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Imagine going on a ice skating date with Sam and not knowing how to ice skate.
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Imagine drinking hot chocolate with Jensen during a snow storm.
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Imagine getting lost in the forest and Daniel comes to find you.
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Imagine Misha reading to your daughter by the fireplace after a long day of playing outside.
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Imagine Jake bringing you to Christmas light shows.
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Summary: A couple days before Christmas and you ask your boyfriend Dylan what he got you for Christmas. He wants to leave as a surprise for you.
Prompt: #7 “What did you get me?”
Request: No
You and Dylan have been dating for four years. Both of you always get each other something special each year. This year it was Dylan’s turn to get something special. The thing is you are not a very patient person when coming to anything.
“What did you get me?” you whined
Dylan shakes his head, “Sorry, but I can’t share with you it is a surprise.”
You whine even more, “Why do I have to wait so long? You know how impatient I am.”
He laughs, “I know that’s why I haven’t bought the gift so you snoop around and find it.”
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137 Winter  Writing Prompts!
1. “Come out in the snow with me!”
2. “I can’t believe it’s already snowing,”
3. “Want some cocoa?”
4. “I’m baking!”
5. "I can’t feel my legs.”
6. “Don’t open those till later!”
7. “What’d you get me?”
8. “Thanks for the.. Uh.. Gift?”
9. “I have no clue what this is supposed to be.”
10. "I’d rather stay inside.”
11. “The house is so warm.”
12. “It’s warm inside.”
13. “There’s no way I’m going out in that weather!”
14. “Is this the first time you’ve seen snow?”
15. “Isn’t it beautiful?”
16. “Happy New Year’s Eve eve eve eve eve eve eve!”
17. “It’s New Years, aren’t you going to kiss me?”
18. “I wonder where that mistletoe came from.”
19. “Do we have to kiss at midnight?”
20. “Hug me so I can Get warm.”
21. “You’re like a heater!”
22. “Bah humbug.”
23. “You’re useless with wrapping presents!”
24. “Why did you get this for me?”
25. “Merry Christmas, you dork!”
26. “You can wait another 24 hours to open presents.”
27. “I hate waiting.”
28. “Let’s listen to Christmas albums and get drunk off of eggnog.”
29. “Eggnog sucks, fight me.”
30. “Eggnog rules, bite me.”
31. “You’re as red as Rudolph!”
32. “Christmas hats are the bomb, okay?”
33. “Let this be over now.”
34. “No, you can not start listening to Christmas albums before Halloween.” - “Well I disagree.”
35. “Halloween is better.”
36. “Let’s have Hallowmas!”
37. “Isn’t the snow just amazing?”
38. “No white Christmas this year…”
39. “Let’s see who can catch the most snowflakes with their tongue!”
40. “Snow angels!”
41. “Do you wanna Build a-” - “Absolutely not.”
42. “You look cute when you’re cold.”
43. “Let’s sit by the fire.”
44. “Up to roasting marshmallows?”
45. “Come on! Can I open just one?”
46. “You have flour on you face.”
47. “Who knew making cookies was this hard?”
48. “Easier said than done.”
49. “Let’s go get some pre made dough.”
50. “We burned it all…”
51. “Ginger bread people are very serious!”
52. “Cookie frosting contest!!!”
53. “I think I’ve has enough cookies for two years… Wait is that pie?”
54. “Let’s have an all pie Christmas!”
55. “What do you mean ‘too many cookies’?”
56. “Can you reach that spot on the tree?”
57. “We have to get that tree!”
58. “Did someone spike the eggnog?”
59. “Yes I have four trees. Don’t judge me.”
70. “Where’s the topper!”
71. “The tree looks… Nice…”
72. “Oh wow.”
73. “We must win the house lights contest!”
74. “I think we need glitter.”
75. “I made too much tea. Didn’t i?”
76. “Want some tea?”
77. “Did someone eat half of the cookies?!?”
78. “Just because it’s Christmas/New Years doesn’t mean I have to dress up.”
79. “It’s New Years/ Christmas! Of course I need to dress up!”
80. “What the hell do I get them?”
81. “That’s perfect for them!”
