allegxry · 2 years
@seudxnimx @seudxnimx @seudxnimx
If you wrote with sebastian - they are no longer a listed muse but if you’d like to continue a thread with them I will gladly move it to the new blog and keep them designated/selective to the 2 or 3 active threads I had with them. If you’d like to drop it, feel free, that’s totally fine with me! daniel had a fc change and silas got a proper bio.
there’s about 8 more threads being posted out on this blog, just emptying out the queue, and the rest of my drafts and asks are already written and scheduled on the new blog 🙂 I’m super excited about the things @never-surrender made for me for the new blog and how organized and clean it looks (idk how to do themes but everything else is chef kiss) okay thanks.
this blog will be archived sunday
18 notes · View notes
allegxry · 2 years
@seudxnimx @seudxnimx @seudxnimx
If you wrote with sebastian - they are no longer a listed muse but if you’d like to continue a thread with them I will gladly move it to the new blog and keep them designated/selective to the 2 or 3 active threads I had with them. If you’d like to drop it, feel free, that’s totally fine with me! daniel had a fc change and silas got a proper bio.
there’s about 8 more threads being posted out on this blog, just emptying out the queue, and the rest of my drafts and asks are already written and scheduled on the new blog 🙂 I’m super excited about the things @never-surrender made for me for the new blog and how organized and clean it looks (idk how to do themes but everything else is chef kiss) okay thanks.
this blog will be archived sunday
18 notes · View notes
allegxry · 2 years
@seudxnimx @seudxnimx @seudxnimx
If you wrote with sebastian - they are no longer a listed muse but if you’d like to continue a thread with them I will gladly move it to the new blog and keep them designated/selective to the 2 or 3 active threads I had with them. If you’d like to drop it, feel free, that’s totally fine with me! daniel had a fc change and silas got a proper bio.
there’s about 8 more threads being posted out on this blog, just emptying out the queue, and the rest of my drafts and asks are already written and scheduled on the new blog 🙂 I’m super excited about the things @never-surrender made for me for the new blog and how organized and clean it looks (idk how to do themes but everything else is chef kiss) okay thanks.
this blog will be archived sunday
18 notes · View notes
allegxry · 2 years
@seudxnimx @seudxnimx @seudxnimx
If you wrote with sebastian - they are no longer a listed muse but if you’d like to continue a thread with them I will gladly move it to the new blog and keep them designated/selective to the 2 or 3 active threads I had with them. If you’d like to drop it, feel free, that’s totally fine with me! daniel had a fc change and silas got a proper bio.
there’s about 8 more threads being posted out on this blog, just emptying out the queue, and the rest of my drafts and asks are already written and scheduled on the new blog 🙂 I’m super excited about the things @never-surrender made for me for the new blog and how organized and clean it looks (idk how to do themes but everything else is chef kiss) okay thanks.
this blog will be archived sunday
18 notes · View notes
allegxry · 2 years
@seudxnimx @seudxnimx @seudxnimx
If you wrote with sebastian - they are no longer a listed muse but if you’d like to continue a thread with them I will gladly move it to the new blog and keep them designated/selective to the 2 or 3 active threads I had with them. If you’d like to drop it, feel free, that’s totally fine with me! daniel had a fc change and silas got a proper bio.
there’s about 8 more threads being posted out on this blog, just emptying out the queue, and the rest of my drafts and asks are already written and scheduled on the new blog 🙂 I’m super excited about the things @never-surrender made for me for the new blog and how organized and clean it looks (idk how to do themes but everything else is chef kiss) okay thanks.
this blog will be archived sunday
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allegxry · 2 years
Sei leaning against him like that, relying on him… Kinn was the reason they were in this situation but now, more than ever, wasn’t the time to let his guard down. To let a pretty face and personality distract him. Sei was already more than some late night call or in the same city meet up but Kinn can’t afford to get involved. He can’t even entertain the thought. Deep down he’s a hopeless romantic, he wants the movie moments like this and wants to be able to simply be with someone but that’s not on the cards for Kinn. His life won’t allow it and he’s learned that lesson the hard way.
He offered his arm when Sei reached out, dropping a towel over the others shoulders for now, an apology isn’t what he’s expecting though. A faint furrow of his brows for a second but he gives a simple nod, “It’s fine…” it wasn’t like he didn’t deserve to hear them. Sei just gained a traumatic life moment thanks to Kinn - he deserved worse than what he received. He left it at that though, helping Sei to the bedroom and sitting him on the edge of the bed, “A few of these should be bandaged..” fixing the large towel over his shoulders more and folds the corners of it over his lap before grabbing gauze and wrap.
