allcwit · 8 years
healthy relationships with fathers? sounds fake
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allcwit · 8 years
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allcwit · 8 years
.slams down a starter call bc why not my alien slaying son is alive rn
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allcwit · 8 years
.slams down a starter call bc why not my alien slaying son is alive rn
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allcwit · 8 years
.slams down a starter call bc why not my alien slaying son is alive rn
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allcwit · 8 years
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❝  Dogs? What kind of dogs those? Dogs with no eyes? Dogs the size of gorillas? You think them things are dogs? Go out there and try feeding them some Pedigree Chum! They’re ALIENS, luv!  ❞ 
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allcwit · 8 years
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           he’s still wary as fuck about the entire situation ---- no one in their right mind just lets some pest off the streets into their home for NOTHING, there’s always a catch ( food, money, services they have no right to but demand anyway ). leo seems like a solid guy though, ain’t nothing too sketchy about him - a genuine article or whatever. and pest so desperately wants to just trust him, relax for one night at least. he’s getting sick and tired of moving from hovel to shithole trying to keep himself alive and hidden. and the guy REEKS of whatever it is that makes ‘em different. mutant.        ❝ really bruv ? ya just gonna let me ‘ave my pick of a room n’ everything - no catch ? no charge ? nothin’ ? ❞
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        ❛ look, i ain’t gonna charge rent or anythin’. i know y’ need a place to stay, so, ‘m offerin’ y’ a room. if y’ want it, i mean———– ❜          he isn’t so sure if the younger man would take up his offer, but he was just going to lay it out there that he didn’t have to stick to sleeping in the bar all the time. it isn’t the first time he’s offered one of the strays a room at his home ; something samuel had been a bit iffy about at first, stating that his father didn’t know these people—— but how could leonardo let someone sleep on a bench when he had several rooms available.           ❛ it’s up t’ y’, but just wanted t’ let y’ know y’ can have one of the spare rooms. ❜
🔥 ¦ @allcwit ​➟ liked for a starter !
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allcwit · 8 years
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       it takes so little effort to rile the other up, that it’s almost not worth it in the end ( if only sam wasn’t so fuckin’ amusing when he snaps, maybe he’d get the peace he wants ). there’s always rough words, idle threats exchanged between them, but none of it ever really MEANS anything, and pest knows his friend doesn’t actually hate him. being a piece of shit to each other, was just what they did yeah ? smugness settles happily across his face at the irate reaction.  ❝ ‘m good a providing DISTRACTIONS yeah --- s’like my callin’ card or middle name or whatever, if i had a middle name. ❞
        a peek at the work gives nothing but mild confusion, he’s never been good at reading or writing all that much ( consequence of growing up on the streets ) but it looks boring whatever it is. nothing sam should actually be focusing on when PEST was there. the color rising on sam’s face, makes a wicked smirk take over his features ---- bruv was definitely growing angrier with him  ❝ n’ why not ? m’ i too DUMB for it yeah, s’that what ya think - or d’ya just want all the credit for doin’ it.  ❞
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       every since the day his father offered pest a place to stay, samuel got so irritated when pest was around ; and everyone knew it, ESPECIALLY pest. his father told him, constantly, that he needed to be nicer to pest, seeing that he’s now family ( part of this gang of misfits ) and that he lived with them, but sam didn’t listen. though, lately, he’s been getting more annoyed with pest ; he doesn’t want to admit WHY, not yet ( he may or may not have a slight CRUSH on pest ) because he isn’t sure he could live with the EMBARRASSMENT. 
      ❛ you keep talking while i’m trying to work, it’s quite DISTRACTING, ❜ he replies, huffing in annoyance once more. before he can add anything else, he can feel pest over his shoulder, so CLOSE to him ; a deep red BLUSH arises upon his cheeks, staining his pale skin as he tries to focus on what he’s doing. ❛ i—- i don’t need you HELP, pest. ❜
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allcwit · 8 years
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allcwit · 8 years
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that really was a proper shame, the girl was well cute, once you got past the shyness that kinda oozed from her in waves. no way there wasn’t a bloke waiting for her somewhere back home, s’only natural --- and typical, no girl’s ever available where he’s concerned ( and yeah he talks a big TALK, tries it on with every bird he meets, but its never really serious ). 
