allhailmnemosyne · 3 years
Day 16
Once again I didn’t do anything really today but that is also good every now and then. As long as I don’t feel like I’m doing this to procrastinate and I keep doing what I’m doing, in regards to planning and stuff, I will do just fine. :)
Worked on my quilt
Sent an email to career advisor
Planned out tomorrow
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allhailmnemosyne · 3 years
Day 15
Well, I basically didn’t get anything accomplished today but that’s also good :) Breaks!! are!! important!!! So please be kind to yourself like I was and make sure you take as many as you need!
Worked on my quilt
Slept in extremely late
43 Days to D-Day
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allhailmnemosyne · 3 years
Day 14
Well, I mostly relaxed today but I still got some stuff done: 
Went to the doctor
Tidied my desk up
Worked on my big project
Relaxed and spent time with my mum
Looked at my quilting
44 Days to D-Day
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allhailmnemosyne · 3 years
Day 13
Well, this is surprising. Even though I didn’t have a plan for today I still managed to get a lot done: 
Got the second shot of the vaccine!
Tidied my desk up so that I can actually see my desk now
Worked on my big project (Wrote 3′700+ words!)
Laid my next quilt out to see what I still have to do
Planned tomorrow out
Continued reading a book on my reading list
45 Days to D-Day
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allhailmnemosyne · 3 years
Day 12
Today was really a good productive start to the week! I’m really pleased with what I did today and hope to continue the good progress this week. I just have to remind myself that even if it seems like I am not moving forwards that I am. For fun I checked how many words (in my notes) I have already written and I’ve written over 32′000 words which is pretty impressive since I’m like 99% sure that I wrote at least 10′000 words last week!
Stuck mostly to my schedule
Did DaZ Homework
Attended DaZ
Started tidying my desk (only a little bit)
Worked on my big project
46 Days to D-Day
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allhailmnemosyne · 3 years
Day 11
Once again, I didn’t follow my schedule how I wanted to. I exercised today and made dinner so I’m pretty happy with that but I think I definitely need to sit down and look at the progress I am making and see how I can improve. I probably need to tidy my room as it looks like a pigsty!! Maybe that will help my productivity? And also I need to use the Pomodoro method and see if that helps: 
Finished like 2 chapters of a book for my big project
Started a different book on my reading list
Cycled for an hour (rode 30k!)
Made dinner (chicken fajitas :))
Planned out tomorrow 
Hung out with my mum
Hung out with my sister 
Washed my hair
Did a face mask
Practiced violin
47 Days to D-Day
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allhailmnemosyne · 3 years
Day 10
Well I did technically plan my day out but then my alarm didn’t go off so I said screw it. I didn’t exercise like I wanted to so today was more of a relaxing day:
Baked cupcakes
Did some reading and note-taking
Spent time with my mum
Planned out tomorrow
Did the recycling
48 Days to D-Day
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allhailmnemosyne · 3 years
Day 9
I really need to work on planning out my day the day before, else nothing happens!! Today was still pretty good though: 
Went swimming with my mum (swam 2k!)
Went food shopping with my mum
Finished last internet articles that I needed to read for my big project
Started with reading a book for my big project
Planned out tomorrow
Tried new skincare products out
49 Days to D-Day
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allhailmnemosyne · 3 years
Day 8
I did quite a lot today and I am very pleased with the work I managed to get done. I need to work on going to bed earlier though, else I don’t plan out the next day: 
Worked extensively on my big project and read/wrote notes on several internet articles for like 4 hours
Gave the finished quilt to my teacher. I think she really liked it :)
Went to the school library to look at other people’s big projects
Spent time with my mum
50 Days to D-Day
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allhailmnemosyne · 3 years
Day 7
Well, today was interesting! On the one hand I did get a lot done but on the other hand it kinda feels like I did the minimum that was required today? Oh well, I can only blame myself for not planning today out. Tomorrow I will have a concrete plan in mind: 
Did DaZ Homework
Had a DaZ meeting that I managed to stay awake for
Arranged when to meet my teacher so that I can give her the quilt. I hope she likes it!! :)
Washed and ironed the quilt
Did some very light reading for my big project
Watched the new episode of Loki
Went to my last violin lesson before the holiday
51 Days to D-Day
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allhailmnemosyne · 3 years
Day 6
I did quite a lot and am pleased with the progress I made. Once again I overestimate the amount of time I need to spend reading but such is life and I am glad that I still have 52 days left! What I accomplished: 
Finished the quilt! Can’t wait to give it as a gift
Had an important meeting that went well :)
Did lots of reading for my big project
Did DaZ homework
52 Days to D-Day
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allhailmnemosyne · 3 years
Day 5
Once again, I am late to the party. But here is what I remember accomplishing two days ago: 
I actually did quite a lot 
Finished quilting my quilt, cut the binding strips and started binding
Organized the books I need to read for my big project
Went to two doctors’ appointments 
Practiced violin
Started some reading for my big project
Alright, maybe it’s just my memory making me think I did a lot, but honestly I am proud of the progress past-me made. She did a good job :)
53 Days to D-Day
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allhailmnemosyne · 3 years
Day 4
Didn’t plan out today so I didn’t get much done. I made dumplings though. They were reeeeeeeallly good. Yum!
Continued quilting 
Made dumplings
Exercised for an hour
Made a list of skincare products and books I need to buy
Planned for tomorrow
Sent an email to my German tutor
54 Days to D-Day
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allhailmnemosyne · 3 years
Day 3
Didn’t get that much accomplished today... But I spent time with a friend and exercised so I’m happy enough!
Translated my survey into English
Exercised for an hour
Spent the afternoon with a friend :) <3
Downloaded a new video game and stayed up until midnight playing it lol
55 Days to D-Day
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allhailmnemosyne · 3 years
Day 2
Today was actually fairly productive, even if I lagged behind due to technology. (Curse you technology and capitalism!)
Today I: 
Made my bed
Practiced violin
Basted a quilt and started quilting it (why did I decide to make things difficult for myself and do hearts as a quilt pattern?? Just why, brain, why)
Worked on my big questionnaires project that seriously took a good four hours or so. And I still don’t have an international version in English yet. But it’s coming along. 
Helped with the groceries
Did a face mask (Selfcare baby!)
Planned out tomorrow
Called the doctor’s and made my first appointment by myself ever :)
Spoke on the telephone twice today
Made plans with a friend :) <3
Finished reading one of books on my reading list (that I started in March... haha lol)
56 Days to D-Day
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allhailmnemosyne · 3 years
Day 1
Today I accomplished: 
Buying fabric I needed to make quilts with
Sewing the quilt top of a quilt together
Planning out tomorrows work
Writing a list of all the literature I need to read
57 Days to D-Day
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allhailmnemosyne · 3 years
Diary: An Attempt to Get Everything Done
This blog is to try and keep me on track as I work on some veeeeeery important projects over the summer holidays. 
I need to: 
Read at least nine books for school
Ideally between 9 and 72 (ha ha ha, high expectations much?)
Work on my big project at least for one hour every day (ideally more)
Practice Latin vocab
Sew three quilts to be used as gifts :)
Tidy my room so that I can find shit (There are violent murder scenes that are tidier than my room)
Do some form of exercise (and leave the house!)
Well, let’s see how my overly ambitious plan goes! Remind me again why they call them holidays? Lol. 
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