He wasn’t worried about the bedding being stained, something easy to replace. He wasn’t sure where to go from here though, offering him a ride home was at the tip of his tongue, it’s what he should do. It’s what he needs to say but he doesn’t. He addresses the wounds that are deeper, eyes only meeting Sei’s once he’s done, “I’ll have someone take you home in the morning..” only leaving Sei to give him a spare set of pajamas.
He didn’t find any of it embarrassing to that extent, he didn’t trust Sei on a wet surface alone and wasn’t sure when he might snap out of it or snap further into it. He hasn’t experienced this before or - it’s been ages since he has and he just doesn’t want to leave him in a worse state than this. Kinn is responsible for it happening, for all of this so he will take the burden as he always does and fix it or at least try and do better. Sei isn’t really his responsibility and if his father knew the length he’s gone to care for him he’s sure a cryptic lesson would be thrown his way, in fact he can count on a meeting in the morning. Something about how Kinn will look weak or that his judgement is clouded because of his actions. It’s always how his people and their enemies see him - nothing else.
His hands stopped when Sei touched him, expression neutral even if it wanted to crack. The quick motion of it made him think that maybe Sei was afraid of him - plenty were. “You’ve imagined us naked together before?” A question he didn’t think or need to be answered, it was a tease and maybe too soon for one. Sei didn’t look - like himself and it wasn’t the lack of clothes. There was no joy… something Kinn desperately needed in his life and it’s the reason Sei ever came to mean something to him. Kinn wasn’t easy to be around, everything was in anger or an order and either Sei didn’t mind it or he just somehow knew there was more to him - faint glimpses of who he was or wanted to be let up around the other and looking at him now he regretted it all. Not just the lack of smile and sense of it all, the bruises, the pained sounds, the dried blood….
The shower water was near hot, helping Sei in and sitting him on the ledge that went down the side of the shower. “Here..” soaking a wash cloth and reaching for his arm to wipe the blood, “Nothing too deep, you won’t need stitches…” but it would scar. Lovely, a reminder of not being able to protect him for all eternity. He was careful around the cuts but held his arm firmly as he let the water spray over it, he kept his gaze off of his face, avoiding the guilt if he had to see the lack of life in him again but he continued to wash the worst of it, how he could feel so guilty about the situation but in the same moment felt like taking advantage of it… “You can do the rest..” dropping the rag on Sei’s lap and stepping out of the shower - he wrapped a towel around his waist and stood by just in case but he already was getting too close to Sei before. This was too much, it would only put him more at risk as if bringing him here wasn’t a big enough one already.
The fact that he recognized this situation as something that made him a little shy was a good sign, that slowly he was starting to wake up from whatever shock state he had been in the last hour. A hint of a smile tugged at the corners of his lips at the question, not really recognizing the teasing as instead he gave a short nod. “Maybe.” Voice still a broken, croaky mess, it did at least come out of him loud enough to be heard.Now was not the time to keep thinking about them both being naked though, nor did any further thoughts cross his mind that would have made him actually take in and cherish the sight of the attractive older man.Once he had healed, mentally, he might be able to recall this moment thought. At that point he might get to cherish that view then. For now the focus was on nothing particular, recognizing the hands against him, the gentle yet firm hold to make sure Sei didn’t slip before he sat down. Tan skin was washed down, leaving the water in a light red hue spill down the drain. It didn’t sting unless the cloth was directly brushing his wounds to clean them, the only times he sucked in a breath to not hiss. Unable to keep himself up he just leaned forward, hiding his face away against Kinn’s shoulder as eyes closed, relying on the man for a while until he pulled away. “Ah- okay..” Never sure what was going on in the other’s mind, Sei didn’t want to assume yet it did sting to see him move away. Fingers grasped the cloth, brushing down his torso and legs before eventually he stood with shaky legs, needing a moment to stabilize as he turned off the shower. He didn’t feel like properly washing up and the idea of getting shampoo on any cut or scratch just didn’t sound great. So he quietly stepped out to Kinn, careful as his hand reached out to hold onto the other man’s arm. “I…said some bad stuff earlier..I’m sorry.”
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allegxry · 2 years
He hears Elias loud and clear but there’s no time to argue about this now, they could fight about it once he found a new spot, once he felt they were safe. He scoffs at the shorter legs comment, which was true but maybe a run would be good for Elias, maybe he’d be too exhausted to plead whatever case that Daniel doesn’t want to hear, things were a bit easier when Elias was asleep anyways, while he’s sure the snark and sass came from… somewhere, the predicament they were in wasn’t always the best time for it. Daniel was doing the best he could. He was doing all he could.