82. “Light the candle!”
83. “Why is it so damn cold?”
84. “Happy Hanukkah!”
85. “Let’s watch stupid Christmas movies and get wasted.”
86. "It’s too cold to do anything!”
87. “thanks for the gift… I guess.”
88. “Hey, at least you tried.”
89. “Snow ball fight!!!”
90. “Our ginger bread house is just… Sad.”
91. "My cookies are far better than yours.”
92. “Oh my GOD how did you make these!?!”
93. “This is the best cookie I’ve very eaten.”
94. “This is the worst cookie I’ve ever eaten.”
95. "How could someone make food this badly?”
96. “tea is so much better than cocoa!”
97. “Cocoa is superior to tea!”
98. “Why are we fighting over beverages!?!”
99. “Sit down and eat the damn food!”
100. “We need to make food for how many people?!?”
101. "You’re cute when you’re freezing.”
102. “All I want for Christmas is you!”
103. “No way you’re going out in the snow in that!”
104. “Did you actually get a Santa suit?”
105. “Catching snowflakes with your tongue is harder than it looks…”
106. “I may die if it gets any colder.”
107. “Finally! Snow!”
108. “Happy Festivus!”
109. “So you’re telling me that you got everyone dollar store makeup for their gifts?!?””
110. “It’s Christmas! You’d think at least someone would be selling trees!”
111. “Wake me up when it’s Christmas.”
112. “Wake me up when Winter’s over.”
113. “Winter is my favorite time of the year!”
114. “Who stole all the gifts!?!”
115. “There’s so much snow in my boots.”
116. “We’re snowed in!”
117. “Are you sure you want to get me a gift?”
118. “I don’t deserve you…”
119. “So… Looks like we’re the only ones without dates, huh.”
120. “Wanna kiss?”
121. “I’m alone on valentines day. What could get worse?”
122. “Looks like we’re stuck here until all the snow blows over..”
123. “Seriously!?! The powers out?”
124. “Who sent these chocolates and flowers?”
125. “I don’t deserve this gift, Y/n. You have to take it back.”
126. “I think eating Chocolate alone on a holiday is completely normal.”
127. “Did i actually sleep through Christmas/New years/ Hanukkah?”
128.1 ‘Did you actually dye your hair red and green?”
128.2 “Seriously did you dye your hair blue for winter?”
128.3 “How is it possible to dye your hair gold for new years.”
129. “We’re not going to spend the holidays alone and sad. i won’t allow that!”
130. “I’m bringing the holiday party to you!”
131. “Please come over. I don’t want to be alone on Christmas.”
132. “Yes i’m out clubbing on new years. Please just pick me up!”
134. “I think i love you. Wow that sounds so cliche.”
135.  “I know that people usually kiss under mistletoe but.. I had other things planned.”
136. “Seriously, staring at me won’t get me to be your new years date.”
137. “You know i could never leave you alone on your favorite holiday.”
I’m accepting requests for this list! If you want to send some in that’s be great! 
Free use for everyone! Please just link back to my list/Give any type of credit if used. @avengersfictionxreader
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Winter Times means Winter Themes
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Since it is December and the holidays. I will be accepting winter theme requests and regular requests.
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Imagine Matt seeing you after years of not seeing each other and you have child that he didn’t know about.
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Imagine you and James going out on a date to a fancy and dinner and your ex Jeremy showing up. Jeremy decides to argue with your current boyfriend about how he is no good for you.
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Imagine Scott helping you mourn over your best friend’s death.
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Imagine being a serious photographer and Chris trying to make you laugh by making silly faces.
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Imagine Tom and friends are at a fancy and dinner and he sees you across the restaurant with some of your friends
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Requests are Back Up
Since I’m back, people can send in requests. I’m officially back from and doing imagines and one-shots.
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Sorry for being inactive
Sorry for being gone for so long. I have been busy in college with homework, groups, and projects. I will be posting again soon.
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Happy October
Sorry, I haven’t posted much since College has been my priority, but since it is October. You can request Halloween or Horror imagines for any of the celebrities on my list
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Imagine Casey giving you the tour of the set of Riverdale.
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