allallright · 4 years
2021, January 2
Aside from watching Sweet Home on Netflix, I’m not in the mood to do anything. Woke up around 4pm. I just want to lie on my bed. Also, my head hurts like hell. It’s 9:11pm now yet I want to drink coffee. Still contemplating on that though. 
Been in contact  with my dentist, I have an appointment on January 5th. Hope my splint will be adjusted right. I really want to be able to open my mouth and have a root canal. The infected tooth becomes worse.
Tonight, I’m planning to play video games. NMRIH or Stardew Valley or both. Two days from now, review classes resumes and I ain’t ready.
 Ugh, I want to be happy. This shall pass.
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allallright · 4 years
2021, January 1
Hello! I have decided to have a joural... somehow. I’m gonna post here about my life updates and such. Hopefully, I can commit daily but if not I guess it’s fine. 
So, it’s 5:55am now. Yay happy new year! And I have been up since 1pm. I can’t sleep. But I’m planning to correct my body clock. I have to wake up early later like I should only sleep for 4-5 hours!!
These days, I really can’t understand myself. There are times that I really, really, as in really feel sad and ended up breaking down. I just want to be okay and be happy. I just want to pass the CPALE and move on with my life, meet new people. Please. Don’t be postponed please. I don’t know anymore what to do with my life. 
Also, to update about my review season, I haven’t done anything!!! Uhm, actually I have studied but my video backlogs are still backlogs. And I’m getting frustrated because of it. Only 3 days left to catch up. I should step up my study habit or I’ll go nowhere. 
Okay, I think this will be enough for my first post. Chao.
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