He grunts when he’s forced to stop, annoyed and frustrated he looks at him with his eyes slightly wide as if to scream ‘what!’ at him. He finds it hard to believe it wasn’t magic until he says he’s a familiar… eyebrows furrow before he runs a hand over his jaw and his expression relaxes. There’s a question on the tip of his tongue but even though his expression has softened he’s still annoyed. “We still need to move… no sleeping on the floor tonight.” If Elias was expecting more he wasn’t going to get it at this moment. Waking up in a panic wasn’t how anyone, no matter how old, wanted to be woken up. Especially when there was plenty to be on the lookout for. He lets go of Elias and continues his walk, at this point he’s not looking to see if the familiar is following. They were both stubborn but there was usually some sarcasm or playfulness to it - there wasn’t any this time. Once Daniel was able to think this all through and process it - then they could talk. Right now, he planned to work - and scam a few people out of a couple hundred bucks to get them a room for a few nights. “I’m not done talking about this…” not looking back as he spoke, a sentence in Spanish of ‘we’ve got more important shit to do.’ Follows though.
Daniels eyes wide as he stared back at the rabbit, something in him knew when he got that squeak, as if it was mad at him and that just seemed to be spot on with Elias. Or, if it wasn’t Elias then he was just not well liked by either - and the question of where Elias was would come as a panic if that was the case. Most animals would flee and he can’t pull away and has nothing to say as the rabbit seems to stare at him, not in a curious way, maybe because he already knows Daniel and it’s all confirmed with the glow.
He wasn’t scared, nothing like that but there was clear surprise written all over his face and in the lack of words. Elias is not inches from his face and Daniel sits back to add a few more inches before pushing his hand through unruly curls, sleeping on the ground will do that. “Eres…” a shake of his head and his hand rubbing over the stubble on his jaw and words are whispered in Spanish, “Why didn’t you tell me?” There’s no anger behind the words but some frustration. They were already on the run and adding another magical element to them was just going to make them easier to spot, “esto es malo, Elias… esto es malo..” Now he really did need to find them a spot to stay and a spot for Elias to hide out. Daniel could risk getting caught, he has an entire demon up his sleeve to fight back and who wouldn’t let him die.. unless Elias had some other secret, turning into a rabbit wasn’t going to be too much of a threat for what’s after them.
Glancing around and grabbing Elias by the hand, “We need to move… you just, I don’t know what they have looking for us just.. don’t do that again, not out here..” his tone serious, a joke wanting to be made about how traveling with his rabbit form would have been easier but Daniel didn’t trust this spot now, anything looking for a spec of magic would be headed here. He wasn’t over the fact that Elias turned into a rabbit, he’s seen similar things before so it wasn’t a first but he’s a bit upset with himself that he didn’t catch onto anything before.. and that in this situation Elias decided not to even mention it.
“Oh well..” Elias mutters softly as he turns his chin a little into his shoulder and glances away. Why hadn’t he told him? Well the topic never came up! He found out Daniel was a witch by accident and, well, he’d never asked if Elias was anything himself! Okay maybe he should have told him… hell he’s not sure Daniel even knows what he is still, but the way the Spanyard is reacting, all that muttering and worried looks, it’s starting to make him feel guilty and Elias doesn’t like that! 
“Daniel!” He whines a little scolding as something is muttered in Spanish along with his name, which he’s sure was more telling him off, before his hand is taken and he’s tugged with a yelp. “Daniel! Wait-!” He tries but has to totter along after him as the witch starts to stomp off. Something has him spooked and Elias thinks he can guess what it is. He hadn’t used any magic to keep them warm or find them shelter for a reason, after all. “Will you slow down? It’s not what you think! Daniel! I have shorter legs than you!” He calls out because he is really struggling to keep up with that wide gait! 
