allegedlysicktomystomach · 29 minutes
76th anniversary of the Nakba and the Zionist celebrate. They continue to murder Palestinians and steal more land. They don't care who they kill including the hostages held by Ha*as. They have a confirmed concentration camp where they torture innocent men. In Gaza, they execute innocent men women and children. They drop bombs constantly. In the West bank they burn and demolished houses and steal anything they can.
Today was the 76th anniversary of the beginning of Palestines suffering.
The IOF aren't moral or just. They commit the vilest inhuman acts against humanity.
However, even now, as they invade Gaza, they have lost
It doesn't matter now. They will implode because you cannot run a country like this. And you cannot colonize a nation any longer.
The world is Palestine and we don't care what our "leaders" say. Palestine will be free, from the river to the sea
I will be haunted by the IOFs actions the rest of my life. I will remember what I have witnessed these last seven and a half months. I will remember the Palestinian resilience, virtue, and faith.
Permanent Ceasefire Now!
Humanitarian Aid Now!
Save Rafah Now!
Save Gaza Now!
Free Palestine Next!
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The International Court of Justice told Israel to immediately halt its attack on Rafah. So Israel decided to bomb a UN tent camp.
We are witnessing beheaded children being pulled out of a a sea of burning tents. We are witnessing the bombing of displaced people in a humanitarian area.
I didn’t think we could see anything more brutal than the things we’ve seen in the last eight months. But tonight’s massacre in Rafah is unspeakable. There are truly no words left.
If you cannot stop the injustice, please, at least speak up about it.
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If you, for some reason, still have a subscription to the Atlantic, cancel it
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Nakba Day 2024
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He was born in war and he died in war
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“He was born in war and he died in war,” said Hani Mahmoud Qishta's cousin, cradling the corpse of the six-month-old in her arms. Hani was born on 23 October, the same day that both his parents’ lives were ended by Israeli bombs.
His father, who Hani takes his name from, was instantly killed by the Israeli air strike. Hani’s mother, eight months pregnant at the time, was severely wounded in the attack and rushed to a hospital in Rafah, southern Gaza.
“They did a caesarean section and Hani was born well. The mother died hours later,” his relative, who did not give her name, told Middle East Eye.
“His grandparents took care of him after.”
“But last night a Zionist air strike killed him, his two sisters, grandfather, grandmother and other family members,” she added.
At around 11pm on Sunday, the home of Hani’s grandfather in the al-Salam neighbourhood of Rafah was targeted by an Israeli air strike.
Several members of the Qishta family had been sheltering there. “Hani was just a baby who didn't see much of life… He looked exactly like [his] father and mother,” the relative said.
“There is also Layan Fadi Qishta, another child from the family who was killed. And Hani's two grandparents. And there was Shafi Qishta, who got married just over seven months ago in September. He was killed with his wife.”
Nine members of the Qishta family were killed in total, including four children. “They didn't get to live their childhoods and marriage to the fullest. What is their crime?” asked Hani's cousin.
“It's enough. We are tired.” Just days ago, another baby died in Gaza having been rescued from her dying mother's womb following an Israeli air strike. Sabreen al-Sakani was delivered by Caesarean section in Rafah on 21 April, after her mother was killed by Israeli bombardment. Sabreen, who weighed just 1.4kg when she was born, died four days later and was buried next to her mother.
Israel’s military pounded Rafah overnight and on Monday morning, killing at least 22 Palestinians in 11 homes across the city. It coincided with Israeli forces dropping flyers ordering displaced Palestinians to leave eastern areas of Rafah near the boundary fence separating Gaza and Israel. The flyers said the military was “about to operate with force against the terror organisations in the area”.
The forced ejection comes ahead of a planned Israeli ground invasion of Rafah, where more than one million Palestinians are sheltering in tents and makeshift homes. Israeli forces have killed at least 34,600 Palestinians since the war on Gaza began in October, the majority of them women and children, while a siege on the coastal enclave has left it on the brink of famine.
✍️ by Ahmed Aziz in Gaza, occupied Palestine
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Biden’s State Department in a nutshell.
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Last night during the Tent Massacre in Rafah, Palestinians couldn't find their injured loved ones and the remains of those who were murdered by the Israeli military. They only had phone flashlights to look for them. Parents were using their bare hands collecting their children's body parts.
Palestinians were trying to put out the fire using sand since the state of Israel cut access to water.
This is genocide.
(Via jewishvoiceforpeace)
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Please reblog, this is so important.
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It works too! tried it myself
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I will never forget the ice cream truck with dead bodies
I will never forget the dad who carried his children’s body parts in bags
I will never forget the man sitting on rubble next to a teddy bear
I will never forget the old man crying because he lost his home which took him 40 years to build
I will never forget the words of a mother “my son went away without eating”
I will not forget the child who said “I wanna kiss my brother” after his brother was martyred
I will never forget the boy who screamed “where are the Arabs”
I will never forget that surgeries were preformed without anesthesia
I will never forget the pictures from inside hospitals where the floor was covered with children body parts
I will never forget the mother giving her child one last hug
And you shouldn’t either.
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likes to cast reblog to charge
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