrating the Peacekeepers to keep an eye on their movements and even divert them from the Legion if possible.
Flynn did one better and became a trainer.
Now, Flynn walks a dangerous line. Maintaining the cover of a devoted Peacekeeper while acting directly against their interests. Feed them false leads and information while keeping his own people -- and his wife -- safe. But something big is coming. Pieces are moving. 
And Flynn is sitting at the turning wye, hand on the lever, waiting to pull.
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all-a-man-has · 3 years
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FULL NAME: Silvya Petalwing BASED ON: Silv FACECLAIM: Aislinn Paul PRONOUNS: she/her BIRTHDAY: August 30th SEXUALITY: Bisexual OCCUPATION: Seamstress in Next Town Over RESIDENCE: Castle Suites CURRENT STATUS: Taken
Character Information
Silvie was born with what some might call ‘fidgety fingers’. Luckily for her, in the small Florida Hollow where she grew up, this was a good thing.
You see, she was the only Creation-talent in the Hollow! Not quite a Tinker Fairy, but not quite anything else, she struggled to find her identity as a young fairy. Eventually, she joined some of the Sewing-talent fairies in order to help out in the Hollow (and if she happened to join their ranks right after her parents nasty split up and she moved into a new home with her younger brother, well that was just good timing). But those fidgety fingers of hers were never content with just making one thing for too long, and so she began to branch out!
Jewelry-making, wood-crafting, baking, knitting-- you name it, Silvie had tried it! It was this quest to continue learning and honing her skills that led Silvie away from the safety of her Hollow and into the real world. She hopped from town to town, always leaving the places she’d lived a little prettier than when she’d arrived.
That was until one day, Silvie caught the attention of a wicked swamp sorceress. She’d seen the young fairy’s talents and wanted all of the beautiful things she made for herself. So the cruel, beautiful sorceress lured Silvie into her home, and while Silvie slept, the sorceress chained her to her bedframe and locked her in the guest room with only a sewing machine as her companion.
For years, Silvie toiled away under the sorceress’s watchful eye; creating beautiful dresses for her closet, tiaras and necklaces for her vanity, and art and soft blankets for her home. After a failed escape attempt ended with one of Silvie’s wings being torn, she feared she’d never be free.
But try as she might, the sorceress could not break Silvie’s spirit. And if she couldn’t find a way out, she would create one.
She made a key out of wood to unlock the locks that held her in chains. She made a disguise for herself so she could hide from the angry sorceress as she fled. She forged her former captor’s signature to buy the train ticket that eventually took her to safety.
Lost, scared, and with no way to fly home on a broken wing, Silvie was taken in by a passing RAS agent who would put her into protective custody. With the swamp sorceress tracking her down, Silvie was sent to the tiny English town of Swynlake and given a job as a seamstress in the Next Town Over, modifying and creating dresses for all of the fashionable people of both towns. As much as she missed her little brother and friends from home, Silvie loved her work, and is happy to stay in Swynlake until the sorceress is found.
And in the meantime, who knows? Maybe Silvie will complete her most ambitious creation yet; a new set of wings to replace the ones that were torn.
✓ Giving, Optimistic, Friendly
✖ Hot-Tempered, Sarcastic, Naïve
Character Suggestions
Current Relationships
Elena Flores (neighbor and best friend) Jessica Rabbit (mom friend) Tink Bell (fairy pal) Periwinkle Frostbrittle (fairy pal) Simba Lyons (designated brunch friend) Reza Kasraoui-Muller (occasional friend with benefits) Bianca Gabor (RAS contact) Wendy Corduroy (woodworking buddy) Al McWiggin (friend and DM) Mitte Essman (occasional friend with benefits, definitely drank her blood that one time but eh, by-gones) Tallulah Robinson (competitor and archenemy) Lou Bonfamille (they have Strong Opinions About Art at each other)
Magical Abilities
Fairy - a Creation-talent fairy, Silvie is a gifted craftswoman. She can replicate almost any item she wants given time and an opportunity to study it up close. She can pick up techniques and skills incredibly quickly, and her creations always have a little extra magical Something. Silvie can’t fly anymore due to a torn wing, but she’s working on it.
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