“Daniel STOP!” With one final tug on their joined hands he makes the witch stop as he looks up at him, chest heaving a little from the effort of it. “Will you calm down?! I didn’t use magic, okay? It’s not like that!” He didn’t change into a rabbit using magic, he wasn’t a witch or anything like that. It was him. “I’m a familiar-” he sighs softly, his big secret being spilled as he looks back at him. “That’s my other form, it’s not magic. I can do that as well but… that’s just what I am”. His brows pinch a little in a frown, hoping Daniel understands. After all, there aren’t many of them left, hopefully if he hadn’t met one, he would have at least heard of one… 
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allegxry · 2 years
@seudxnimx @seudxnimx @seudxnimx
If you wrote with sebastian - they are no longer a listed muse but if you’d like to continue a thread with them I will gladly move it to the new blog and keep them designated/selective to the 2 or 3 active threads I had with them. If you’d like to drop it, feel free, that’s totally fine with me! daniel had a fc change and silas got a proper bio.
there’s about 8 more threads being posted out on this blog, just emptying out the queue, and the rest of my drafts and asks are already written and scheduled on the new blog 🙂 I’m super excited about the things @never-surrender made for me for the new blog and how organized and clean it looks (idk how to do themes but everything else is chef kiss) okay thanks.
this blog will be archived sunday
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allegxry · 2 years
There’s a soft smile when they shake, Helios seems nervous about it but Elijah wouldn’t let anything happen to him, it’s not like they were going to do anything drastic and jr anything, Elijah could just take him for a ride of the Ravenclaw really was too nervous to hop on alone. Elijah wasn’t cruel but he did feel if there was enough effort anything could happen.
He hadn’t realized their hands were still together until the softer of the two pulls away, Elijah’s hands more rough from the broom and quidditch in general but the brief and simple touch was nice. Being touch starved was something Elijah knew about himself - he’s worked around it in his own ways. They did share rooms and dorm so it wasn’t uncommon, Elijah was just never one to make it anything more. Their last year was busy though and that had been the last thing on his mind, still was but he was slightly embarrassed holding onto the others hand so long.
“Sure..” no one has really asked to sit with him before, most just would sit wherever but it was a sweet question so it was followed with a soft smirk, “I don’t always eat here.. the dorm is warm and quiet and so is the library around that time, more than welcome to join me but it’s really not all that exciting..” a soft chuckle added in but he didn’t want Helios to think there was anything grand having dinner with him.
The quick switch to potions had eyebrows furrow, Elijah did mention the subject but with little to no excitement or mention of flying Elijah took it for what it was - that didn’t mean he was going to let it go though. Elijah usually spends the time off alone, a meal or two and Christmas dinner with the students that stayed behind but besides that he stuck to himself. Helios approached him though and it seemed he was making some future plans for the days to come - albeit school work but maybe Helios didn’t enjoy being alone quite as much as Elijah did. “8th?!” He groaned with a soft chuckle, “Alright then, potion lessons for flying lessons.” Holding his hand out to shake on it.
Elijah has taught a few to fly, or better their flying, he was no seeker but he was good at it, because he wanted to be. It’s really the only place he felt - free. The only place a genuine smile came across was on the field. Potions was not something he had interest in, he was passing but barely. If he could get his marks up a bit more he felt he might have a secure future here at Hogwarts.
It was nowhere near the swarm that it usually was but mail was delivered. A basket set aside for those not in the grand hall or who just weren’t here because of break. “Since it’s your first time staying, breakfast is served for an extra hour, almost everyone sleeps in. There’s three trips to Hogsmeade and the only mandatory meal is Christmas night. Something about holiday spirit, blah, blah, blah.” A soft shrug, he usually sat with his house and the last two years managed to sneak alcohol back from hogsmeade. He’s sure it would be no different with a handful of them on their last year. He didn’t feel the need to mention that to Helios, not sure if he could be trusted or if he’d think less of him because of it. They deserved it though, Hogwarts wasn’t easy and this was probably the only celebration Elijah would get for making it to the end.
Slowly Helios looks from offered hand, up to boy, then down to the hand again. God he was mad to agree to this, he hated flying to much… but here he goes. So slowly with a nod, he reaches out to slip his smaller hand against Elijah’s palm and quickly feels a tingle shudder through his body from even that minimal touch. Oh what it would be like to touch more… 
“Okay” Helios hums, the blonde pulling on a smile to try and seem confident and like this was a thing he wanted, not his idea of a nightmare! Still, as Elijah talks about Christmas at Hogwarts, he looked so lovely all of the Ravenclaw’s worries fade away and he’s left to smile softly as he nods, their hands still clasped. He isn’t even too sure what the other was talking about now, he just enjoys watching him. 
“Oh-” quickly realising that he had been staring, Helios slips his hand free before flashing him a smile and nods, to show he’d understood the information he was given, though he’d been too busy daydreaming to listen. “Can I… sit with you at dinner?” He asks hopefully because none of his friends had stayed for Christmas and though he was perfectly fine to sit on his own, this mixing of the houses was nice, and the possibility of more time, maybe 1:1 with Elijah couldn’t be missed up. 
