alldiabetesnews · 1 year
ADA Session Debates whether Digital Diabetes Coaching is Worth the Cost
Digital diabetes coaching refers to the use of digital tools, such as mobile apps, online platforms, or wearable devices, to provide personalized coaching and support to individuals with diabetes. These tools aim to help users manage their condition, make lifestyle changes, monitor blood sugar levels, track physical activity, and more. Benefits of Digital Diabetes Coaching: […] http://dlvr.it/StX6x2
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alldiabetesnews · 1 year
Generic insulin, cancer therapies? They’re coming
The development and availability of generic insulin and cancer therapies have been areas of interest and progress in the pharmaceutical industry. Here’s a brief overview of each: In response to this issue, some companies have been working on developing generic versions of insulin. Generic drugs are bioequivalent to brand-name drugs but are typically more affordable. […] http://dlvr.it/StWR2D
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alldiabetesnews · 1 year
What’s the Best Diet for Diabetes?
Diabetes fatigue is a common and often debilitating symptom experienced by many individuals living with diabetes. It is characterized by persistent feelings of tiredness, weakness, and lack of energy. Several factors contribute to diabetes-related fatigue: Managing Diabetes Fatigue: To address diabetes-related fatigue, it’s essential to focus on diabetes management and overall lifestyle: If diabetes fatigue […] http://dlvr.it/StTdBp
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alldiabetesnews · 1 year
What Causes Diabetes Fatigue?
Diabetes fatigue is a common and often debilitating symptom experienced by many individuals living with diabetes. It is characterized by persistent feelings of tiredness, weakness, and lack of energy. Several factors contribute to diabetes-related fatigue: 1. Blood Sugar Fluctuations: Uncontrolled or poorly controlled blood sugar levels can lead to energy fluctuations throughout the day. High […] http://dlvr.it/StTJk9
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alldiabetesnews · 1 year
Weighing heart attack vs. diabetes
Comparing the risks and impact of heart attacks (cardiovascular disease) and diabetes is essential as they are both significant health concerns. Let’s explore the differences between the two: Prevalence and Global Burden: Cardiovascular Disease (CVD): Diabetes: Overlapping Risks: Complications: Preventive Measures: Conclusion:Both heart attacks and diabetes are serious health conditions that require attention and proactive […] http://dlvr.it/StSvg2
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alldiabetesnews · 1 year
Diabetes linked to the higher rate of birth defects
There is evidence to suggest that diabetes, particularly uncontrolled diabetes during pregnancy, may be linked to a higher rate of birth defects. Let’s explore this connection in more detail: Gestational Diabetes and Birth Defects:Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that develops during pregnancy and usually resolves after childbirth. When blood sugar levels are well-managed […] http://dlvr.it/StR1b4
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alldiabetesnews · 1 year
Specific Goals In Nutrition Needed To Improve Diabetes Diet
Improving the diet for diabetes involves setting specific nutrition goals that focus on managing blood sugar levels, promoting overall health, and preventing complications. Here are some specific goals in nutrition to help individuals with diabetes: Carbohydrate Management: Portion Control: Fiber Intake: Healthy Fats: Protein Choices: Limit Sodium: Regular Meal Timing: Balanced Meals: Stay Hydrated: Mindful […] http://dlvr.it/StQjDC
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alldiabetesnews · 1 year
Best food for diabetics
For individuals with diabetes, it is essential to focus on a balanced and nutritious diet that helps manage blood sugar levels effectively. Here are some general guidelines and examples of foods that can be considered beneficial for diabetics: 1. Non-Starchy Vegetables: Non-starchy vegetables are low in carbohydrates and calories, making them an excellent choice for […] http://dlvr.it/StQHXt
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alldiabetesnews · 1 year
Metformin is ACP’s drug of choice for type 2 diabetics
Metformin is an oral medication belonging to the class of drugs known as biguanides. It works by reducing glucose production in the liver, increasing insulin sensitivity in peripheral tissues, and improving glucose uptake by muscles. The following points highlight why Metformin is often considered the drug of choice for type 2 diabetes: It’s essential to […] http://dlvr.it/StNRfd
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alldiabetesnews · 1 year
Can COVID-19 Cause Diabetes?
Many patients with COVID-19 seem to have an increase in blood sugar. There can be many causes, including decreased glucose tolerance and insulin production, which can be caused by inflammation as well as having overweight or obesity. Is the increase in blood sugar a coincidence or something more? Read more http://dlvr.it/StHQHW
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alldiabetesnews · 1 year
GLP-1 RA Medications and the Heart
GLP-1 RAs are a class of diabetes medication that includes drugs like Trulicity, Ozempic, and Byetta. Drugs in this class have been shown to have a beneficial effect on heart health. Researchers examined whether GLP-1 RAs’ effectiveness in reducing blood glucose (HbA1c) levels is responsible for the reduction in cardiovascular risk associated with the medications. […] http://dlvr.it/StHC8L
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alldiabetesnews · 1 year
Time-Restricted Eating May Help Reduce Nighttime Hypertension
Time-restricted eating refers to a diet plan in which eating is restricted to a specific period of time during the day. Researchers say time-restricted eating may be able to help people with type 2 diabetes reduce nocturnal hypertension. Elevated blood pressure during the night has been linked to increased cardiovascular risk. Read more http://dlvr.it/StGxNq
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alldiabetesnews · 1 year
Can Blood Glucose Variability Predict Heart Issues?
HbA1c variability — changes in blood glucose levels and swings between hypo- and hyperglycemia — can increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Often, glucose variability is associated with poor diabetes management, which can contribute to poor heart health. Read more http://dlvr.it/StFgSQ
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alldiabetesnews · 3 years
Blood Glucose Variability May Predict Complications
Significant fluctuations in HbA1c may increase risk for serious complications and death, especially in higher-risk populations such as the elderly. Recurrent periods of hypoglycemia can have many negative effects on the body. Researchers examined whether blood glucose fluctuations could predict patient outcomes. Read more http://dlvr.it/S4qwpz
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alldiabetesnews · 3 years
What Connects Cancer, Type 2 Diabetes, and Parkinson’s?
An enzyme that plays a major role in the development of cancer and type 2 diabetes also activates a protein that contributes to Parkinson’s, researchers say, potentially providing a new research avenue that could someday help treat all three diseases. Read more http://dlvr.it/S4btMj
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alldiabetesnews · 3 years
Oily Fish May Reduce Diabetes Risk
People who reported eating two or more servings per week of oily fish, such as sardines, had a 22% lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes, according to a large study in the U.K. Read more http://dlvr.it/S4bHtK
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alldiabetesnews · 3 years
Bydureon BCise Approved for Adolescents
The Bydureon BCise once-weekly injection has received FDA approval for use in children and teens age 10-17 after trial results showed it significantly reduced blood sugar in adolescents. This is the first once-weekly dose of the GLP-1 receptor agonist drug class approved for older children. Read more http://dlvr.it/S4WkNG
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