        ❝ tch, right shame love. you’re well fit ---- if ya               don’t mind me saying so. guys should be dying               for ya. tell ya what though, ya ain’t that shy or               awkward or nothing to me, ya just nervous or               sommat yeah ? ❞
the rambling was kinda cute, well, just made her cuter like any way ---- and pest knew when NOT to push something.
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It hadn’t taken long for her to catch on to the fact that he probably didn’t actually know what she’d been talking about until the part about having no boyfriend. She didn’t really feel like explaining what Netflix was, however, and simply let it slide as she rubbed the back of her neck at his question, letting out the smallest of chuckles as she arched a single brow.
          “Well, see– the thing about THAT is…            I just met you. And while you may THINK            I’d have flocks of guys on me, that doesn’t            actually happen. Like, at all. And I’m just like–            I’m awkward and I’m shy and I don’t know how            to have a boyfriend and there’s all this other stuff            and just—”
Good lord, she’d already started to ramble as soon as her gaze fell to the ground. Someone needs to stop her, STAT.
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allcwit · 8 years
❁ ( from his bf )
skin meme || not accepting { @prcttyliights :// SAMUEL }
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           neither of them are that BIG in all honesty - lanky frames, short heights, narrow hips and shoulders, still pretty much KIDS - but pest has those important few inches on his boyfriend, so that the sight he gets rewarded to is fucking adorable. material of one of his more well-worn shirts bunching around sam’s slighter frame, slipping down one shoulder ( gives pest a sweet image ---- exposes the jut of sam’s collarbone, an expanse of pale skin that he ITCHES to get his hands and mouth on ). a light chuckle escapes, amused as fuck at the sight - expression turning fond as he steps that little bit closer, ruffles hands in the fabric of the shirt loose at sam’s hips. ❝ ain’t you a CUTE sight - s’it laundry day, or d’ya just enjoy stealin’ my things ? ❞
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allcwit · 8 years
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allcwit · 8 years
Show A Little Skin Meme
Send a symbol for my Muse’s reaction to yours unintentionally (?):
✤ - Moving/putting up their hair, showing off the back of their neck ✥ - Popping a button on their shirt, showing their chest / a bit of cleavage ✦ - Rolling up their sleeves to keep cool, showing off their forearms ❉ - Stretching their arms up, showing their midriff ❥ - Bending over in a short skirt / shorts / tight pants, showing off dat booty ❦ - Changing clothes facing away, showing off their back ❧ - Hiking up their skirt / pant leg, showing off some leg and/or thigh ❃ - Fighting with their belt for some reason, showing off some hip/waist ❂ - Scratching at a bug bite under their shirt, showing off their side ❁ - Wearing a top that’s too big for them, showing off their collarbone / shoulders ❀  - BONUS TOUCH EDITION: Asking your Muse to help put sun screen / lotion / medical salve on a wound anywhere else
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allcwit · 8 years
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aight so, i’m so sorry i haven’t been that active around here - my muse for this little shit is very touch and go, especially since i still have to make over half the movie’s worth of icons. that being said - all my replies (i think) are in the queue and should be out over the next couple days. that being said, i’m going on a mini hiatus/break from 02/04/16-20/04/16 ‘cause i’m gonna be im spain with no laptop and no internet for two and a bit weeks.
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allcwit · 8 years
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allcwit · 8 years
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This is too much madness to explain in one text!
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allcwit · 8 years
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aight so, i’m so sorry i haven’t been that active around here - my muse for this little shit is very touch and go, especially since i still have to make over half the movie’s worth of icons. that being said - all my replies (i think) are in the queue and should be out over the next couple days. that being said, i’m going on a mini hiatus/break from 02/04/16-20/04/16 ‘cause i’m gonna be im spain with no laptop and no internet for two and a bit weeks.
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