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allegxry · 2 years
She might not be aware but Silas has been following her from some time now, not consistently but he’s surprised every time he comes back and she’s still alive. If anything it as just another perfect specimen to latch himself to. Daniel was his witch but Tiffany could be his human. He’s had a collection of pets along the way, most died after a short period of time - a high demon could be rather toxic to take on. Daniel surviving as long as he has - was rare, so was tiffany though.
A laugh coming up at her question, tease or not. His thumb stroking the side of her neck without releasing the tight hold, “So quick to offer up a beg, clearly pride isn’t keeping you alive…” he notices the grave she’s at and hums at the bottle she’s brought with her, “Are you celebrating something?” Curious as to what he might have intruded on, no shovel in sight so he’s clear of necromancy at least.
 grip my muse by the back of the neck - Silas (threatening)
Maybe if she prayed the rosary more she wouldn’t be in this situation… Maybe if she didn’t lie about going to church like she had a habit of doing… There was a lot of regrets and second guessing coming from her as she inhaled deeply to look up at the being that had her by the neck.
She didn’t say a single word, merely looking over the cemetery she was in and slightly chuckling at the irony that she might not make it out alive even with hundreds of ‘sleeping’ witnesses. All she truly wanted was to visit her boyfriend’s grave… It was their anniversary. It was their anniversary and she couldn’t catch a break just to sit and drink with her poor boyfriend. “If I beg will I see mercy?” It was almost as if she was teasing the man with the death grip on her neck.
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allegxry · 2 years
Hades just let up a soft laugh at the comment, he could know plenty more of he wanted to, he could know just what he and Zeus had and what happened from there to now but digging into Ganymedes head wouldn’t go over well. Hades did nod to Minthe and the friend would be treated well and get home safely. He had nothing against the mutual friend and really had nothing against Ganymede either. He just didn’t trust those that have been or were close with his brothers.
“Don’t worry, love. You’re not special.” A soft smile as he brought his glass to his lips. Most were treated the way Hades was treating Ganymede, the Zeus tie didn’t help and the comments thrown at the other was simply because he could and they were easy spots to point out. Something he did with many when he’s unsure of the motive. The last comment earns a genuine chuckle, “Ganymede, you may not be in the underworld…” leaning forward, elbows resting on the tops of his knees as he closes some distance, “But you are in my territory… my manners are reserved for those I trust. Which is something I have next to nothing for you.” He doesn’t care if people or gods don’t see his side or don’t understand his dislike for his brothers. He may have some common qualities in some ways but he was nothing like them - and even when he was more so the thousands of years ago, it was mostly just anger, jealousy, hate. He was never well liked, being the king of the dead didn’t drawn a lot of people in - most feared him and then, they should have. Now, unless provoked to that extent, Hades was rather calm.
The ring on the others finger was noticed, Hades attention to fine details had him know exactly who it belonged to and it’s what caused even more of a rift because despite what was said, there was clearly still a connection there. “If you’ve come to try and win a favor, love and matters of the heart are not something I can grant even if you were to win…” Eros would certainly have his head over that and it was just too messy to meddle with. If the friend was the reason for coming there was clearly more of a reason for staying.
Hades didn’t take his hands off their mutual friend, he wasn’t doing anything more than keeping a hand placed on their knee and giving it a soft squeeze, but he’s well aware the interest in Ganymede is near impossible for him to ignore - for a brief moment he almost feels bad for him. Hades doesn’t want nor does he care if people like him but to have people so easily drawn to him and it being nothing genuine - it was a force that a human, and he’s sure some non humans, couldn’t ignore. It must be difficult to know if someone was interested him with true intentions and by their own will.
The moment of feeling bad was gone the moment he mentioned his brother and being like him, “People have been trying to compare me to my brothers for centuries…” a slight narrowing of his eyes with the last word, “If I was anything like them I’d be living lavish on Olympus, would I not?” Hades did still live a lavish life but only because the dead left quite a bit behind and Hades took it over but the underworld was nothing gorgeous like Olympus, Hades made the home he resides in to be grand but past the gates it was anything but. Earth was also its own kind of shit show. “It wasn’t meant to be hurtful, it was just the truth, Ganymede.” A flex of his jaw once his name left his lips and he snapped his fingers, Minthe appearing in seconds, “Get him home.” To which Minthe looked between the two, never a fan of anyone that got a second of Hades attention but she nodded and went to fetch one of the drivers, “Any longer and he’s going to make a confession.” Hades didn’t need to look elsewhere, he did take his hand off the other though and sat back in his chair.
Of course Hades didn’t get it, but Ganymede saw the similarities in an instant. It wasn’t about lavish or riches, it was the skill of hurt and manipulations that was so recognizable to the younger god. Something one could not realize oneself unless doing some deep reflecting; of which he assumed the other didn’t do much. A shake of his head followed, long strands brushing over his eyes so he pushed it back moments later with fingers adorned by several rings (one of which belonged to Zeus). Regardless of his independence, there was still sentiments left of attachment, ties unable to be severed just yet. “You know nothing about the truth and you know nothing about me.” He wouldn’t argue about the brotherly similarities, mostly because his friend was definitely out of it and needed to be brought home. “That’s his address.” Once Minthe returned, Ganymede pulled his phone to show her, already having a hard time getting the other off of him as he clutched so tightly; a bad sign. So he would let them take him home alone, depending on the fact that Minthe would take care enough that he did arrive, but the older would check later. “Do you treat all your guests as toys for entertainment or only those you’ve seen half naked before?” Referring to that uncomfortable remark from earlier of one of the many times that Zeus had shown Ganymede off around other gods. It may not be obvious, but the younger had never been actually shared. No, he had only ever been a tool to envoke envy within others, just another prize in Zeus’ collection. “Next time you believe to be telling the truth, maybe watch your tongue and keep it to yourself. At your grown age I’d believe that’s the basics of manners to know.”
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allegxry · 2 years
The thing about Michizane was… not just their knowledge but the god awful years of maturity. This wasn’t the first time he’s turned to violence, probably won’t be the last either. Its never been over someone he was quite this deep with but that just showed that it really didn’t take much for Elijah to step in, almost looking for a fight. In fact, when he was younger, he was. Tonight he restrained a bit.. not throwing the first punch when he thought the other deserved it, not right away at least, it was the smug look of the other man that just tipped the iceberg but - Michizane wasn’t like anyone else he’s ever met or been with. Whereas others have encouraged the violence or were more appreciative of it - the moment the keys were pulled he let his head fall back and sighed. He’s never met anyone who’s wanted to talk things through more than Michizane.
Eyes closed, not pulling his hand away and just listening. Michizane would never let sex or violence be the answer and it’s something Elijah - at first he saw it as something to accept but deep down it’s something - has to grow from. “There’s plenty not needed in life.” The words not meant to be as hurtful as they sounded and he shook his head as if to say that’s not what he meant but he still kept his eyes closed for a second longer, “I get it…” finally looking at them, jaw flexed, tension still felt from the fight and now between them. Elijah wasn’t good at this - talking things out, communicating. Especially after what happened, he still feels the heat of it all just under his skin, “I hear you…” he did pull his hand away to push his hair back and open the car door again, sitting still felt like a death sentence.
A deep breath in as he walked the side of the car, “You still deserve to be looked after..” he finally spits out after a minute of letting the night air hit his skin and lungs, eyes finding them again, “I don’t care that you’re never in danger or that, that shit never bothers you.. I really don’t care that you could handle it yourself either. I’m still…” hands back it his hair and linked fingers rest at the top of his head, “I’m still figuring this fucking thing out and protecting you, even from something that can’t even phase you, is me caring and… can you just fucking accept it? This once. God, I’m fucking trying here, Michizane.” He starts to pace the side of the car again, “I get that you’re so even fucking tempered about it all because you have to be but that…” a point to the place they just were and a scoff as he looks at the building, “That is nothing compared to what I used to do… which, isn’t what you want to hear, I’m sure but it’s a step and that’s all I can fucking give you right now.” His voice was far from even through the whole things, he wasn’t yelling but he wasn’t as calm as they were.
@allegxry continues from here  The outburst was not really shocking to Michizane, rather, it was a bit unfortunate given Elijah had just put on a song they liked so they didn’t get to enjoy it together. Still, the professor did not like violence, something that was clearly shown on their face as brows furrowed despite the gentle tone of their voice. Without needing any details they were aware of certain traumas that had shaped Elijah into the man he was today, they were accepting of that, tolerant even until someone got hurt. That was when they needed to speak on it. Now, finding the right time was the issue. Following outside, they took the offering of the door being opened to take a seat, not minding the kiss, but it was obvious they couldn’t fully enjoy it. As much as Michizane loved being declared Elijah’s, there was something they needed to speak on once the door was closed. It seemed the man wanted to just move on, get away from there and forget, but the professor reached over and pulled the keys from the ignition, taking a calm breath as eyes cast over to their company.  “My love, let’s take a moment.” With the keys placed in their pocked, their hand brushed over Elijah’s to gently hold it. “No one will take me from you. No one can. I appreciate the sentiment, but you know I am never in danger. Which means things like this, violence, it is not needed. Thinking of killing someone for me, is not needed. Do you understand what I mean?” There was absolutely no judgement nor anger in their voice, just a gentle firmness to what they were saying, firm enough to show they were serious but gentle in expressing it.
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allegxry · 2 years
Continued from here - @mxrvelouscreations
He could feel the others gaze on him still, he didn’t bother looking his way again though. He was angry, for valid reasons but he knew if he let Tony close enough again he might break. He’s had to be strong, not only for his daughter but his work. Students dealing with the same thing, coming back or parents coming back - it’s traumatizing either way and Nathan is being the shoulder for all of them and his daughter when they just feel as if things might tip one way or another. His focus had been so much on worn that he’s forced Tony to be an after thought - it’s the only way to deal with it, with him. To not deal at all.
An apology from Tony did mean something though… fingers stopped moving over the keyboard and he picked up his mug of tea and took a small sip from it, “Go ahead, talk…” eyes to one of the students desks in front of his own but not yet ready to linger on Tony, not until he’s in front of him and has no choice but to take in the aftermath of his actions. There’s a deep yearning there, he wished he could have been there to help Tony heal but it’s only there for a second because Tony made that choice himself and Nathan has to remind himself that the situation they were in - this was Tony’s doing.
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allegxry · 2 years
He honestly couldn’t tell if Leon believed him, if this was coming across as he meant it. He never claimed to be articulate but he felt he explained it on the easiest of terms.
A quick shake of his head before letting it fall, a sigh leaving him as he realized where this is going. Daniel has been alive too long and has been patronized for his mental illness before - even if Leon wasn’t meaning it in that way, had it been over anything else Daniel might not have taken it so hard but, “No, I’m not…” pulling his hands away and getting to his feet before finishing his sentence, “You can say you don’t believe me, I’m not a child..” jaw flexing as brown eyes focused on Leon, sincerity in his eyes, pleasing glimpsing there as well, “I am not a demon… my soul…” a hand placed over his heart to emphasize, “is shared with one.” One step of information at a time, he could feel and almost hear Silas close by, like his laugh was at the back of his neck, poking at him that he was crazy though, that Leon’s next step might be a padded room.
He knew where the question was coming from, not just a daily thing to remember but hearing all of this would have anyone thinking he was tipping towards manic. He sat knelt down in front of Leon, and nodded, “I promise I have..” a soft sigh as he tucked a stray curl behind his ear, “I know how this sounds and I know that if you do believe me it means I’ve kept a lot from you but I hope you understand… and can forgive me…”
He wouldn’t blame Leon if he still wanted to leave and move on, he could understand and accept it now that he’s laid it out there and has told him the truth. It was a lot to take in and a lot to try and process or even understand. Daniel has never had to confess it, he’s never met anyone that he planned to be around long enough to fill them in but Leon did deserve better, the truth, and the safety of knowing it.
It could not have been easy for Daniel to admit this. But that didn’t make it true. Without proof, they were fighting an uphill battle. 
‘So you are a demon?’ His voice came out choked. Pursing his lips, León fought to keep his expression neutral. ‘And you want to disappear for a while?’ Daniel couldn’t go off on his own like this. That much León knew. 
Reaching down, he cupped Daniel’s hands in his own. ‘Maybe someone can go with you?’ He had practised playing along with confused people. He just never thought he would have to do that with Daniel. His chest hurt to see how sincere he was with his confusion. 
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allegxry · 2 years
@seudxnimx @seudxnimx @seudxnimx
If you wrote with sebastian - they are no longer a listed muse but if you’d like to continue a thread with them I will gladly move it to the new blog and keep them designated/selective to the 2 or 3 active threads I had with them. If you’d like to drop it, feel free, that’s totally fine with me! daniel had a fc change and silas got a proper bio.
there’s about 8 more threads being posted out on this blog, just emptying out the queue, and the rest of my drafts and asks are already written and scheduled on the new blog 🙂 I’m super excited about the things @never-surrender made for me for the new blog and how organized and clean it looks (idk how to do themes but everything else is chef kiss) okay thanks.
this blog will be archived sunday
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allegxry · 2 years
Continued from here - @fantasies-n-fairytales
Being an addict himself, he knew one when he saw one. It was near impossible to turn away - especially so recently clean. She wouldn’t be here if she wasn’t looking for something and Silas had just what she needed. Well, more than what she needed.
Acid was already its own kind of drug and there were good trips and bad. Everything heightened to a new extreme, especially if this was her first choice. The slight worry he sensed in her could push her to a full blown panic attack or worse. He can’t guarantee what she’ll see, feel, hear… but he can guarantee she’s never felt anything like it. It’s a strong dose so it could hit at anytime, but it’s not just simply a form of LSD, there’s a thin layer of Silas own handmade power - some version of cocaine fit for the demons. A grin as he looked at her, satisfaction clear as he leaned back and waited. 
The trip itself and the cocktail he’s made would give her hours of a trip, and, this was a test run to see how Silas drug worked on humans, “I suppose it takes the edge off… you’re the first one to try it.” Giving her head a soft pet as he spins the chair around to watch the club and keep little to no eye on her.
0 notes
allegxry · 2 years
One of them had to be able to stop, as much as Hades wants to push the what ifs aside and the promised outcome of them coming from behind this pillar - he can’t. They can’t. This was better than what it would be if the others knew, especially his brothers. Specifically Zeus. He wished it was worth the risk but it simply wasn’t and what they had wasn’t all terrible. Gatherings like this almost unbearable but they passed and the gaps between seeing each other seemed to quite literally make the heart grow fonder.
It’s quiet as he watches the gold slip through his fingers, he’s imagined that in a literal sense as well. The sun does not belong in the underworld but he certainly doesn’t want it belonging anywhere else. Hades stayed behind the pillar for a few extra moments, if only Helios knew how long Hades would truly wait for him… the feelings he has for the sun god is simple but Hades makes it complicated, more complicated than Olympus has already made it. He’s lost before and he knows it’s bound to happen again and there’s a frustration in letting this actually happen again but when he sees Helios it’s as if his warmth melts it away, only for those thoughts to return once he’s gone again. Like they are now.
He does appear again, not paying any attention if a gaze lands on him. There’s always fit for the gods here at least and with a new plate of food and something to barely tip the edge off, he finds a spot to sit and watch. He finds most of the gods and goddesses to be too much, even though Hades was far from humble, he never tried to be the center of attention and he didn’t want to be. Some, like Helios and Aphrodite, it just happened for them. No real effort in it. Zeus and Poseidon were two of the biggest names on Olympus and that’s what had people and others flock to them, Hades well aware of what they were really like. As were a handful of the others aware of his brothers actions and anger. Hades has his anger as well, he just had Tartarus to take it out on.
His eyes often drifted to Helios, no more than a glance and a lingering one in between. Hecate joining him after some time, the only true ally and friend he’d consider. Her and Cerberus if that counted. She had her suspicions and she was far too smart to try and deny anything, she was trusted though and so it was her who, after hours of attendance, made them an excuse to slip away and Hades quickly retreated to the underworld. A goodbye never announced on his end and if he stopped to give one to Helios it would have been very apparent.
Continued from here - @elysiumxii
Hades usually sticks to someone like himself, someone who has a darkness within, that even seeps out. Someone who’s angry or self loathing - someone who either could or looks as if they could fit at his side, in the underworld. It’s not like Hades searches someone out often, it’s a rare occurrence. Then he met Helios.
He’s well aware of the risk but Hades takes those often, especially when the idea of them actually being found out meant a war in some ways but also meant a sliver of freedom for them. Being here with - everyone but specifically his brothers was plenty to keep him on edge but not enough to keep him away. It was just a simple touch, one to say he’s here, hello, whatever else was read between the lines. Their time together was always limited and why Helios or how he looked past what and who Hades was, was beyond him. He was far from easy to get to know, his anger was violent and in outbursts that could be regretful but the touch was still returned and Hades did take the cue.
He’s not wanted there, he’s sure. This celebration meant he had to be invited and he couldn’t refuse. Not when it was for one of his brothers but it was easy for Hades to slip away. No one was ever looking for him or seeking him out, maybe a few that he was close to but those relationships were temperamental and at this point in time, nothing he could see himself holding onto. Helios was such a drug in a way, an addictive aura and presence. Warm and inviting, where Hades was cold and isolated. His hand came up to Helios chin before he even spoke, not expecting the request but wanting to soak in the presence of the other and that smile… for ages. He still glanced over to each side before leaning down and hovering his lips over the others. “Certainly…” nose nudging his softly before letting their lips meet. It’s soft and easy, pulling away just to tilt the others chin up more before kissing him again. Hades wouldn’t say love but he was certainly possessive over the other when he could be - and if he dissected it all, it just boiled down to the simple word.
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